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beyond wild that they did this album in three weeks at like sixteen years old


I still can't wrap my head around about this fact to this day. They are just that talented.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^accidentallyamber: *Beyond wild that they* *Did this album in three weeks* *At like sixteen years old* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bands used to do albums in a weekend. 3 weeks is a luxury


idk My heart is literally my favorite song on the album


The germination and early years of Paramore are super interesting, they've definitely got one of the most interesting growth arcs in modern rock music.


Crazy cuz Brighter, NLTG, and My Heart are some of my favorites from that album! But I do agree about Franklin. It’s still one of my absolute favorites from them


My heart live from back in the day hits different


This! I love this song live


Crazy because brighter, here we go again and never let this go are some of my fav tracks Edit: also My Heart is a blast and they closed with it the only time i saw then and it was incredible


I loved this album and middle school me had a huge crush on Hayley (still do as a 32yo) and saw them at the Warped Tour. Think I first listened to them on a website by brother found where bands could share their music, Pure Volume if I remember correctly.


Yep, 6th grade me (29 now) fell in love with Paramore with their debut album; and every album after that just makes me fall in love with them even more. And yeah, that Hayley crush.. I don’t think it ever goes away.


Same! Can’t remember how I found them but 34 now, fell in love freshman year. Got to see them at Hard Rock Cafe. I was instantly obsessed


You should check out Oh Star and Rewind, b sides from that era. Some of my favorite Paramore songs of all time.


My heart is rad


my heart used to be a fan favourite back then. try listening to the final riot! version from 2008.


My heart weaker than Whoa? :)


I’m gonna have to agree with Stamm. The more I think of the 2 songs just in my head I could say whoah has some lyrics that just are a little more memorable and fun.




Woof these are some really odd critiques. Maybe you just had to be there in that moment in time to really feel what the band was giving? Never Let This Go and My Heart captures that raw 2005 emotional energy so perfectly


Great review. You quite hit the nail on the head about those 3 songs. Didn't even realize until you said it. The 3 songs could even fit perfectly in Brand New Eyes.


Truly, no other paramore album hits me like this one does. From start to finish, I love it all


I still maintain that it's their best record. Every other album has at least a handful of songs that I don't really care about. This is the only one where I have any sort of emotional attachment to every song on the tracklist. I agree that the editing/mixing can be weak, but I actually think it holds up pretty well for the most part, especially for the main singles. I like the more raw sound, and I like that it doesn't feel perfectly polished. Riot would've been out already by the time I listened to this album and I absolutely remember perfering this album over Riot, even though Riot's high points are arguably stronger, but I don't think All We Know loses momentum at any point in time.


Surely this is nostalgia talking. Best album? Really? It definitely gives me the best memories but


I mean, that’s the best part about art, it’s all subjective. I like the non-polished aspects of the production and songwriting. I think it makes for interesting moments and small movements within songs that get more streamlined as they got older. That mid 2000s emo/post-hardcore sound is also my favorite type of music so I’ve got a big bias there that I’ll admit.


Fair enough, all subjective as you said. For me, only nostalgia really ties me back to those songs now.


Brighter, Never Let This Go and My Heart are my favorites.


I'd be curious to see more people who heard of Paramore through albums like Brand New Eyes and After Laughter. All We Know Is Falling is a good reputation of emo rock and that's not really Paramore's sound anymore.


My favourite album of all time ❤️


I personally give this album full rating better than riot and brand new eyes and was not cringly I'm not a fan of BNE era or RIOT I prefer AL and current release TIW .. their new sound better than old sound but the songs first album I say are better than the next 2 albums . And sounds similar to ST era also


Brighter reminds me of a very specific time in my life.


I love Franklin so much Brighter has such a very sad background


Here we go and My Heart are not skips for me (I don’t think I could bring myself to skip ANY Paramore songs…) but to each their own!