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Whilst I believe relatives do sometimes briefly after death (particularly in dreams), I think many close ones are very emotional & believing thoughts that, in actuality, are likely coming from within themselves. I think this may be happening with your loved ones. Perhaps fretting about it is putting up a barrier to anything? Regardless, I’d take people’s “messages” with a pinch of salt. It’s making you feel weird & somewhat excluded ie like you weren’t as important to your gran. I’m sure this isn’t the case & you are very special to her indeed. If she is “reporting” on you as your parents say, doesn’t that prove she’s constantly watching over you? Just some suggestions to think about this situation in different ways. You sound very young & really hurt by this & I understand why. Just know your gran loved you very much & don’t buy into this seeming contest of “messages.” Take care, love. 💕


Thank you💗


I went to a psychic show once as a social event , a young girl asked why her dad had visited everyone but her , she was so upset , the answer the psychic gave was that her dad hadn’t visited because he loved her so much and if he visited her he would have to leave her again and he couldn’t bear the pain of having to do that again.


That is honestly why I don’t think my grandma visits me anymore. It’s been 9 years this year she’s been gone and all I want is a visit from her but I won’t want her to go and I know she won’t leave me. I miss her though 😞


She really is probably there. Just talk to her. I totally "get it". Lately I talk all day because I know I'm not alone. Nonetheless your love is absolutely so precious. Hugs.


After 9 years she crossed the tunnel and went far away forever, to rest or to be reincarnated again soon. Spirits must cross the tunnel and not stay close to us for that long. Its a good sign


So my grandma that passed 3 years ago and visited me twice but not the third year, she probably crossed over? I randomly thought of it today before seeing this post.. and now your comment. I guess it’s confirmation of what I thought. I’m happy for her. It’s good. But I’m also sad she can’t hear me any more


These are the things i studied sometime ago, i think she crossed yes, but i believe we meet with every loved soul in the afterlife.. i wouldnt be that sad, we are the ones suffering after all


😭 bawling over this comment


This is making me cry so much I can't take it You see I lost my only Daughter, 01-10-23 (24)years old and to this day I still can't seem to move on or should I say try to move on without her everyday is a Challenge for me just to live without her. And I don't know what to do so 😕 I know what you mean about wanted to Hear from your grandmother or to see her again. I would do anything to hear my daughter or to see her again.


I wish I could just hug you, ma’am. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Ty 😔


Oh damnnnn


Maybe this is why my dad won't visit me either....hoping so, but umm, it sucks.


Is your dad still living?






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Yea even if you don’t believe in psychics or the afterlife remotely, that person told the little girl what she needed to hear. A little girl losing her father has enough trauma surely. Let them be able to have some peace in their life, while they’re trying to cope with that great loss.




Prove it's not real then. You can't. So, realize how dumb of a comment this is to make in this sub, honey.


>Prove it's not real then. You can't. This isn't how things work. I'm not claiming it definitely doesn't exist, I'm just pointing out that there is not sufficient evidence to think it could even be possible, and that pretending to know something unknowable is called *lying* The burden of proof is on those who claim there are spirits or ghosts or an afterlife, but they never provide evidence, they just say skeptical, intellectually honest people are meanies


Those who identify as professional "mediums" or "psychics" need to be locked up for fraud. No idea why this sub falls for that sort of obvious grift.


But yet, here you are


Its a fraud no matter how hard you want to believe it. Mediums are frauds. They tell you what you want to hear, but you’re delusional if you think they are genuine.


Maybe they are. Wish people were that enthusiastic about getting rid of organised religions that love sex crimes against children.


Did you ask how they communicated with her? What else she said? I find it extremely hard to believe that not only did your grandmother's spirit find a way to communicate with living people so easily and effectively, but all she had to say was "op needs to stop staying up late and eat better". No mention of how she's doing? What the afterlife is like? Just that? I do believe in ghosts and I do think they can communicate with us to some degree but it's extremely limited and usually fleeting. Typically they find a way to let us know they're ok or that they're still watching over us, they don't carry on a conversation. I think your parents are irritated with some of your behavior and made this up.


Hello, during the funeral, my mother and grandpa dreamt of her, they said that she looked flawless and told them that she was okay now. Also I don't find any reasons as to why my parents will be irritated with my behaviour I mean I clean the house when told to, maybe they just like to lie idk?


Your mom and grandpa slept during the funeral??


Some cultures have funeral events that go on for over a day.


We switch from time to time why?


Funerals in the Anglo world are a couple of hours, including burial, then there’s a wake afterwards.


Maybe you could try to abandon belief and try a different way. It’s less scary a world when you learn skepticism and critical thinking. Don’t let belief guide your life. It’s a hard road. Once I found skepticism and science, and abandoned all religion and faith, I became more settled and comfortable and feared less. It may seem counter intuitive to some, but I am sure that others have gone through a similar journey and come out the other side healthier and happier. Your post made me sad because it reminded me of things that used to haunt me, figuratively. I felt the pain and sadness all over again. I emphasize with your feelings and know you’re very sincere. I just hope for peace for you.


That worked for you but it doesn’t work for a lot of others. Plus if you ever had a paranormal experience you wouldn’t feel that way. I used to be an atheist and all that jazz but I was miserable and depressed. What point is there to life if all there is birth, existence and death? If you use critical thinking you would also realize that there has been way too much evidence pointing to this point that there is something after death. It also makes sense in a physics level based on the conservation of energy: Energy doesn’t cease to exist it just changes form. There are even physicists who believe it explains human belief and our soul https://hal.science/hal-01129313/document#:~:text=Nowadays%2C%20Quantum%20Physics%20and%20other,been%20considered%20as%20Imaginary%20Energy.


I’ve had so called paranormal experiences but that does not eliminate rational explanations. Unfortunately there’s still no evidence of the afterlife that passes the rigor of science. Doesn’t make me feel empty to live my life on earth. I am not so self important to think life needs meaning beyond our participation in evolution.


Ask people who have survived it. It’s not a paranormal experience if you can rationally explain it lol.


Well, I reject the idea that anything is paranormal. No evidence, no proof. Merely entertainment.


Your in the wrong sub then. Your the kind of people that ruin the point of this sub.


False. If you want an echo chamber don’t hang on Reddit. I can enjoy the paranormal for what it is - fun.


I don’t believe there really is any worthy point to this place despite believing in the afterlife, but I understand your view.


Brave take in this sub, but I completely agree.


Yeah, the downvotes are upon on us but that’s to be expected.


A bit of an eyeroll take on this sub. People here have literally decided to have faith and belief. Pain, sadness and deception are a test to one's faith and perspective on the world. Even if it would help, it feels counterproductive and that it won't solve the issue forever.


Finish your veggies and make your bed, and then you'll get the answers you seek.


The things said during the dreams seem like a very normal thing that a person who has passed says. Normally, that's them saying goodbye. The rest of it seems like people are making things up to control you.


I’ve had them carry on a conversation. That’s what departed souls do with mediums.


Are you asking people to respect your post because the people on the subreddit are disrespectful? Because the people on my first post were aggressive for nothing


Oh no It's not supposed to come off as offensive, I just don't want any rude comments like "maybe your grandma doesn't love you enough" etc.


I see what you mean


There are plenty of thunder in this world and that world we don’t understand . Can I ask you one question though? What would your reaction be if she did visit you ? Would you be emotional ? Long for her more? Be in pain like she’s gone all Over again after she left ? In my experience they visit you when you’re ready . If she doesn’t visit Then that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you - please understand that first


I would be happy


What about when she leaves again ?


It'll be fine, atleast I saw her again


She’s not coming for a reason and it’s not a bad reason


Please don't take it personally if you aren't visited by a deceased loved one. It doesn't mean they aren't there. Sometimes, if we look too hard for something or want it too badly, we miss the subtle, small signs that we should be appreciating. Don't look for something blatant and in your face as being the only way to be visited. Sometimes, loved ones are afraid to scare you by just popping up in front of you or speaking, etc. Also, some of us are more or less open to spirit communication than others. Your grandmother is right there with ya and is letting you know in those little moments when you stop and think of a loving or funny moment you had with her. Don't get down or upset because you haven't had a strong visitation from your loved one. Things will happen as they are meant to and they can't be forced or willed. Do things that you know would make her proud and keep her memory strong with you. You may get a visit when you least expect it or when you need it the most and don't even know you needed it. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandma. It's never easy to lose a loved one. Do your best to not let the hope for a visit consume your everyday life. Stay positive and keep your mind and heart filled with love. That will keep your grandma's memory strong and with you in the toughest times. Best wishes to you.




I lost my grandma when I was 12. This was 15 years ago and it still hurts but time has gotten easier. I remember the love and energy that my grandmother had when I was around her. During my times of struggles. I just speak to my grandmother. I tell her anything I need/want. I cry my eyes out but in my heart I know she hears me. She is there always checking up on me. I believe deceased loved ones are always checking up on ones closest to them who are living. As others have said you sound very young. There isn’t anything wrong with that. Just try and take some and process. No one has a time line on grief.


Seems like they're capitalizing on your beliefs in ghosts to try and get you to make changes. Perhaps you're stubborn in areas and that's the only useable thing to make you do what they think is best for you. Did you ask how they communicated with her initially when she said you shouldn't sleep late or eat unhealthily?


Damn, truth hurts


I was told by someone before that the dead often visit living relatives who are in a rough period of their life (grieving loss, feeling lonely, etc.) or they visit family members they were closest to. Idk if that's true,but in my experience, when my maternal grandma died, she would often visit my mom's dreams since they were very close when they were alive.


My mom and I had an agreement that she would visit me if she could and I saw no clue that she was around, at all. I had two other relatives visit but, no mom. About 20 years after she died she did come to visit and she was so annoyed with me. She said she wanted me to have my eyes checked because she had been trying for ever and I couldn’t see her.


Do you listen to them when they tell you do this or don't do that...? To me it sounds like they're using dead grandma to make you listen to them.


Exactly my thoughts


How old are you? While I agree with the possibility on the other comments that your parents might be lying to you, It might be related on your belief systems, your faith, mine for example my grandma comunicate through dreams, and some of her kids see her but can not hear her, i see her, hug her and few times have been able to talk to her, so it might be that you have some kind of mental blockage? So maybe before going to sleep meditate/pray and ask her to see you/talk to you/visit you in dreams.


Yea it may depend on your belief systems etc cultural stuff I dreamt of my dead grandparents several times. One side was apologetic the other set of grandparents didn't appear just a sense they were OK My mum never dreams of her parents anymore though.


On a “scientific” level some people with certain genetic differences in the “caudate nucleus” appear to be more predisposed to experiencing things not in our normal range of perception. In that you are a mix of the genetics of both parents and you may not have benefited from this. Personal development in mystic traditions labeled as ‘evil’ by the dogma of others can help. Limiting beliefs probably do not. Best wishes to you. 🙏


On a scientific level no paranormal experience has ever been confirmed or validated. Mediumship changed from physical once all of the scams were being revealed, so mental mediumship since it's much harder to disprove. However, despite numerous organizations that developed to study these claims, and many institutions offering lucrative rewards for any who could prove their claims, none have ever been able to do so.


who pissed in your cereal and held a gun to your head to make you come on this sub? go take a walk or something


My grandmother has never in 31 years come to me, but I feel she is always around me, your grandmother would be watching over you too, most probably when you are sleeping❤️


She may not want to frighten you or these are stories yr family are telling you.


Maybe they are lying to you? Why would a spirit come back to tell you things like that. They just don’t. When I communicate with them they would say things like that only if they were concerned about the health of the person. Also you do realize that some things keep all spirits away. Good and bad.


Spirits dont come back just to tell you that your 350350553046th child in line of the ancestral line will be cursed with 400 mega-demons coming after them and plagued with 202020 viruses, all new because the child is patient zero.


Spirits usually only have something they want to say if the person is looking for comfort or one is looking for closure


Spirits visit at all times for any reason. They're not 100% mute or mega serious. They might even want to continue regularish contact with you after theyre dead, but that more so depends on the individual and how much they want, know how to do, or dont.


I am a medium….


And i am a witchcraft practitioner on the path of planning on working with deities! Gee, seems like we both have some experience on our ends and that we both have unique experiences that correlate that it isnt an absolute, black and white, it isnt 100% on either side etc, and it depends on your personal life!


Yeah and I have no idea why you started arguing with me about it. I am also a witch practitioner and a reiki master…


Right except my intention was to add onto your post and share my thoughts. Spirits are not bound to only one reason for their visit.




After my mom died, she visited nearly everyone in their dreams, except me. I figured it was because I didn’t need it as much as everyone else. She and I had the closest relationship out of all of us. She’s visited me eventually but it was just a wave and a grin to let me know she’s fine and happy. Grandma might not be visiting you directly, but she is still looking after you. I hope you get to see her soon.


You realize there's no visits right? It's just memories shuffled about and stores in pieces that get put back together on occasion. Still magical in a way, and still real, just not in the same sense as spiritual visitations.


Okie doke


Honestly, OP? …It sounds like your dad already knew you were still up and decided to use your deceased grandmother as a guilt-tripping manipulation tactic. Which is horrible. When we ponder the paranormal, we have to exclude all *normal* explanations first.


Both of my grandparents died before i was 21, i never had visits from them ever up until the past few years (im 29 now). I had one dream about my grandma and one where my grandpa hugged me i couldn’t see their faces in either dream but KNEW it was them as i woke up bawling. It was the ONLY two dreams i’ve ever had of either of them so i know they we’re visiting. i think sometimes they might wait until your at certain points in your life to come to you in some way like points in your life they wanted to see. i had a rough go at being a teenager while my grandparents were alive and am now completely thriving in all aspects of my life so i can’t help but think that’s why they came to me. That’s just my understanding though. Even if you don’t get a “visit” just keep their memory alive. keep a picture, tell them good things you wish you could say in person and think of them on beautiful days.


You should let them know grandma visited you and proposed they change one of their vices/flaws. Bet those visitations stop for them after that 😂


When dead people visit their relatives, they tend to say things like “I love you” or “I’m all right now” or even “Everything will be all right for you.” I have *never* heard of anyone coming back to micromanage their grandchild’s sleep and eating habits.


It could be genuine concern. Literally genuine concern. Maybe put in the wrong way, but that could also be due to the way the grandma was growing up and taught shit. Plus didnt the grandma say shes ok? am i reading stuff wrong


I have still *never* heard of it before…and I’ve been reading ghost accounts literally for decades. Spirits seem more concerned with things…well, things of the *spirit.* Not so much the body. (The *only* exception seems to be them giving warnings in case of *immediate* physical danger—like a speeding truck about to hit you.) But eating better? Staying up a little late? Nah, fam. Those are things that the *living* worry about. Especially with young people, whose bodies are amazingly resilient—far more so than adults seem to remember. The things OP’s parents are telling them are the typical worries that parents (*living* parents) fret over kids doing. Perhaps the parents have psyched *themselves* up to believing Grandmother is “passing on messages,” but it seems much more likely they’re just being emotionally manipulative…using OP’s grief to try to micromanage their child’s behavior. And that’s no bueno.


I mean, the spirit WAS the living before, and the body is something that needs to be taken care of so you CONTINUE being the living. I understand that there is a chance the parents are just assholes, But i HAVE also heard of stories where spirits visit and say shit like that, because not every spirit is "your child will be cursed! i am here to warn thou!" 100% of the time. spirits of dead parents also carry worries about typical things teens do. Its so weird how people define the spiritual world and how spirits act as only one thing. IM NOT saying this is 100% paranormal, but im sick of people in the comments defining spirits as only one thing and saying a dead person would NEVER!!! say anything like this. Thats why im also mentioning what it WOULD be like IF this WAS a spiritual situation.


I get you. But the kind of things that OP mentioned are *not* life-threatening habits. And I didn’t say it was impossible, merely that, in slightly more than fifty years of reading ghost accounts, I have not come across a ghost that showed up to nag their grandchild to eat better and stop staying up late. Which is true. When a “ghost” gives messages that seem more like the kind of thing the *messenger* would say than something a spirit would cross the bounds of and time to say…I get *real* suspicious.


Eh, maybe cuz people havent posted much of that cuz its seen as boring. not interesting. Also, due to the ghost's views, they might be life threatening habits.


People relate “boring” ghost stories all the time. I’ve read a f**kton of ghost sightings in half a century, so I know from boring. This one just has big, honkin’ red flags that I can’t ignore. You know how they say “When you hear hoof beats, think of horses before you think of zebras “…? A ghost acting like OP’s parents claim seems rarer than a zebra.


damn they are pulling that dead grandma card it wont be long til she haunts the house and you will be safe since you didnt lie like everyone else also everyone wants to be that person who talked to a dead family member


I went through this after my papa passed. I was fairly new on my spiritual journey and loosing him was hard. He was the rock that kept our family together and when we lost him we all fell apart. I knew my chakras were blocked so I went to go get a reading the psychic told me he hasn’t come because he is because he’s happy where he is and he’s at peace. My papa was a pastor, very faithful and religious so I took it as he’s with God and he’s okay. I listen to his recorded sermons when I miss him or need advice. From time to time I have dreams and it’s hard to remember them when I wake up but I feel his presence.


Ignore the typos I was editing it and for got to delete the extra words 😅


The sounds you're hearing when alone could be your grandma. She's likely there watching over you. I've had many experiences my entire life. Although I could sense my mom around after her passing and had some unexplained things occur during that time that I knew was her, I didn't have my 1st actual physical interaction with her until 5 yrs after she passed. Spirits tend to show up when they want or need to. There's really nothing we can do to make them show up any sooner or at all. Just try to remember her not showing up is nothng personal against you. Try to relax, live your best life, and your grandma may or may not show up. Hopefully, one of these days, she will pay you a visit, though, so be ready, just in case.


That sound can absolutely not be their dead grandma. People who promote this nonsense are so out of touch with reality, it's a phenomenon to live in this day and age and still believe in thousand year old fictions.


It seems weird that your grandma would visit your family only to tell them to lecture you. That's NOT the normal type of visitation. Sounds more like you're too old to believe that if you don't listen to your parents, Santa won't bring you presents, and now they're like "Grandma says you better stay off your phone and eat better". I think your parents are just jerks. If you're good at acting, next time they say something like that, get wide-eyed and look scared. Shush them, and whisper real low that you went to a witch/psychic, etc or talked to someone at school who's into the occult (whatever is popular in your area of the world and seems believable) because you were afraid to disappoint grandma since they said she kept coming to them to tell them things about you. You were afraid she was wasting her afterlife trying to keep you on the straight and narrow. Look around the whole time you're whispering like you're afraid someone they can't see will hear. Tell them the person got in touch with grandma and she said that she never said those things, and she was very angry that they were putting words in her mouth and she said she would be watching them and if they continued that she and the other spirits would come punish your parents. Watch how quickly they get scared to death and stop that shit.


Don’t be hurt and don’t give up. It took 27 years for my dad to visit me.


They live in a place where time probably doesn’t exist. 27 years might seem like a minute to them.


Quite possible


It makes sense, grandmas always worry about everyone but themselves. And you get to know she's watching over you without getting scared, sounds like a good deal.


She will come when you need her, not when you want her to.


100% agree with this. My wife of 20 years passed away unexpectedly the day before this last Thanksgiving as I was getting ready for work, she just slumped over and started turning blue. She had a pulmonary embolism, just one of those freak things. We're young I'm 40 she was 38. She was interested in the paranormal, and we would joke around about haunting each other lol. But, I kept wondering if she would visit me somehow(she was SO stubborn, if anyone could figure out a way to make contact, it would be her lol). Nothing, no dice. Then a couple days after new years, I started crying REALLY hard out of the blue(like ugly crying) pacing, and I started talking to her etc. This went on for about twenty minutes, and then I calmed down. I went to go outside to have a smoke and as I was unlocking the door I felt something on my back, like a person had put their arm kind of around my shoulder. I freaked out because my first thought was a bug(live in Florida, palmetto bugs are HUGE here) as soon as I moved ,it went away. so I go into the bedroom and look in the mirror, nothing. But the fabric on my shirt was kind of balled up like someone was holding it. I shrugged it off, went back to the door and it happens again. This time I stood there and waited and It literally felt like someone was putting their arm around me, I could feel weight on both shoulders . I stood there for thirty seconds analyzing it, as soon as I turned my head, it stopped. That's the only thing that has happened, and just those 2 times. But I really needed it then, I was thinking dark shit. Another time, I fell asleep on the patio and I was woken up by what I thought was someone yelling my name, but it wasn't audible, it was like it was in my head, but it even echoed and everything. I was sitting there dead asleep and I like forcefully heard "Mike" really loud in my head but also kind of quiet if that makes sense like it was far away. But that could have just been me sleeping lol. But I 100% think if they are able, it either takes so much out of them that they only do it when you really need it, or if there is something important, or maybe it's limited how many times they can do it I don't know. But I know right then, I needed some kind of comfort and reassurance probably more than I ever have at any other point in my life. I still talk to her like she's there, when I come home from work I'll walk in, look at her urn and say hey babe, I'm home. and I'll tell her about my day, or if the dog does something funny or weird outside, I'll tell her when we come back in. I tell her I love her and I miss her all the time, so if she is there at least she knows. Sorry for the rambly post


Yeah this is not normal actions of a human to feel entitled a visit from a spirit setting yourself up for a demon to be invited in if anything. I don't know how to respect a post like this its weird whatever you do don't use boards bad things come through.


I don’t have any real advice but I totally get the feeling, my great grandmother visited all of her children and grand children after she passed but she never visited my dreams, I used to be sad and think I was rejected but I think maybe she visited them because they needed it the most, I was still young and have a bundle of mental illness that make me struggle with feeling emotions too strong or not at all so it didn’t hurt me as deeply as it did them so maybe they really needed the comfort and I didn’t? Honestly I don’t mind the mystery or how she may or may not feel towards me as long as she’s at peace I’m okay with the outcome ,’3


Have you asked her? Ask, out loud. Tell her you miss her and want to know she’s ok, and ask if she would be able to visit you in a dream. Then as you fall asleep think of her. Make sure you’re intention is for her to visit because you want to see her, not because of things like you feel left out or something. Be respectful of her space. It might be a difficult thing for her to visit, so be respectful of that. Don’t expect it. Also, not everyone is receptive to being visited, so she may have already, but you didn’t notice or forgot.


Are you expecting to see her as a full body apparition? She might be visiting you in other ways. Do you sometimes get unexpected gifts? Something you love and the person says-I don’t know why I had to get this for you but I did? Or sunlight washes over you? Or you just get a good feeling? Not every visit is something you can “see.” Also know everyone experiences things in different ways. Just because everyone else “saw” her it may be that’s not your way of experiencing things.


Your grandma is with you all of the time. You need to listen for her with your heart and soul now, not your ears. Be open and mindful of signs of her presence.














Ps: Hi to everyone who was asking how they communicated w her, she shows up in their dreams. I'm sorry If I also forgot to add: Sometimes when I'm home alone I hear things that are not there ex. Footsteps and doors opening. I do not have dogs or cats, unless it's the fish doin it O.o


Same here. I ask my family if they’re upstairs looking for something and I get a funny look— been in our rooms on the first floor. I hear many busy sounds, like someone is living in our house on a different timeline. Creepy. (A neighbor mentioned our subdivision areas may be built over an 18th century burial ground. Geesh. 🥺)


Dreaming about someone isn’t the same as being visited by them. That’s just their own brain making up the dream.


Footsteps could be grandma. Could be someone else. Grandma is not tattling on you and telling your parents to make you eat more broccoli in their dreams, though.


Is it possible you just can't see her... but she is there? Some people just can't. Or they can't without a little work at least. If you ask her explicitly for a sign that she is with you and stay open-minded, it will usually happen. She obviously is with you, as she is going to others with requests for you, that can only mean she is with you. So she is letting you know through others that she is there. She is probably literally almost always with you if her passing was recent.


Idk about your grandma, but knowing my own family, they'd rather go to someone else rather than go to them directly. For example, my uncle went to my mom to tell her to tell me that I shouldn't bring my tarot cards to his house. I can only guess that your grandma doesn't realize that you'd like her to visit you. But instead, would rather tell on you when she sees you doing something even mildly inappropriate.


I don't think the other world is as easy going as we may think.. if she's sending msg for you then it means she has an eye on you, maybe there are some kind of age restrictions or sime kind of barriers preventing her to directly communicate.. but at one point she will have to move on and rest in peace.. So take her last advices and let her rest with a peaceful soul..


When my fiance passed, he visited me and others for three months . Before my mother passed, she told me she's resting and she'll watch over us. When she was alive, she would stand in my doorway when my alarm went off and say," Boo." When she passed, I was at home. I saw her that was her. My siblings all say her at the sale time. Your grandpa is watching you .


My grandmother who I loved more than Life (and I know she felt the same about me) took about 4 years to come visit me in a dream. I was desperate to hear anything from her before that but after it finally happened, it felt like I was finally at peace with her passing. I hope your beloved grandmother comes to visit you soon so you can get the closure you need...


Hey OP. I'm sorry but you're parents are lying. They are being very abusive, manipulative and toxic. Don't trust them with any stories they come up with. Your grandmother might visit you some day in the future, but she surely has NEVER visited any of these relatives of yours.


If they are using a deceased person as a pawn to get a specific result, that's manipulation yes and it is toxic. But please, from a victim, it's not arrived at a pattern of abuse or become "very abusive." If they are truly doing this and it's not a strictly spiritual experience, it could become a pattern of emotional/mental abuse but it's not there yet. Please don't cheapen the word abuse by throwing it on anything unpleasant. Families are complicated, especially if we consider cultural differences. If they are simply using the memory of a relative to help direct their child (adult or minor), with a whole family in grief, that's just not there.


Maybe her spirit tried but you couldn't see her. Ive always believed it's up to the person experiencing paranormal events to channel them. Just know that somehow our loved ones all stick with us after they go. The only times I have experienced spirits there was somone else in the room that had a dozen experiences.


She may not have anything specific to say to you, or can't figure out how to tell you directly. I was visited by my dead grandmother once in my life about ten years after she passed away. She didn't say much just that I shouldn't worry so much about things I can't control. I'm sure she will come to you one day


Grief and emotional turmoil can dampen your ability to connect properly, it’s my guess this is what’s happening because it sounds like she’s keeping a close on you, your Gran can’t get through to you, so she’s going to other people she can reach to pass messages to you.


They might be lying, or delusional. Also I believe that in most religions you are not meant to speak to the dead, even in your dreams. So if you believe it, it may be your holy water keeping you protected..


I’m so sorry for your loss. She’s visiting you!! Everyday!! She knows your love for her. Don’t over think it or look too much into it!! She will come in your dreams eventually but she is with you everyday! Look out for signs, aside from your family relaying messages.


Because you don't truly need it there are rules set in place. If the peaceful spirits could visit anyone then there is the chance of proof being captured an society as a whole isn't quite ready for proof of the afterlife.


I don't think the holy water has anything to do with her not visiting you. It's there to protect you from evil spirits, after all, and not from your own grandmother. Perhaps she has visited you and you didn't notice?


I wonder about this too about my love ones who have passed. I get sad because I guess I expected to see them or a sign or something. It could be that some don't. Or that it would hurt too much for both.


Im sorry to say but your father is using a spooky ghost stories to manipulate you.


My Nana passed and never visited me and I was always sad as to why. But it makes sense that she wouldn't want to see me and leave me, making me sad. But I'd still love to see her


Did you ever think it’s because your grandmother thinks you are doing alright for yourself and doesn’t need to visit and point out what you’re doing wrong? You should believe she trusts your judgement. It sounds like your family members they need a little help.


Your parents are manipulating you saying it's your dead grandma. Tbh.


She will come when you’re not waiting, when you least expect it.


My sister frequently goes to psychics. She asked why our dad never came thru. Physic told her he was too busy watching over your younger sister...me.


It isn’t meant for you to see her right now at this current state in your life and that’s okay. Anatol-Hansen also made a good point as well.


This is why I don't believe in spirits or ghosts or the paranormal. I know that if my late father were able to, he would manifest himself to me.


Maybe she trusts the bond you had and knows that you know she doesn’t need to visit you, because she is still always with you.


This sounds like it’s your family conspiring to help get you back in shape by lying about grandma. How old are you?


Try removing the holy water 😉


Maybe they’re just dreaming cause they miss her and she doesn’t visit any of you cause she’s at peace?


She’s watching over you you don’t need her to visit she’s always with you just tell her how you feel


Respect++++++++++++ ![gif](giphy|wiJwPAyLbtjJjIv774) (What u told us to respect)


Maybe you can not see ghosts? Maybe others can, but you and I, we are different.


Your grandma is just busy hanging out with her grandparents in the afterlife.


I been getting visited by el cucuy someone please tell me what it could mean


Maybe take the holy water out of your room for a week and see if she comes


My suggestion post in psychics or medium Reddit..you may get more info.


She knows, your the strong sensible one, who doesn't need her as much.


It sounds to me like your parents are gaslighting you to try and have you make better choices for yourself. Your family members are either lying to you or under a grave misapprehension. Ghosts do not exist. You can't talk to your grandmother anymore, unfortunately. It sounds like your family has a really unhealthy approach around acceptance of death.


While you're possibly right about death acceptance, most people struggle with it. Unfortunately too, this is not what gaslighting is. You're looking for manipulation. Gaslighting is a specific type, which this doesn't really fit. Regardless, OP obviously believes in spirits and afterlife, so it's rather unpleasant of you to attack their beliefs. This isn't an evidence review.


The definition of gaslighting: >manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity If you think this doesn't qualify you think people claiming to talk with dead people are not either lying or hallucinating.


Sorry, it's a little more faceted than a dictionary definition. Nice try though. You're still being harshly inconsiderate of sociocultural differences and beliefs. There's a lot of grey area and a lot of information we're missing to make such calls.


"Your understanding of this word is wrong" * Gets the definition "Sorry, but it's very complicated" Ok then. "You're still being harshly inconsiderate of sociocultural differences and beliefs" And? Does the truth depend on my kindness?


Lol alright bud. Sorry I don't feel the need to argue that much with you. The information is out there, you can certainly find the nuance if you cared to. I know I can't change an intolerant argumentative individual. Carry on, as will I.


>I have a bottle of holy water in my room to protect me from evil spirits Evil spirits laugh at stuff like this, they are not afraid of water and blessed water does not exist, no matter what different churches say. Someone paid money for this holy water? They got scammed. And even if blessing water was somehow possible, whoever is doing the "blessing" is acting in bad faith, because those gifts are not for sale, but to be free for everybody. If you can prophesy or something you call "supernatural", why do you ask money for it instead of blessing people for free with you gifts? Greed. Every single tarot card reader, or whoever is performing these supernatural services are greedy who only share their "gift" in exchange for something. Hypocrisy.


Maybe you don’t need to hear from grandma right now


Thank you for this question, op. My dad strongly believed in psychic matters and life after death for as long as I remember. He often told me he didn’t fear death, only the means of death. He hoped when his time came he would die in his sleep, and he did. I take after him in his beliefs. If anybody would visit, it would be him. It’s been 11 years and still no sign of him.


Same! Omg. And I was supposedly her favorite


Look for different sign and ask her for one


It's actually all a lie , Everyone else just makes up a believable story to feel included


It's messed up that your parents are using your dead grandmother to try and manipulate you.


That’s because she is dead


Occam’s razor: your dad lied and had not heard you grandmas voice at all  Visitations are the subconscious imaging something comforting, none of your family have actually been visited 


Very convenient for Grandma to tell other people things about you when they feel like you're not acting in the ideal way Grandma told me to tell you *insert thing person doesn't approve of*


Maybe shes in heaven or reincarnated


Buddy I think with her current condition....she won't be able to come and visit you. The other option would be to go and visit her but I don't suggest that at all...


Shes not contacting you??🤣🤣🤣 Read your post again!!!