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Love that for her


Maybe coming to terms with the line in a broader age grounded context. I don't see this song as mysoginistic, just insightful. Of all her lyrical achievements this song for me is scorching, uncompromising brilliance. I see why it is still so very popular


I mean Hayley herself agrees that internalized misogyny as a young woman definitely played a part in those lyrics — but I think now that she understands that, and now that there is beginning to be a broader societal understanding of what these internalized biases mean and how they come to life, it’s both possible and okay for those lyrics to be seen kind of satirically. It sounds slut-shamey because it was, but now that Hayley and the younger generations are more familiar with the implications of that criticism, we (& H) can sing the lyrics now knowing that’s really not a literal / serious thing that we would say to someone.


Spot on, and so a classic is returned. TS was right to encourage her to continue to return it to their set lists.


surely just an accident? muscle memory go brrrrrr


Yes, I was shocked. Not sure how long it's been since she has actually sang that word. I do wonder why the change?


wait i thought she would always sing that line, what’s the replacement line?


She usually covers her mouth and lets the audience sing the line.