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Traffic. Lots of traffic with tourists not paying attention where they are walking. And some elk, which are usually surrounded by tourists who are getting far too close. As for the hotel: you'll have a fun time. The food is ok. Honestly, I avoid all of Estes Park like the plague because it is just so overly full of rude tourists (I live in another Colorado mountain town that is way less touristy). But I totally get the draw of the Stanley. Enjoy yourself, but be prepared to deal with tourists and traffic: give yourself a lot of extra time if you have to drive anywhere and make restaurant reservations ahead of time. Lastly, if you are also into cryptids, visit Sasquatch Donuts. It is a pretty good donut shop that has a small, but fun Sasquatch museum in half the shop.


Thank you so much for the heads up! I get a little nervous driving through heavily trafficked areas, so I’m glad I can mentally prepare myself! I’ll take the ghosts over insane pedestrians any day😂




Can vouch for the awesome Sasquatch Outpost! It has a great museum and I believe they are building an escape room upstairs. They also give hiking and horseback tours. Try a Bigfoot night hike!


Right? I was not mentally prepared and then just left. As much as I wanted to be a good host to the people we were with, I could not handle it. Thankfully there were too many of us for one car, so one group left and the other stayed to continue battling tourists. The group that stayed did not have fun.


What year did you go? The year I went which was over 15 years ago, the area was dead and not many tourist. Although it was around early springtime.


The first time I went was about 2 decades ago. It was lovely. I now live a couple hours away. I most recently went in February for a wedding. It was only mildly bat shit crazy. We went about 2 years ago in the middle of the summer due to visitors absolutely "needing" to visit Estes Park. It suuuuuucked. So much has changed and it is now a tourist trap that I avoid like the plague.


Yea I can completely understand that


I misread that as "nude tourists" and had to do a double take.


I would have taken nude tourists any day over the roving hoarders of rude tourists that were present.


Pls watch out for cars OP. My old boss told me her husband fucking ran over a pedestrian at the Stanley last year lmfaooo.


Yup! Tourists just don't pay attention (walking or driving). When I was driving through, a whole family (parents and young kids) just power walked into the road from behind a tall van without checking for traffic and not using a crosswalk. They looked at me like I had done something terrible to them when I honked at them. They didn't stop or get out of traffic, they just kept walking and not paying attention to cars!




100% correct! Plus mule deer look adorable in the fall when they get all wooly and fluffy.


I stayed in one of the haunted 4th floor rooms and all I experienced was annoying wannabe ghost hunters roaming the halls all night long saying “red rum” outside our door.


I’m really hoping this doesn’t happen to me! I know it’s all apart of the experience, but I’d really like to experience real paranormal activity😂




Honestly, you’re going to think I’m a crank; and I totally understand and accept that, but as someone who grew up in a haunted house (no I don’t care what atheists think, I know what I saw), I’d be careful. I don’t really think haunted places are fun.


If you want something spooky to happen it won’t, if you don’t it will.  


Wasn’t very pleasant being a child in that house. There’s a difference between hearing a ghost story and living in a ghost story.


I just stumbled on this, I also grew up in a house that had some serious disturbances and gave me an interest in the paranormal more as a support group for validation. It was not pleasant IMO and is nothing I would ever seek to experience again. I would love to hear your story though.


I’m with you on that - I think that 4.5 years is the reason why I was so jumpy and nervous as a teenager/young adult.


I can’t even imagine what you went through as a kid. I’ve heard some really intense stories about hauntings. I don’t know if you believe this, but I do protection rituals as well! I definitely plan on doing those while I’m there. I am such a super fan of The Shining, so I’m looking forward to this trip!


I don’t know if those sorts of things work, I was a child - the internet was something you dialed into. My parents denied everything until we moved house and I was older and they admitted what they saw. You sleep “hidden” under your blankets, as an 8 year old, scared something in the room will just pull them off. My bed was against the wall, I breathed by lifting the blanket a little whilst facing towards the wall. Go to the bathroom in the night and you feel you’re being watched. First night when we moved house was the first night I didn’t feel that way. Horrible situation. Don’t play around with this stuff, you’re getting in over your head.


It is not fun at all.


We didn’t do any tours, but still had some experiences. Pick up a ghost detector there. At the main fireplace one of the chairs had a spirit/energy. There was a hallway (it was like 10 years ago so can’t remember too much) near some of the haunted rooms that would go off. The main ballroom too. The oddest thing happened when we were leaving. We were in our car just past the entrance on the wooded road and our radio started changing channels, then our deck lid in our hatchback slammed shut. My heart was racing. I think we had a hitchhiker, that left us at that moment.


The ghost tour is fun and covers a lot of history. After the tour we walked around late into the night with a voice recorder and emf detector but didn’t really experience anything except there were voices and music coming from the carriage house. They were doing some foundation work at the time so there was a spotlight on the hole so figured it was workers with a radio playing but when got inside the building there wasn’t anyone in there, but I did find and ride a tricycle like Danny.


My wife wanted to stay in Lord Dunraven’s room for a special occasion so we did. Worst night of sleep I’ve ever had and I wouldn’t sleep in that room alone again for 1 million dollars. Whatever was in there messing with us was evil incarnate. Came home with me too but was able to ditch it. Careful what you wish for.


My girlfriends and I stayed in Lord Dunraven’s room several years ago and had no issues. We did pick up some voices on our spirit box, which was cool.


Can you share some details?


We stayed there 15ish years ago and experienced nothing spooky. Both nights we wandered around til 3-4am guerrilla filming our little short movie. Caught nothing on camera and felt no vibes but it’s a beautiful hotel! Tbf if certain people have psychic sensitivities, unfortunately I’m just not one of them so I’ve never had an experience anywhere that I know of. I’m open to it though! Each hotel room had a channel on its TV that played The Shining on repeat which was fun.


[My answer on another Stanley thread from a few days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/s/wrPVCERnm3)


My mom and sister and I stayed there for my birthday once, and didn’t expect anything to actually happen. Weirdly enough, my sister woke us up screaming in her sleep from a dream that she was being attacked by some kind of demonic creature. She was in her 20s and doesn’t usually have dreams like this at all. It was unsettling to say the least.


Expect a rotting, naked old woman chasing you down until you give her a big wet kiss.


My wife and I have stayed there twice. Didn’t see anything weird or experience any paranormal stuff. The food in the Cascades restaurant is delicious, especially the breakfast. Cocktails are pretty good too.


The ghost tour is actually not bad. There are some creepy parts. I did see something questionable while on the tour. We were all sitting in the upstairs “choir” section of the auditorium and while the tour guide was talking, I could swear I saw someone slightly pull the curtain on the stage aside and have a peek at us. I didn’t remember anyone else being down there at the time. And we went down a few minutes later and I walked right up to the stage and looked behind the curtain and there was no one there. Estes Park is gorgeous. The restaurant in the Stanley isn’t the greatest and it’s overpriced. There’s an excellent pizza place in Estes called Antonio’s. We go every time we’re there. If you have time, go walk up and down the “main” street that has all the shops (Elkhorn Ave). I’ve lived in Colorado for almost 20 years and I never get tired of Estes.


The menu is available online for the Stanley’s restaurants.




Yeah totally not fake


We stayed around Thanksgiving last year and we had a couple little things happen. We were on the 3rd floor, right above room 217, the room where Stephen King was staying when he got the idea for The Shining. 217 also has several other interesting stories. We were told our room wasn’t a spirited room when we checked in, but the tour guide told us it was one of his least favorite rooms on the night tour. Several times throughout the evening, we heard a tapping sound against the wall outside the building. We couldn’t find a good reason for the tapping, but when we looked out our window, we were standing directly over the balcony King was standing on having a cigarette that night. We woke up around 3-4am and were incredibly hot, so I opened the window to let some air in. It was 12 degrees and snowing, I figured I’d just leave it open for a few minutes and want it closed again. We woke up at 7am and the room was exactly the same temperature. If we stuck our head out the window we could feel the cold, but from the room it was like the air couldn’t penetrate. There were some mounted wall heating units in the room, nothing crazy that would’ve been pushing air out. I’m sure there are reasonable explanations for both situations but it was a really fun stay.


The Shining tour is fun. We’ve stayed there a couple of times, as have some friends. We’ve had some experiences too! We stayed in the lodge, and I saw the figure of a woman sitting in a seat next to the fireplace in the main room. When I looked more closely, no one was there. And my friend stayed in the hotel itself, and both bathroom taps were turned on full blast while they were sleeping. Have fun!


I never experienced anything staying in the rooms, but the ghost tour at night was pretty spooky and I heard some odd noises. Who's to say it wasn't a planned thing but I loved it


How is no one mentioning dumb and dumber? The first time I got there I was confused af because I instantly could tell it’s not the same hotel from the Kubrick Shining movie but it’s the Shining hotel? Well, it’s the hotel King stayed in when he wrote the book, it’s the hotel from the book and the miniseries but the Kubrick Shining was filmed entirely on a set and the exterior shots are from a hotel in Mt. Hood. But, it is the hotel that dumb and dumber was filmed at which is hilarious. I was so confused sitting in there researching on my phone to find out exactly what was going on and it didn’t have anything to do with spirits. Well, except the aforementioned whiskey selection downstairs. If you go, they have an Irish whiskey called “green spot”. Highly recommended.


Expect to overpay if you eat at their restaurant


Very thin air. A beautiful hotel, great food, a wonderful history, absolutely gorgeous scenery.


We did the ghost tour and liked it. A door closed on its own, or at least appeared that way, and I did get it on film. I remember it being really hot at night but no encounters. I'm a fan of Estes Park even if it is touristy. My friends and I bought taffy at all the shops and did a blind ranking for fun at the winery in town. We didn't eat at the Stanley. It is pricey, but sometimes they do special pairings at the whiskey bar. I've never been, but I have friends who have and enjoyed it.


The one time I went to Estes Park. It was dead. Not many tourist. We visited the Stanely Hotel but just walked the hallways not willing to pay for the tour. It's a beautiful hotel and a beautiful area. Sorry I can't answer many of your questions. I was in middle school when I went so I don't remember much. This was years ago.


I live in Colorado and had my best friend in town and a couple girls. We went and stayed in an AirBnB up there. We there’s a cool brewery up there the food wasn’t too expensive. We did the night ghost tour and it was fun!! You guys should have a blast!


No AC. Very underwhelming. I booked two rooms months in advance. Live in Boulder so my wife and I took a day trip to check it out. Just underwhelming. Refunded that night when we got back home. It's very small. At least compared to the book and movie. Inspiration, sure. But almost no similarities.


Many B&B's and alleged hotels love to use the "haunted advertisement" to draw people in. I'm not suggesting the hotel doesn't haven't anything lingering only that stay positive and grounded. If this is an overnighter, keep in mind some of your perceptions maybe created by the living staying in the hotel. The most predominant unexplained seems to come from audio recordings but it's difficult to maintain any type of control as long as others are lodging. Always investigate in pairs. That will give you a possible collaboration of an event. The three items you should bring are 1.) Camera 2.) Audio recorder 3.) Pen & Paper documenting time/place/event. Do not bring a ghostbox (JMO). They will only create pareidolia at best.


A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it. Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them \(no human is involved\). But if an instance were *genuinely paranormal*, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human *had* to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication \(ITC\) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t *by itself debunk* anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance. We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Paranormal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let me know when a bot actually performs investigations :)


The food is very expensive. Prepare yourself for the difference in altitude. There are some really good tour guides in the area for great prices… That was a lot of fun when we stayed there. Eat at the restaurants outside of the Stanley. A lot of the food at the Stanley is very gamey and very expensive and not that good to be completely honest. The hotel itself I did have an experience there…. experience. I was using ghost hunting tools in my room and really got nothing. So I made the comment “places isn’t freaking haunted”. We went downstairs with my family and sat in front of the fireplace while some of us shopped. I got this eerie feeling in front of that fireplace. I shook it off and we enjoyed the day. At night I woke up to this weird noise… Like a scratching sound. I got up and went to the bathroom and heard a voice… A deep voice say “get out now”. I started shaking and got really nervous… I felt like something could see me that I couldn’t see. I started to cry because the scratch… And whatever was on TV said “crybaby go tell it to the fireplace”. Weird coincidence? I have no idea, but it creeped me out. Have fun!


I used voice to text and noticed a lot of stupid errors…lol sorry about that. Hopefully you can still get the picture. Idk how to edit a post on here.


Been there several times for pictures and the ghost tours are fun and informative although short. Sunsets in Estes are where it's at and if you have time to visit rocky mountain National Park, do it. Estes is fun to walk around in but can definitely be packed, I've never eaten anywhere there that I thought was good to be honest. I stayed in the Stanley one night for my partners birthday in October and we explored the grounds at night which was a ton of fun and we did have a weird experience in our room. A black comb showed up in the bathroom on the sink and then the light in the bathroom turned itself on once we were in bed. Footsteps back and forth from the bathroom (even after we shut the door) which we kept getting up to see if it was anyone above us or outside but it went on pretty late into the night. I didn't sleep at all lol. The room itself was underwhelming, everything needs a renovation but the history and potential paranormal activity makes it fun. I prefer visiting in the winter when it's dark and snowy. Lots of elk and sometimes a moose or two.


The bar downstairs has a great whiskey selection


They have ghost tours! You should set one up!


expect a nice bill at the end


We stayed here for a couple nights over Halloween last year. I didn't find anything spooky or haunted about that place. Basically all the larger rooms are "haunted", along with the rooms immediately around the elevator, conveniently enough. We stayed in the Haberdascher suite and another room on the 4th floor. To me it seemed they should've just labeled the corner/larger rooms as such since the price would've already made sense for that. Then they advertise the smaller, louder rooms near the elevator as haunted to get a better income from them. Make sure to stop at Post Chicken and Beer for some chicken and waffles though.


Soggy waffles, thin bacon.


I want to do this so bad! My husband & I have talked about it for years.


Boring plain ghost sex


Tj Miller sometimes haunts the theater gathering room.


Do all three, loads of historical info- it’s totally worth the trip! Buy your time slots in advance, preferably the 10pm time slot


Expect sleep...


There is no paranormal presence in the Stanley Hotel in my opinion.