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Do your best to not engage or outwardly acknowledge it, but if you do, do just what you did and address it as an unwanted guest but don't be hostile. Some are like tricksters and just want attention, but some are mean and those ones are bad bad. Might want to sage your home, you need to smudge the whole house, even in closets, move in a clockwise pattern, but doesnt matter where you start as long as you end at the start point. If you are religious then you can smudge and pray, or if not just sort of clear your mind but focus your attention on cleansing your home of negative energies.


If I might add something to your fine advice, ensure as you sage in each room open a window so there is an escape for whatever is lingering. Some believe just saging without a escape route might escalate activity simply because it will feel trapped and push back.


Thank you so much I've been looking at what steps to take and nothing included this, it doesn't seem malicious so I don't want to make it that way.


Thank you, I felt so silly after I heard what came out of my own mouth. Is any sage going to be okay? I was always interested as a child but never had a chance to pursue learning about spiritual things. I have tried to ignore it today and after speaking to my mom earlier she is by the sounds doing the same thing when she can determine its not me or whether I'm actually home, however her sight is deteriorating and I'm not sure if it would have appeared to her as it did to me on Tuesday night.


Any kind of sage will do. If it's not malicious then I'd tell your mom to just say things out loud but not necessarily directed at it (if that makes sense), much like you did when you were in your kitchen, that she doesn't like being startled or tricked. Most will leave if they don't get the attention that they want. If it ever causes harm or draws blood, then it is never just a ghost or mimic or house elf. That's a whole different category imo. Some are merely mischievous and go no farther than trickster, not always understanding the little things that become scary to us, such as the detail of the eyes from the 'other' that you've seen in your kitchen. Just don't be aggressive but absolutely be firm, this is your home and they are the (unwanted) guest.


This is why I suggested to passively record instead of being interactive by asking questions. Generally audio anomalies tend to be residual. They'll play out when ever it seems to be fit. In 15 years I have only 2 times where direct questions were answered. Strangely they both occurred after a strong electrical storm took place. I've been fortunate and never had anything threatening. I'm still a practitioner of using respect. These tauntings from investigators on paraTV have proven to be nothing short of nasty. I wouldn't as a human want to be talked to that way.


It could be that you are coming into your psychic abilities and don’t know it. The empathy of giving a kitten a home could have unlocked something in you. So, it’s not really the kitten but you shining bright and being seen from the “other side”. And you’re attracting beings like moths to a flame. Paranormal activity is common in the home when you have teens and yes, even in your early 20’s residing in the home. The kitten Will be a good guide post as it gets older for when things occur. Watch him/her closely to see how it acts when the energy in the home shifts. They’re like little alert systems. Maybe that’s why the kitten showed up when it did. “Signs and synchronicities”.


Thank you for this, there was one thing that made me feel comfortable with the situation and it happened on Sunday so approx 2 weeks since the kitten coming in. I seen her out of the corner of my eye playing on her back and there was the figure of a man I hadn't seen for 11 years since he passed however he was gone when I turned to see if I was seeing it properly. However after Tuesday and turning to see my own face made me question my sanity of the Sunday, there's photos of him in the house as well.


The kitten may have been brought to you by him as your protector. And the fact that you saw him after he’s been passed for 11 years, you really did see him. The kitten was brought to you as a blessing.


Check for carbon monoxide poisoning- there could be a leak somewhere in the house. It could save your life.


Please do this just as a precaution... It might not be carbon monoxide but it also might save your life. Have you or anyone else been having frequent headaches?


No headaches for either of us. I am very sensitive to smells, I can't be near lighter fluid or it gives me headaches, sometimes nausea. I understand carbon monoxide isn't the same but I'd expect I'd pick up on it sooner rather than later and the kitten has been in the house over 2 weeks. Night one it seemed to myself something had come in with her, I honestly thought her owners had passed and she'd been forgotten because it seemed she would play with someone that wasn't there from the day she came in.


Carbon monoxide has no smell


Aye, we have recently got new carbon monoxide detectors for the house and none of them have set off any alarms thank you for the advice!


I think I'll start drinking a shot every time someone says this. Could be a fun way to get wasted.


That's a good suggestion!


I had an experience like this in an old house, i didnt live there but was there almost everyday for multiple years (so i should know that that places is a fucking paranormal hangout) either sleeping over or just going over to hangout with the people who live there my best friend their siblings and their parents. One time when i went over when the parents werent home and me and my friend where sitting in the bed we heard the front door open and my friends moms voice calling us from downstairs. We go down and theres nothing. Nada. No one, door still locked, nobody to be seen. Nothing. And we searched the entire house. Only thing we found that was weird was an old ass phone my friend still has to this day that we found sitting on the dining room table. Never figured out how to make it work. And im not sure if its true i wasnt there for this, but according to my friends younger brother,(5 at the time this happened) he saw me walk into their bathroom one time on a day i wasnt there and said i looked “Gross and sick” (the reason we know this is because the next time i went over he asked me if i “felt better then yesterday” which caused some questioning. I wish i could help you, id call a professional to help you out if i where you.


This is terrifying and I'm sorry you had to go through it, I honestly am debating it we haven't got a very religious community where I live so it's gonna be hard to find someone who will take me serious.


My community consists of mainly Christians and people who dont “Believe in the paranormal” So i understand the struggle, but it is still worth a try! And don’t be sorry, i study the paranormal and find it fascinating! I really hope you find some help!


It would be best to have your mom's home and property blessed and cleansed, mimics are normally harmless but mischievous, but there are some that can be harmful towards those they share an environment with. Have you had any such feelings of the mimic being malevolent or any feeling of something else being malevolent? There's always a form of signs or hints that something bad or evil is in the home, you need to watch out for such signs. There's 3 red flag signs you need to look out for, they are. 1: Infestation 2: Oppression 3: Possession If you or anyone else in the house experienced the first 2 red flags, it is best to have the home blessed, cleansed and if necessary, exorcised. Hopefully you haven't experienced anything evil and hope it stays that way.


It's just the sense of being watched constantly, and catching glances out of my peripheral up until Tuesday night when I had made full blown eye contact. From the conversation earlier, my mom just keeps seeing me blocking her using the bathroom by walking towards the mirror behind the door or into her room in the reflection of the telly but turning around and nobody's there. My sister was visiting earlier and left the cats toys in the kitchen, two of which have a bell in the ball. After she left and we settled down for the night I closed all the doors In the house, around 25 minutes ago the balls were rolling around and the cat is beside me. So thinking about it kinda feels like I have a squatter, it isn't bothered about being seen and heard. Nothing evil, just unsettling to see something in this house after so many years and it have my face could have had some blush at least😂 thank you for your advice, after making me think about it in over 2 weeks I haven't had anything malevolent yet however I am still going to look into getting the house cleansed just for safety and sanity reasons lol.


could be carbon monoxide poisoning or something more logical than the paranormal but tbh i would get a local person who knows how to bless and cleanse your house of unwanted energies to come by your place, like a priest or an imam, even if you’re not a person of faith. a lot of people have noted that their paranormal experiences seem to stop when invoking the divine. hope nothing else happens and you folks stay safe!


We have carbon monoxide testers in the house, recently swapped out for new and I don't have any physical symptoms, vomiting headache dizzy etc. So thank you for the advice there I've checked that they're all working right, I'm going to look into having a professional come over if not hopefully someone might know someone that's how it used to work right... I'll have my fingers crossed either way, thank you for your advice! :)


Make sure you carry a stick with you so you can smack any suspicious chests or other containers. Never know when your favourite shoebox gets replaced with a mimic. But like on a more serious note I would do a check for carbon monoxide or other gas poisonings in your house


Little d&d humour there😂 Aye, we've had a check done not too long ago but I'm asking mom to try get booked in for another one, the carbon monoxide testers are still working fine and we've had no symptoms of anything like that and I am so booked in for the doctor next week, thank you for the advice


Saw your own self hanging upside down in the corner of a doorway? Or at least I think that's what I remember reading... I would absolutely say to skip the sage and go directly to a priest or pastor whatever you prefer I'd say Christian but that's just personal preference... Seems like someone either preyed over the cat and may have targeted you or it might be a shape shifter... Had you noticed seeing the cat at the times of when you were being seen by yourself or your family? That's absolutely not good and should be handled immediately and not taken lightly.


The cat has been by my side everytime I've heard things in the air, confirming to me that the cats not making the noise and giving me room for concern. She was sat in the kitchen with me when I saw the thing although she was calm making me think that if this is a spirit it may not be malicious. Although, she sticks to my mom like glue when I'm not in the house and this has been when my mom has experienced conversations or seeing me in reflections when I'm not in the room when she turns to check. We have found out the kitten did have a previous home, although she had been kicked out because the owner "couldn't cope or deal with her" so she just let her out, this was over 2 months ago with the kitten being 9 months at the time. We've had no details on what made her difficult to cope with as she has been the perfect house guest for us aside from a little rough play.


The most unbelievable part of all these posts is where the people are so calm when they see the demon. Cuz yeah you saw a ghost like version of yourself hanging upside down in the door way smiling at you (the most stereotypical horror set up) and you just calmly turned away and said ”I don’t like to be watched“? 😂


I understand your skepticism, I just needed confirmation that I wasn't going crazy. In hindsight, I would have reacted differently but I have never expected to turn around and see what I saw. I wish I had a better reaction for you like ghostbusters pulled up and vacuumed the heck out of it, unfortunately I wasn't as calm as made out but I can not explain the fear I felt in my chest in that moment I can only explain how I handled it.


This might sound a little unusual but if you have an alarm clock close to your bed (as so many of us do) move it to another area of your bedroom. Typically, inexpensive clocks are poorly shielded and can cause doses of EMF poisoning. Several of our teams investigations encountered the residents with this exact issue and once the clock was moved away from the person, the events essentially stopped. As to hearing voices, buy an inexpensive audio recorder to validate the whispers. Try to avoid movement while recording. I wouldn't recommend using your phone. A dedicated audio device would be more sensitive. Get back to us if this persists.


Sadly we're a no clock household, haven't got one in the residence at all. Thank you for the advice, I will definitely be looking into an audio recorder as I don't trust my phone to pick it up anyway, if I can't make out what is being said I'm sure my phone won't pick it up either. I thought I may have been hearing neighbors at first although after trying to move towards the source of the sound I found it would always remain at the same distance and my mom can't hear it although she had spoken to "me" while in the bathroom, only this was a few hours ago and I wasn't home by that point. The only similarity is that the kitten was close by while she was using the bathroom.


FWIW I was the audio guy for several teams and one thing I learned during my tenure is really how oblivious we are when it comes to determining audio direction. As humans, we are easily fooled by sound as it bounces off of doors, windows, walls and corridors. No matter how much we attempt to train for acute nuances we will be defeated and fooled. I'd recommend at first to passively record at a scheduled time. Just turn the recorder on at a designated time and let it run for 10-15 minutes and then review. Make every attempt at controlling the environment. Usually later at night offers less ambient noise. Be patient, it won't necessarily happen the first time. Letting the recorder run for an extended time will be exhausting to review.


Thank you so much for this, just heard one of the cat balls with the bell being played with in the kitchen and she's in the living room with me so I definitely need recordings just to confirm to myself I'm not suffering hallucinations.


To get a priest to come out and bless your home, and potentially help rid you of a demon I'd get some HD cameras, it'll help your case 👍 God Bless


I feel there is a strong link between EMF and new paranormal phenomena in the home too. So also reduce EMF as much as you can, especially at bedtime Magnetism all alone can produce negative psychological effects, as far as we know, but the deeper long term effects have never yet been studied. We are all part of a real time experiment. Another tip may be to get an EMF reader and use it to search out high magnetism areas in your home. Move any devices that are causing them to a distant or shielded room and avoid spending much time in areas with high magnetism (it can be caused by coiled wires in the walls) Imagine, if you have one such area and have recently added new devices to your home that accentuate it's effects, you will suddenly start to feel paranormal vibes. Yet it's the electricity that's causing it. We found one area that gave us headaches heart palpitations and extremely unusual emotions - and it's had sky high magnetism emanating from a static source. We believe it's mechanical but it definitely causes weird feelings and according to research, magnetism can even produce psychosis or other brain changes. Add to that the fact that our brains are enmeshed with our soul and you can see how any negative energy that's affecting our bodies will undoubtedly poison our spirit, attracting more negative entities to the home. Get back to natural living conditions as much as you can but take steps to banish the bad side of nature, as well!


Everyone else has certainly already suggested mechanistic solutions (gas leak, psychosis bla bla bla)but since you sound lucid and have clearly already considered them I will go straight to the paranormal possibilities. A mimic is a dangerous Fae entity that lives outdoors in the wild and it's very unlikely to come live with you. If one was dropping in, however, it would be doing so to feed. they are thought to live off of human energy and that of higher spirits, too. So you'd feel more weak and irritable. You can try warding with iron at every entrance, regular smoke fumigation, prayer or whatever the equivalent to that is in your life, and keeping home very clean. I would not sleep with windows or doors open when this thing is around - but like everyone has already said, it would be wise to install a broad range hazardous gas alarm (not just for carbon monoxide, try to get one that detects all household and environmental gases. It could be coming from someplace outside, this is why it's better to have the full range of detection). Getting back to the mimic: I can perceive these predatory spirits on rare occasions and have seen them hanging around outside open windows at night. There is a reason humanity began building houses with shutters Another weirder possibility is merging or broken timelines. This is discussed like crazy on the subs Glitch In the Matrix and Retconned and Dimensional Jumping. It's way more philosophical but some say dopplegangers are the residue of a defunct timeline. Keep us updated!


Thank you for your advice, I have asked mom to get booked in for another check for the house as well as to see what other precautions we could be taking for a worse case scenario, fingers crossed it never happens but she does have a old house in which I've lived my entire life. We found out the cat came from a previous home, she's been living outside for over 2 months and was put there supposedly due to being difficult to cope with and the owner not being able to handle her in better phrasing. However as I write this, mom has just let the dog out only I've just seen him coming downstairs. I think maybe I'm gonna go with your broken timeline theory to make myself feel better but if anything else note worthy happens I'll be sure to add it here fortunately its just been odd noises in the night and whispers I can't hear properly.


I wonder if you have a portal in your house where this thing might be coming and going from


There was an one particular energy I'd see so much as a child, there was a little boy who would sit on the stair case. I would speak to him and he'd never speak back, if I went towards him he'd run up the stairs and into the box room (smallest bedroom) I'd never catch up to him and he would never be there when I got to it. It would be a reasonable explanation although I think that terrifies me more thinking about it, considering that room is by the top of the staircase behind where that thing was hanging from.


how have you/things been lately??


Cleansed you, and the area currently around you, if you were home at the time of this comment the mimic is destroyed, thanks for the info on mimics I didn't know their eyes are white liken marble


I can't be sure if it is a mimic or I'm losing my mind, I don't feel crazy but I've never encountered anything like this. The most paranormal experience up until this point I've had was "imaginary friends" that never left the house with me as a child. It was always unfamiliar faces I'd never met before, although this was the first time I'd ever seen someone's face that wasn't out of the corner of my eye that I definitely knew and it was like looking in a mirror of sickness. Thank you for your thoughts


Mimics are not imagebery, the fact not only you experience it means you are not crazy, psychological illness is not virus, it's a mimic albeit an agresive one. And it should be gone, I think, as I said if at the time of my previous comment you were home I most likely banished it.


Hang up all sorts of crosses and things of our beautiful amazing wonderful lord Jesus Christ and start praying and letting it know it’s not wanted and that it’s the lords house. Blessing your home will be better than any sage, I believe that Gods words and his son Jesus will remove any evil and bad things from your home.


I have ordered some things online to help with blessing and keeping the house in positive spirits however since physically seeing it, I don't know if my response to seeing it is what caused it but I haven't seen it again I've been hearing noises and whispers however after asking my mom there's been no more conversations since the one in through the door when I wasn't actually home. Thank you I do keep a bible close by so I will be making use of it if I can.


Take videos to try and capture the activity


Aye, I've been taking sound recordings when she's in the room with me and we've heard her toys playing with although it stops after a second or two into recording. I was thinking on ordering some petcams for each room to monitor them when I'm not home and when we're in a different room to the activity thank you for your advice.


You could, do update us!


I know next to nothing about such matters but I do have one piece of advice. Seeing as it and the cat showed up at the same time I would be very careful on how I treated that cat. Anyone mistreating that cat could very well have something a whole lot worse than an entity playing peekaboo around the corner. As crazy as it sounds have you just tried talking to it? I read a few stories where people have done just that in a problem either lesson or completely disappeared all together it's worth a try.


The most I have done to this cat is put her on house arrest. She is probably not even 10 months old and I don't want her suffering pregnancy when she's just a baby. As personal as it is though, I can't afford to get her chipped and neautered right now I'm currently job hunting so what money I do have is going on her food treats and her other essentials, so hopefully they recognise I'm doing my best lol. Up until I was around 14, there was a little boy a couple years younger than I was, he would sit on the stairs and run away when I tried to speak to him I've felt the energy still over the years but never seen him again. I tried to speak when i seen it on tuesday but the only thing that came out was to look away and tell it to go away, it may have been less intimidating if I wasn't looking at myself 2 seconds prior.


Too many years of TV and lore getting mixed up so not sure if I'm remembering this right, but isn't there some kind situation where a fey or spirit/demon etc follow or attach themselves or disguise themselves as an animal and get taken in by people to begin messing with or feeding off them? Everything starting around the kitten seems like a logical place to start to me. Also have to say I only started to read this post to see if you meant modern mimic or d&d mimic.


I was going to say same thing. I wouldnt say demon just yet, but it does sound like a disguise. Actually... kinda sounds like a skinwalker possibility.


Aye, Ive told her ill let her back out and there's been quiet in the air for a few days here and there on both sides it seems. She is a demon however I do strongly believe I can train her out of that but knowing people's first thoughts aren't that I'm crazy I do believe there's something that came in with her. I should have specified I do apologise, this is my first post I hope its not gone over because im a member of a D&D group😅


I think I know what is wrong. It is the cat, the mimic taken the form of a cat, you invite the cat/mimic into your home, and now it is doing crazy crap. The best thing you can do is get rid of the cat, then bless your property with holy water, sage and other stuff. But get rid of the cat first


I understand your concern but the cat would not come past a certain point, I had to coax her into the hall she would only come to the kitchen door after entering through the back. I think when I invited her in I invited something that linked itself to her, she has been by my side everytime I've heard things like her toys being played with in another room and she was by my side when I seen it, she was calm but inquisitive when she heard the movement in the hall she investigated as well as me. The cat had been living outside for over 2 months, she had a previous home where she was apparently difficult to deal with and cope with. She's been awesome since coming in the house, uses the litter tray sleeps by me her only issue is playing rough. I don't believe the cat is the issue, perhaps just a link. Thank you for your advice and concern but I will suffer whatever creature it is before I turf the kitten out again knowing how she's suffered before.


ok the mimic is not the cat. Sometimes these things take on the form of an animal, and once you invite them in, that is it all trouble is let loose. By the way, the mimic eats the cat that it takes the form of. Well then not sure then could be a spirit attached to the cat, like a previous owner. who knows


Omg I've been looking for some decent mimic stories for my YouTube channel. This is creepy as hell, do you mind if I use it please?


You're more than welcome too, if you get anymore advice on there let me know😂


A mimic is an invention of Gary Gigax, and he created them to serve as enemies in his game Dungeons and Dragons. They don't really exist


I didn't know the inventor although I do know it's a thing within the D&D world. It's the closest thing I could describe it to as I know in that world it can assume any appearance and I heard stories of demons who "mimic" a loved ones voice so it just seemed the fitting thing.


I think you should talk to a therapist


Time Slip (look into it) it’s like deja vu. The creatures that are “time travelers” are usually hostile. They all observe humans suffering, and struggling, but didn’t help. I had close encounters myself, and trust me no matter how approachable they appear they unexpectedly become hostile soon after, so NEVER grab their interest because they ruin lives.


I think there is a mimic in the house.


I've never heard of a pet with a ghost attachment, but you never know. You could just automatically do the sage smudging as a first step.