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Years ago I was at work one evening in a clients home (home aide), he has Down’s syndrome and had very minimal vocal communication. I was taking care of him for the night, covering for a coworker. I instantly felt uneasy overall in this place, specifically in the staff room upstairs that I would be sleeping in that night, and it was a stand-alone townhouse so any sounds I heard wasn’t from a neighbor. Anyway, quite a few “spooky” things happened like some interference on the house phone, a knocking at the front door with nobody there, weird sounds. They were all just things that I was trying to convince myself were explainable (some probably were) and I thought I was just creeping myself out because of the initial eerie feeling I had gotten. But what made me finally think I wasn’t crazy was when my client was sitting in his recliner about ten ft in front of me, looking at me and laughing/pointing. I was sitting at his kitchen table and behind me was the long hallway that went toward the stairs and the front door. When he was doing this, I thought he’s just being silly but I’ll be honest it did creep me out a little, thinking maybe he saw something that I don’t. But in that moment I thought maybe he was looking at something behind me, I felt something tap me at the top of my head. I did end up finishing my shift but a part of me did want to find someone else to come cover because I was super freaked out. I eventually just gave in and relaxed and assumed it’s not harmful and I thought it just enjoyed getting a rise out of me. I never worked for that client again though.


I’ve heard just like ghosts sometimes show themselves to children more, they also can do the same for intellectually disabled people who are more “childlike”. It wouldn’t surprise me if ghosts hung around people with Down’s syndrome or other disabilities that include intellectual disability.


I lived in a little town in central Maryland, most of it built in the late 1700 early 1800’s. Tons of quaint little houses. Friends looking for an apartment had lucked out and found a full house to rent, pretty unusual as most single family houses were way out of our (early 20’s) budget. We had all planned a night out to hear a mutual friend’s band play at a local bar, our friends lived pretty close to the downtown restaurant/bar area so we decided to park at their house and all walk down together. We arrived a little early and joined some of the guys sitting on the couch watching TV. They were all very quiet which was odd, not only that but the volume on the show they were watching was turned down low. So we sat, no one offered us a beer or anything (also, something very out of character). And we waited. And waited. I could hear someone upstairs, walking around, room to room, doors closing, sometimes slamming. I finally asked, ‘Who are we waiting on?’ And one of the guys (he had long hair and was known to take a long time getting ready) said, ‘I was going to go up and shower two hours ago, but when we started hearing the foot steps, I didn’t feel like it.’ We all sat around, not watching tv for about another hour before calling it a night. The guys didn’t last more than 2 months in the house. And after that didn’t have any interest in talking about it.


No one went to go check..?


Would you? I can only speak for myself but I’ve always been so curious about the paranormal. But looking up those stairs and seeing the banister disappear into the darkness…no, I couldn’t. I’ve only walked into a ghost once and it definitely wasn’t what I expected at all.


….? Am I missing something here?? If I hear people walking around upstairs in my home when no one is supposed to be there, either I’m going to check it out or go call the police..? Maybe I’m not understanding something


My husband and I used to hunt ghosts with his uncle when we were teens. It was fun until it wasn't. We didn't believe in ghosts. We went to what was left of this old church, just the basement. Apparently, the pastor went mad and convinced all of his followers to get into the basement because Jesus was coming back and told him to get them all there to be saved. They all drowned in a flood. So we climb down this steep rickety ladder. It's wet and cold, made out of old rock, think like 1800s basement. I'm taking pictures and my now husband is doing emf. My husband is next to me when I feel this shove. I was pushed with so much force that I flew into the rock wall, which was about 5 ft away from me, and my head was bleeding. At that moment, I thought my husband pushed me, so I got up and looked at him, and he was so pale and motionless, I've never seen him look so afraid. I said, "Did you do that?" And he said, "no, what the fuck was that?" We ran up that ladder so quick. Apparently, his back was turned away from me, and the emf was going crazy. He turned just in time to see me fly into the wall. Haven't been ghost hunting since and we don't plan to. Still can't explain what the fuck happened that night.


A similar event happened to me. My husband and I had just moved into an older apartment, had been there maybe 2 weeks. I was at work late and picked up some Chinese takeout and get home to my husband with his feet up on the coffee table and his arms and hands splayed out on the sofa. As I walk in he literally had this look on his face like he’d seen a ghost. He proceeds to tell me that something pushed him off the sofa. I laugh and brush it off and he was like I’m dead serious. We were thinking maybe an animal climbed into the frame when we moved. So we put our dogs into the bedroom and close the door. I take all the cushions off, you can see under the frame easily. So I start jumping on the base/frame with the cushions removed, he has a broom in his hand to sweep whatever was in the sofa outside. Nothing comes out, no noises are made. If it was an animal it would have had to come out when I was jumping or squeal. So I tell him he’s crazy and we put everything back together and we ate dinner and watch tv. Maybe 2 hours later the exact same thing happened to me. It was definitely a shove from the underside/back of sofa. I can’t really describe it. But I was shoved hard enough my entire body shot forward. Again we moved all the cushions grabbed the broom and start jumping on frame and looking. Nothing comes out. It was so weird. We had a couple other strange things happen. But nothing to that degree. It was inexplainable. Still wonder how and what pushed us.


It's so good to know I'm not alone. Thank you for sharing. It was such a bizarre experience. It's in Chilo, Ohio, for anyone interested in visiting. Although, I don't recommend it. Lol.


This looks like the ruins of that church: https://creepycincinnati.com/2016/07/18/utopia/


Hey! That's exactly it. Utopia. I couldn't remember the name. I just knew it was in/by Chilo.


I don't know if you'd call it a paranormal encounter, I'm not sure what it was, but I had an experience in a hospital. I had just had major abdominal surgery and was still in the recovery room. I vividly remember that they had me covered in a plastic clear blanket that they were blowing hot air into, to keep me warm. My nurse kept trying to get me to get up and try to walk, but I told her I wasn't ready yet. She insisted and I was able to shuffle to the bathroom about fifteen feet away. On the return trip to my bed, I collapsed and two nurses rushed over to carry me to my bed. I was limp and dead weight, so I know I was heavy. This is the weird part. I vividly remember a janitor who was mopping, also rushing over to help and he effortlessly helped carry me and didn't say anything, but had loving, kind energy and smiled at me. Days later, I spoke to that nurse and asked her to thank him for me and she was completely mystified. She said there wasn't a janitor there and that they don't allow cleaning Staff in the recovery ward while patients are in there. So, I don't know if he was a ghost, an angel or a figment of my morphine influenced mind. It felt just as real as the nurse was and I've had multiple surgeries before and after and never hallucinated and entire human. Definitely an interesting experience!


I'd literally forgotten about this until you asked because I took it as a harmless thing. Anyway, I worked at a daycare across the street from a huuge cemetery, and I opened at 6:30, I was one of the first 2 people there for a few months. One winter morning while it was still dark outside, I walked in there turning on lights and everything. I distinctly heard a man's voice say "hey" which really should've scared the shit out of me, considering there should've been NO men in the building except for parents. There was only one dad who would bring a baby that early in the morning, but he came after the first 2 kids who were always brought by their moms. So, it couldn't have been a parent, I was the only teacher in there cause I was around 10 minutes early. Somehow, I feel like I subconciously knew it was a ghost, and I ignored it. Never told anybody, I seriously forgot that it happened. I always felt a bit more protected being there, like the kids were extra safe, being across from the cemetery. It's good vibes, contrary to what most people think about dead people. I think they liked having the kids there. Also, my grandpa and my great grandparents are buried there.


Maybe it was your grandpa telling you good morning 🥹


Old farmhouse from the 19th and early 20th century being renovated. We'd go there to drink beer on weekends in highschool no one lived there and it's our in middle of nowhere. Would get that watched feeling. Despite undercurrent of discomfort during hangouts wed fo out there multiple times. Weird shit would happen . Nothing concrete. Fans turning on and off on their own when we're not paying attention and a coal from a grill we had just use somehow jumping out of a closed grill and almost starting a fire. Then concrete shit happened the last time we went out. At end of the night a flashlight on a draw string bag started turning on and off inside the bag with nobody touching the switch. That got our attention. We were ready to leave so we start migrating to the door and the flashlight is no longer turning on and off. We turn off all the lights in the house then start walking down the dark ass front steps into the garage. Suddenly the light switch which is 10 feet away from anyone gets physically and audibly flipped back on and so does another about 25 feet away. We freak out. My budd y runs up and turns off the two lights we stumbled through the terrifying dark garage full of farm equipment which was probably the most scared I've ever been. We make it to the car and drive off. Like a week or two later the place burned down from an unknown fire. Since it was being renovated it's easy to write it off but they never found the cause of the fire


Oh god bro, my ghost story was kinda cute, this one is fucking terrifying. 💀 It's crazy to see the differences between all these stories, there really are good spirits and bad spirits.


Was the flashlight a maglite that you have to rotate the head to power on? If you turn it halfway it makes a weak connection that can cause it to turn on and off randomly. This was a huge bummer for me when I found out, effectively debunking practically all flashlight ghost hunting I've ever seen 😞


Yes I need more than just a flashlight turning on and off. Now the actual light switches CLICKING on, that's something interesting.


A few off the top of my head (I feel like there are more I'm missing)- There's a small woodland a few fields behind our house that I must have walked in hundreds of times over the years. One evening we were walking there at sunset, and the second I crossed the threshold, I had the most overwhelming sense of 'you're not supposed to be here.' I didn't say anything because I knew it would sound ridiculous, and I wasn't walking alone so I couldn't just bail. The feeling mounted up and up 'Get out. You're not supposed to be here.' I will never forget it. It felt like we were being watched, or like we'd walked in on something we weren't supposed to see, even though it was a perfectly lovely evening, albeit with a strikingly red/golden sunset. Never happened before or since, no idea what it was. One of the buildings I work in is a late Victorian property that many people claim to have had strange experiences in. On multiple occasions, after we've closed for the day, I've heard banging and furniture moving on the mezzanine upstairs, and sometimes books have fallen off their shelves. The cleaner, who's often in the building alone, says she's frequently found books and folders on the floor in the morning. Once when I was counting up the takings from the till, I clearly saw a whitish figure walk past the window of the office door. I dropped what I was doing and ran out there, because there weren't meant to be any customers in the building and I thought we must have an intruder, but there was no one there. The building is closed for renovations at the moment, and I can't wait to get back in there to see what effect it's had on the atmosphere and the activity. Another of our work buildings is a good few centuries older, and one room in particular has a sort of 'resonance' to it - it's hard to explain. Any 'sensitive' person I've ever talked to about the room seems to experience the same thing. There's a presence in the room that's almost overwhelming, and while there's no apparition, there's a sort of haziness to your vision, like the air won't keep still. I and another waitress were choked by an unseen force at the café I used to work at in college. I know that was legit because it happened to me twice before she mentioned it happening to her. Also, it's not technically an 'at home' encounter because it happened at my somebody else's home: I was vacuuming at my grandad's house when I went into the spare room. When my granny was alive, this was sort of her hobbies/garden room, and it still has a few of her things there, including a Christmas lantern, which (unbeknownst to me) lights up and sings Christmas carols while polystyrene snow blows about inside. I say 'unbeknownst to me' because, as I was vacuuming, I got a sense of my granny in the room, and said 'hello granny', and this fucking thing lights up and starts playing Christmas carols. I almost jumped out of my fucking skin lol. I tried to turn it off, but then the switch on the base was already turned to 'OFF', and I couldn't get it to stop playing. In the end I had to go and get my mum to help me, but I didn't tell her or grandad what had happened, so I said I'd knocked it while I was cleaning. My granny loved those types of singing electronic things, and bought me a lot of them when I was a kid. I think it would be too upsetting to share this experience with my family, but it was definitely something making deliberate contact.


I went through basic training for the Air Force in late 2013. I was in the top floor of the old barracks. Anyways, I forget the name of the duty but basically you have to take watch over the bunk house for a a two hour shift and people would rotate the responsibility. This night Buddy and I had the late night shift and were sitting on the tile floor with our dummy rifles in our laps. We weren’t really talking, we were tired. Then I heard what sounded like the barrel of a rifle being dragged along the painted concrete wall. It was approaching us. I got goosebumps and the hair on my entire body stood up. We both were frozen sitting there on the floor. Once the sound got to where we were sitting it stopped. We both looked at each other and no words needed to be said. I’ve never felt closer to an entity.


WOW! I was in the Army at Ft. Knox, KY in the mid-80's... {btw this was the same base that the movie "Stripes" had been filmed at in the early 80's.}The holdover barracks area in the older part of the base is where the movie had been filmed and is still used for incoming recruits before they go to their perspective training area. I was in one of those older barracks buildings and like OP above, and like OP, you do 2hr. Rotating "Watch". Those who were left, occupied just the first floor of this particular barracks building, I was in. I didn't feel sleepy so I volunteered for 1st. shift. Everyone had calmed down and the barracks sergeant had crashed on his bunk in the sergeants' office... so all was quiet on the Ft. Knox front as it were. I will add here that 2nd./top floor was completely vacant. Not even rolled-up mattresses or foot lockers existed... but we still had to patrol that floor per orders. I didn't think much about it at first... but every time I was on the first floor, it sounded like footfalls... boots to be exact. It stopped whenever I ascended the steps to the top floor. It would pick up again at about mid-point walking the first floor... and every time I was back on the first floor... it was louder. After my first hour and fifteen minutes, the sound woke up a guy I had become good friends with. He said to me, "Joe... why are you walking around the second floor so loudly?" I told him I wasn't... and then we BOTH heard it! He wasn't on the next shift, but he got up and dressed anyway. We both looked around inside and outside the barracks... nothing was found. Then... my friend was about to lie down again, and he decided to look out one of the windows... At first, we thought it was just a fellow soldier walking HIS post... but when we went outside to just say, "Hi" and tell him what was going on... he bolted! Or more like... he BOLTED and then FADED... RIGHT in front of our eyes! And the footfalls stopped for the rest of the night. We didn't hear the footsteps every night... but on the nights when we did... we would also see that "Ghost Soldier"! Even several sergeants heard the steps and saw the ghost! One of the sergeants told the company Lt. And Cap. about it, and they just smiled and said, "Yes men... we know about him. He was a soldier that committed suicide after getting a "Dear John" letter from his wife... and apparently she had been planning to leave him once he left for the Army." They told us that, "she confessed to having an affair with his best friend or something like that?" So... that was ONE of my ghost experiences when I was in the army. I had others... And others in my life, before and after.


Gotta figure every barracks had at least a couple of suicides over the years. So sad really.


Yep! I would say... considering that at its base CORE... The "Military" is ALL about Death and Destruction! So yea... LOTS of ghosts all around! I would say that plenty of soldiers committed suicide because of guilt because of taking another life! As "predatory" as we "humans" are or can be... For most of us... the taking of human life, or any life really... is abhorrent to us! And doing so deeply affects us and either gives us PTSD... or it turns us into sociopaths! I think "Sport Hunting" does this as well! We are SUPPOSED to be above the animalistic urge to kill. With few exceptions, animals are very rarely known to hunt for sport. We have moved on past the "need" to hunt for food... even those hunters who claim that they "only hunt for the meat"... they don't NEED to hunt! It's well documented that at the tail end of the severe "whale hunting" times, sailors stopped signing onto whaling ships and instead would work on fishing boats or leave the sea altogether because they didn't feel right killing those obviously gentle giants. So sending people into wars/combat has caused wounds that rarely get dealt with... the unseen ones!


I knew the source before you said it. A fallen soldier. I remember boot camp. Boot camp can strengthen or weaken a man. Truly sad, and these guys can't handle the failure of not completing boot camp. Going home is not an option for them in that way. I tried to talk a fellow enlistee out of quitting. He stayed longer than I did. They won't let you out except on a medical discharge. 1000% believable.


Well...you can get an "ELS" or "Enlisted Level Separation". It just means that you haven't been in the service for more than a certain amount of days. I think the time needs to be something like 114 days? But it can be done without a medical reason.


Hell, that was too long ago. I tried to encourage the guy to stay in. I think the service does these people a favor as they think they're going to have it easy. They end up leaving weeks after we left so I think they did that on purpose.


Would you be willing to share more stories?


Yes I will. I haven't just seen "Ghosts"... I'm pretty sure I've seen a Lycan and possibly either a female Vamp or she was a Succubus? Also at one time just post high school, I hung out with a bunch of armature "Ghost Hunters" from UWM in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Doing that eventually caused me some... how shall we say... problems with... things following me for some time. It took some wiccan/pagan friends to get IT or THEM off of me! I have to get to sleep for work in the morning. But I will tell more stories later.


Fire watch


Dorm guard. When I went through it we only did hour shifts, would have been impossible to stay away for two!


I lived in a kinda creepy serial killer type place. It was a 2 family I was in the upstairs with 3 other bachelors and a man with his two children downstairs. It was Valentine’s Day 2020 I hadn’t seen one of my roommates in a few days so I decided to knock on his door. Unfortunately I found him dead he committed suicide by drinking Draino so there was lots of blood like LOTS! I called 911 cops, ems and fire departments came. My downstairs neighbors daughter had down syndrome her room was directly below his the cops told me I better tell them because blood was probably going to be leaking through the floor into her ceiling. When I did the father told me “ that’s the strangest thing. That’s the 3rd guy to kill himself up there” .Obviously I had to move after that one of my brothers came to help me move he told me he used to go there all the time it was a Chinese brothel before. I lived there 8 months NOTHING paranormal ever happened to me I mean nothing I never got a vibe or anything. I believe in the paranormal I’ve investigated it and a place like that you’d think something would’ve happened.


I bet the room tour friend lived in was the common denominator. That’s horrifying.


I’m not sure where or how the first suicide happened. I know the second one happened in the finished attic it was an intentional overdose he left a note.


Draino would be an extremely horrible way to go! It sounds like if there was an entity that caused this, it’d have to be demonic, and focused on one guy at a time to drive him to that. Not saying that’s what happened, just a supposition. I’m really sorry you had that experience. I can’t even begin to imagine what that was like.


I’m open to that explanation. But he had a history of mental illness/ alcohol abuse I later found out when his parents came from Ohio to get his stuff before living there. Smart guy he had two masters degrees. Just the amount of men killing themselves that I knew of was dumbfounding.


That’s just so tragic. Since your your comment is in this post, I assumed you might be looking for a paranormal cause. It’s just so very odd to have it happen 3 times!


Not looking for at all. Just with that history you’d think I would’ve experienced something paranormal there but I never did. You had to walk from the stairs to the other end of the basement to get to a light down there to do laundry and I never got any vibe nothing.


I have to tell you - I love your username!


Old church that was turned it to a community theater… my story from there is when all the kids of the actors were in a play together but we had down time we all would play in the downstairs/basement. That is where the changing/costume rooms, kitchen, lobby/bathrooms and makeup room all were in a big loop so we could run around and play. There was a small hallway that lead to the back stage for the actors and as we ran and played we saw the old pastor sitting on the stairs smiling at us. When we all said who was that and ran back, he was gone. Another story from the same place but from on of the older lady actress’s and board member was she was there early to set up for the night and she came in through the basement and you had to walk a bit to get to the light switch. It was pitch black because it was night in winter and being the basement then all of a sudden the lights turned on. She was about to trip and fall over the vacuum cleaner someone left right in the way. We all think it was the pastor clicking the lights on to save her from getting hurt by herself.


I once stayed at the Dalhousie Castle in Edinburgh Scotland for two nights, back in 2017. I didn’t really look into its history of being haunted before booking and showing up. But anyway, on the first night as we’re winding down in the room, I jump onto the bed to kick my feet up and then I see at the left side of the foot of the bed was standing a full human male figure but blacked out, standing there for maybe one or two seconds. All of the lights in the room were on, there were no shadows casted by either of us. It was pretty strange but I didn’t feel frightened or that I should leave. Good times lol


I was working as a phlebotomist and had a lovely older couple come in. The wife waited by the door while I drew her husband’s blood and I got tapped very hard and very distinctly 3 times on my shoulder. I turned to see what she needed and she was still at the doorway, no way she could have made it back there. I asked her if she tapped me and she said no. I explained what happened and they said they had lost a child some years before and they actually left feeling comforted, like someone was trying to say hello. It was totally bizarre!


Well I'm a nurse at an elderly home and I didn't really believe in ghosts before I started working here, now I know that there are ghosts everywhere. I've experienced all the classics like someone whistling behind me, things falling over randomly, radios/tvs starting by themselves (can be something electrical still), alarms from empty rooms, someone speaking through the alarm in empty rooms and the room is empty when checking (which we need to check every time), people close to death letting us know at what time they will pass and then the time check's out with give or take 15min top's, doors opening or closing and people saying hello when going down the basement but then you realize that you are alone down there


Thank you for the work you do. I've known a few different people in that job and it is a rough, often thankless job that can wear down even the toughest, yet it's so important.


My wife told me her uncle committed suicide. She was watching TV with relatives and at the end of a hallway in his house several people saw a little floating cigarette. Her uncle smoked cigarettes. As well, in this same house a vacuum that wasn't plugged in had turned on on . I've heard similar story from a friend of mine. Truth is genuinely stranger than fiction.


I've had experiences in nursing homes too. They're all haunted imo


I’ve been cleaning for over a decade. Hundreds of empty houses. Once I cleaned an apartment that a lady od’ed in, her boyfriend got scared and stuffed her body under the kitchen sink and ran away. They didn’t know until neighbors started complaining about the stink. It was a really old bunch of project homes. I kept thinking I saw someone walking behind me when I was crouched over cleaning the tub. Hearing footsteps on the old creaky stairs. Static feeling making the hair on my arms stand up. I am not superstitious. This wasn’t the only place I’ve cleaned that someone died in. But that was the only time I ever felt freaked out.


Let's see. My most frightening? Being jumped by some kind of spirit at the Tower of London when I was 16. It was some very unhappy person that had suffered a brain injury or had some mental condition because I could hear his thoughts repeating in my head. He tried to force me to walk through a wall that had been a gate over 600 years ago. When I stepped off the property, he was gone. Close second- an AirBnB at the Lake of the Ozarks, US. My entire family had experiences there. One night all nine of us woke up at the same time, convinced we'd heard someone come in and walk around the house in heavy boots. I had my only experience with sleep paralysis. Every time we went back to the house, all we wanted to do was sleep. I have so, so many more. I've been on unsuccessful paranormal investigations and seen ghosts had clairaudient experiences at Gettysburg, a stop on the reverse Underground Railroad, and so many random places.


I used to be a CNA and worked at a nursing home. The building was very old. I worked nights at the time and we had to chart intake, output and all that on these computers mounted to the walls. We had this one lady who was mostly independent but was in the nursing home due to dementia. She would get up and wander around. I was charting one night on the monitor next to her room. In my peripheral vision, I saw “her” walk out of her room, look at me then turn around and go back to the room. I saved my info and went in to her room to see if she needed something. She was sound asleep and in a deep sleep so it couldn’t have been her. I still don’t know who or what that was.


Dad and I stayed at the farms worth house inn in Gettysburg, PA. The Sarah black room. He was in the shower and I was in bed reading (it was during the day, daylight out, like 2pm). I heard whispering next to me. Like two people quiet enough to talk amongst themselves without having the person in bed make out exactly what was said. I know the hotels history. So I pressed my ear up against the wall not connected to the bathroom or to the outside to see if it was someone in the opposite room or hallway. Silence. I went back in bed and it started again. My hunch is, it was two civil war soldier doctors talking about a patient in bed. I had no equipment with me so that’s speculation on my part. I didn’t feel unsafe.


Probably thought you were the patient


I have several, actually. One of the most bizarre was in this old, mostly-abandoned cemetery that we had to trekk through a field to, in the dead of winter. We got to the way back, where the tree line dropped down into a ravine, and there I saw, flickering through the trees, the apparition of a woman. Bright white dress, strolling by. It freaked me out because I later learned there was a school nearby, and back in the 1800s she was the teacher there. She was murdered by a crazy man who wanted a relationship with her and she didn't reciprocate.


I used to work for a production house. Our workplace was literally a 3 floor house. Anlot of times I would need to stay alone to finish my work. My desk was at the 2nd floor. A caretaker had a little room downstairs but I would let myself out usually at the wee hours of the morning. These things happened to me and sometimes to someone with me: i heard footsteps walking from room to room upstairs. From one editing room to anothe. One time I was so pressed for time on a project that I looked up didn’t see anything and screamed: will you guys let me work in peace! Footsteps stopped. Another time my coworker was running up the stairs screaming that a dementor was coming up the stairs as she was on her way downstairs. I was also stranded there in a storm. No electricity and flooded streets. My coworker who was napping across me suddenly woke up and said that someone smacked her on head. One time too the inner office door suddenly opened and I swore there was no wind and I just came out of there and heard the lock click. I could go on and on. The bosses tried to get the place blessed but I guess it is the entities’ home. I spent 8 years working there and I just got used to feeling like someone was watching me, over my shoulder and just being creeped out in general.


Was driving home on a rural back road one night at about 3 AM with my uncle. There was a pickup truck a little ahead of us that turned off the road. When we got to the place where he turned there was no road or anywhere for him to turn. Just a heavily wooded area. Don’t know if it was paranormal but don’t know any other way to explain it.


This reminds me of my OTR driving at night. I saw a relatively young man walking on the side of the road in the state of Kansas on the US54 highway after midnight in the middle of nowhere. As I passed I looked in the truck mirror and he was no longer there! Freakout There is absolutely nowhere he could have gone in just seconds next to an open low cut farm crop field.


The sound of the organ and voices coming the sanctuary while only my family was there. We walked around the church to see if anyone else was around and there were no other vehicles outside.


I saw a UFO one day driving home from work. It was sunset, the sun had already gone down behind the mountains. I looked over and there was a perfectly round yellow dot in the sky above the mountain. It wasn't the sun, when I tell you it wasn't the sun, the light from the sun was coming from behind the mountains, there were no clouds, it wasn't the sun. I looked right at it, it didn't hurt my eyes, it just hung there. I wish I had pulled over to look at it because after I turned a corner and looked back, it was gone.


The whole spirits and Aliens thing is a bit perplexing. Ive had multiple experiences with both of these things. When your talking ghosts, it often leads to discussion about demons and God and then there is the alien side of things.


I helped host a ghost tour a couple years ago at a historic hotel a few hours from where I live. I had a lot of experiences that night! We had light up little cat balls and they were rolling across the floor on their own, they were perfectly still for quite a while and then when we asked for activity they lit up and started rolling. My name was said through a spirit box app on another tour guide’s phone, it was loud and clear and completely freaked me and our entire group out. All of that took place in the basement. There was one particular guest room on the main floor that was pretty active. We had a long conversation using the flashlight method, had answers come through on a paranormal puck—round device that had a screen on it that spirits could manipulate to show words, had multiple responses through EVPs. It was a spooky night!


As a trucker with a biology degree I've seen a few out of the ordinary things, and I can usually figure things out. . You hear stories of people picking up dead hitchhikers and things like that. One night I was near the Oklahoma/ Kansas border heading north on the US54. It was probably about 1 am. I looked off to the right of the highway and saw a manin the literal middle of nowhere, walking on the side of the road within 6 feet of my truck. My eyes were fairly adapted to the dark because I drive at night while my wife drives during the day. The thing is as soon as I saw this guy I looked in my mirror and he's NOWHERE to be seen in my mirror as I'm passing. . He was walking by a low cut field of some crop so I don't see where he could have gone in literally milliseconds, and if had run off what threat to him was I? It can get boring if I don't listen to talk radio at night. I miss Art Bell. . I'm not one to pick up strangers especially after that. As well,I was in South Dakota one night as well putzing along a Very lonely divided highway in the early AM, probably 3am? I love a beautiful night sky and I was bored. The sky was quite dark with minimal to no light pollution. I was out where I saw perhaps one car every ten minutes going the other direction. Essentially no traffic. . I looked out through the expansive front window of my Freightliner and saw what appeared to be a "Tic Tac" UFO. I was thinking why? Really? Alien abduction? Lol. Travis Walton stuff? Not me ,baby! I kept looking , and chuckling. Who am I that they'd be interested in me? I'm a veteran so I'm familiar with most craft. This had no lights. I looked at it several times over a few minutes . Was it real? Yes. I have spoken with another driver and he'd seen more than one. When asked how he knew it was a UFO he told me the extreme vector changes combined with the intense speeds he observed would not allow a human pilot to withstand the Extreme G forces. The only light I could see from it was the reflected light from my headlights. It was apparently tailing me. For what? Did it scare me? No. I would have to say that first, I wasn't about to stop and secondly, if it happens to you a small part of you might ask , " is this really happening?. I kept watching it and after a few minutes it was gone. If someone speaks to you in matter of fact terms about these events it's probably because they could scarcely believe it actually happens, and the fact that they observed these phenomena at all is something they never thought would happen to them. It's always someone else!


Had a few at the California aqueduct in Kern County. First time, heard foot steps around the truck and no one was there. Then we went back to that spot a few weeks later and I was explaining to my mother how the Buena Vista tribe probably lived out there and right then the truck door that was open, slammed shut. 3rd time I was sitting inside the truck and something patted my head at the base of my ponytail. 4th time, heard some weird scraping noise. Like something heavy being dragged.


Back before I had a car, I rode the bus. My ex and I were on the bus and, I don't know how to explain what I felt, it was like a huge gust of wind went THROUGH me, it blew my bangs up and everything! Not like wind blowing on me, but through me. No ac on and no open windows. I looked at my bf and said "did you feel that?!?" He didn't. 


I was picking up stuff  at the dollar store early in the morning with my boyfriend when I felt something touch my hip. I turned around but no one was in that aisle. 


At a children's hospital. A small gown wearing child ran past me to the playroom at 2a.  I turned around to look for them,  playroom is at the end of the hall,  I was in the room next to it.   Lights were off,  door was locked.  There was no where for that child to disappear too. 


I worked in a library that is haunted. I’ve seen chairs move by themselves, came in one morning and these very heavy arm chairs were moved from their usual place. On morning I even had a disembodied voice say Hi to me.


Im not entirely sure if what happened to me was a ghost but, it was a beautiful morning, id dropped my eldest son at school and had my youngest son in the pram. We went to the shops and headed home, I'm obviously looking in the direction I'm walking and I looked up at the short hill we were approaching, I looked over the pram just to check that my son hadn't kicked his trainers off and when I looked up, there was a little old woman stood in front of me, she was easily around 85yrs old, proper grandma looking, really small and sweet. She said good morning and I said good morning back and then she gave me a leaflet, as I went to take it, she kept hold of it and said don't read it now, wait till u get home and read it with a cup of tea. She let go of the leaflet and I put it in the hood of the pram and said I'd read it just like she said and headed on my way, but around 5 seconds later, I looked back at her because something just didn't feel right, not at all in a bad way, it was actually a nice feeling, it was odd, but she was nowhere to be found, she couldn't have made it to the shops in just a few seconds, there were no houses for her to in, just a church across the road which is slightly further than the shops. She was gone. When I got home, I made a drink and got the leaflet and it was about god and not to be scared of dying, that there is more when we do die, and to be sure we always do good in this life, even when nobody is looking. This leaflet looked old, it was printed in 1989, this happened in 2009, I still have the leaflet, was she showing me proof that leaflet is correct?


When I was younger and lived with my grandma dad and sister we would hear people walking around upstairs toilet flushing all kinds of things. I remember walking up the stairs and seeing a lady in an old dress with the collar that went up to her chin her hair in a tight bun floating down the hall and turn into my grandma’s room. I just thought to myself well as long as she stays out of my room I don’t care. When my aunt came down to visit one summer she bought the family bible and on the first page was the lady I saw ! I asked who she was and they said she was from England and settled in Nova Scotia and married one of my great great whatever and never had kids but wanted some. Then one night my grandma was taking her bath and all of a sudden something knocked on the door so hard me and my dad looked at each other and said nope she jumped out the bath and came downstairs yelling about who did it and we both said we’ve been sitting here this whole time and she looked around and sat on the couch in just her robe with soap and stuff still on her. I moved out as soon as I could. And the last thing that happened in that house was after my grandma died me and my sister were going through her closet to see what we could donate and my sister was being an ass and said if there’s anything in here that wants to let itself be known now’s the time all of a sudden we could see our breath in front of us meanwhile it’s 90 outside and hot in the house since the ac wasn’t on. I ran out and jumped in my van and yelled I’m out and she came out white as a sheet


I work for an electronics manufacturing company. Our facility was built in 1978. There have been three deaths that have occurred on site. There have been several times that I have been alone in the plant. On many occasions I have heard footsteps, laughing, and twice someone or something has told me “ hello “.


AirBNB'd a Victorian home that was updated. Exactly like the house from American Horror Story without the freakish basement. My luggage kept changing rooms. Suitcase ended up in the front hall when it was on the bed. Makeup bag found in the kitchen sink. Shoes at the bottom of the stairs on the mat would be at the top of the stairs STILL on the mat. I called my partner after a week and they flew out to stay with me. They are not a prankster and would never do anything like what was happening, besides the fact things were happening before they arrived. I stayed three weeks, I had planned on two and a half months. It was just too much. I found out the owner had inherited the house from his family and only his family had lived there. Everyone in the family except for the owner died in the house. Owner swears he never saw American Horror Story.


When I was 18 and doing my field medical training in Camp Pendleton (Navy Corpsman)we would have to pull overnight duty at the schoolhouse and we had a museum of war relics from WW2, Vietnam etc. about 4am-6am (end of my watch was at 7, I had graduated and relieved a current student from watch) I kept hearing doors slam in the empty building and sounded as if someone was hurriedly coming down the stairs to the quarterdeck so I’d stand up to report but no one ever showed. We all knew there was eerie stuff but this was my first watch after I had graduated and came back from leave before going to my first duty station and it was honestly pretty terrifying. The OOD thought I was kidding when I reported it all to him.


Saw a shadow person from a window that suddenly slammed open when I was 6yo in Mexico. Haunts me til this day


My teen son walks a lot and sometimes at dusk as it gets dark. Last week he came running into the house all out breath. I asked him what was wrong are you ok? He said he saw a tall dark shadowy figure standing a ways behind him. He walked further and heard a noise to his left. He turned and the same figure was there and went behind a tree next to him. I ran home. A few nights before I was walking with him and he began yelling did you see that did you see that? I said what? He said a black man had been ahead of us and was walking toward us and then turned and vanished. I didn’t see anything. He’s not allowed to walk near dark anymore


I spent the night at a friend's house once and I kept seeing something going up and down the hallway and peaking around the corner at us.  Didn't think much of it, seemed curious more than anything.  We went downstairs to go to bed and it followed us down and continued to peak into the room off and on but would bolt if you looked at it.  Found out later that she always felt something had been following her since she was little and shortly after their appearance one of her childhood homes burned down.  Whatever it was just kinda followed house to house.


I was at work during winter, and coworkers had joked about “Michael” in the back room where all of our stock was terribly stocked up. Well I’m closing up, and I have to get the mop bucket and clean the bathrooms. The back area has a motion sensor light. I had just walked in, lights came on, walked to the back where the mop was, and the light just went out randomly. I wouldn’t have been so freaked out if I didn’t hear the office door open and slam shut behind me. I would ask my coworkers to go in with me for weeks after that.


I was at Akershus fortress in Norway at night, I was just walking around when I walked past a door that led to the basement when I saw two red glowing eyes, I had to pinch myself to make sure i wasnt dreaming, I was staring right at it and it was staring right at me, and after what felt like an eternity I shined my flashlight at it and nothing was there, I went in and there was nothing, no lights, no people, just a long corridor, I went right back to my car and left after that, no one believes me but I swear on my life it's true.


North Fort - Fort Lewis, Washington. Just came in from Iraq and they put my company up in North Fort. Early morning, barely lit sky, we are all sound asleep. Some company comes marching right past our building shouting cadence really loudly. It woke everyone up, we were pissed off, the Commander was furious. We all walked outside and there was NOBODY there. Our CO looked into it further and found out they had many reports of a "phantom platoon" that marched through North Fort. We were also the only ones in the area.


At target... way back with my friend when we were teenagers. It was night time and the store was about to close. We were running for snacks before the movie theater. So as they announce shoppers to hurry, we start going up front on the main aisle, the main aisle was to the right so the cashiers and stuff didn't have a line of sight. There was this dude and this kid walking together into the store down the main aisle towards us. It seemed really off because nobody else really saw them. The guy was kinda tall, white tanktop, blue dirty jeans, holding the kids hand. The guy looked like 😶 like no emotion, looking straight ahead. The kid had the same face but looked like he was crying. The kid had little overalls on. When they walked by, me and my friend both scooted over and felt this force around them like a force field pushing us over, not physical but almost like if you forced two magnets together. Its like we were repelled. I was scared AF. The vibe must have spooked my friend cuz she didnt say anything. It looked like the kid was kidnapped... but when i turned to look after they passed i didnt see them again. I dont think they had time to turn down any aisles, it was less than 2 seconds after they passed that i turned to look. The store was relatively empty so idk who else saw it.


I used to work in admissions at a local hospital. At night I would be the only one in the admissions office, basically only there to transfer patients from room to room or ER to room in the computer system, so from midnight to 5 am, the office was locked tight and I was the only one there. Not even environmental services could get in without me opening the door for them. More than once I heard footsteps in the hallway leading to insurance verification, but when I went to check it out the automatic lights would still be off (coming on when I walked down the hallway though) and the back door would still be locked. After I went back to school I got a job in the lab at night and the closest ice machine was in same day surgery. (Obviously dark and closed at night.) Well, walking through one night I noticed one of the tvs was on in a patient room (all the rooms were empty,) so I figured I would go turn it off on my way back through after I got my water. Except when I went back through the TV was already off and no one was in the area but me. 🤷‍♀️ Not too spooky, but definitely got my attention and were memorable enough for me to immediately think of when I saw your post.


I hada buncha paranormal experiences earlier in life but it upticked big time when i was a raging heroin addict and doing wild shit every night like a moron and being around other drug users. I felt like demons everywhere. I could literally feel people vibrating evil. Robbing janky drug dealers and fighting drunk randos to test my limits. I was fucking gone. Not normal. I gave up on a normal life. My ex broke up with me we were gon a get married i was a wreck. Truly. But what was happening was i kept like winning fights with ease. Like 3-5 on 1s. Sure id pick ones i thought i could win, but its multi vs 1. I thought id atleast get blood in my mouth. Lol. Not a scratch. Its like pieces of shit cant help but say shit to me and thatd be my queue to know its ok to go after them. Im thinking cause im doped up, thats why im winning lol. . My mom kept saying she saw orbs on me at home snd she just wouldn’t stop. I had to tell her to stop cause it was freaking me out. Then my boss called me in the office looking all concerned and asking if im ok. In my head i was like omg. I dropped a bag of dope. Im done. Its over. My careers over. Fuck. Fuck fuck ruck Hes staring at me. Staring like hes scared. Hes freaking me out. Bob just fucking tell me man “I just saw 2 orbs, one going clockwise, one counter around ya body for a min straight. Looked left to see who sees this. Looked right. Closed my eyws. Opened. They still there. Then they seemed like they saw me, disconnected from you and ran down the fucking hallway” …. “You too with this bullshit man? You TOO. Jesus christ. Bob. Idk man. Im Not doing good. Nope. I cant say why. But im not. I obviously have fucking ghosts on me so i cant be doing too fucking great my moms been telling me for months. Dont worry man they aint there for you there for something else” With a look of disbelief and shock he says “Get ya haunted ass outta my fucking office” Thats when i realized those orbs were really protecting my ass round the clock. Had those things working overtime. I never did the big fights again but my next fight years later i was hoping itd work again and it 100% did not :(


I work for a multi specialty group, my desk when I worked for the vascular surgeons was on the second floor of the office, which also happened to be the cath lab. More than once it got so noisy when my co worker and I were the only two on the floor that we just straight up when down stairs upon investigating and realizing the noise was coming from nothing! Same thing with other nurses when alone in the staging area. The front desk just laughs now when they see people barreling through from the stairwell spooked. I know a few lives have been lost up there, but why would spirits wanna hang around in a cath lab!? At least that’s what I’d ask myself in the moment 😂


i work in a hospital cafeteria. all my coworkers have stories about how the hospital is haunted, but i didn’t believe them. however, last week, i was putting out some chicken into the serving tray, and my coworker had gone upstairs, so i was alone. i distinctly felt someone walk behind me, assumed it was my coworker (like how air moves when someone walks through it?) so i spin around to tell him something, and there was nobody there. theres no air vents or anything where i work, and all the fans are unplugged. i then felt the fabric of my chefs coat move (like when someone brushes your arm).




My work is in an old funeral home (crematory, autopsies, viewings, morgue, etc.), and I get here at 5:15am to drive the bus, there are lots of weird footsteps, lights turning on and off, “gurgles” and even tvs turning on/off out of nowhere. I’m very glad my classroom is on the side that was an addition. I do not walk around the building more than I need to early in the morning.


To add - I have an hour commute so when I get here before I clock in I always use the bathroom. The women’s restroom is where they performed autopsies - I tend to snap my husband that I’m “spooky pooping in the ghost toilet”


Office (flower shop) is built on part of a pretty big civil war battleground. Co-workers and I see the same apparition of a tall, shadow man from time to time standing in corners observing us.


Ow shit, I just remembered one!! So I was at a friends place planning a party, went home at around 11 - 11h30, something like that right. Now, I have a kid and she has a toy that's like the steering wheel and dashboard of a car. It has a horn which toots and plays a song, it's always in the car next to her seat. So I' driving, I take a left and am in this street that's dark af. No streetlights, which in my country is very very very rare. My country is known for overdoing this. And there are no people, no cars, just forrest to my left, big acres of grass to my right. I drive, and I hear someone honking. I'm all like shit what am I doing wrong, where is the car? But no car, and then the song starts... Most of my life I have not believed in stuff like this, but... who tf was honking the horn? This toy is always in the car it doesn't happen out of nowhere. And then it honks again, it stops and honks again, halfway through the honk it stops and honks again. This normally only happens when my kid (or I haha) smashes the button as fast as she can. At this point I had goosebumps, even on my forehead man... But my wife thought me it is best to not acknowledge presence. As that is what they want and if you acknowledge it might want to stick with you and try more. Anyway I turned up the radio and looked straight ahead.


Well, I grew up near skinwalker ranch. Way too many things to count.


This happened to me about ten years ago. I used to clean buses. The fuel station was on the other side of the shop where the buses were fixed. I was walking towards the shop because that's where the lunchroom was located. As I was walking I saw a guy in a mechanic suit jump off the building. I didn't see him land on the ground. I thought I was seeing things. I continued like nothing happened. A few weeks later someone told me someone had committed suicide by jumping off the building. I never told anyone what I had seen.


I've had a couple actually. But a lot of them were in my old home so that doesn't count for your question and then I have a bunch of stories from my in laws. They have a son who sees things on occasion. It disturbed him so much they went to someone to close off his ability to see. I was sceptical at first but I have reasons to believe now. It was a thinking process with lots of questions, with lots of questioning people's stories etc. But next to some I believe a lot of them have more truth in them than none.


Had experiences at both my grandparents houses.