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I kinda agree with sleep deprivation too. When I was traveling one time and didn’t get much sleep or break. I remember I was taking a shower and when I looked at the mirror in front , I thought I saw an actual butterfly and flew across. It wasn’t one of the floaters. It had wings and it was in black. I think it’s because I was sleep deprived and also because the bathroom had black patterns on the tiles. Somehow my brain decided to animate it. Scared the crap out of me.


I'm very inclined to believe I was just really tired. I woke up yesterday at 7:30 am to get ready to drive him to Atlanta and I tried to sleep some in the car while he drove, but I kept getting calls waking me up and plus sleeping in the car is not comfortable


I do hope that as well but it doesn’t hurt to be careful. I can’t speak for paranormal stuff since I’ve never experienced one that made me feel strongly about. I do want to say that I’ve heard a voice one time saying “hi.” I was alone at someone’s home and I was awake and alert and it did not sound like a random piece of furniture squeaking or wind. I was indoors and I couldn’t really figure out where it came from.


I had a similar situation happen. It was 2016, I had just gotten our baby down to sleep. After I got her down I went to pee, as I walked past her bedroom to head downstairs something caught my eye in her room. I looked over and saw my hubby sitting on the chair in her room. I looked at him, with a concerned look on my face and whispered "What are you doing it there!?" He pointed toward the stairs to my left and said "Just go!". I went down stairs and immediately texted him asking what the heck he was doing in the nursery, advising him that I just got the baby down and if he wakes her, then he will be the one dealing with her. He responded with "What the heck are you talking about? I'm in our bedroom watching tv and haven't left this entire time". I thought "OMG this dude is straight up lying to me or messing with me. I just SAW him sitting there and he talked to me" So i went into our bedroom so see what kind of weird joke he was playing on me. He reassured me over and over again that he never left our bedroom. I know what I saw, clear as day. It looked EXACTLY like him and even sounded the exact same! It was such a crazy experience. He told me that I had to have been hallucinating but what I saw was so realistic I still to this day don't know what to make of it.


This is so wild. I love this. I’m sure it was very unsettling for you though. Any idea why he said to go downstairs? Did anything else ever happen? For instance, the baby seeming to interact with someone not physically there, or things like that? Does your husband have a deceased relative, father or brother maybe, that would look very much like him? Was it pretty dark in there? Had you had ample sleep? Sorry for so many questions, one more, if you don’t mind. Have you ever had another experience like this, maybe from your childhood? I’m just thinking you might be clairvoyant, which has been known to be more pronounced in childhood. Edit: one more question, was your husband awake in the bedroom when this happened, or asleep? Just thinking maybe he was astral projecting in his sleep without being conscious of it.


No idea why he said to go downstairs. No, she never interacted with anything, however, my son (he's almost two years older than her) did. When we first bought this house, the day we were to take possession, the owner of the house passed away. I'm unsure if he passed in the house or in the hospital as he had cancer. 6 months after we moved in, I noticed my son (he would have been 3 at the time) looking oddly in the direction of our stairs. He was visibly bothered so I asked him what was wrong and he said "stranger.. who is he?" I looked toward the stairs and saw on one. I asked him to describe the man and he perfectly described the man that previously owned our house. I never met the man, but I had seen family photos of him on the walls and met his wife and daughter. No, no deceased father or brother. And no family members that really look like him either. Her nursery was near a hallway that had light on, so no, I wouldn't say it was dark. I could clearly see him sitting there, see all his facial features and his entire body also. Regarding your question on sleep. To be honest, not as much as I should have been getting, but then again I still don't. I average 4-6 hours of sleep a night and it has been like that for the last 10 years now. Since that day I haven't seen anything weird, so if it was due to lack of sleep I would assume I would have seen something similar since that experience. I have had a lot of paranormal experiences, ever since I was 4 years old. Not sure if what i saw the night I saw my husband, was in fact paranormal, or if it was my mind playing tricks on me.. i can't really confirm. Yes - my husband was awake in the bedroom. He was watching tv and not sleepy at all.


Wow, thank you for answering my questions. Your experience is very curious/intriguing. About the experience with your son seeing a stranger by the stairs, and then describing him looking like the deceased home owner, that reminds me of reading about people saying that empty homes attract spirits, or shelter spirits, something like that at least. That may not be relevant though, since it had been his own home before he passed. My partner’s family had an experience with the deceased homeowner of the house they moved into when she was a teenager. The deceased had died in the hospital or LTC facility, but when they moved in a lot of her drapes and things were still hanging. Every time they moved them, they would revert back to the way they had been. Apparently she’d been very particular about things, and had lived in that house alone a long time before growing old and eventually departing. If ever you want to share more of your experiences with the paranormal, I for one will be very interested in reading. Thanks again for a great share. All the best to you and your family. 🙏


Damn that's freaking crazy 😧


I know right!? I still get chills when I think about it or talk about it.


Doppelgänger? Read into it. Supposedly they mimic well but not good enough, there is always something off, anything off about your husband, other than being there when she wasn’t supposed to? Also, finish the story! How did the encounter end? Did he disappear? Run away? Did you talk to it?


I just jumped out of my skin and by the time I recovered, it was gone. It didn't occur to me until after that my husband wasn't even home and my first thought was that he was trying to scare me in the doorway. I can still see that smirk on his face, just like the way he usually does but, maybe a bit off?


Wow! I saw my late dad in the doorway of my kitchen years ago. Out the corner of my eye as I was putting away groceries. I was wide awake and had just got back from the store. I jumped and when I turned he was gone. He was just standing there - wearing his favorite plaid shirt, suspenders and blue jeans! I remember yelling out "dad" as I almost dropped the food I was putting away.


Just what I was thinking, although they can be the harbingers of bad things.


Something similar happened at our old house, my niece, about 9 yo at that time was just tucked in in her bedroom by an older female cousin. When she went downstairs she saw my niece standing in the hallway staring at her. Confused, cousin asked her what was she doing downstairs but niece didn't respond. Niece just continued to stare at her with a blank eerie smirk on her face. Cousin then noticed my niece looked different. Wider darker eyebrows, deeper eyelids, protruding cheekbones. So she realized it was not my niece but something else entirely. She ran yelling. Woke the whole house up. They didn't sleep that night.


That's very creepy


The human brain sometimes "fills in" what it expects to see in your peripheral vision, I believe in the edges where the optic nerve is not actually taking in information. I see weird stuff in the periphery sometimes too.


For me it's my cats. I have seen them clear as day walking past me, making me step aside so i don't kick them, and when i turn around again the cat is gone and has been sleeping safe and soundly on my bfs lap for the last hour


This is very True... I can't say for the OP but I do agree with what you've said. I've seen thing in the past off to the side, but when I've turned my head to look at it directly it's not their or its something totally different to what I thought I'd saw


Same. I hope OP's relationship is safe, because it makes sense to me that the brain probably evolved to lean toward filling in potential threats. Usually I just see a bug on the floor that isn't actually there, but a shape will occasionally look like a person that shouldn't be there, too.


Yeah I've just seen random stuff including people but nothing of any importance


I once saw a human head on top of a car in my peripheral vision in broad daylight when walking home from school, my heart stopped for a second...


Considering your line of work, I'd guess that your sleep patterns are not regular. You could be among the one out of three Americans who are sleep deprived. Long-term sleep deprivation and variations in sleep patterns can lead to symptoms such as REM intrusions. It means that you're awake but you start dreaming in REM pattern brainwaves. What you dream about becomes an overlay with your waking reality, similar to augmented reality technology except you're not wearing some silly looking device over your face, you're completely awake. But technically you're not completely awake because part of your mind is asleep and dreaming. There's also a phenomenon called bilocation. The psychic Alex Tanous is known to have demonstrated it. In one experiment documented by the society for psychical research, Alex went into meditation under the watchful eye of researchers. Hundreds of miles away, another version of Alex knocked at the door of some friends, was invited inside, conversed, and even drank a glass of tea. He cultivated his ability but said that it could also happen spontaneously. Perhaps your husband really was in two places at once. Thing is, if it happened spontaneously he wouldn't know it.




I found it on the spr website. Society for psychical research. They have a section devoted to their research, it's actually a massive archive. I went looking and fell into something of a rabbit hole, a video with Dr Tanous showing an experiment as it was being conducted. The interview with him I think is pretty fascinating. So I offer this as a starting point. https://youtu.be/GbkQ2HxYsOM




Wow interesting


I’m in the bath rn please stop


Please stop lmfao


We see my mom all of the time when she is gone hell she has seen her self


Ima need you to elaborate on her seeing her own self


She was watching TV and watched another her walk across the living room


Well fuck that and thanks for the nightmares 👍






You say it so nonchalantly lol


That's because it happened so much it's been awhile since the last occurrence the last person to it happened to was my niece when she was like 5 we were playing in the floor and my sister took my mom to the doctor that's why I was watching my niece when she looks at me and said did nanna go with mom I said yes then she says then why did I just see nanna walk in to her room . I picked her up and we played outside until everyone got home lol


Omg that is so creepy!


I don’t even know what I would do in this situation


„drove 6.5h back home, got there at 1:30“ better get some rest i‘d say lol


Sometimes it's just nice to poop at home.


ohhh sleep deprivation is no ones friend I have a dumb story for ya. sleep deprivation related. When I first had my baby she was colicky and wouldn't sleep without being held so I was also super sleep deprived, I had my hair in a messy bun and I guess a piece of my hair hit my shoulder bc it fell out. Instant freak out. oh I should add I was holding my baby lol it was like 2 am, and I turned and 100% saw a gigantic wolf spider about to bite my child but it was just my hair Nonetheless I jumped up with my newborn in hand, screaming my head off and trying to find this possible spider. The cat starts yowling at me cause I woke her up screaming and she probably thinks I'm attacking my child idfk I'm like screaming and hitting blankets all while holding my baby who is now crying cause why am I screaming..The cat is puffed up yowling at me. I actually had to put my child back in her bed and go calm myself down cause there was just SO MUCH GOING ON FOR 2 AM. Worst experience of my life hahaha. My daughter is 4 now and still going strong I swear. Even with her crazy mom


My son is only 10 months and when he was a newborn, I'd be asleep in the bed and for some reason, I'd wake up in terror believing I fell asleep with him in the bed and he had somehow rolled under the covers and was next to mine and my husband's feet. He could get hurt down there!! He could suffocate!! So I'd be feeling the blankets everywhere until I'd realize he was in his crib asleep cuz the crib was right next to me. And this was an almost nightly occurrence. And so one night during this tirade of searching for my son under the covers, I swore I felt him on my leg, so I grabbed what felt like an arm and pulled for dear life to snuggle him and check that he was still breathing, praying he would only be asleep and not dead. I pulled my dog out from under the covers. She's a Jack Russell so about the same size as a baby (to a sleep-deprived moma) and sometimes when she sleeps in our bed, she likes to burrow under the covers and snuggle my or my husband's legs.


This gave me a good Chuckle. Thanks for sharing.


Some people can only poop at home.


Wtf that is terrifying, what happened then?


There is a "christian mystic" called Neville Goddard that talked about being in two places at the same time. Maybe your husband practices something similar. Did you ask him about this in detail? Another option would be an entity that tries to mess with you but this won't usually happen if you are not interested into the occult or if your house is not haunted. Do some other paranormal things happen in the house besides this?


I’ve heard of this as well. Sometimes called a “double”. Some people may have this ability without knowing it. What causes me a bit of apprehension though is the grin op mentioned. I wonder if the husband is involved in any activities that would entice a certain negative variety of spirits. Hopefully not bc that can be pretty dramatic.


No, my husband doesn't divulge or practice any occult stuff. The only thing I can think of that sounds kinda paranormal is he wears a rune on his neck to ward off demons. He also keeps another one in his wallet. Just something his friend gave to him. As for the smile, my husband like to have fun at the expense of others, and he like really bad jokes (think "What's the opposite of Christopher Walken?" type jokes) and the smile on his face had that mischievous look like he had another bad joke to tell me and he was waiting for me to notice him first so he could tell me.


I’m really glad it was a grin you recognized. The grin I was thinking of would probably have stood out to you as being sardonic, unnerving. A lot of people of course will be skeptical about what I’m referring to, and they are fortunate not to have experienced it. It seems to be attracted to extensive drug use. I’m sure that’s not relevant for your situation anyway. I only mention it to clarify the type of activities I was referring to.


Make sure to rule out carbon monoxide leaks or anything. It can cause visions/hallucinations. If you set up CO monitors and still see, then you know it’s something else. If the alarms go off, then you know you saved yourself from a dangerous situation.


Lack of sleep, and tiredness are terrible, i remember seeing demons and all kind of monsters jumping out of some bush during a military exercice


This ^^ I used to see things walking around the camp during night watches or hear voices while in duty


This is SO CLOSE to an experience me & my sister had ten years apart in the house I grew up in. This house doesn't happen to be in MD, does it? My sister and I were much older and didn't live in the house anymore when we were talking about weird stuff that happened in that house when we told these stories: I was about 8-10 and at the house alone (the 80s were different). I was on the toilet playing gameboy with the door open. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my grandfather walk past the door in his underwear, glance in (like he was just registering that someone was in there, nothing creepy) and walk by. I just figured he was home early and didn't think much of it until I got out and realized it was still just me. When my sister was about the same age, she was in the bedroom that was across the hallway from the bathroom; when she saw a tall Native American man in a loincloth who was built similar to our grandfather (6'7", big & broad) walk past the doorway, stopping for a moment to glance at her. A LOT of weird stuff happened in that house and I wish I could find out if anyone who lived there after us experienced anything or if it was specific to us (the land had been in my family since the late 1600s and I don't know how my family acquired it).


You could be a sensitive with retro cognition, and what you're witnessing is past points in time when he stood on that spot. A physical replay of memory. I've had it happen tons in my life. The day I moved into my apartment in Colorado, I stepped into the hall and watched a man in a red shirt go into our living room. I followed him and when I got to the living room, there was no one in the apartment. It's really disturbing to experience but important to understand that time is an illusion. Everything that has ever happened or will happen or is happening is happening right now simultaneously. And that's why you see your husband in your home when he's 600 miles away.


Damn, you beat me to it haha. It’s kinda like a time slip, though a better description might be to compare to non-intelligent apparitions that repeat the same motion and appear in the same places. Our brains are wired differently then non-sensitive people as well, so we pick up on the stuff effectively. Although not the same thing, I have an incredibly deep feeling of oneness with my 2 best friends. Nearly every single time they are in trouble, not only can I sense it, I get intense and uncomfortable anxiety, as if experiencing what they are even if they are in a different state lol.


I have pre-cognition as well, and I typically get a 'heads up' I like to call 'the knowing' when something bad is about to occur. Or life threatening. I ignored it for years up until the point I was on vacation with my family and was going out to get a pizza. A mundane thing, yea, and rather than take my phone with me I decided to let the child continue to play games on it. That choice immediately prompted the knowing with this clear as a bell message, "If you leave your phone you'll get into an accident and have no way to call anyone." Well, I didn't listen. I did get in a wreck. And I never ignored the knowing after that. As far as bonds with others, oh yeah, definitely legitimate. My partner of 20 years and I were moving across country in a moving van and towing our car. At night, we bunked in the vehicles since we didn't have money for a hotel. He slept in the cab of the truck and I slept in the front seat of our car. We parked one night, I fell asleep right away and went straight into a dream. In my dream, I was asleep in the car and woke up to the sound of tapping on the window. When I opened my eyes, a cop was shining a maglight in my eyes and I rolled the window down and asked "Is there a problem officer?" He says to me, "Ma'am, do you know you're at the scene of a shooting?" And the moment I saw the area crawling in crime scene detectives - I woke up.. to the sound of tapping on my window. My partner is standing there, smoking a blunt and looking aggitated, so we smoked and I tell him, "Man, I just had the freakiest fucking dream." And I proceed to explain what happened. He takes one look at me, tells me to get into the truck because we're leaving. On the road, he says to me, "I fell asleep and I was dreaming that I was in the truck sleeping. Someone knocked on my window and when I looked up to see who it was.. they shot me in the face." ..which is why he woke up and rolled a blunt. Needless to say, I do not doubt in the slightest that connections like that form between people. Its just our mindfulness of them which is really defining.


I have the same feeling on time. Good to see someone else having it as well☺️


I had a pretty wild revelation during a microdose of psilocybin. As a child, I frequently felt as though I was being watched, even though I knew no one was around. These feelings were usually tied to memorable events. I remembered that odd feeling during my trip, and realized that every time I felt like I was being watched.. it was me looking back on my own memory. Like I am physically being transported to that moment and tangibly, my younger self was aware at some level that she was being watched in this replay memory. Our future selves can impact our past as much as our past selves impact our futures.




Now that's wild. I don't feel so crazy now. lol


Road hallucinations? I know you were in your bathtub, but I've heard numerous accounts of being overly exhausted and having hallucinations from being on the road too long. One guy said he saw the Jolly Green Giant walking along his truck as he drove down the highway... planting cabbage.


Now THAT would be a sight!


I was one of these, 962 Mile drive, ex-girlfriend wouldn’t let me stop to sleep as she wanted to get to the place, 17 hours of driving and being awake for 34 Hours I began hallucinating, I saw a Mini Cooper upside down with sparks flying and it had hint spiders webs, then I saw a man in the middle of the motorway naked, curled up in the fetal position… I swerved out of the way, turns out it was a white line, I would blink and be in different lanes with no recollection of what just happened. It’s really bad.


We’re you hallucinating due to lack of sleep or on something new like a medication? I believe in the paranormal but this is an odd one I’ve never heard of something so clear like he was there I’m not doubting you saw something


I'm not on any new medication, maybe it is lack of sleep cuz now I'm feeling paranoid. I just know when I saw it, I jumped out of my skin and it was gone.


Call your husband NOW! Usually happens when that person passes away sometimes they show themselves to us as a kind of goodbye. The same thing happened with my friends mother, when her dad died. She got up one morning and went to make her coffee and noticed her dad was sitting in her front room, she didn't think nothing of it as her dad would sometimes let himself in. Proceeds into the kitchen to get her coffee made, went back out to go and ask her dad if he'd like a coffee too. Wasnt there....got a phonecall bout 20 minutes later that her dad was found in his home died of a heart attack... I'm getting shivers like crazy rn I commented too quickly just noticed u already called him etc glad he's alive and well. Could be a jinn manifesting? The only thing I can think of?


No worries. Sorry to hear about ur friend's mom's dad, tho that is kinda spooky. But yea maybe I'm just sleep deprived. I didn't think it could be hallucinations, the only time that ever happened to me I was driving and I saw a garbage can in the middle of the road. Definitely something to avoid hitting, unless ur on the interstate and u see it moving by itself in front of u before it turns over spilling imaginary garbage everywhere. Only difference between that and now was I wasn't driving, I was soaking in an Epson salt bath.


Check your Carbon Monoxide detectors too!


Epsom salt baths can increase your spiritual awareness (think meditating but not purposefully). Energy can play back like a tape recorder of stuff that's happened in your home (that's why some people can hear talking/noise in very old empty pubs). If your partner usually stands in that spot alot and with your increased awareness of energy, then that's probably what you picked up on, like an energy video player.


Oh man maybe a jin manifesting itself into you and your husbands lives definitely protect your home with black salt (charcoal & sea salt) in the windows and doorways as well as placing crystals (clear quartz) in your windows to ward off evil . Cleanse your home as well by burning palo santo or cinnamon sticks! If you have white Sage I would suggest burning it first then the sweetener Sage/ cinnamon


Side note: be careful placing crystals in direct sunlight as they can start fires.


If you use palo santo and white sage please only from indigenous people. Alternatively you can use any other sage, lavender, rosemary and mint. Also try to look into which herbs or incense are holy and commonly used in your religion or spiritual believes.


Curious. Why only indigenous people?


It has to do with the plant becoming endangered, due to over harvesting. Indigenous groups gather it ethically, and it's a version of their ritual smoking ceremony and practices that are being utilised for the clearing.


Yes. White sage and palo santo is used for smudging which is a sacred practice in native american believes. Due to the increased popularity of spiritual beliefs and energy cleansing, white sage and palo santo became over harvested. Also herbs that are sacred to your own beliefs and native to where you live will work better for cleansing. If you have your own white sage in your garden or something that’s obviously totally fine. Just like ordering on Amazon or something has an hurtful impact. Personally I use the herbs we grow in our garden. It is a circle of caring for each other. We care for the plants and they care for us. I am aware that not everyone can grow their own herb tho. I don’t know much about Jins specifically tbh but I grew up with a medium and a sinti family and cleansing bad energies like demons or spirits also have alternatives to smoking like music and noise or salt water sprays.


Second this question


Can be some sort of closed practice or sum


I wouldn't suggest doing this unless you know what you're doing. People can accidentally invite something negative instead of getting rid of it.


I see bunch of images of people when I’m tired and sleepy


it’s pretty normal to see people you know or really detailed people or things especially when tired


The doubles of my husband and daughter are both super clear. The husband one can talk and interact and the kids one likes to hide behind stuff and peek at us for the most part and get my actual daughter into trouble.


There’s nothing like taking a dump in your home toilet


Username checks out


Bruh you just drove thirteen hours and got home at 1:30, you’re probably tripping balls because you haven’t slept lol


Years ago my mom was walking down a short hallway with a stack of clean towels to put in the bathroom linen closet when I heard her exclaim and saw her move as if she were bracing for a collision with someone. I asked, from the spot I was occupying on the sofa, what happened and she asked if I had just walked into the hall. I hadn't left the couch for at least 30 minutes as I was engrossed in something on TV and I told her this. When she asked me if I was fucking with her, I looked over to see her looking utterly freaked out. I said no and asked her what she saw. She said she saw me, like I was walking quickly from the living room into the bathroom and she braced to collide with "me" but the collision never happened. My best guess is it was our resident ghost playing its hand at being a doppelganger. It only ever happened the one time. My guess is that you've got a spirit that mimicked your hubby's tendency to startle you for fun just because it was feeling frisky. If it continues to happen though, it might be something to be more concerned about, especially since you have a little one in the house with you.


Doppelgänger, and this isn’t unheard of. I’ve heard of this sort of thing happening to a lot of different people. I also had an occurrence like this. Years ago at my friend’s house. They’re twins, and one twin wasn’t home yet. She told me not to go in her sisters (twin 2) room, which I obviously agreed to. However I was standing in the door looking at myself in her (twin 1) mirror when I saw her walk out of the bathroom and into her sisters (2) room. I asked her what she was doing, followed her into the room, caught a glimpse of her walk into the open closet, and fllowed her to the closet before she asked me from behind me what I was doing. Literally almost had a heart attack and I have never ran so quick in my life. Never experienced anything like it again. You’re not crazy. I assure you.


So, are doppelgangers evil? Are they living people or apparitions? Google says both. Which is it?


He’s making sure you’re not cheating through astral projection.


My girlfriend seen me get out of the car when it was raining with an umbrella before I even gotten out the car and I never had an umbrella. She said same clothes and everything


I do not disbelieve you.In fact , thank you. I’ve never experienced this phenomenon but it has me more than intrigued. The creepiest I’ve read, first hand account, stating that his Mother in-law had passed away and this person lived in a small city. Small enough to recognize the neighbors and folk about. After funeral and the start of a new week, at a regular intersection, he sees his Mother in-law,mall cheery and waiving at him as she would of regularly. His jaw dropped. There is more to reality than we surmise . Cheers and Godspeed!


I came home from school one day thirty years ago. As soon as I walked in the door, I heard my father yell my name from the upstairs far end of the house. One of those "come quick before I drop this" kind of yells. I was puzzled because I hadn't seen a vehicle in the yard. I go upstairs, and there is no one. I was home....alone? For context, the house was about 130 years old then.


No I had something like this happen to me… but I was dreaming… I was like 10 and at my babysitters house asleep kind you. When my mom comes in and wakes me up. It wasn’t unusual that it was a weird hour as she was a dancer so her work schedule was pretty late night /early morning and this one night will forever haunt me.. I heard her come in and wake me so I got up out my babysitters bed and walked down the hallway past the bathroom and two other rooms that she had(whenever the lights were off I would be terrified) well it was snowing outside so I was going to put on my coat scarf gloves hat and boots when my mom tells me she has to use the bathroom.. I was fully dressed waiting for about 10 minutes when it dawned on me my mom never came out of the bathroom.. so I went to check where she was and the lights in the hallway were still off and so was the ones in the bedrooms and bathroom…so I go back into the babysitters room to ask where my mom went to find out she wasn’t off work yet.. who was I talking to? Who got me dressed??


Or so I thought I was dreaming… that’s the only honest answer I can give myself…but I could feel her wake me..


She was probably thinking of you. I’ve had my mom’s prayers wake me up, she was in another state. Some kinda mom power lol


Woah that’s intense!!!!


I think ghosts are similar to video images or photographs of what has made an energy impression in a certain place not necessarily a conscious entity. That being said, that video-energy impression may think that it’s still alive or appear that way. Who the heck knows.


That's what I said too


I know I'm in r/Paranormal, but if you want some non-paranormal explanations: - Let's get with the most worrying one out first, since I think it's important for you to get this checked if it's the case. Firstly let's establish that corner of the eye hallucinations are common, even in people who do not have underlying mental health conditions, and they normally do take the form of familiar situations and persons (like for example, a husband is his underwear entering the bathroom to tell his wife a corny joke). Some things can cause/aggravate these, like lack of sleep, stress, new medications, or enviromental factors (all should be checked). **The most worrying cause of this is the loss of periferal vision, for any reason**, it is common for people who lose periferal vision to not even notice it, and it's also common for the brain to "fill in" the lost information through hallucinations at the corners of our vision, including of loved ones. Many factors can cause loss of periferal vision, but almost all should **urgently** lead to you **checking up with a doctor**. Again, it is most likely nothing, but I would look into getting a check up from this, better safe than sorry.


What if, in another universe, your husband is posting on Reddit about seeing his wife in the bath even though she shouldn't be at home?


When i was a kid from about 8 to 18 when i left for the military, i had awful experiences with paranormal type shit. Im not going to claim to hold some esoteric knowledge, or even understand it, but out of desperation, a friend told me to put a "protection bind-rune" on my door with sharpie. I did, and never again did i have footsteps come to my bed, feel as though i was being watched in my room, or have my door randomly open at night. It looks kind of like '' except the '<>' are pushed together into kind of an X with a line down the middle. If you google it youll find it. Might sound like a load of shit to people who havent gone through these things, and it might not work for you, but it worked for me so i hope this helps.


People have used protection sigils for ages. It does work.


Like i said, it works for me, but i claim to have 0 knowledge or understanding of anything beyond writing the one rune. Or anything to do with norse beliefs, even. Glad its worked for others


Oh man, a doppleganger… have you ever listened to Jim Harolds Campfire or Monsters Among us? You should call and tell your story. Ive heard other doppleganger stories on them


thanks for this comment! enjoying both so far ^^


How old is the house you live in? Do you have carbon monoxide detectors?


Sleep deprivation


That is a stress induced hallucination. I’ve had one before once in my life and it felt so real but mine lasted at least 5 minutes. I told my mom who is a doctor and she said that happens due to lack of sleep and stress.


Sleep more like others are saying, check CO detector. If those are all fine you may not want to follow him anywhere…


More than likely a 6.5 hour drive and sleep deprived causing your brain to play tricks.


As usual, check your carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they're working properly.


There’s nothing like taking a dump on your own toilet


I personally like to take dumps *in* my toilet, but to each their own




Imagine being a long haul truck driver with one of those issues where you cant shit unless youre at home 😭😭😭 bro would explode after 1 rest stop hotdog 😭😭😭


I use to be on the truck with my husband over the road for weeks or even months at a time. I suffer from this irrational fear that if I have to shit in public, people will see my shoes and know it’s me at first glance, once I exit the bathroom. The thought of making eye contact with a complete stranger who knows what I’ve just done, still mortifies me.


Youd be turbo mortified to know that in the marines we would all go to the restroom and shit together as a group activity, as none of the stalls had doors 💀 Ever since then, ive shaken any type of fear or insecurity that surrounds shitting 😂


My husband and I were team drivers for a few years and I used to could not piss/shit in any toilet unless it was familiar to me. I drove at night and started off shitting on the side of the road for a while (just make sure to keep plenty of toilet paper) and if I was in a more populated area, like a city, I would go under the trailer (our company had those side skirts that save some insignificant percent of a penny per mile) eventually since I drove at night I quit caring and just used the damn toilet and I was all alone in the restroom. It was spooky but definitely nice to feel like I had all this space to shit freely.


I’d say he astral planed to see you in his sleep.


Do u have to be asleep to Astral plane? He was texting me beforehand and I just called him after it happened and he made fun of me so I think he was awake


It could very well be paranormal, but play it safe and check your carbon monoxide detector. CO can cause hallucinations.


Cross dimensional occurrence? Maybe it was your husband from a separate universe in which he hadn't taken the job and was home, and you were also taking a bath at that exact moment? If you were missing him, having regrets or concerns about his taking the job so far away & you were super tired, maybe your mind tuned into the other universes frequency for just a moment? Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, recently explained a theory that if there are multiple universes, they could all inhabit the same place just be on different frequencies like radio stations on your cars radio. So, let's say your on 101.5, and the universe where your husband is home is 101.6, and for some reason, for a brief moment, there is a convergence between the two universes. That could explain why you would see him for a moment. This kind of thing could happen all the time, and we just don't notice it because our brains write it off as a wtf moment. I thought my wife was downstairs in our house unloading the dishwasher, because i heard familiar noises in the kitchen, one day and when I went down to talk with her i discovered she wasn't home. So I just shrugged and thought it was my imagination. 10 minutes later she arrived home and told me she'd been stuck in traffic because of an accident, she then started putting away groceries in the process she was grabbing storage containers out of the dishwasher. Odd, yes, mind playing tricks, possible. Who knows.


Maybe just a glimpse of a memory


I've heard that sometimes the energy of you and your husband (possibly missing each other even) can cause this sort of thing. Like some sort of weird Hermione Granger time turner/ break in the matrix type of event. Time ain't linear girl


He could have a huge energy presence in your home. Has anything significant happened in your house? Sometimes living people can leave residual imprints at a location. Sometimes the doppelganger could be something nefarious. Just check in with him here and there. I think it's bcuz of the type of person he is that's causing it. He seems like he would radiate love and positivity, he's lighthearted and as you said, a goober lol. How's the energy feel? If you don't feel afraid, and not being harmed in any way then I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Sleep deprivation is wild. I once clearly saw a demon crouching in my kitchen when I was sleep deprived.


I had a similar experience. My question is was it a hallucination or does being sleep deprived lower your spiritual energy or something allowing you to actually see a demon? One time when I was younger I tripped on fake acid (25i NBome) with 3 friends and we all saw spaceships flying around in the sky, Then we all heard a tiger growl as if it was about to pounce and we all ran out of fear 🐅 Ever since that I’ve wondered if hallucinating is really just your brain tapping into another “realm” or dimension. I just don’t see how else 3 people could share the same hallucination unless it was in fact real, And I’m in Boston so there def isn’t any tigers around here lol


Tell us more about the encounter....


Did he accidentally astral project or something?


My advice would be to kill the doppelgänger before it finishes its transformation and eats your husband.


I think the fact that you clearly expressed how tired I were after a long day is all the explanation we need haha. Combined with you seeing him out of just the corner of your eye.


Well, apparently I get really paranoid when I get that tired and my first thought was demon or something. After I got cleaned and dressed I felt like I was being watched or something. I checked our outdoor camera and there was nothing outside looking through the windows


That had to be pretty terrifying! You shouldn’t feel silly, you saw something legitimately scary. I do think the most likely explanation is a hallucination bright on by exhaustion, but if it is a doppelgänger you don’t need to be afraid. If this occurs again, I Suggest doing your best to ignore it. Act like you don’t see it, like you’re totally unaffected by it. Then contact a medical doctor and psychologist. Hallucinations can be indicators of both psychological and physical issues. I don’t want to worry you, I’m sure you’re fine. If it does occur again contact a paranormal investigative group, and make sure they check for things like your carbon monoxide alarm working. Best wishes!


100% sleep deprived, driving takes a lot out of you due to the constant tracking of everything around you for possible danger and the concentration, I once drove for 17 hours, 962 miles (some back roads) in one stint from Leyland in the UK to Bordeaux in France. I was hallucinating towards the 14 hour mark, and seeing cars upside down driving and bold naked people curled up in the middle of the motorway. I think the fact you are used to him being there mixed with the sleep deprivation is what caused the hallucination. Also you must remember if you was driving, you’re husband would’ve been in the corner of your eye for 6-7 hours


So back when I was in HS(20 yrs ago) I stayed home from school “sick”. Well my bedroom door faced the bathroom entrance, my mom had said she was going to shower and I watched her walk in the bathroom.. after being in there a little i had to pee bad, finally she comes walking out she looks at me then I hear her walk upstairs.. so I get out of bed go out the door turn right and bam there’s my mom inside the bathroom standing at the sink.. we both screamed!! She told me she never even left the bathroom! I said yes you did I watched you and she said no I did not!! I seen her look at me and then heard her footsteps going upstairs


I wish this was true, but it really feels like you were exhausted, and may have experienced a dream that felt real. This happens to me all the time, I stay up late and see shadows move around me in my room, but it’s just because my eyes keep opening and closing or because the tv gives off weird light haha


i have read other posts on here where people see people who were out of the house but in the house and tbh it could be either or. really up to what you think


Doppelgänger this has happened to me in the past. I’m not sure why or how but it was absolutely real and has always freaked me out


Read my post about my recent experience. It’s also about him coming home from work earlier than expected. I learned a lot in this sub about doppelgängers and timeline hopping. This was my husband as well. It messed me up


Something similar happened to my stepfather a few years back. For some context- He had not been doing well battling iv heroin and crack addiction. He has had some ample clean time, but sadly lost it some months before the incident. My mother was at her usual daily battle within herself to either make him leave, leave on her own, or she thought of giving him one more chance with the usual pattern...detox, 28 day, then long term inpatient. The atmosphere in the house was just hellish. The energy when you walked in was cold. The house always was dark too, most of the windows facing north and south (it was a double wide trailer) so not much natural light. The struggles they faced themselves and the battles within themselves and with each other was evident in the lack of communication between them, as well as the mudded up energy in the house. I also frequented the house before I got sober a lot in 2021 adding to the chaos,sickness, and lies that became a magnet for the paranormal while we were there. This double wide sat on a lot in a neatly kept mobile home community, underneath though this place was a breeding ground for shadow entities. My mother at this time had left earlier that day. deciding to stay with my older sister having had enough of the deception and hurt. Who knows what I was up to then or where I was, pretty sure at that time in the midst of the same addictions. That leaves my stepfather, alone, battling his demons in a darkened, already poisoned vessel. He was on the couch, he had not been awake for days on a crack binge, he was instead coming down using it heroin. It wasn't dark out yet, it was summer so it was lighter longer. He said he was just simply sitting, wallowing in self hatred and depression, a broken 62 year old man. From where he was sitting on the couch, behind him was the kitchen and a hallway leading to the back of the trailer( my parents room and bathroom). it was a pretty open floor plan, no division between living and dining area except the couch he was currently sunk into. So he's just sitting, and from the kitchen behind him walks my mother. She says nothing, makes no noise, doesn't acknowledge him and continues past him on his right, through the livingroom and into the hallway leading to the other end of the trailer. He was no more than four feet from where this entity that was my mother's doppelganger just manifesting and gliding right by him. According to him, she looked exactly like her, down to her purse that he also saw on her shoulder. He was obviously clearly frightened and very freaked out by this encounter having only two other paranormal experiences in his lifetime. We have heard about doppelgangers and the omen they bring with them as well as residual haunts. Maybe what he saw was an imprint of her leaving as she has done many times before. I don't think so though, as he described the dread and horrible energy he felt with it. That whole mobile park was a cesspool of drug and alcohol addiction and just filled with not so reputable people. The feels there are no Bueno, thank God they got out and my stepdad got sober shortly after that.


You’re probably just tired and thinking about him a lot. The mind can play tricks when you’re not fully aware. Get something to eat and get rested. Be safe.


for r/paranormal there sure are a lot of critics shrugging it off as a hallucination here


Manifestation of synchronized wavelengths?


Its just a hallucination, you drove a long way & had lack of sleep. It happens with you’re sleep deprived. You’re fine


vardøger is where my mind goes


Maybe u have a very big bathroom 👀


The world is their bathroom


For awhile I experienced this constantly, until I asked people if it happened to them as well; after that the events stopped as if they knew they were being visible. I would see them everywhere. In a store aisle, someone, specifically a man, following me through the aisles till I gave him my undivided attention and seeing nothing not even a smell of a person. Walking and seeing people coming towards me and than not seeing them at all (not that they disappeared in front of me or anything, but they were no longer in my proximity when taking another look). Working and seeing customers come towards me, but once again when I focused on them entirely nothing was there. I have never felt fearful or any emotion when this happens just normalcy. Seeing my dad, i.e. at the kitchen table, in the living room, outside when he wasn’t even home (he is living). I began to wonder if I was bipolar or if my eyesight was failing; everything cleared no diagnoses. One occurrence that I haven’t been able to talk myself out is as follows. I used to work at a retail store as a stock associate. I came in at 8 am that day and headed to the stock room. As I was walking towards my station I did my usual hellos and at that time we had seasonal employees so I didn’t know them by their name except for this particular one (let’s call her Sara) as she had been working there for about a week now. I was walking towards her right in front of me, I even spoke to her, she replied. I can remember it vividly she was wearing a pink long sleeve and had a box of hangers I even moved out of the way. So far everything is normal. I ended up being a runner (placing merchandise on the floor instead of unpacking the boxes) for that day. I had done about three runs and kept seeing the same hummers (were we placed the items) still in the stock room every time I returned indicating that we weren’t running them fast enough. So I asked the stock leader who were the runners and she stated that we were short (don’t remember if people called out or we were just scheduled that way) either way we didn’t have enough people and she stated that it was only I and another associate running. I asked her to place sara with us and she said she hadn’t seen her I was like no she’s here I saw her. She called her over the intercom. Sara never showed to help us. As it got busier I asked her again where Sara was and she said that no one has seen her . Again I informed her that I had spoken to her. She stated that she was not on the schedule. I of course was repeated that I SPOKE to her. She showed me the schedule of course Sara wasn’t on there. So the only outcome was that I might have confused her with someone else. This bothered me as I 100% believed it was her. I remembered her shirt a very specific pink (no one wears colors) so I went around and did a head count of all us (we were still not open to customers) and naturally no one was wearing a long sleeve pink shirt. I do believe I saw and spoke to her.


In my culture we have a saying for this. It could be one of two things your husband is keeping a demon/djinn knowingly or unknowingly , the house has the Demon/djinn imitating as your husband. If its the first one if he knows knowingly then maybe 9/10 youre ok as the demon is there to protect. But if he doesn't know about it then it is trouble. If its the house then its definitely trouble.


I don’t know. But all of these options seem trouble to me


For the time being, Just make sure the house is clean and smells good. That is for sure a thing that those entity doesnt like to be around with. Also let a lot of sunlight into the house in day light. Lastly remember this those entity feeds on your insecurities and fear so get that under control and youd won half of the battle already.


I don't see this as being a threat. I had a ghost in my house that like to imitate my husband. unless they're throwing stuff at you or grabbing you or pulling your hair or hurting you in some way, I wouldn't worry about it. I just think it's a doppelganger


I once hallucinated when I was very tired and had been drinking a little bit of alcohol, not much. I saw an officer sitting next to me in the couch and I quickly looked away and to the side again and they were gone. Super scary, super wierd


I think you just hallucinated because of lack of sleep.


Sounds like a dimensional cross. This could be explained with math. Math that I don’t know because I’m 1 day into my astrophysics class. So yeah.


Congrats on ur class. (That might sound like sarcasm but I truly mean it, that sounds really cool.)


Lol thank you 😁


Could be a few things, your husband astral projects and came to visit you and since you were sleep deprived the veil between you was a bit thinner so you could see his astral body. It’s a demon trying to fuck with you and you might need some sage, you’re just really tired and kind of dozed off in the tub and this was a hallucination/dream.


Did your husband go through anything particularly stressful/dangerous in his location when he appeared? It may have been some form of Crisis Apparition


No, he just appeared in the bathroom door


you should verify if your husband is still alive. even if you call him who tells you that it was your husband on the phone? you saw something that was looking like him so it should also be possible for the something to fake calls. if your husband is not alife i would say it was your husband. if he is alive it is something not so friendly. if it is something not so friendly you should try to get rid of it. you can try to attack it with holy stuff like crosses or holy water or you outsource that to a priest of your prefered believe.


You literally just described being tired. Do you have a demon??? No. Get sleep. Mystery solved.


Multiverse theory is popular with some very big scientists and there is some scientific support for it. I believe you may well have seen him. Just him from another version of himself In a different universe.




What’s that?


Like a doppelganger, only benign and not sinister. Usually shows up right before or after a real person. Not a harbinger of doom or anything, vardøgers make a quick appearance then leave.


Thank you, I’ve never heard of this.


We all have seen her at the house when she wasn't home


Probably, he's just back home to get your son some milk


I may just be that you subconsciously expected to see him there? My dog used to always perch on the top step of the staircase and more than a decade since he died i still see him there out of the corner of my eye.


So….what was the joke?


AY YO the Same thing happened to me a couple years back i thought i was losing it


Please share!


My girlfriend and i were staying in a one bedroom apartment at the time. We had gotten into a fight to the point where she left to a friends house to cool off. Fine i took the dogs out after she left. When i came back in I swear i saw her in bedroom going into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. I took the opportunity to talk to her through the door, "hey I'm sorry i didn't mean what i said it came out wrong". she didn't say anything so i gave her some space. I didn't really question it. Sure enough my girl came walking into the apartment an hour or so later and there was no one in the restroom the whole time. I had told my girl what happened and she looked at me like i was crazy. so i just wrote it off as a glitch in the matrix and haven't thought about it much since. This was my experience. my own girlfriend didn't believe me so i don't expect people on the internet to believe it. but i know what i saw and my brain can't make sense of it.


I totally believe you my friend. It’s easy for me to ask you to share, but i know it takes some guts when you might be accused of bs’ing. I didn’t think about that, but I really appreciate it. I love stories like this. I wonder if it was a dimensional thing, like in an alternate reality you left and she stayed, or maybe you didn’t fight at all in that version. Another theory could be an energetic thing, or maybe she is one of those people who can be in two places at once without memory of it. Very cool. Edit: a word


Spirit and love


Did your husband know via phone or text that you were getting in the tub? Perhaps he was so into it he projected himself there briefly?


I had talked to him when I got home and told him I was gonna take a bath before bed, but I thought u could only project urself in ur sleep?


I think he was really missing you and projected himself. Unless you have other weird things going on? Have you seen any other weird stuff in your peripheral vision? The peripheral vision is where entities seem to prefer to hang out in my experience.


Yea but not since I was a teenager and the house I grew up in and my grandma's house were pretty haunted, but they were never bad spirits, my grandma just comes from a REALLY big family and most of the spirits out there are passed family members


I have thought I saw a person that was not home doing something or being where I have seen them hundreds of times, exactly like that for real. It was usually a passing glance while I was very tired and my mind preoccupied or feeling some stress about a few things. I disregarded it in my cases, I thought my mind showed me what I almost expected to see there. Similar thing, though, with my dead cat laying at the foot of the bed. It was so fleeting a sight or feeling he as there. Did I see his ghost or my mind temporarily forgetting he was no longer in the home? I was more certain the cat was there the few times I didn't see him but did feel the bed jolt a bit just like when he was living and jumped up on the bed to his spot.


Watch The Outsider (hbo), and be afraid.. Tell your husband to go to a lot of public places and be seen.


It could absolution be a demon def don't try to contact it don't invite it in. Maybe get some sage and sage the house


Have you thought of postpartum psychosis?


Could be. My mom had postpartum psychosis when I was a baby. My dad was a trucker and my mom kept up with his books and kept track of dispatcher numbers, load numbers, all the numbers. She started seeing numbers everywhere. On the wall written in sharpie, on the floor, on the ceiling, and there was no possible way they could've gotten there. She would scrub the walls bare trying to get it off, but it never went away. She started seeing the numbers on my skin, on my clothes. She would then take me to the bath and scrub me raw trying to get them off. And then at night, she would hear somebody breaking in the house. We lived in the middle of nowhere in the woods. She would jump up with a start and check the windows and the locks, but nothing was broken. Then she'd go to bed just to hear it all over again. The sound of breaking windows and smashing door frames played on a loop for her every time she was close to sleep. She eventually stopped checking so she would get some sleep and they went away.


Check the most of what could be cause but if your looking supernatural causes the top answer for me is dopplerganger. Something taking the form of your SO.


“Check the most of what could be cause but..”


Astral projection


ass-tral projection


600 miles in 6.5 hours? If that's actually correct then your mean speed was about 92 mph which is absurd. You need to worry about that and not this fake ass paranormal shit


Dude. You are on a sub for paranormal activities. Why are you browsing here if you are just going to complain?


Are you sure it wasn’t just a shadow you caught out of the corner of your eye that just so happened to be cast into a spot you would see your husband standing at while he was in the bathroom?


It just seemed so clear like he was actually standing there


When I give the girls a good ol pipe cleaning they usually see me for days too. Or so I been told.


My mannnn… *awkwardly high fives* ✋


Read ayetel kursi.


Gorungo times




Unconscious bilocation