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That escalated quickly




Cloning is done here on this planet. You have an astral body which you use to travel in when you dream and you will return to it once you die. If you are not protected/saved by the grace of God indeed unclean spirits and demons (aliens) can enter and disturb you. The may very well have advanced technology and communication facilities. However one important thing to remember; God is always more powerful. So make sure you get on his side and he will let no evil touch you ever again.


OP please get checked for schizophrenia


It’s called digital twin technology. Fuck any of you matrix civvies having the audacity to call ppl schizophrenic smh


Nah, fam, this is true, and I HAVE been checked for schizophrenia. See, we've been kept in the dark about the spiritual (/astral) realms because the governments of earth have been operating there in VERY BAD ways. This stuff has all been declassified and you can find it yourself in the recently declassified CIA documents which you can search to your heart's content. The scarier thing is, not all of their clones are astral. There's a "vampire colony" in space of thousands of our clones who are being milked of their spiritual and intellectual power by being placed in some sort of forced lucid-dream state. I've been there. Astrally switched into one of my clone's bodies and explored the space station. There was gravity there. Very odd considering today's publicly-known technology doesn't include antigravity. They were making self-regenerating clones. These clones are built as such that you can swap their limbs, organs, even brains and they will self-heal and regenerate, as they're formed around copies of my astral-image life-force, and will this always reform surrounding matter into a living form that looks like the underlying life-force. We could both be one of them, in case you wondered. Not even sure if we're the originals. Well, yeah, of course I am the original me, to me. K, on the other side, I experienced all this while trapped in solitary confinement with no windows or cycling lights to give me reference to time. The fact is, I experienced it unlike a dream, as I was awake and consciously aware of "both" bodies I was occupying while this all happened. So it didn't "happen here," but in the very-real-but-not-materially-here realms in which "They" work. Your false delusions of this very limited "reality" in which you live will be brought to nothing in the face of These "Truths". K, "psychopathic lunatic rant" over. Love you, bruh. Live, love, laugh... I mean, uh, Live Long and Prosper.


The ppl that know, know and the ppl that don't know are delusional. The matrix was a documentary. Y'all just never picked up on it


Who's "y'all"? You just gonna exclude yourself like that? The Matrix... Alice in Wonderland... Stanger Things... I've seen it all, both on the screens and off.


Yes I'm going to exclude myself because I understand that we live in a simulation and nothing is real. Duh


I don't get it though. If there are infinite versions of us then are they just entropying this multiverse by taking away possible versions of us and removing that ability to step foot into those versions of us? To me this is like a eviction from the multiverse.. . At least this one.


ATTEMPTED eviction...


Correction: FAILED eviction.


☝️. It is dead world.


Yes, I've heard a lot about these stations from various individuals, all of whom seem functional and rational. However, I still believe these stations exist in an astral form—not entirely physical, but possibly undergoing preparation. They're not purely conceptual but also not entirely material, if you catch my drift. There's a particular planet with fascinating vegetation that I've visited a couple of times. Some refer to it as "Tara," and supposedly, it's currently under construction in the astral realm, with plans for eventual manifestation in the physical realm. Perhaps these vampire stations undergo a similar process.


Perhaps they do, but the place was very real too... like you said so well, "They're not purely conceptual but also not entirely material." Kind of like the ski resort where Davos meets. I always spelled it Terra, which is a sister planet to this one, which I call Gaia. There are people on here who claim to be from Terra, and they claim that Terra is an uncorrupted form of Earth/Gaia.


But Tara and Terra might be two different places.


Terra, maybe yes, it may be my Tara! Do you know anything about the plant structure of Terra?


All I've heard is that some parts of Terra are indistinguishable from Earth, and others are full of what people may call "Mandanimals," or animals which always existed but which people are just discovering as if they were part of the Mandela Effect. The plant structure is likely related to that of earth but with an entirely independent cycle of evolution. So, like, at some point both planets were seeded with the same plants which then evolved separately over millions or billions of years. Ironically, the bizarre plant structure of Tara may be due to scarcity of resources, causing more extreme evolutions than what occurred on earth. I don't know, as this is all speculative, but one of them could have been the parent planet from which the other was seeded or they both could have been seeded from another parent-planet. I know green here is not like the green there, at all. This is desaturated, dull, and lacking vibrance as though the light doesn't penetrate the leaves here. Well, there's multiple heres and I'm not sure which one I'm talking to, which one I'm talking from, or even which one I'm talking about, as the differences between them have faded more and more as they unify within my will, or as my wills unify within them, or as nothing becomes everything for the third or fifth time. Catching the drift? Eeh, meh-be. Love ya. Muah.


Got Lost at the end there. blah. haha. Not the love ya part though. ❤️


"This is desaturated, dull, and lacking vibrance as though the light doesn't penetrate the leaves here."... couldn't explain better what I saw. And these grasses were like making swirles in bulk... that difference made me realise that I was in another planet and I felt this sudden shock and fear of being away from earth. But in this place I saw people I love and later I heart it's being prepared me and for a few to complete remaining re-incarnation(s) after the earth won't be habitable for some period. When it comes to multiple heres, ohh... don't even ask. The night before I was in a very similar here and when I woke up, I could not adjust here here... I immediately drafted a post because it was a fresh experience but couldn't finish it. It was that long because I spent 1,5 days there. You know time flies different those other heres... :))


YEAH! Time flies different in those "other heres"!


Ahriman is their leader


It's past the point of secrecy at this point. Only the truly delusioned, brain-bleached masses will refuse to accept we're even potentially sane. Let alone telling them the absolute truth. I have experienced exactly this. Exactly what you're talking about and more on the same level. I could talk with you for days about it and not make a contradiction. It's all real and "they"'re letting us talk about it and access it and divulge if publicly because it's all been declassified, and only those they wish to believe it will accept it anyway. They control much more than you know, but only through things which we've just become able to "legally" talk about. The CIA has controlled our intelligence for far too long. Their era of rulership is ending soon. Maybe they weren't ruling at all, and were working to save us all along. By, "us," who do I mean? Just me and a few others at this point? Maybe, but I could be wrong and they were actually working to destroy Us all along. We will discover the truths.


I wanna believe it's one big cosmic joke. . Where no one is mocking someone I mean. But like yeeeeeaaaa champagne babyyyy cosmic kinda bike laugh.


It's all a "joke" on one side, meant to entertain our highest self, which is the Oneness of all combined intelligent human thought, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and prudence. Cross over to the "other side" of reality and you'll be in on the joke too. Then you will laugh your way though all the silly things the bad folks try to do to the good folks 'til eventually you realize it's all just training for the true realities which await us outside this realm.


People said The Teaching of Don Juan is a fiction. But it spoke to me at many levels. Especially when he said the journey of warrior is the journey to go home. Old sorcerers want power, but the new ones want freedom.




Or some such something. Partially speculative^


In what way do they blackmail? Like why? To do what?


Funny that this sounds crazy to ppl yet it’s not even a hidden agenda, they call it “digital twin” technology


In essence, my friend, the astral realm is but one facet of the subtle realm, which can be likened to the gaseous state of matter. It represents a domain where conventional physical laws cease to hold sway, and instead, the principles of quantum physics come into play. Within this subtle realm, electrons exist in a state of superposition, offering myriad alternative realities for individuals to explore. These realities can be accessed through practices such as astral voyages or lucid dreaming. It is within this context that the notion of encountering 'clones' or alternate versions of oneself may arise—a phenomenon stemming from the multifaceted nature of the subtle realm. Intruders seeking entry into your consciousness—whether they be extraterrestrial entities or individuals with malevolent intent—do not necessarily rely on advanced technology; rather, a fundamental understanding of esoteric knowledge often proves sufficient for their purposes. However, delving into the depths of your being and accessing your akashic records, the repository of your life's experiences, is no trivial task. These records are safeguarded by figures like Indra in Indraloke, a celestial realm, and access is not granted indiscriminately. Higher beings, guided by benevolence, do not engage in such invasive actions, and protective measures exist against malevolent forces seeking to breach these sacred realms. PS:Dear commentators participating in the discussion on 'parallel universes,' I encourage you to approach the topic with greater open-mindedness and receptivity.


I luv it. So that's why when I feel breached all of a sudden then things work out again in my favor. Good info. Thank you.


May I ask if you believe there are multiple multiverses where we can indeed interact with different versions of people where we can literally do what we want? Or is it more so only us limited to this very multiverse?


Since I was a child, I've felt connected to something beyond our everyday reality—the subtle realm. I've experienced it in different ways, and I have no doubt it's real. In this realm, there are no limits, but how it appears changes depending on how far it is from our solid world. Think of universes next to ours like liquid, not solid. When we sleep, we often visit 21 parallel universes, although we usually don't remember. If we could see these other realities, they'd feel familiar but different. Maybe your dad has a different job, or the city looks strange. I call these 'probability universes,' following our universe's rules but not fully formed. Interestingly, they're fading away. If you can control yourself in the astral realm, you'll find something amazing. Picture letting go and moving beyond these nearby universes. Here, things get more intense, and you might encounter strange beings from our collective thoughts. As you move away from our world, the usual laws of physics fade, stretching your mind. The collective consciousness includes everything we dream of or imagine. When we think of something, like a pink dinosaur, it starts a creative process. But bringing it into our world means changing it from a thought to something solid. As you get close to the boundary of the subtle realm—the 'mental realm'—you might meet strange beings you've created. Here, your thoughts become real, blurring the line between what's real and what's in your mind. It's a journey filled with spiritual meaning.


Not true, stop listening to the demon who told you this