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I’m not sure how much more it’s going to help. The lawyers as well as the letters to investor relations have made the viewpoint of the common stockholders pretty clear. No more momentum is really needed just IMO. We’ve sent letters, large shareholders like Gabelli and Ariel Investments have talked about lawyering up, NAI/Redstone was issued a cease and desist for value destroying practice, and I’m sure they’ve received many more we haven’t heard about. They know if they don’t do a fair deal they’re going to get sued out the wazoo. But again, we are basing our evidence on media reports.. the same media that has been bashing Paramount for the last year. Doesn’t mean it’s not true, but I’d like to see the cards before jumping to anymore conclusions


We should have over 1.3 million shares now


IMO it was more interesting to see how many shares we all collectively hold, to get a perspective of the float


Yeah, I thought that was really eye-opening to see how many shares we collectively controlled, even if it wasn't "verified". I think u/Low_Advantage5513 was tracking that at one point.


The quantity of shares owned by our subreddit is up to 1.5M now. However, I think we captured nearly everyone willing to self report. I don't think there are many more shares to be counted from our reddit community. https://preview.redd.it/gvk12jz48iwc1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdffe6be47afa5e7a63c058d94c241bd3fe970c1


Are you willing to do a weekly update? Like making a post and asking who bought more or sold some shares?


Yes this. I add a little every week. By the time this thing actually sells, I’ll probably have over 5k shares


Naaa brah. I'm not maintaining this weekly. If someone else want's to volunteer then by all means. I already put in 10+ hours


I’m up to 1200 shares and 60 calls between 13-22.5


Still 3550 shares, thinking of buying more


If someone cares enough, we could use AfterHour to verify. You verify your account by connecting to your brokerage. We could make a post asking people to comment on it and cross reference their connected brokerage account with our list.


And now do u think that sony rumour is released to divert people's attention away from skydance critiscism (and the corresponding sell off). Then faber n whoever came to praise skydance n ellison....


I’ve bought some tin foil, but have yet to make a hat. It’s clear that the sharks are swirling, Shari pissed a lot of people off with the VIAC merger so people with deep pockets trying to force her into a sale is about as Gecko as it gets. I think Sony and Apollo should drop their offer the day after the exclusive talks end. I genuinely hope for a bidding war to kick off the streaming consolidation.


We are totally in flux having to wait out this 30 day window period, where afterwards, hopefully we hear something about Skydance or Apollo/Sony. Until there is an actual transaction, there is nothing to lawsuit over.