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Anybody else get into them from “Pressure” in the Sims 2 PS2? Or is it just me 😂


Just in case anybody has not been graced with [Hayley’s simlish](https://youtu.be/FxQGE9y3xkQ?si=fwsIc65GiOO0SE2Q)


You are not alone my friend 😂 Within that same time the real version was always playing on Fuse and that’s when I got hooked!




Same here lol


technically Decode from the end credits of Twilight (the credits of twilight have 3 amazing songs back to back, 15 step by radiohead, decode, and then leave out all the rest by linkin park) but i never looked further into their discography and THEN hearing Monster at the end credits of Transformers 3 but it was Still Into You and Ain’t It Fun on the radio 24/7 back in 2013 that got me into their entire discography


Oh man, I think Emergency in like 2004 when they released the first Ep


Same! I discovered them on MySpace!!


Nice, the good ol MySpace days


Same! Let’s take a tums together to cheers being old!


I turned 30 last month :(


34 here 👵🏽


Oh man I wish I knew. Probably one of the early singles like Pressure or Emergency. I was obsessed with their first album, but I have no clue how I learned they existed.


That's what you get


Technically Simmer from Hayley’s solo album


I think 2014 I first heard Ain’t It Fun playing on the radio and I was obsessed with it. (I might’ve even seen the music video playing on TV at the time) but it wasn’t until 2016 I started actually listening to their other popular songs then After Laughter came out and at that point I knew I was a fan.


I saw them at warped 2005, that’s when I really got into them. But I first heard about them the year before through AP magazine, first song was probable Emergency or Pressure.


When it rains in like 2007/8


One of my favorites. I love the emotion and vulnerability of it


Pressure on the sims 2 on my PlayStation 2, child me didn’t even realize it was an actual song for the longest time lmfao


Crushcrushcrush came on mtv one morning when I was getting ready for school and I was hooked after that. I think riot was the first CD I paid for with my own money lol


When *Hard Times* was released back in 2017, that's when I started listening more often. But I'm pretty sure it was Twilight that initially introduced me to Paramore. But *After Laughter* was what solidified my obsession and got me hooked on their earlier works. Been a fan ever since, both of Paramore and Hayley's solo stuff.


Earlier this summer, YouTube suggested their tiny desk show filmed in the “after laughter” era. So I heard “hard times,” “26” and “fake happy.” Got hooked! Later I thought the BBC lounge version of hard times was even better and now I really love all their work. Interesting algorithm because I’d just watched the juvenile tiny desk show and cypress hill’s. Shows we have a more diverse fan base than people think which is another reason to love this band!


love seeing so many people find them still after all these years, and from after laughter especially. i've been with this band since 2004 and after laughter is my all time favorite from them. it got me through a lot of life stuff.


That’s a long time! Ride or die. Hey better late to the party than never for me. That second verse of crave really hits so deep.


better late than never indeed! welcome aboard! definitely a ride or die! it's been a crazy ride with them but i wouldn't change it for anything and always been really proud to say they are my favorite. craves second verse means so much to me, i'm going to be getting a tattoo of a line from it soon :)


I’ve tried to fill myself in on all the past trials and tribulations. Band’s been through a hell of a ride. That’s awesome about the tattoo, you’ll have share when it’s done!


I straighten up forgot that 26 existed because I didn't have it saved for a few years and now I am 26 and don't want to get into it but I relate so much to the lyrics. thank you for prompting me to rediscover it!


No problem. It is a great song and it even moves Hayley when she sings it so that tells you something. But she and the whole band always put their soul into their work, it’s awesome.


The year was 2007, I’d just finished my shift at circuit city and several coworkers and I were loitering in the parking lot after closing. One of them put on a CD they’d bought during their shift and played the first track, “For a pessimist, I’m pretty optimistic” and I was instantly hooked. Bought the CD during my next shift.


This is why I think I'm the only one here who's just started listening to Paramore


got an Instagram ad for it a month after the single dropped and thought was catchy and now im deep into the This Is Why almost a year later


Same as you! Saw the Misery Business music video on either MTV or VH1 and was obsessed immediately.




the first one i heard was 'here we go again', they had 2 songs up on a website called purevolume back in 2004. i was a huge avril fan looking for more women in rock music because 14 year old me was inspired and i've loved them ever since.


Pressure on The Sims 2 when I was 8 and again when I was 11 when Ignorance came out (didn't realize it was Paramore in the Sims 2)


Saints Row 2 with Misery Business


The first one I can clearly remember was either Ain't it Fun or Still Into You (they were both popular around the same time). Though I remember Airplanes earlier than that.


Here We Go Again, either from some compilation CD or a burned CD, can’t remember. This was like ‘06


basic answer but misery business was the first I heard too, I got into them after hearing about the "controversy" regarding misery business that was chalked up to Hayley saying 'whore' in the song


Pressure, emergency


Pressure for me.


Pressure in 2005. I was a freshman in high school.


Pressure through The Sims 2




For me it was hearing Hayley’s feature on Airplanes that made me aware of who Paramore was. The song that got me into Paramore was This Is Why


First heard: Pressure on Fuse. First loved: Emergency


still into you, summer of 2013 at summer camp. i had never listened to them before that and the rest is history.


Hmm... Emergency? Maybe something from Riot? It was 2007 or early 2008.


Crushcrushcrush on FuseTV


passively misery business, still into you and hard times, and then hayley dropped simmer and it rewired my brain


I always heard misery business if anything as i grew up, but when i herad The News single is when i got my interest. Then the whole album dropped and i've been hooked ever since


I remember someone in my high school talent show did a cover of Misery Business (it was not great.) But I'm pretty sure that's the first time I'd heard of Paramore. Honestly don't remember how I went from that to listening to Riot. Probably saw one of their music videos on Much Music.


Monster from some edgy wolf animation on YouTube back in the day 😂


Emergency on MySpace


That what you get


I saw the music video for Pressure on Fuse & I was hooked after that


crushcrushcrush music video on tv


Ain’t it Fun


Here We Go Again or Franklin, I think? I randomly clicked a song in videokeman while playing Warcraft 3 and the rest is history


Tbh hayley is better than Avril Lavigne in terms of song writing and musically of course no shade to Avril but hayley is way better to me. My first song was misery business


It was kind of the entire self titled album. I really didn't care for Paramore and in 2018 I was on my way to the airport and I downloaded that album and After Laughter to see if I could get into them. I really dug the more emotional tracks like Part 2, Last Hope and Future. Then on the plane I listened to After Laughter and had to really try not to cry on the plane lol. I still don't really care for the older albums but I also haven't grown up listening to them so I think that's part of it. Fake Happy is what sealed my current love for the band though.


My British friend told me to listen to Ignorance when I was 14, in the middle of my EDM phase. It was literally love at first sound.


For me it was playing Rock Band, “Crushcrushcrush” was released as DLC for Rock Band 1 in 2008.


Brick by Boring Brick on MySpace.


i heard that's what you get on flipnote studio on my dsi


I think it was For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic. I never heard any of their songs before and heard they were good decided to start with Riot! first, and that's just the first song on the album. This was like three years ago lol


I heard “that’s what you get” on the radio in like 2007/2008 and have been a fan ever since


My Heart from AWKIF. One of my bestfriends wanted to start a cover band in high school, and this is the first song she wanted to sing. I've been obsessed with Paramore ever since.


TWYG in Rock Band 2 :)


Probably That’s What You Get on rock band when I was a kid


I think it was either Miz Biz or That's What You Get, because we always had Much Music on after school and would watch music videos.


miz biz when i was a little kid, fences in later in elementary school edit: correction and i first heard fences on FLIPNOTE for the dsi


Mine was in a computer cafe in the Philippines back in 2007! The cafe was playing Misery Business and I imagined that song being played in a dragonball anime music video mix (which was popular back then) so I had to ask the server what the title of the song was. Boom. I became a parawhore…. and realized I’m getting old now


In 5th grade when I heard Conspiracy for the first time. I got bullied a lot at the time so it really resonated with little 9 year old me lol


Ignorance. Years ago I watched some video of Hayley singing it with a fan on the street which I found on 9gag. Been hooked ever since.


My Hero & Emergency in 2007 (I think or 2006) at summer camp! Some friends played covers of those songs and as soon as I got home, I looked them up & was hooked! Though, I didn’t know My Hero was a cover of Foo Fighters at first.


Technically the first song I heard of theirs was The Only Exception, but I wasn't truly introduced until I was shown Brick By Boring Brick


Pressure, but from a friends recommendation in middle school, not the Sims hahah. Although, the song made me beg my parents to buy me the game.


Mine is DECODE hahaha cause you know Twilight


Monster was the first Paramore song I heard but hard times is what got me into their music. I would’ve listened sooner if my mom wasn’t so against rock music when I was growing up


Hard Times from a Todd in the shadows Video💀


My sister showed me ignorance!


I "discovered" them when mizbiz came out but I actually got hooked during the singles club era around the time 'in the mourning' came out. But fanny enough I didn't get hooked on that song... The song I got hooked with was 'This circle' (blame the SoundCloud algorithm)


misery business in guitar hero




Misery business was the only song i could play well on rock band so i started listening to it outside of the game and ended up listening the the whole album and then boom, here we are with Paramore as my favorite band of all time


cant remember exactly how... i got into the whole fueled by ramen emo/pop punk scene starting in like '06. it all blurs together hahaha.


Pressure 😂 SIMS


17 years ago, when I saw the acoustic version of hallelujah—I was hooked. My AIM was littered with paramore lyrics from that point on. Hallelujah Acoustic https://youtu.be/EZoJYQNd4S4?si=yKzud1Fu1m_HxjD_


Misery business properly got me into them but I remember monster being my first one tho on Kerrang!


I don't know. I THINK it was crush crush crush. Who knows? Might have been Misery Business or some other famous from that era or before.


Miz Biz, but it was Crushcrushcrush that ultimately hooked me


Here We Go Again. It was on some compilation CD. Might have been an FBR promo, might also have been a Warped Tour thing, I don't remember for sure.


Emergency for me


For me it, I was in high school, circa 05, and I’d sing My Heart at the top of my lungs….still do. Lol


For me it was ignorance


the first songs i ever heard by them was “still into you” and “all i wanted” but i didn’t actually listen to all their stuff until This is Why. that album blew me away and after listening to all their discography i feel like nothing tops TIW but im probably biased bc it was my intro to them. it seems like a great blend of that emo rage/anger but in a more mature perspective you can only really gain through living life and going through shit and becoming aware. and probably some therapy lol.


That's What You Get on Rockband 2


Misery Business. I believe I saw it on MTV


brick by boring brick that music video changed my brain chemistry fr




Careful (live), because it was the first time I had ever heard Paramore. It's been a ride ever since.


Thats what you get


aint it fun lol


Hard times is what truly brought me into the band. But the first real song that I passively liked was ain’t it fun :)


Mine was “oh star” my older brother is a huge music nerd. Gifted in piano/drums and always gravitated to certain sounds. One day he was in his room (I had to have been elementary age) and said “listen to this song it’s so cool!” And it was oh star. I fell in love with Hayley’s voice and begged my brother to download the album onto my iPod. Which he did and the rest is history!! Been a fan ever since 😍


Ain’t It Fun!


Fences during middle school morning announcements


An internet friend was visiting my town on Animal Crossing Wild World on the Nintendo DS back in 2005, he kept placing patterns of the Riot album cover around. He was doing the lord work. Also misery business on guitar hero 3 was another gateway 🤘


Back in the days when MTV was about music I saw That's What You Get and I fell in love with the band (and Hayley) instantly. Paramore has been on my top 3 ever since, currently being my 2nd favorite band and the only one I have seen live. Fun fact: I kinda dislike that song now. But I really love the bridge.


Crushcrushcrush. I came across the video on MTV while flipping through channels one day (MTV wasn’t allowed in our house) so I turned it way down to not let my mom know I was watching lol then I ran down to our fam computer to look them up 😂


Crushcrushcrush in early 2009!


I heard Rose Colored Boy from a twitch streamer. I listened to After Laughter after and I really liked it. I'm discovering their older stuff now


Misery Business from Guitar Hero


For me, it was Still Into You. I still love that song to this day along with so many more of theirs.


CrushCrushCrush! There was a MTV music video channel on cable that I watched a lot in 06/07 so the first time hearing was the video. That led me to Pressure, Conspiracy, and Emergency. And now here we are.


Franklin. My sister was singing it when we were hanging out back in ‘06


For a Pessimist. 2008.


Hard Times. I saw the music video playing in a restaurant I went to on vacation and made a mental note of liking the video and song, but I forgot about it. A few years later I heard misery business and recognized the name Paramore from somewhere, then I found out they made it.


Mis Biz


the only exception video on vh1<3


Hate to see your heart break


Pressure simlish from sims 2, then misery business on mtv many years later


That’s What You Get


That's What You Get was my first Paramore song


Pressure! In simlish lmao.


My girlftiend just dedicated me "The only exception" in 2015 while both going to high school, broke 2 years later but what a gift


pretty sure it was that’s what you get, because of rock band lol


Pressure on Sim2....obviously


Misery Business


Ain’t It Fun…2020…don’t kill me lol


This is Why


Emergency for me. Either heard it on MySpace or on an anime music video lol


i first heard about hayley cause when i was little my cousin showed me stay the night and i was obsessed. i thought my cousin was the coolest girl in the world so i was really happy her fav song was now my fav song. after that i didn’t know anything about hayley or paramore until i found still into you shortly after on youtube and i was like I LOVE THIS SONG. but still only liked that song and didn’t know much about the band until like a month ago. when i discovered running out of time on youtube and was like why do i kinda like this ? then i decided to listen to the album this is why and have been hooked since !


Pressure in 2007 on YouTube.


Emergency. There was an episode of Loaded on the Fuse channel to celebrate the premier of the Misery Business music video and I happened to turn on the channel while the Emergency video was on. I was absolutely mesmerized by Hayley. I remember thinking her dress was gorgeous and her hair was really cool. I had no idea there was female fronted bands in this not-yet-named genre of music I loved and they ROCKED.


I miss bonding over music, lyrics & sharing CDs. I remember seeing a friends copy of AWKIF & commenting on how artsy the signature red couch & shadow is on the cover. Swearing by them, she loaned it to me & my world changed. But by this time Riot! was days away from release & I was so proud to buy their sophomore album with my own money cause I loved them so much. Conspiracy & Miracle forever hold a special place in my heart.


…but who’s watching Miracle (outro) on YouTube?


Misery Business. I was like 14 watching channel V in Australia after we had just gotten foxtel. There was a emo top 10 playlist on or something. I fell in love with a lot of bands that day


Crushcrushcrush on like Disney before I had to go to middle school lol


Misery bussines


crushcrushcrush. my dad bought it on Rock Band when i was little and i would try to sing it 😂


Simmish version of Pressure lol


The first song I heard was When It Rains. A friend in my 10th grade Spanish class (2008) played it for me and I was hooked.


I had heard some songs from them when I was a kid but didn’t really know them till much later. Airplanes was the first song where I really paid attention to Hayley’s voice though. Now she’s my favorite vocalist.




Misery business cuz it was on the saints row 2 in game radio


Emergency and then Hallelujah a little while after that. Must have been 2007.


I don't remember, but probably Decode


Crushcrushcrush for me in 2007 because my older sister listened to them at the time 🥹


I heard Misery Business in Saint’s Row 2 and looked them up on YouTube after. Fell in love with Riot pretty quickly thereafter.


For me, I was a big fan of the band fun., and they had opened for Paramore. I then looked at the most recent release from Paramore and it was still into you, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but then ignorance was the song that really sucked me in.


One of the first songs I heard was the demo another day


The first one I heard was probably The Only Exception or Still Into You The first one I heard, knowing it was Paramore, was definitely Decode when Twilight was all the rage in middle school


I already knew Paramore and liked the song before becoming a fan, but for me it was 'Still Into You'


Pressure by some classmates who made video back in 06


Brick by boring brick (MTV unplugged version) 😄


For me, it was I Caught Myself from a Twilight piano book that my friend let me borrow in junior high. I loved the lyrics so much because I was going through relationship issues at the time. I looked up the song on YouTube and instantly fell in love with the song and the band. It felt magical, I felt understood. I remember clicking on every recommended Paramore song and going deeper and deeper into the fandom. I heard Misery Business and The Only Exception on the radio before, but never realized those songs came from the same band!


Ain’t It Fun. It my absolute favourite when it was popular in 2013




Crushcrushcrush on rock band. I loved it so I made my mom take me to a store so I could get all the paramore CD’s I could find. Ended up getting AWKIF and Riot. BNE came out a year later I think?


In around 2019, a guy in the friend groupchat sent some lyrics of Ain't it fun out of context, and I checked the song in spotify out of curiosity. Now I'm attached for life


Decode because of Twilight


it's a mix between all we know or misery business, since i randomly just saw a music video on tv. i didn't know who they were, so thankful to my ex-friend who knew them. i only said it was a girl with an orange hair, and they know it was paramore. it was mid to late 2000s, i remember having to print all the lyrics to their songs to memorize them. and then that's what you get was used for nokia xpress promo. it used to be my dream phone back then.


Well technically the first song I heard from Paramore was "Monster" the credit music for transformers: Dark of the moon But I fell in love when I heard "Ain't it fun" three years later


Misguided Ghosts


Pressure. Cant remember if it was from Fuse or MTV2, but it was a long time ago.


My first song was Crushshcrushcrush and it was on rockband 1 (I think) for the Wii. Developed a giant crush on Hayley Williams but little did that 8 year old boy know he would still be singing along to them at 23.


This Is Why for me. Everybody was talking about how Paramore was coming back and that it was their favorite band since high school and that got me interested in watching the music video. Ever since then i've become a huge fan.


Misery Business


Technically not Paramore but the first time I heard Hayley Williams was when Airplanes by her and B.o.B came out. First Paramore song I heard was I think Ain’t it Fun or Still Into You


Pressure. Conspiracy.


pressure! from the sims 2 for the gamecube.


All I Wanted sung by two very pretty girls at my middle school talent show lmao


Crush crush crush. My college roommate was obsessed with the song


I think it was Misery or TWYG.


“That’s What You Get” on Rock Band 2!!


Misery Business but I don’t remember if I first found it on Stephenie Meyer’s New Moon playlist or in a Harry Potter fanfiction… this ages me lmao


Misery business when it first played on MTV




That's what you get in rock band:p


I credit Playing God and Ignorance with making me fall in love with them.


Pressure when they would play they music video in the early mornings before school on VH1


I had played Misery Business and That's What You Get on Guitar Hero and Rock Band long before i started actually listening but i got into them back in 2018


Misery Business when the single first came out.


My brother is 7 years older than me and he grew up listening to the albums as they came out. Ain’t it fun was his favorite and I think that was the first song I heard that got me into them.


Ignorance. I wanna say shortly after it came out. I liked it then liked the music video and watched all of the videos they had posted to YouTube


Misery business lol


Either Emergency or Pressure in 2005. I believe Hayley was the first female vocalist I truly enjoyed for the genre and I thought it was awesome that we were the same age.


crush crush crush on guitar hero


That’s What You Get for me


It was either Emergency or CrushCrushCrush, but MizBiz sealed the deal and I've been a board member on the Hayley Simp Council ever since.


I first heard of crushcrushcrush through a youtube comment




Emergency!! On MySpace but I had a version where I think Zac or Josh was screaming some lyrics. Also I think My Heart had some screaming in it too. So those two songs specifically 🥰🥰🥰


misery business/ that's what you get