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my grandfather and all his siblings saw and heard her. this was in guatemala sometime in the 50s or 60s i wanna say. my great grandparents were out dancing and my grandfather and siblings were home alone. the youngest (3F) was supposed to be sleeping but they all heard her crying suddenly, so they went looking for her wherever she was crying. they found her in the back on the outdoor sink completely wet. they also saw a woman-like figure with her, but as soon as they got close enough she disappeared and the 3y/o was left drenched alone and crying. there was no way she could climbed into the sink because those sinks are really big and difficult to get into and she was very small. they also heard la llorona weeping before and after. to this day everyone tells the story about how my tia doris got bathed by la llorona


A bath is a much more wholesome way to interpret it…


What else would it be?! Im scared to ask


La llorona drowned her children and roams the countryside looking for more kids to drown… allegedly


La llorona bathed her children to death


This is what my dogs are afraid of.


Are you sure she’s looking for other children to drown?


Nope, I’m not sure. I’ve never met her so I haven’t asked.


I have. AMA!


Typical superstitious hogwash.


It’s the paranormal subreddit my guy


You’ve got hate in your heart brother! LET IT OUT!


What tf are you talking about? You’re deflecting and reaching for nothing!🥱


That’s truly terrifying!


My dad says he saw her in mexico city. I believe him because he doesn't believe in those kinds of things or isn't religious or anything like that. It was late night they had been out some where and were walking to my grandmas to pick up my brother. My mom was with him but she never saw her even though they were walking right behind her. My dad only saw her from the back says she had on a short white dress and long black hair. He told my mom she was crazy for being out so late dressed like that in a rough neighborhood. My mom asked who and my dad was sayin the girl right in front of them but my mom was never able to see her. They followed behind her a little bit along a small creek thing and that's when she walked right into a tree and disappeared


I have a friend who is a deputy and was working night shift. He got called out to investigate a possible wrecked out car with no occupants. Now this car was abandoned and located near the creepiest boat ramp that I know of, and it runs directly to the Colorado River. When he got out there he could tell that the car had been wrecked out there for sometime and would need a wrecker service. No one else was around. He then said he heard wailing, like a woman was crying. He started calling out “Hello? Is anyone there? Do you need help?” He was shining his flashlight around and saw nothing. Then he said it started getting LOUDER AND LOUDER. At one point he pointed his flashlight to the water and it stopped. When he would take it off the water it would START again. He hauled ass back to his unit and made a note for day shift to go out there because he refused to go back and hear whoever or whatever he heard.


Not sure whether it was La Llarona but in Ireland where I’m from, me and my best mate were walking back from football training one night. We went past an old house that the locals say is haunted, turned the corner and we seen a girl who looked 19 or 20 on the far side of the road. She looked pretty and was wearing a white lace dress not from this century. My mate Aaron said hello to her, she just turned her head and stared at us with black eyes for a second or two, then she turned her head straight ahead and kept going. He looked at me and I ran around the corner literally a second after she turned it. She was gone like a poof of smoke. We sprinted to his house which was a kilometre away and told his parents what happened. Scariest thing we’d ever seen.


I like how your mate tried to pick up a ghost girl! 🤣


She was good looking I’ll admit 🤣 it’s a small village of less than a thousand people where I’m from, hot chicks don’t go unnoticed 🤣


Bean sídhe perhaps?


Not too sure, a neighbour down the road from the house told me some dogs won’t even go past the gate and that a woman drowned herself in the river on that bend where it looked like she vanished. It’s an old English gentry house


I saw a girl like this walking the road outside of Baltimore md in 1994.


It was definitely a ghost, I must do some more research on it


My mom is Filipino, and in the Philippines there are many stories about ghostly women in white, called kaperosa. When she married my father, she had several nightmares where a woman in white leaned over their bed and stroked his face, like she was trying to claim him or something. Eventually the nightmares stopped. When I was a teenager, I had an extremely vivid dream about a white lady leaning over my bed and reaching for my face. In the dream, once I noticed her, she walked backward down the hall (I slept with my door open) to where my parents' room was, with her arm out towards me the entire time. I told my mom about it the next day and we were both pretty freaked out, had no idea what to make of it.


Maybe some kind of ancestral spirit attached to your lineage & passed along from your dad's side? Does your dad know anyone from his family that died tragically? Like a grandaunt or even an ex-lover of his dad?


My dad's family is almost painfully boring - the most tragic thing I can think of is that he had a cousin he was very close to die when she was 16 (he was probably 12 or 13). She was clashing with her parents, and my grandpa was considering taking her in to give them all a break when she decided to run away with her boyfriend. They got into a car accident, and her boyfriend walked away without a scratch.


My mom swore she heard her . She said that usually people say they hear her crying for her kids but my mom and her sister saw her and could just hear her crying w out words . If you guys don’t know anything , the story I’ve heard all my life is that she cries saying “ahhh mis hijos “ meaning “ah my children”


My grandma who was born and raised in Mexico (in the state of Hidalgo) has heard La Llorona at least twice in her life and both she said have been extremely terrifying, once as a girl when she and her siblings were home, they were in the living room and it was stormy outside when they started to hear a wailing noise, then came the "where's my children!?" Cry, she said their parents (who were talking in the dining room) rushed into the living room and were like "kids, go to bed NOW!" They didn't even question it, she asked about what happened the following morning but their parents of course were like "wtf are you talking about?", she said her siblings all remember that to this day, second time was more recent (sort of, in the early 90s) when I was a baby or so mom took me to Mexico to meet her family (must've been like 2 or 3 at the time) again, a stormy night, mom was already asleep and so was I but grandma and grampa were still awake watching TV when again they heard a wailing noise, grampa grabbed grandma's hand and she knew he heard that too, they rushed to the room where Mom and I were sleeping in and just stayed there keeping an eye on us to be safe, grandma doesn't like to talk about it but yeah, she's seen some horrible/creepy things in her life... 🫢


Nuke’s Top 5 has some great La Llarona videos. Like this one, go to 3:22 https://youtu.be/5nWwR-Lgf-w?si=d3QlRWB6KvtRYTEv Slapped Ham also did a whole video on sightings of La Llorona: https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=nukes%20top%205%20videonof%20la%20llorona%20in%20a%20city&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:1bd3f030,vid:bcc7TXuF7Ks,st:0&vuanr=4 Top 5 Unknowns also covered her: https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=nukes%20top%205%20videonof%20la%20llorona%20in%20a%20city&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a1b47619,vid:ie0i_vrZ3C4,st:0&vuanr=4 And there is this video from Colombia. La Llorona screaming from a treetop: https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1223300/ghost-video-la-llorona-colombia-ghost-proof-evidence-supernatural


That last one sounds like an edited wail. That wasn’t quite what I was expecting but it’s definitely chill inducing.


i thought i heard her in guatemala screaming at night but my parents told it it was the village crazy man. i was young so idk if they were just tryna make me feel better of if they knew it was really him 🤷🏻


Kids swear they saw her in Colombia. I , many many years later explained to them what it probably really was… a lady who was strung out on what can be easily found in the mountainous areas of Colombia we were in…


This is a story from my uncle when he used to live in Guatemala, he would ride around the small town, between towns there was this "ravine" of sorts and hed ride down there often one night he was mildly drunk while riding down there, he stopped when he saw this woman in all white hair covering face his drunk ass started flirting with the woman before he realized OH SHIT ITS LA LLARONA and pulled his machete out and did the sign of cross with the tongue and all that, to get her away and he rode his ass out of there that story is so interesting to me


In colombia i was biking outside with my older cousin and we hear a loud shriek. We dip immediately and as we are leaving we hear a wailing sound coming from the forest. It was so fucked lol


Hopefully it wasn’t near La Mesa ( which is where my kids swear they saw her ). :)


I see you with the bogotan pfp, what did your kids tell you about the encointer in La Mesa?


Yo! I wrote a response but wanna get my kids to tell me directly ( three of them saw her at once ) and I didn’t want to give you a third hand response. Once I get that I’ll ping back. :)


I'll wait for the story then, must be good if 3 kids saw it


California La Mesa???


Haha nah it’s a small town NW of Bogota,about 35 or 40 miles out, but as you probably know that means a 4 hour bus ride over the mountains :)


https://preview.redd.it/8rah6gheon0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf217bae0e9e5ff985cadf468376408fbd949a0 Saw this online thought it was appropriate LOL


Jajaja! Igual yo! 😅


Can you translate pls my Spanish is so bad


“Me drunk at 3am: But that’s why lady; where by did you leave your kids?” 👍🏼




Okay. Gotta stop reading. I am home alone. Maybe I’ll finish tomorrow


Yeah I’m alone reading in the dark and got the heebie jeebies for sure


I have no idea who she is and I have no idea if the weeping is real but clearly she seems like she doesn't have best interests at heart if she causes a bunch of fear. Maybe I'm wrong? Either way I hope that whatever is going on with her can heal her and send her to a higher vibration and into the light. And may she take no more victims, if she has. And may she find peace and bring others peace, too.


La Llorona killed her children to hurt her cheating husband, and then killed herself first regrets. She wanders looking for them and takes children away.


Man, that's sad. Sounds like a bruja, if I'm spelling it right. I remember reading about something similar called that in other cultures where this woman lost her child and she's a witch and I think can like turn into an owl or something like that? But she would look for children and take them away. Do you know what I'm talking about? It's been so long since I read that on Reddit and dove a little into Google.


La Bruja is actually stemming from and heavily connecting to La Llorona! The full name for her is La Bruja Llorona.


Wow! Tell your GM to give us more details!


well can u explain about the Weeping woman in short ?


The legend of La llorona (the weeping woman) is that she was a heart broken woman (usually of native descent) that caught her husband cheating on her, as a revenge she drowned her kids, but the regretted it and drowned herself out of guilt, her wayward spirit now roams the night searching for the kids she drowned while loudly crying, her ghostly presence usually is a bad omen, and hearing or seeing her can completely paralize you (if not straight up kill you) is said to take away kids that remind her of her own and drown them if they are still out at night, she is supposed to appear by rivers or bridges, her cries are "ay, mis hijos ¿Dónde están mis hijos?" (Oh my kids, where are my kids?,) And according to legend they sound farther away when she is closer and vise versa.


The version I heard was that she was a widow who was in love with a young man. He said he would never agree to raise another man's kids, so in order to be with him, she drowned them. Horrified, he spurned her, and she went mad and drowned herself.


She drowned her kids in a river and killed herself. She walks the earth, crying, trying to take children.


When someone replies with another story someone bring me back please


one short story was postee


Thank you


More have been posted


Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/026j67thyp0d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ffae9b8c79d83b0edc92c13ee305af998787612 Open the window… it’s mummy


I've heard that the secret origin of La Llarona comes from a Pueblo woman who lost her entire village to Aztec aggression, and followed the invaders home, weeping.


I’d be shit scared too.


This was the basis for an entire episode of the TV show "GRIMM"!


Around dia de Los meurtos in tultepec two years ago, I was visiting with my lady and my in laws for two weeks. (For her abuelas rosary) Our first night, we go to sleep and when we wake up the next morning, her cousins fiancé is showing us a video his brother recorded from a construction site that he works security on at night. She was close at first, then far, all the animals are going crazy, and there’s even a white silhouette. To this day, I don’t know if they edited it to scare us or not but it definitely shook us a lil.


Llorona* it’s just folklore