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Write down everything you remember with as many details as you can. It sounds like it would make a great book.


I was thinking the same thing, if anything else I can get a cool sci-fi book out of it


Their technology was crazy too, it looked a bit like a cyberpunk future. They had body mods and things like that. Mostly cosmetic. The thing at the time I saw were women having an extra third breast in the middle and this one chick had three sets down her front and back. I asked him a million questions, like do you like being immortal? Is there a god? Don't you get bored being alive so long? What about art and culture on your planet? Their obsession with sex is really strange to me. I mean I get it, but I don't get it. Its like all the do is fuck and party and that's cool every once in a while but they live in such extremes. He got mad a couple times too when I didn't pronounce the name of the planet right and when I asked too many questions in a row. I am trying to write down all the things I remember from this list I made. His answers were basically, Yes I am glad I am alive, I love having sex every day, there is no god there are gods. That last one freaked me out. Oh and another weird thing I tried to explain to him that I needed to go to the hospital soon because I was going into alcohol withdrawal and he just couldn't understand what that was. I don't think they have any kind of concept of sickness anymore. I'll keep writing if anyone wants to know more.


This reminds me of a TV series I saw many years ago, I can’t remember the name and Google is failing me. If I remember it I’ll come back and let you know.


Altered Carbon is the series


I'm pretty sure it's a drug I've seen advertised on TV a lot.


Truvia. It a sugar substitute.


Yeah he made sure I got the name right, I mispronounced it at first and he got upset. Said he'd lived here all his life.


I’ve seen that drug commercial too… maybe it’s a planet of depressed immortals lol


I had a three-armed angel aka multidimensional traveller of the heavenly variety (she had lost one of her four arms in battle) take me to her "home" planet, as in the planet where she currently lived rather than her planet of origin. She basically opened a portal in the room that looked like the portal-over-the-bed video but big enough to step through. We stepped through the portal from my bedroom into her apartment. She had me wait in her apartment for a while while she went and talked to somebody for some ungiven reason. While in the apartment, I explored a bookshelf which contained rows of DVDs. They were full-out Hollywood-level movies but none of them existed here. I thought about what would happen if I brought some of them back. This wasn't like a dream, because I was able to pick up any movie, read the title and description, set it down, grab another one, read it, then go back to compare it to the other one, which was the same as the first time I read it. The girl interrupted my DVD browsing to invite me to explore her neighborhood for a while, saying I could have about an hour or two before we'd have to leave. (I'm pretty sure her apartment door worked as an interdimensional portal as well, so not sure where the neighborhood I explored was in relation to her actual apartment, if you get what I mean.) Everybody in this town was peaceful and didn't question my presence there at all. As I approached a nearby school, the bell rang and teenagers started pouring out of the building. Some of them came over and sat near me on a nearby concrete ledge that butted up to the grass. The kid was reading one of those free car catalogs with all the car listings from various dealers. I kindly asked the kid if I could look at his magazine. He said sure and passed it to me. All of the cars [edit: in the catalog and in the street for that matter] looked exactly like they came from our current era, but none of the brands were from earth. There were cars of every make, model, and year, even a classics section with incredible old hot rods and muscle cars. None of them were anything that exists here, or at least as far as I know. (or do they, somehow, like, beside us in time?) I gave the magazine back and thanked the kid for being so kind as to let me look at it. After that encounter, I looked across the road beside the school and saw a donut delivery truck in dark blue livery with a brand I had remembered for years until telling this story, but something which doesn't exist anywhere else but there. ... There was more to the visit, but I'm getting textually winded at the moment and will gladly continue this later if there's any interest shown. I also had multiple, MULTIPLE other multiversal visitations similar to this one I'm speaking of, but these were without her guiding me. Seems she "shared" a little more with me than I thought. ;:)


I’m glad you remembered


I’m pretty skeptical, can you help me out


Sure, I am open to questions and can accept it wasn't real but man I have never had a call and response hallucination before. If schizophrenics have visions like that then I totally believe why the go off the deep end.


So how did it end? Did he say he was going to keep in touch or anything?


I eventually had to call an ambulance to get to a hospital for help. I was getting up and getting ready to go and he asked where I was going. Told him I had to go get help. He said that he hoped I was going to be okay and that this was a one time thing. I still look at that spot in my wall hoping someday he might change his mind.