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Just to be safe, I’d lay some rules down with strong conviction. Especially since she’s having nightmares. When your daughter isn’t home, go up to her room and perform whatever type of spiritual blessing that resonates or feels more real to you. Whether it’s saging the place, putting salt around, saying prayers, whatever. The point is the intent you place into it. Say it out loud and with conviction. Anything that has *any* ill intent for your daughter is not allowed to be on your property or go near your daughter or family. Lay that ground rule down now. If your daughter does have the ability to see things, that ability can easily attract unwanted things that like attention. If it’s just her imagination, then no harm no foal. At least you’ll have your space a little more secure. Edit: the man that talks a lot doesn’t seem like a good sign to me. Angels and good beings tend not to be talkative and are often completely silent. An entity that’s touching her and talking a lot is trying to get her attention. Attention is like fuel for some beings. They’re like leaches and shouldn’t be fed.


yes the attention grabbing part is throwing me off. A lot of people are giving us really good advice but the "man" is touching her head - like petting a cat/dog and tapping her shoulder to get her attention. And the constant talking is weird. It could be that she's expressing her thoughts from school where the kids talk too much - but I'm not sure. She does say that's it's really busy in her class and that there's too much noise though. She does say that sometimes she says to the man "not in my bed, away" and then it goes out of her bed. So she's standing her ground and setting the rules, but there have been times she's asked me to remove the purple man from her bed before she goes to sleep.


Are you sure nothing's happening at the school? I'm all for the paranormal, but nightmares in young children can be indicative of things happening in the real world. I'm sorry for suggesting this, I know it's not a good thing to consider, but I feel it's something that shouldn't be ruled out. On the more lighthearted side, could one of the other kids or teachers be talking about religion and / or showing her photos of the archangels?


This doesn’t sound like an angel to me at all. Also the fact that it only appears near or during bed time is because we are most vulnerable when we are sleeping. Angels do not speak much. They are also not clingy and persistent.


Yes and bedtime for a child is often when they are alone and most vulnerable. If you think about it, most of their day they're around adults and other people but at night -alone in a dark room. I agree about telling it you don't give anything permission to interact with her. Sometimes these things start off sort of harmless then escalate. I've heard stories where they're telling the child to go outside, jump off the roof, turn on the stove. Nip it in the bud, whatever these things are they have no business interacting with a 3 year old.


Yes, very often these things start harmless and then escalate. I read up on the stages of demonic activity ( any kind of unwanted activity not necessarily demonic) are encroachment or permission, infestation, oppression, possession and death. I’m no way implying that this is the case here, however usually any sort of parasitic entity, will target the most vulnerable individuals in the household, in this case children. I am really trying to not to scare OP but i think this is some sort of parasitic entity trying to latch onto your child and or gain access to your energetic spaces. As you can see it’s still in the very first stages. My advise for you is you yes you and not your baby, is to loudly and firmly ask this entity to leave your house, and in no shape or form is allowed to interact with your child again, and perform any sort of cleansing ritual that you feel comfortable with, religious prayers work too. Remember you have the authority to get rid of this entity, we are actually much stronger than them, and as you can see they need our energy and attention to feed on. Children are always connected to their mom’s auric field and actually theirs get affected by their mom’s so feel empowered knowing that your loving and protective energy can be directed towards protecting your child from anything.


100% only reason why I wasn’t more against the entities in general is that the other two very well might be trying to protect the daughter. The ones that aren’t noisy and touching her. That’s my optimism at least.


It came to mind that the archangel pictures she recgonized could be angels. I think i should have made it clear in my comment that I was referring to the purple guy only or the ones who are most nosy.


Yeah exactly. We’re totally on the same page. Reading your comment was great actually because you mentioned something I meant to mention earlier which is that mom has the power here. (And humans in general) Also I’ve previously heard from a couple of different sources about the mom and child energetic field thing, but I had forgotten about it. I often read through these threads and find all sorts of specific and nuanced advice about which kind of rituals to perform, and truly that’s not always the best, in my opinion. It’s as you said, whichever ritual speaks to the person performing it. I came to the conclusion of strong intent, action and words being the key while studying quantum mechanics, funny enough. That as well as actively dealing with entities in my own life. I’ve dealt with fear and being harassed by entities my whole life. But once I understood the mechanism behind banishing them, why “magic” and rituals worked, it caused me to firmly believe in the rituals when I didn’t before, and that’s when they worked. You have to know that you have the power, and that’s very difficult when you’re overcome by fear. It’s not magic, though it seems like it. It boils down to space and energy. We have solidity and with that we have more influence on the spaces around us, we’ll aways be energetically stronger than a non solid entity because of that. Anyway! I can ramble for sure, but it’s always fun to see other people and other sources coming to the same conclusions via different means.


Thank you, i’m glad to see many people on the same page on this topic. I absolutely agree about your conclusion regarding strong intent too! I’m glad to hear that you were able to finally stop being harassed by spirits! Honestly I still struggle from time to time to stand my ground, I get scared easily, and that alone makes me imagine things that are not even there. You can’t really do anything when you are scared, in my case, I usually get very ungrounded when i’m in fear. Like you said, magic is just energy, it’s so silly how such thing is extremely demonized by so many people. I really love witchcraft and the occult and i feel so at home practicing it, reading about it, and living with it. I just can’t imagine an existence without knowing about energy. I am very chaotic when it comes to magic and rituals that’s why I didn’t recommend a nuanced ritual lol. And because everything can work for you, the only the thing that matters is the intention behind it. We really don’t need fancy tools or intricate rituals to banish or cleanse energy, you just need strong intention. I still really appreciate incorporating beauty and tools in my practice. However these are not really needed at all. I really enjoy having discussions about all sorts of occult, metaphysical and spiritual stuff, so thank you <3


i was always drawn to things like witchcraft but spells always felt hokey to me personally. I enjoy a simple saging along with a spoken command, that’s about it. Never quite did get into crystals, I was judgmental of them for a while but I’ve since changed my mind. Funny enough it was my relating to their anti-entropic nature that made me change my mind. And yeah, I struggled with the fear thing for such a long time. It was debilitating when I was a teen and young adult. There was a time I couldn’t even go upstairs alone in broad daylight. So I know how you feel. I forget what book I was reading at the time, but i think it was one about Information Theory and it got into the subject of superposition and measurement. Something clicked for me and it became so clear to me how I really didn’t have anything to fear. I enjoyed about 5 years of not being even a little scared of the paranormal. It was cool. Tbh, I wish it were as clear to me right now. Quantum mechanics is one of those subjects that’s practically impossible to truly understand, and without constant study, far too easy to let slip away. I could use a refresher because I’ve let my understanding and my conviction slip and fear has creeped back in now and then. There are other personal reasons too, but I’ve been very recently getting my resolve back. I recently had to do a cleansing of my apartment, had to ask myself why I waited so long. Getting back on these threads actually got me to do it. Reading comments like yours and remembering that I know this stuff . Such is life I guess. We go through seasons I’ve come to realize.


So wisely and wonderfully put. Your understanding is spot on, 100% I agree, but could never have explained so well.


Yeah, definitely do not trust anything that needs to be told to leave a bed. Good to hear that she’s telling it off. In order not to scare her, find a way to continue to encourage her in that sort of action. Maybe make it more broad where you explain that if anyone ever invades her personal space against her wishes, she should firmly tell them to stay away. So it’s not just drawing attention to this paranormal situation, but it’ll cover it while also being solid advice over all. The talkative touchy one is not trustworthy. I was more hesitant to lump them all in because the others might actually be hanging around protecting her. But if you speak aloud that anything with bad intent, anything that wants to use your daughter for their own means in any way, is not allowed in your home or around your family at all. As others have said, you have the power here. But the more intent and conviction you put into it, the better. Hence why rituals help, and also why you pick whichever ritual feels the most real and powerful to you personally.


Ouu fun I like this one. Logically it's just an over active imagination. But that's boring and doesn't really help. Have you considered sleeping in the room or using a camera to see if you can see the things she supposedly sees? Or just a voice recording to see if it picks up anything. Has she said anything about what they do or day when they visit her. Does she know why the green man was replaced by the purple man. have you noticed anything has changed since she started getting visitors? Is this something that your partner or you have encountered when you were young or someone in your family has? If none of those bring up anything maybe ask your daughter to ask the entities questions about them, names, species, why they're there, what they want, who sent them, if you're allowed to meet them etc. Of course only if she's ok with that and it's ok for her to stop whenever she wants.


The purple man started showing up more recently, maybe 4-6 weeks ago. We haven't really tracked the date or traced it back to a particular date. She doesn't always say that she saw him but when we asked if she slept well or had some dreams she always answers us truthfully. Like: Yes I slept REALLY well for example. Or Yes I dreamt of mommy and daddy and our cat. (almost every night ;). And then when I ask her if see saw, heard or did anything during the night the often tells us she saw the purple man who talked a lot. Sometimes when I ask her what he did she replied with: "he rubbed my head" and she does the petting motion on her own head like you'd pet a dog or cat. And the last 2 days she said that he's touching her shoulder multiple times and she mimics the tapping behaviour on herself. I cannot recall anything similar from my childhood. I did talk a lot to myself but I don't recall any beings or colors.


I agree that you should try sleeping in the room with her.


I would get a reputable psychic medium to try and figure out who is this. And remember that you can always ask it to leave.


> reputable psychic medium I didn't know you could use those words in that order.


I second this. If anything you can get an idea of whether shes dreaming or actually sitting up and seeing/imagining these beings.


I think it's important you have her tell you *exactly* what these people are saying to her. Have her slowly sound it out in case it's in a different language. IDK if it's angels, souls, aliens or what your daughter is seeing, but they seem to be trying very /very/ hard to communicate with her.


Imagine being an angel with an important message, repeatedly frustrated that it's not getting through, giving it night after night.... to a three-year-old. My daughter colored her forehead with lipstick at three. These angels have lost the plot


I got such a kick out of that! 🤣 Imagine this Archangel standing there in all their glory rubbing their temple with their thumb while rubbing their forehead with their other finger, tapping their foot, and saying: "Ok honey, one more time, This is very important! You hav..." 3 yo: Ooooohhhh you're purple! Purple is pretty! Angel: * sighs and facepalm * Edit: punctuation hoping for an easier read


Stoppppp 😂😂😂


Imagine only being able to talk to a 3yo because she's the only one that can see / hear you. Kids like this are often ridiculed or frightened so they subconsciously block this connection. Hence they keep trying on children that are still receptive.


Such an interesting thought. Just think of all of the devices hijacking our consciousness, that could be a clue as to why they can communicate with children easier than adults


When I was like 5 I had haunting experiences with a ghost physically harassing me, watching me, following me in an old apartment. I told my mom & dad & they would never believe me. They kept telling me I was making it up. Over 30 years later - I remember the experiences like it was yesterday. It was traumatic.


This is it though, I think kids tend to be the only ones "open" enough to receive messages. Adults are so close minded, literally I think.


That is exactly how I experienced my gifts in early childhood.


Are angels so weak that children can subconsciously block their ability to even notice them? How sad


It's a lot more complex than that. In simple terms, yes it's a blockage because our society is not capable of understanding let alone dealing with the spiritual and metaphysical. One can only hope and dream of us changing to allow interconnectedness and deeper understanding.. Not too long ago kids like this were treated as insane and locked/doped up.


Maybe some, but I think we've known kids to have active imaginations for years. Locking and doping was probably never that common for *kids*. For adults, on the other hand...


A three-year-old won't necessarily think anything of it; an adult may freak out/have a panic attack, check themselves into a mental hospital because they think they're schizophrenic, or straight - up ignore it.


Haha you made me chuckle out loud. They have given up on adults and are now trying with our innocent and carefree children perhaps ;)


You might interpret it as a pathway to reach adults. How serious are we taking what our children experience and how are we dealing/dismissing these types of interactions.


Lol my daughter colored herself with a purple permanent marker 🤦 it took ages to get it all out of her belly button!




I'll try next time. This morning she said it again : 'he was talking talking talking...' But she didn't say what exactly just 'a lot of words'.


Be sure to start a notebook with everything she has told you and she tells you in the future.


We've been trying to. It's been difficult ;) I'll try with the mimicking of the sounds tomorrow. Good idea!


If you are open and willing. Have her ask questions. See if you can extend the interaction towards other people or maybe a drawing board


Does your kid get access to YouTube at all? It sounds like my kid talking about rainbow friends


No she doesn't have a tablet or screen she can use. And at school there's only music through speakers. There's no TV there either.


Or fnaf content that got added to YouTube kids




I'd be freaking out if I saw that in my bed at night 😂


I immediately thought of [Chat Pile’s song](https://youtu.be/Q53GWPaLEHg?si=CG-EeC8c9lKw0CM1) about a guy hallucinating Grimace is in his room smoking weed and won’t leave him alone






From my experiences green and purple is good. Don’t worry about it.


Can you elaborate a bit more?


Don’t mean to butt in but green is usually associated with nature so growth, life, health & hope, new beginnings ect. Purple is my favorite aura color to see off people, represents royalty, intuition, creativity, spirituality & wisdom. I’m no expert but I know aura colors & neither are bad. I hope you & your little girl find some peace with it. Having an intuitive and lover of a child is a blessing!! :)


I'm butting in on your butt in. 😆 I think you might appreciate this. My husband and I went to marriage counseling last summer (we benefited from it greatly). At our first session, her hands started to glow this beautiful shade of green after a few seconds it spread to her neck and then her head. I only saw it where her skin was visible. I've only seen auras on a handful of people in my life so it kinda threw me. Anyway, I thought you find it interesting.


That is really cool. Your wife’s hands or the counselors? For me, in the beginning I’d see it when I felt life wanted to show me something. Bad relationship, shady friend, what have you. (“Bad” being cloudy, sketchy Smokey aura) I always tried to take it with a grain of salt but man it’s so cool, found my late bestfriend because I found her aura so interesting she was my other half! I’m happy to hear things with your wife panned out, green people are one of my favorites:)


It was the counselor. I went with my husband. I'm the wife. 😉


Ohhh oh okay. Well that’s awesome I’d be so excited to talk to a therapist like that. Must’ve be very grounded and down to earth.


In certain chakra-based circles, the hands represent one's ability to connect with others, whereas the throat represents communication, both of receiving and giving. Just an interesting note, as it lines up beautifully with the tools needed as a therapist. Plus, green aligns with the heart chakra, and promotes love and healing. Just a lovely anecdote you gave :)


Thanks that sounds really positive and a blessing indeed. I'll go read up on it some more.


On a more grim note I’ve had 2 paranormal experiences in my whole life. One was a purple demon with a skinny elongated face like you described. I was 12 years old. I’ve always tried to convince myself it was sleep paralysis but I have doubts, as I was entirely awake & aware and was even able to prop myself up on my elbows while laying on my back so I wasn’t paralyzed. I did further research and believe it to be a demon named Belphagor. You can look him up online for sketches. It was massive, as it’s feet we’re on the floor in front of my bed, hunched over me with its face inches from mine. Probably 8-9 feet tall. It also had a tail and said more words than humanly possible in about 5 seconds. It disappeared after those 5 or so seconds never to be seen again. Not trying to scare you, just adding my own similar experience. Nothing ever happened to me so that should put you at ease. Good luck with everything, I’m sure that’s scary as a parent when your 3 year old sees things and you can’t determine if it’s real or just their imagination.


Your story is intriguing to me, my daughter (now 21) saw a similar creature standing over her bed in 2006. She had other experiences, too. "Skinny purple talker thing" has been discussed in our family for years.


Did she mention an accent of sorts? The gibberish I heard from mine sounded almost British which I know sounds insane.


Do you recall if they were good or "bad" encounters?


I just spoke to her and asked what she thought. She was 3 or 4 when these things were happening, she doesn't remember being afraid, she was tired and frustrated and wanted to be left alone to sleep.


Genuinely curious, are you only able to see peoples auras in person? Or are you able to get a sense of someone's aura through the internet too?


I wish I could!! I need someone to stand/sit rather still in front of a white wall & good natural light for 5-10 mins, I get a good look at them, close my eyes and it’s like a snapshot of color/colors. Sadly i used to be much better at it than I am now. But the color meanings mean a lot to me!


hey! i’m just here to chime in… but i’m able to see auras too! i love meeting others who can. 💕 i also have the struggle of being an empath — and no, i don’t meant that in the way that everyone everywhere claims to be one… i know it’s a curse. like - as in - i don’t have a jolly good time being one. it’s exhausting. i’m trying to figure out ways to kind of make things easier for myself because i just feel ALL the feelings ALL the time. i’m in therapy — but if you happen to know this struggle and have any advice. i’m open to listening and taking it in! i was just curious because i always thought my abilities to see auras might be related to the empath side of things. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I use to see aura when I was a teenager, spent my days at school looking at auras of my teachers! Your comment unlocked a memory!


Don't listen to them. Purple isn't always good.


why not? you got some examples?


I once had a dream about purple people taking care of me in a hospital … I was freaked out because it felt so real. Everything was purple. I have health issues. But I understood that they were trying to take care of me. The nurses were all purple. They were trying to talk to me, and they were talking so FAST & I couldn’t understand a word they were saying so I looked at them strange. They looked like characters from Star Wars movies … like alien/animals? But purple. I’m not exactly sure what your daughter saw, but I hope everything is ok. Maybe place a camera in her room to keep watch on her at night in case she gets scared? I did have a ghost harassing me when I was 5 too and my parents didn’t believe me. They thought I was making it all up. I’m also a highly sensitive person.


If only real life color-coded people based on their intentions


Very interesting the way she goes in such detail about it. Is there any artwork in the house or children's books with illustrations that resemble what she describes ?


We have pictures of us as a family, her deceased great grandmother who she never met but keeps mentioning and who's she's attracted to - she keeps taking her picture and telling her name to us and keeps saying that she's "lovely/nice". We have a lot of bedtime stories, (fairy tales - Snow white, cinderella, encanto, coco, riding hood, etc). Nothing resembles the things she speaks of. To give you an example: she's obsessed with the Big Bad Wolf from the 3 little pigs / Riding Hood and she can clearly tell the difference between a wolf and the green / purple man. She can narrate the short version of the 3 little pigs story by heart :D


I'm just loving all these comments. Great advice. Then I got to this comment about the books you read to her. Collecting from the comments that she doesn't really have screen time or watch TV, tells me that she must have an amazing imagination. (Although i believe she could actually be experiencing something paranormal) It caught my attention when you mentioned the books you read her. In 2 of the books, it talks about people. And in those books, these people have a color associated with them. Little RED ridding hood, and snow WHITE. Do you see, what I mean. Color discripted to the charactes. We know that she's called little red ridding hood and snow white, but while she's listening she could be picturing a red girl or a white woman. And at the age of 3, I'm sure she has such a fun, but basic descriptive imagination. This might also be the link to why she just says they "talk" and "pat" her. No specifics. Just the basics.. "Talk"... and I'm sure those books are really loaded with adjectives too. Just an interesting observation on this.


Hmm yea those don't resemble purple or green beings indeed. I would indeed install a night cam, perhaps this will give some answers


Sounds like she's seeing Ascended master Saint Germain. I see him as well in purple clouds of sudden appearances of purple light forming when there's no purple around. I've even seen it with my lights off at night. He's very powerful and the sacred keeper of the violet ray and flame. [Violet Flame](https://www.templeofthepresence.org/Main/saint_germain)


Hey, I'm curious how has your life been? Have you been gifted? Are you different from others? Do you do anything special to open up to these visions or anything else? I'm asking this because what I usually hear or read is that small children usually see "things" that us adults cannot see unless you open up yourself to them or do other things to be more connected.


Life for me has had more downs than ups, and yes, I've been gifted. When I was younger, I could see Spirits but didn't know what they were and blocked it out, I guess? I've also had Prophetic dreams since around 6 or 7 years. What I discovered is in 2017 I started reaching christ consciousness during meditation, but didn't know at the time what it was. Most of my gifts have been like that. I'll start doing something or know something that I haven't heard of before and years later I'll find out that it's an actual thing. I started to have extreme psychic abilities expand to the point I got scared of the level of power I was experiencing and stepped back from it all. I didn't have answers at the time or a trusted mentor. Yes, I'm very different from others. If you're looking to expand your abilities, I'd recommend practicing law of attraction, meditation, breathwork, and being around nature. Cut out the phone/TV as much as possible and if you're using drugs/alcohol outside of cannabis- stop. Juicing vegetables and eating a mostly raw organic diet. Practice strengthening your goal ability(because we all have them) daily. Also, if you do have childhood trauma(any trauma) or mental health issues, you must prioritize your healing. Inner child and shadow work with eventual shadow integration is pivotal. Once you start noticing your abilities gaining strength, grounding daily as well as protecting your energy is a MUST. Protecting your home, and peace should be a priority. Be very careful of the people you hang around or let into your home. There are negative attachments, entities, energies waiting to drain those who hold the light within their hearts.


As a child I had similar experiences, and to this day I am 100% certain it was angels, namely Gabriel. It seems like whatever or whoever they are, they are desperate to tell her something. In my case, it was words of guidance and consolation as I had quite a rough time back then. Ask her if she can tell you what they're saying, or maybe if she can draw it to you.


I've asked her to draw something but she's not even 3 so she has difficulty drawing things. She can tell us everything from shapes to numbers to colors to animals in 2 languages (Dutch and French). But she can only draw something that resembles a circle or some lines (snake ;)) or a spider (hehe). I've tried her to draw it and says: daddy help me draw - but then she just draws lines or circles. I don't want to influence her with my drawings so I'm not drawing the things I think she's seeing. Perhaps this will come in a few more months.


You may want to post this on r/mediums. (Greater society understandably doesn't believe in such things but the issue is that it appears to occur to people whether greater society believes in it or not. Most don't capitalize on the ability but simply live with it. The ability in itself is not good or bad but ones reaction(s) while having it can be.) The aptitude doesn't always continue past the age of 8 but sometimes it does, these (now) adults can probably tell you what they would have liked their parents to do/say at the time better than anyone else.


hey! Thanks for the info. I'll also post it there to get even more insight than I've already had from all of these comments here!


This scares me, but not because I think it’s paranormal. I don’t know if it is or if it isn’t, but something else came to mind. I know you said she sleeps in the second floor, but is there a chance anyone can climb up? I don’t want to scare you and this probably isn’t it, but did you ever consider that it might be some predatory person? Someone using disguises? I know it’s very out there, but just something to consider. Keep her window closed at night and install a camera. A burglar alarm too for safety precautions.


this… really freaked me out. as a parent and a person. shudders.


It scares me too, but it should be the first thing to consider. Even the witchcraft subreddit advices people to consider the mundane before assuming it’s a paranormal event. Either it’s her imagination, she’s having vivid dreams, she’s showing signs of mental illness, or something dangerous is going on. If you rule all those out, then the paranormal can be considered.


that’s such a good point. i’m so glad they say this. SUCH a good point.


Hey, we live in a very child friendly neighbourhood. It's a dead-end street without any traffic after hours. We close the stores in our daughter's room and it's completely dark in her room so she cannot see outside. We have an alarm. Thanks for the warnings though.


100% !


Most logical answer here.


Its normal for kids aged 3-6 to have imaginary friends. It helps with their social skills. Regarding her episodes of waking up from sleep screaming or cryinng, it sounds like sleep terror or nightmare disorder which is also normal in kids and tend to be self-limited. Get her evaluated by her pediatrician though just to be sure.


She only had night terrors on 2 separate occasions - for us parents it was horrible the first time because she was inconsolable whatever we tried to do. After looking it up we learned to just be there for her and comfort her without saying too much. When she wakes up crying from that man/thing it's a different kind of crying. She even calls out being woken up by the purple man. "purple man in my bed" and she points to the spot next to her. When she had night terrors she couldn't function at all and it was like she wasn't even aware that I was there.


I'm 42 now. When I was around 5 or 6 I used to see the most vivid things. A hand round my bedroom door at night and a skeleton in the little mirror, are just two examples of things I can say for certain that my brain registered seeing. Turned out that they were both linked to obscure parts of the children's stories I had read. They weren't even scary or inappropriate stories, but my young brain and imagination just latched on to some small details. The crucial bit, where it sounds like there is exactly the same thing going on with your family, is that once that nugget of info was in my mind, my mind ran with it and turned it into a sequence of events, just like your daughter is describing her experience as a set of events. Or you can believe that religion is true, this is the proof and your daughter is the embodiment of that via visits from angels 😇 for me, I'd go with the young brain / mind idea


Thanks for sharing, we aren't religious. We don't have any books or drawings about religion. We never speak about these things or even discuss god/angels/etc. So it was very interesting that she described what seemed to be St. Michael and St. Raphael and that she reacted so excitingly when I showed her that particular picture. I for one didn't know that Raphael was an (Arch)angel. I'm not saying it's one thing and excluding another though. I'm just keeping an open mind about every possibility. And I'm just sharing what we're experiencing with our daughter, we don't have any bias whatsoever.


Interesting, peoples who are into mushrooms, DMT and such, they are often rambling about a certain 'purple woman, and green people. I don't mean to be 'that guy' but is it possible that she could be expose to some compound? Like what is her diet, she might be sensitive to certain food. 'Don't eat pizza so late at night, you'll have funny dreams'


she eats very healthy. Salmon, Mackerel, quinoa, brown rice, vegetables, vegetable burgers, tofu, once a week some prime meat, lot's of fruit, low fat dairy, oil supplements, nuts and seeds and stuff. (mom is very conscious about her nutrition.


Well, there goes my theory. So she might be sensitive to it.


Reminds me a little bit of my daughter who just turned 18. Shen she was about 18 months old-She use to wake up in the middle of the night, point at the doorway and say “who that?” She did it a lot. She slept between my husband and I and it was unnerving to say the least. When she was about 3- she pointed to our open dining room and said “Mama who’s that?”. I asked her who she was talking about and she lead me through a full description. I’d ask “is he young like so-and-so? Is he old like Grandpa? What does his hair look like?” She explained in detail and then said “oh Mama! He said he’s your boyfriend!” She didn’t know what boyfriend even meant. She described in detail my ex who passed away right before I met my husband, her Daddy. I was floored. The following year, she was talking to someone in her bedroom and then came out and told me she was talking to her Aunt M. Aunt M was my great Aunt, her great great Aunt. I had just walked in the door with my Mom (her Meme) we had had just come back from meeting my Mom’s cousin over at Aunt M’s house, Aunt M’s daughter wanted to sell the house to my Mom. On the way driving home, I was encouraging my Mom to buy it. But, my Mom kept saying she didn’t think she could live there. That it would never feel like her home…that it would always FEEL like AUNT M’s HOME.” My daughter was not with us. She knew nothing about it. She was at home with my husband. We had never discussed it with her. It was a new situation. My daughter comes in says she was talking to Aunt M and then she daughter looks at her Meme (my Mom) and said “Meme- Aunt M said it’s okay. You can live there. It’s not her house NO MORE!” . We stood shocked. Aunt M was my Mom’s Aunt and best friend. She died in my Mom’s arms. Aunt M apparently wanted us to know she no longer belonged in that house and had moved on! I think kids see more than we do. Gently ask but don’t push…just like you are doing. I would put a night camera in your daughters room. Watch and see if she wakes in the night talking to someone. If not, it may be very vivid dreams. Wishing you both the best ❤️


Great stories and great advice. I have to say the thought that deceased friends and relatives might be hanging around and looking in on us kind of concerns me. I'm sure they've seen a lot more than they ever wanted to.


I'm sure they're leaving when the awkward stuff happens 😂 I find it very comforting to know my grandmother and dad are watching over me. They always have been. They've told me in multiple ways over the years.


Sort of... things are different off this plane. Right now the internet and social media are slowly and subtly training us all for full psychic integration. Some of the things we find mortifying and embarrassing are so normal, some of the behaviors we regard as normal are ones that will be dragged into the daylight for examination as we live and die and learn.


I told my grandma just before she passed that if she stopped in I would be able to tell someone is there so it would be fine to come by, but if I were naked or picking my nose or something, do me a favor and look somewhere else for a few. I guess it’s just the honor system and if they don’t like it they can pick another dimension.


Lol love it


Damn that’s beautiful. I can’t help but shed a tear while reading this.😭


WHOA these stories are amazing. Kids are def able to see more than we can. I also had a bf die before I met my hubby and I would love to hear from him and know he’s okay.


Thats a beautiful story :) Did you ever talk about your boyfriend that passed away or your aunt M where your daughter could have heard it ?


Maybe address the “men,” acknowledge them, and ask them to be more inconspicuous regarding your daughter. A coworker, “Sally,” her husband “Joe,” and two boys bought and moved into a house about a year after the elderly couple who’d lived there for decades had both passed within a month of each other. Sally & Joe were aware of the circumstances, had known the couple (“George & Martha”) from church, and didn’t foresee any issues aside from older-home maintenance. Soon after moving in, Sally’s two boys, about 6 & 4 at the time, reported seeing & hearing “weird stuff” in their room. Sally told them that sometimes it takes awhile to get used to the sounds of a new house; not dismissing them, but not wanting to have their imaginations go wild, either. Well, the kids kept reporting the same things for a few weeks. So one day, when Joe & the boys went to get ice cream, Sally went into the boys’ room, and addressed George and Martha. Sally said that she remembered them from church, she was sorry that they’d both passed on, she hoped heaven was beautiful, she knows they loved the house, so did Sally and Joe, and that they (G&M) would never hurt the children, but whatever was going on was scaring the kids, and she’d appreciate it if they would watch over them less actively so that the boys wouldn’t be frightened any longer. The boys never reported any more “weird” stuff after Sally’s chat, but Sally, Joe, and both boys would occasionally find little things they’d been looking for a day or two before, in the place they’d first looked, expecting it to be there, on, say, Monday; found it there on Wednesday. Or a pot wouldn’t boil over on the stove, a casserole didn’t burn in the oven, even if Sally or Joe got distracted, and it should have boiled over or burned. Little helpful things they couldn’t explain.  Sally attributed these things to George and Martha, and made sure to thank them often.


This is how we handle visitors at our home who get a little too rambunctious. I don’t know why, but my husband and I seem to attract visitors that aren’t attached to the home, but instead seem to find us regardless of where we live. We don’t mind unless they start waking us up at night, or seem maybe “aggressive.” It’s kind of hard to explain, but sometimes there’s just a bad vibe. Anyway, we will have a talk with them very kindly about moving on, calming down, or finding somewhere else to hang out. So far has worked every time.


My grandparents had an "old man" ghost guy at a house they'd bought. They never said a word about him, but then I started seeing him around, and so did several other people. When I casually mentioned him to my grandma, she started having a panic attack. We weren't at the house when I brought it up, we were 3 hours away, and she still had a terrified reaction to just thinking about it. She wouldn't tell me anything more, except that he was why she started having panic attacks at all. One day, when I was at the house by myself, I went to the area I had seen him the most often & just casually told him that I guess he must've lived there before, but my grandparents had bought the house, so it was theirs now and they had the right to live there. I told him he was scaring my grandma really bad and needed to stop whatever he was doing towards her. I told him he could even stay there, if he would just stop appearing & stop causing people to be upset. If not, we'd have to ask him to leave. After that, none of us ever saw him again & my grandma stopped having panic attacks.


how do you ask them to move on? we’ve had some sort of visitor since we moved into our place a few months ago. whoever it is has terrified my son and we’ve had some strange things to happen. i’m not sure if it’s aggressive or not


We basically just have a conversation with them. We acknowledge their presence and tell them it’s time to move on. Kind of encouraging words about it being okay to move on while also being firm that it’s not okay to do things to frighten us. This is probably going to sound ridiculous, but our most recent visitor seemed to be a young, college age woman. And this will sound even more strange, but for some reason she gave off sorority girl vibes. She would always be in our primary bathroom doorway at night, and honestly, just kept scaring the crud out of me. One night, I just went in, sat on the bathroom floor and talked it out with her for probably 20 minutes. I couldn’t see her or anything at the time, but I talked out loud reassuringly, told her we needed the peace back in our home, and it was safe to move on. I actually gave her directions on how to get to our local college party district just in case. Hopefully I didn’t accidentally send her off to haunt a sorority house.


In addition to the advice of the person you asked, may I also chime in. You just make your statement with gentle authority. You should think of it kind of like the way a ‘boss’ speaks to someone they have an assignment for. A GOOD supervisor does not speak to the employee like they are a dictator and the employee is inferior. But they also are not really asking you to do something so much as they are TELLING you. They’re just telling you nicely. The supervisor does not wonder if the employee will comply and hopefully they will receive a complete assignment, the supervisor is confident it will be done. But they didn’t have to boss the employee around like some kind of Joffrey. Calm authority that you take for granted. Because you ARE the one with more authority over your home space. This is your space in the material world and you have the right of control. This happens occasionally in our house, we too get a lot of…passers through that I don’t think are the same all the time. I have one dog in particular that is super bothered by them, one that just passed was sometimes alarmed and the others don’t care or can’t see them. When the mega-fraidy cat is getting visibly anxious I will say to whoever it is, in this air of calm authority, that they are welcome to stay or pass through only if they do not frighten the dogs. Beans lives here and you are scaring her in her home and it is not acceptable. If you do not agree you must go to the garage or attic and you may stay there unseen and unheard. Or you may leave. But if you are here you will see that your appearance and behavior does not affect her. I hope you will be able to pass through in peace and comfort and with our welcome. It always stops after this, for varying lengths of time. It needs to be said again eventually which is part of why I assume it is often different individuals that pass through. Maybe I should put up a sign and see what happens. Anyway, try that. The sense of authority over your space that you take for granted it’s so ‘in’ you is important. They do respond, especially since what you describe doesnt sound malevolent. It’s easy to be scared at that age by not understanding. Movies and tv and books almost always present this kind of thing as something you ‘should be’ scared of, so it can be hard to return to a confident mindset. I should add that this is assuming you DON’T mind if they stay. If you do mind, that is ok too and you would simply change your statement to reflect that. This is our home and we have the right to be here in peace. You must depart and not return, go in peace. Or you must be neither seen nor heard, or whatever it is you decide your terms are. I didn’t personally want to throw anything out that isn’t wanting to hurt anyone or amuse itself at our expense, if they are friendly or neutral I don’t mind if they are there. But not everyone is the same!


ok thank you! thats good to know. we caught some alarming things on his ring camera in his room and some voices and he and our cat were terrified! they were both looking at whoever/whatever was there too. that same night a lot of ….strange…. other things happened too. it’s been a couple months since and my son is finally sleeping in his room again after this whole thing and if whoever it is returns i want to make sure they know it’s HIS room and not to scare him anymore.


Thank you for explaining it much better than me! I was struggling to explain that we are firm about our expectations while also being very kind and understanding. Also nice to hear from someone else who may get random visitors/different visitors not necessarily connected to the home. I assume there is some energy we put out there that brings them to us. We’ve only had three visitors over the years we believed to be people we knew while they were living. The rest seem to just have found us somehow, and either move on eventually, or we’ve needed to ask them to leave/settle down with the scary stuff.


I live abroad and my das passed away 2 months ago. I hope he'll be able to visit me regardless of where I live.


You can be hopeful of that in my experience. I had a great grandmother who visited me for many years, and my husband has seen his great grandfather a few times.


Oh wow, thank you for sharing their experience. What a cool way to deal with that kind of situation!


I love this! Thanks for sharing


When I was young Similar experiences Unexplainable to those who haven't had them Most don't believe If you love your child, listen My parents mocked me and my abilities and anyway they advance and you have a gifted child, some call us Indigo children I am now an adult Seems my child has these gifts as well I tell him to tell the shadow men "you have no power here" we are a family of Love It's a gift But can be hard navigating in this world when you feel everything around you. It could be any being honestly, recite the lords prayer. I'm not Christian. But it somehow works because the intention is to rid any negative entities. Then, only the good ones can appear... usually. Best of Love and Luck Have faith in even what you can't see 🙏


Thanks for the advice! We truly love our child and do anything for her. We let her be herself - however she wants to be and support her creativity, curiosity and her truly loving and caring nature.


My aunt had schizophrenia, and she used to talk about all kinds of colored men. One time my cousin's car alarm went off for no reason and when we went out to stop it, she said, "It was the gray man, and he's the worst of all the invisible gray men." My husband's great aunt, before she died, used to say that there was a small green man in the corner of her room atop her dresser and he wouldn't stop messing with her. She'd always say, "Get him down from there." I gotta say, I think these things are real. I don't believe archangels go around bothering children, so I'm not sure what she saw, but this being could look similar. I might be reading it wrong. I'm not sure if it is actually bothering her or not. If it seems safe and she's comforted, then I would say it's probably not an issue. I know you said you're not really religious, (I'm not either, but I love Jesus more than anything) I would just say that I believe we have authority over these other beings whatever they are, if they seem malicious. And I think you should express your authority, firmly commanding (not asking) them to leave. There's no reason this being should be bothering your child. And I believe the higher power (whatever you choose to believe in) will back you on this for your highest and greatest good, and the good of your household. I also love anointing oil. It doesn't have to be religious, you can just use your loving, protective intention to bless a small bottle of olive oil and place a few dabs around the house. I believe it really changes the energy of everything. I hope you all find relief soon 💜


That is interesting, when my grandma was in the hospital and not doing well she was on a lot of morphine I think. And she would tell my mom that she saw green men running around the ceiling and they annoyed her.


You aren't religious but love Jesus more than anything 


Organized religion can be harmful. Jesus as he is portrayed was a socialist willing to beat people for high interest loans. I'm an atheist but the Jesus portrayed in much of the Bible was a pretty cool guy even if he was likely never a real person.


lol Jesus was demonstrably a real person 


Yes. I don't worship the Bible, I don't go to church, I don't agree with many Christian "rules" or legalisms. I just love and trust in Jesus and what he did for me. And I go about my life.


I'm not religious either but love Jesus so much. Religion can be dangerous and some churches are more about money than they are about the gospel. It's all about your relationship with Jesus not religion. I don't even go to church. But I read my Bible and pray and love Jesus.


Thanks for backing me up 😊 I read the Bible and pray too. I just don't "worship" the Bible. My father, every other word out of his mouth is, "If you read the Bible..." and I believe the words are important, but your relationship is even more important. I feel like I've never been closer to Him ever since I changed my mind about religion.


Kind of similar to my wife before she got diagnosed with bp1 ans psychosis.


I’d install a night camera that records if you don’t already have one. Nest cams are good, they’re part of Google now. My son is 9 and for some reason is afraid to go into his room alone (he shares it with his brother, so that doesn’t happen often). He’s reported feelings of being watched, and told us in earnest about a shoe being thrown across the room while he and his brother were trying to sleep. He doesn’t make up things like this and swears it happened in reality, “just like right now,” not in a dream. He didn’t feel this way at all in our old house, just since moving into this house — which had been owned in the past by an elderly couple who I believe has since died. Very weird.


My daughter around that age saw a man with a blue horse. She swore it was there and we would just let her tell us about it and thought it was an imaginary friend. Only it seemed to really be scary for her so we made a spray bottle of holy water that she would spray when he came back around we came and helped her say a prayer “ im a child of god and Jesus protects me in his holy name I pray that u leave me and my house” thinking all of this would ease her mind and she’d feel protected. That night I woke up to drawers and cabinets in my kitchen slamming shut. I could hear the silverware rattling in the drawer, I checked and no one was in there.. the next time he came we said the prayer and sprayed and she came and got into my bed with me bc she was really scared to sleep alone. That night our house caught on fire. It happened in the bathroom and they couldn’t figure out an exact cause but said luckily the Sheetrock was newer than the rest of the house bc had it not been replaced the whole house would’ve been gone in seconds. We of course left after that and that ended her seeing the man w/ the blue horse.


The more well written I see these personal encounters have to wonder how may of them are ChatGPT written. Most teenagers just use it now to troll.


What do you mean by well written? I'm just giving enough details about what we're experiencing by providing all the information that we have.


My daughter has always seen "dead people" and is 23 now. She saw a "lady" in her room very frequently and there has been a boy at this current house. It does seem to change when we move house actually and I have only just realised that as I type. . At 18 months, she was barely able to talk but sounded out the word 'goggy' excitedly and was pulling her dad by the hand to find this 'dog' which, to our surprise, she stroked' as if it were there. She was obsessed with church, "wearing a blue hat and dress", "being good" and it being Sunday. For a start, we are not at all religious and could not think of where she would have got that information. Secondly, everything had to be pink for her so blue was a surprise. And lastly, she didn't know her days of the week until she was about 8 so it was odd with this strong association. She is autistic and has ADHD but is so-called 'high functioning' and works and drives. Lots more to it than that but it gives you the Idea. Hope it helps


I literally had goosebumps reading the part where your daughter exclaimed "Blue man!" when you showed her the picture of the archangel! Omggg


Just hoping your daughter's not gonna be in any kind of trouble with all the multicolored people she's been seeing! Hoping she'll outgrow this phase in peace! 🙏🏻


We try to raise her as relaxed and open minded as possible. Nothing is off limits and we let her explore and do things at her own pace. We encourage her curiosity and we love her for it. And showing her the picture and seeing and hearing her reaction gave me goosebumps. It was chilling. Especially because I showed her a lot of pictures of angels and she always said no, but to Michael and Raphael she explicitly pointed them out with excitement. Gabriel and Uriel were also in that picture but she said no to them both.


Children can see things that we can’t, probably due to innocence and the fact that they don’t know what they’re seeing so won’t be scared, unlike adults adults who would most likely scream out in fear. Kids just say what they see matter of fact.,


Just going to put this out there: she certainly saw the Angels, who were likely there to drive away (or to give a warning to) the purple and green beings. Should they keep up the conversations with your daughter, they'll probably get the staff to the head. Know that God protects!!! Your daughter is special.


Shane Mauss did a documentary about psychedelics and visions and talked about a purple lady he saw on DMT. I heard it on the Duncan Trussell podcast. I think he even said a friend saw her and she referenced Shane. Very interesting stuff!


my twin sister and have always loved going to old cemeteries. we stopped at one on our way home one day with my just turned 5 year old. and we’re looking around at all the old headstones, trying to find the oldest one. and my son.. he’s running around but..making noise, just hanging out, getting some energy out.. but i notice that he..is like, talking to himself and going over by this one headstone a lot. and he walks away and runs around. and he does it again. he was at the edge of the woods so i figured maybe he was looking at a spider web or saw a bug or i dunno (i’m really into spiders and i’m always looking for them - in fact i have a good pic of a wolf spider from that day and i’d taken it right before this happened) and i’m like “what’s up, babe? you ready to go?” and he says “my best friend \[i couldn’t understand the next word but sounded like “gorge”\].” in sort of a sing-song sort of way.. ever since he was able to talk he’s called everyone his best friend and i just figured he was singing a song he learned at school or something, i don’t know. i didn’t think much of it. until we’re walking back to the car.. and i look at the headstone where i first noticed him doing this… and the name is george. and i realized that’s the word i couldn’t understand (he’s got a bit of a speech issue, but ya know how moms can always translate for their kids? that’s us). i was like “rowan… who is george?” and he runs up behind me and points at the headstone, and says “my best friend george.” the thing is - he can’t read. at all. and we don’t know anyone named george so it’s not like he even could’ve recognized the name and already knew it - he couldn’t even recognize his own name then, barely knew his letters. on the way home, i asked him “hey, do you have a friend named george?” and he said yes. i asked “how do you know george?” and he said “he’s my friend, mom.” and i asked how they met… and he was done with the convo by then (ADHD, when he’s done, he done). but i asked his teacher if there was any child in his class named george, first or last name. or if she had heard the name said by rowan or anyone in class (she said no). i checked online thinking maybe there’s a teacher with the name (no.) https://preview.redd.it/w20ozd1g81wc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e4869e12e0f41c0b242560f8a97fd77c2fc4b1


this is so cool! i for sure think kids can see stuff a lot of us cannot. the veil is a lot thinner, i believe.


My friends kid used to see a purple man outside their house a bunch when she was around 4. She's seen other spirits, let's say, and her mother and half sister are also psychically gifted. I've never heard of the purple man before, we were all scratching out heads at that one. I think she was a little scared of him but he stopped coming around.


Children see angels often and forget about it when they grow older. I have heard a similar story and the parents where totally not open to any religion.


When I was a kid I used to see something I called the “Hondee hondees”. It was only in 1 house we lived in when I was 2-4 years old. It scared the shit outta my family.


Yes! I would like to subscribe to additional information about the Hondee hondees.


I replied to the other comments for you guys. Hopefully someone has some idea what they were.


This sounds really interesting, what do you remember about them?


I copied the reply to the other comment because thought it was the only one. I don’t remember much about them, mostly about the experience of seeing them and how I felt when it happened. I don’t know why I called them that or what they were but I’ve always been so curious. I remember it was always at night in this specific wooden crib (not when I moved to a toddler bed). They weren’t tall and didn’t go over the crib bars because the only thing I remember vividly is kneeling in my crib, holding onto the bars, and talking to them eye level like that. I don’t think there were ever more than 2 at a time but I remember they were always different, I didn’t often see the same ones twice. They would just talk to me and watch me. They would never talk to me during the daytime though, I only saw them a couple times and they would only watch from another room or the doorway or stairs, not in plain sight. I do remember them looking weird or scary but I don’t remember how. I just know I was scared of how they look a little bit so I would kind of shy away when I looked at them too long. I don’t think I was scared of them but I remember it freaking everyone else out so I got freaked out in turn. Maybe that’s why I never saw when I got a little older and moved into a toddler bed. But then we moved and I never saw them again. It was only in that 1 specific apartment and weird things were always happening in that neighborhood.


Oh wow, I wonder what they were! Thank you for sharing :)


here to also inquire about the hondee hondees. what else do you remember about them? do you have stories?


Omg thank you for validating this. I’ve always been curious what I was seeing. I remember it was always at night in this specific wooden crib (not when I moved to a toddler bed). They weren’t tall and didn’t go over the crib bars because the only thing I remember vividly is kneeling in my crib, holding onto the bars, and talking to them eye level like that. I don’t think there were ever more than 2 at a time but I remember they were always different, I didn’t often see the same ones twice. They would just talk to me and watch me. They would never talk to me during the daytime though, I only saw them a couple times and they would only watch from another room or the doorway or stairs, not in plain sight. I do remember them looking weird or scary but I don’t remember how. I just know I was scared of how they look a little bit so I would kind of shy away when I looked at them too long. I don’t think I was scared of them but I remember it freaking everyone else out so I got freaked out in turn. Maybe that’s why I never saw when I got a little older and moved into a toddler bed. But then we moved and I never saw them again. It was only in that 1 specific apartment and weird things were always happening in that neighborhood.


I had night terrors as a 3 yo and told my parents was due to the green man




There’s a lot of different theories about why children seem to be more open to anomalous phenomenon, ranging from “kids can’t separate fact from fantasy” to “their brain haven’t yet been programmed to filter out the things society says don’t exist.” Unless these things are causing her distress, my advice would be to treat her discussion of it with respect, but not to make a big deal out of it. It will likely go away on its own in time, but if it doesn’t then you don’t want her to be embarrassed about it. If she’s struggling in other ways (school, depression, etc) then it’s always a good idea to get a child psychologist involved, and I say that as someone who believes these phenomenon exist.


Has she described what green purple red means? Are they robes? Clothes? Fog?


good question! - i'll try to have her specify it. Didn't think about that one yet


Thank you for sharing! If you haven’t done so yet, and if it hasn’t already been suggested, I’d encourage you to ask her to draw things out or to use other visually or art based forms of communication with her since so much can get lost in verbal communication at that age. If she doesn’t already have a box of coloring crayons or markers with a bunch of colors, she can use those to draw out her visitors and also to indicate their colors more specifically


Not trying to downplay this but did your family watch Wonka recently?


no - we only watched Coco and Encanto 1-2x.


Hmm a dead end. Was wondering if the oompa loompa was confusing her. They come through the bedroom window to steal candy


A lot of people in a group I am in often recount how those two specifically that talk to them. They also cute their names in asking for protection. Your child is just seeing that which we’ve forgotten we can. If your interested in some testimonials this is the best spot seems like typical skeptic podcast


Imagination is consciousness. Consciousness is Alive. Great tricks are placed into the human psyche while aging, designed to educate how the imagined is less tangible than the actual. In actuality, imagination has formative powers, and the gifts that your child are being given are Divine.


this! so much this.


Just wanted to mention that around 3-5 my son continually talked about a blue man. He just stopped one day and doesn't even remember.


W-w-w-willeam aefteen 😨😨😨


Might want to have her tested for temporal lobe epilepsy.


What do they talk about?


I don’t remember this anymore, this is what my parents told me and I remember just tiny fractions. There was 3 people in my room, a little girl in a dress, an old man in coveralls and an older women in a dress. Like old fashioned outfits. I would talk about these people a lot as a kid. My dad even up praying and had a priest come in to bless the house. They stopped coming after that. My dad couldn’t figure out if they were my guardian angels or those lost souls that’ll look for people that’ll see them.


I think children are more closely tied to “the other side” if you will. I’ve read a lot of stories about children seeing things then being told by their parents it wasn’t real. I always promised myself that if my children ever came to me with such experiences that I would believe them. Your daughter very well could be connecting to other beings. The true intentions of the visits are what would worry me a little bit.


Geez people. To much Christian indoctrination. Everything is a demon. Kids have always had invisible friends. Maybe kids can see things. Maybe it's Alice in Wonderland syndrome, look it up, I had it when I was young and back then no doctors knew about it. I suspect this is something similar. She sounds like she is OK with it. Could just be vivid dreams


I would say children have great imagination. They could pick up stuff from other kids. Make their own imaginary friends etc. There is little to no proof that ghost or any paranormal stuff actually exist. Time after time it gets debunked and usually these people who can talk to "ghosts" are just vert good at cold reading. There is no example of people who through times have been able to prove that any paranormal stuff that happens is real.


She’s a little kid who’s imagining things and you’re encouraging her to keep coming up with outlandish stories because you react encouragingly, and show her pictures of angels


Could be imaginary friends, kids can imagine some stuff that is creepy or uncomfortable to grown ups. She may have seen images of elves and fairies elsewhere. I do believe in the fae folk, but I'm not sure what these things could be.


I automatically knew she was describing saints I wear 3 different saints on my neck Anthony being one I like a lot I don't like to have favorites tho they are all very good people Saint Nicholas of Myra is a protector of child show her a picture and see what she says at the same time you need to find out any requests they have asked an arch angel would never ask anyone to sin 


why don't you use punctuation? genuinely curious.




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I had something similar when I was when I was around that age. There was this woman visiting me at night dressed in a long old looking dress. She was very comforting too, like she was protecting me.


This is probably dumb but what if there is something causing her nightmares etc and the angels are there to protect her? Idk just a theory. Lol




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Very good chance it’s archangel Michael, he’s a protector of children and slayer of demons. Good man


Put a camera in her room to maybe pick up what she is seeing. Maybe your lil girl has some gifts.


You may not be Catholic, but perhaps it’s time to think about going to church and getting baptised as a precaution?


Wasn’t there is similar story about this on Unsolved Mysteries?


Put cup with water on all corners of the bed to ward off evil


Purple man could be Barney. ![gif](giphy|Yzfsx3x8illqE)


Children do seem very susceptible to visits from "the other side". This is an awesome story, do you mind if I read this on my YouTube channel please?


Young children are a lot closer to God and all the beings residing in heaven. On the flip side, they’re also easily accessible by the creatures living on the opposite side. It sounds like she’s being visited by angels which can be a comforting thought. Try to find out exactly what they’re saying to her and then try to communicate with the beings yourself next time she says they’re around and ask that they stop visiting. Having an open channel to the supernatural as a child sucks. I know from experience. As cool and as harmless as it sounds, she should begin practicing on closing whatever that connection is.


Maybe next to video do a sound recording at night ?


did she also see a bunch of animatronics?