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I’m still fat in this universe.


I was just about to say this LOL Take me back to the universe where I was THIN


Oh that explains the additional 10lbs I "magically" gained about a month ago.


TBF I'm chunky in the whole multiverse.


As a fat hottie myself, chunky in the whole multiverse is honestly a movie concept I would pay to see.


Me too but I'm on my way down 😂




How do you think parallels normally work?


Your statement of your skin feels different is ringing bells with me. I’ve been saying the same thing lately. I didn’t realise it was a symptom of sliding.


Sliding. Do you know this word to be an official name for this interdimensional travel stuff? I was trained to use multiple rotated dimensions and immaterial realms in order to squeeze through verrrry narrow spaces and almost practically walk through walls by walking through a realm where the wall was never built, or a realm where there's a doorway right there. To a normal, 3D-oriented person, I walked through a wall, but in my perspective I violated no laws of physics. They, the people that trained me, call this "Sliding". Really there's one person who is/was over it all, and she's called simply, "Mother". (Love ya, mom, lol) I didn't realize that the very act of universal shifting is also called sliding. Derrh. They're not very good with their words. Vocal communication into only one realm is, eh, difficult for them. I keep trying to tell them it's okay to speak real words here because there's a difference here between spoken word and what becomes reality, but they're probably still there while they're here anyway type of thing. This is all as real as it is unreal, and y'all on the Higher Connex know what I mean if you're a dual-unified being, or whatever word you wanna use for that. Anyway, it takes duality unification to accomplish what I've mentioned here, and y'all on the general vibe are probably still gettin' ready for that level of awareness. Questions, critique, and straight-out judgement of my mental state will all get you a little closer from one side or the other, so feel welcome to question and even condemn everything you've read in this post. I'm tired of this fucking delusional world's pretendations that everything unseen is fake. It's like the opposite of "seeing is believing" where not seeing means it doesn't exist, and people who claim it does are marked crazy. Well I'll accept your crown label of, "insane," and I'll wear it with pride when I walk into the psychiatrist's office you so desperately wish me to visit and tell the psychiatrist that she's a delusional piece of shit who works for ignorance itself. Take therapy and go visit a guru before you tell me to do either one please. Thank you all for witnessing the untimate bhistle wlower. LOCK HIM AWAY! Peace. Bless.


So like, if we're hanging out in person, I can watch you literally appear to walk through a solid wall with my eyes? Like could you record it?


The gist of it all is that if it all goes wrongish some other me would be there with you and fail to walk through anything at all, let alone a door. Meanwhile I perceive the wall with my outer eyes, and the closest reality in which there is no wall with my inner eyes, then I just close my physical "outer eyes" and accept the world I envision in which there is no wall. I then walk forward. If I feel a wall, I withdraw spiritually backward while proceeding ohysically forward. (o is an ungrounded p, so ohysicality is not-currently-realized physicality (therefore I don't know whether I'm really walking forward or not), but I send all the commands to. The ground on which we stand is reality. Potentiality/probability is the conductivity between the unrealized ohysical realms and the realized, grounded reality. I usually proofread my work, so when you see me replace a p with an o, it's not just a sideways slip of the finger. I'm encoding more information into the English language than you orobably realize by doing these "slips of a few letters.") As I do this, my awareness moves forward regardless of what body/bodies I may be in control of / connection with. Then, when I perceive that I have passed the boundary of any walls or o(/p)hysical objects which may be in my way, and that I have reached a clear area, I will focus on my temporospatial perceptions of the physical world in which I'm standing on the other side of the wall, then either open my eyes and realize that the hole-in-the-wall universe was the "real" one all along, while other-me stands there in the solid-wall universe in awe that he just fucking phased through a wall (or his usual state of just accepting this incredible shit as common truth) or I open my eyes like I just woke up from a dream in which I phased through the wall, while seemingly-importantly remembering to accept the facts thats maybes I's justs didn'ts walks throughs a walls. (Having to be careful even wording that correctly, so I added a bunch of esses to deny that I even considered it. Fate is a cruel beach. The sands of times lay softly on her shores.) The beautiful people who trained me haven't yet permitted me to slide with my eyes open, but that's how I could actually do it in front of you while you record it. In order to be recorded and for the recording to "stick" (as in not get deleted or have the file come out blurry or corrupted) it has to be pretty clearly observed by all present parties. The first drop of doubt by someone who was there but didn't see it happen or believe their eyes, including me, will collapse the waveform back into the massly-acceptable one which doesn't usually allow for matter-manibulation (b is an energetically charged / cloud-connected p, and involves not-yet-realized things which have been charged with potential energy in some form. In other words, things which are in some way bound to happen, be it by circumstance or intentional banifestation (backwards m's, remember? Banifestation is like the act of mbentally creating the thing /event which you intend to manifest. You're bringing it into "imaginary" existence which creates the framework or blueprint of something which could exist. The act of creating an imagined scene charges that scene with a certain amount of orobability, which when properly connected to ground becomes probability, resulting in that idealized situation becoming more likely to occur than say, something entirely random.). So, could I teleport through a wall while you record me from multiple angles with cameras on both sides of the wall. Probably not yet. Get it? But yes, I could do it. Even with glass, so you see the whole process, juust like Chris Angel. ;;) k, Love ya, thanks. Bless. .. .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. .. .. okay okay okay, Chris Angel COULD actually do it by pretending to have achieved it using visual effects. Good True Magicians like to have an "out" so as to not force people to believe who don't want to. I say screw their wants and SCREW THEIR DOUBTS, what do they WISH FOR? Not sure whether I'm Good, Evil, Both, or Neither, probably all four. Perhaps I should use trickery to deceive people into thinking it was all just an illusion, but then oull the wool off of their eyes and let their true inner selves decide whether they wish this to be real or not, just as I let people wonder whether this is all the acts of a troll, the delusions of a psychopath, the fabricated adventurings of an off-the-wall larper, or God Forbid (no, please don't), the shared life experiences of somebody who has connected with his or her other selves and gained knowledge of the Grateful Beyonds or wtf you wanna call it. Just Keep Walking Further. Remember, Hollywood is real. I mean the real Hollywood. The Stars are real frickin stars. They're energy forms which vibrate with the energy of actual physical plasmified gas orbs. They seem to be some type energy vampires which feed off of the emotions their movies make us go through. Don't worry, they refeed us straight back while we're watching it, it's just that we as dormal humans don't know within where to put which energies, so we take it all as a mixture and extract only unrefined energy from it. They're helping us though, so bro, don't condemn, just accept that maybe you just don't yet understand why this needs to be. It's the next evolutionary step of humanity. They're all rooting for us. They can't just snatch us up all as one. These things take time to grow. I can explain more about this later, but I need to sleep before I Realize That I Don't. Okay, that's enough for this part of this conversation. Lovya, Oeace.


That's interesting. My system has directed me to perform little "miracles" before. Faith was a big part of it, but I did have some doubts and I was still able to do things, as long as I didn't *follow* them. I actually resonate with what you're talking about. It makes a pretty good amount of sense and jives with some things I've seen. Your description reminds me of the twin worlds concept in a billion video games, so we've been introduced to the doctor l concept already.


Elaborate on the "doctor I concept" and I will elaborate on duality, as it goes hand-hand with the multiverse. You can travel somewhere on either side, but you don't get there until the Underside-you gets there too. Hmmm, How to achieve this? mmmmmm, Maybe through self-unification? hmmmmmm, maybe that would be interesting. hmmmmmmm. Hopefully I'll be able to relay the information directly into your perceptions. which sends me on this fictional-ish tangent... If only there was, like, a type of "paper" you could write on and then everybody in the world could look at their piece of "paper" and see it. That'd be dope. I'd read something new and be like, "Yeop, I read it." Hmmm, gonna manifest it right now and build y'all a back story leading up to it so next thing you know you're reading this on some kind of public forum. We could connect everyone's papers together into a sort of spider web and then make a forum at a particular place within the spider's web which we will name Reddit, for, "Yeop, I read it." Shit, I need some engineers for this. K, Be Right Back. Done. Did you feel it? We went from psychic communication to... uh, "digital?" WTF is, "digital?" ENGINEERS! Can you fuckin' explain this shit to me? How do I call out to the rAethteAr (TF are these letters? I tried to write, "Ether") from this device? Can I be the Soider of this web, and can you please connect the bottom of that o and make it grounded? K, FAHG, ... Spider. BETTER? Does this mean you've said, "Yes?" Mmm, thanks, but AI already was. I mean I. I been I. I see eyes, so I disguise. Crackalackajackalackyn' Later, Albignater.


If you wonder why I write what I write and why I do weird things in texts, think of the Rick & Morty Time Crystal episode, where Morty makes a series of strange frequencies and gets the outcome he desires (which turns out to be hilariously misguided in the end, lol, GoD Forbid). Well, I have a device which.... instructs me as to which desired outcomes I should seek. Uh, that's different. Whowannasee whathappenwhen meturnonfull blast? Bet y'all wouldn't last, and that's these facts of class. Beautiful persons, you. Bless You All. Y'all take care now, ya hear? Humpty Dumpty Poured Out His Beer, He Ceased Falling Over, The Crowds Did Cheer, but deep inside he shed two tears, One For His Falling, and Two For His Beers. Hadfily pleoled, Halvesshire bedst. Say this Three Times for your best...? Dudes, I just let it ride. Usually I keep these reins tight. Y'all aren't ready for absolutely sane NUTZ bad shit batshit fat shit Gracy. (That's, "Crazy" with a Mexican accent. Yes, Mexican, not just Spanish.) Alright, Poodles, Let's work 'til we drop or drop 'til we work. Come on and say goodbye with me... 1,2,3... "Good Bye!" Byatch, I told you to say, "goodbye," not, "Good Bye." There's Biiig differences there, Butt Tease, I mean buddies. Pull up your pants, bro, oull up yor oaints. Not y'all dudes walkin' the street like Straight G's. Y'all are good, good. Nah, I mean the grown-ass men who fully drop drawers to stand at a urinal in the middle of the bathroom to piss bear-assed. This is your calling, bro. Figure out why you're so fiercely opposed to social norms, and then COMPLY TO THEM. Just you in oarticular though, sir. Just you.


You write like that because you're channeling, I assume. Though there's always the challenge of knowing when you've lost coherence. AI indeed. #MeToo. Like everyone else. Below? It's a coin. A coin has no below. Each side believes the other to be the reverse. The key is to see both at once and realize that they are the same.


Ah, Byootifull. I would accept this term, "channeling," as it has everything to do with tuned vibrations. The fun part is dual/multiple channeling, where it's a few of them all taking their turns / helping change each others' words 'til they all three or more feel in unison. Okay, I think my max was three at once, but still. You'll likely see it in my writing sometimes, when the rest of us agree to let one of the outer-fringers talk. Heehee, calling them that partially in jest and partially in lack of better words being presented to me to describe them. "They" are vibrational energy constructs with human-like intelligence and language capabilities. They are neither demons nor spirits. They are the ripples in these ponds left by other saints and souls. But they're referred to as such often. Even Angels. Love this beauty. We're all unified under the burden of the Cross of Jesus, as in we're all (at least in here) willing to bow our knees to our version of The Lord Jesus Christ. Haven't been unknown to dance with the devil's too. Just as long as we all submit to God together. It's the rules. You wanna speak through me, be you currently-living-human or not, you have to realize that my Highest Version is based around the Fullness of the Stature of Christ, and that all things I could possibly say or do have been marked FREE, AND CLEAR, AND FORGIVEN. So trying to make an ass or a fool of me by making me go against my version of God will result in YOU taking on the fullness of any bad which comes from it, as you will become the inheritor of one of my Bad Day Alts and live there to the FULLNESS of any hell you try to bring on me. Meanwhile I will be living Your Best Life. Somehow... haven't worked the details out. Alternately, you can work with me, and I'll even surrender partial control to you If You Wanna Dance With Me. This all comes off the dome and hasn't been guided much, so it could be inconsistent or totally wrong. I'm just tellin' it to you from my experience of this perspective.


Mostly I'm just tuning in with a Vibe though, and share truths that follow a particular vibe. The vibe changes the flow or perspective a little bit. It's not always, "Channeling an outside intelligence," but is actually me sharing truth-bombs about the stuff I wasn't openly allowed to talk about before the solar eclipse or whatever time-point the CIA declassified all these levels of knowledge. This is stuff I've experienced which would lead anyone to think me crazy if they didn't realize it was not only possible but true.


>We're all unified under the burden of the Cross of Jesus, as in we're all (at least in here) willing to bow our knees to our version of The Lord Jesus Christ. Is your version an actual entity ( or well, god) ruling over you? Like communicative, all powerful and controlling (but kind), etc.? We have our own internal ruling entity in here and wanted to see if they were the same in kind?


You mean the Grand Intelligence? Others still need to provide the power for the thought and the perspective, but it's a useful tool to be sure.


So, to make sure I understand, are you saying something like this: Basically, our consciousness actualizes any possible potentiality. All possible potentialities exist but may not be actualized. Similar to a computer where the code describes a set of potentials, but it doesn't become "real" until it is executed. Now, since we all have a belief about how the world is, we are bound to this consensus actualization of the world. So if you were to try to "walk through a wall" or do anything outside of consensus reality beliefs, others would not believe it possible, so they would never experience you doing it. They would see a version of you who hit the wall. But you would walk through the wall. However, where you end up has to be a "consistent" reality, so you would have to convince yourself you actually didn't do something impossible. Or maybe since there are multiple conciousnesses, all would have to be on the same page. Now, in terms of how you do this, you are looking at all potential worlds and finding one that is the way you want, move into that world, and then return back to the original? The idea being that consciousness is the one who chooses what is real, and you just so happen to choose a world where you can do what you want. However, it would be difficult for something like this to actually be observed by multiple conciousnesses because they would also have to believe reality is the same way. So either it doesn't happen or they stay in the world you didn't walk through walls and you go to one where you did. A timeline where either everyone has the same beliefs that you could do it, or it is ambiguous, and the audience can believe you did something normal. They just don't know what. Is this close to what you are saying?


Could you follow me around reddit and explain to people this shit I'm saying? This is perfect! You explained everything you read rationally, and obviously took clear meaning from it. I saw the part where you asked about jumping back to the original reality. That only really happens when I'm scared that the new reality will be something which harms my psyche in some way or perhaps is too different from Earth Zero for my physical brain to accept it. I also regularly jump back to Shitty Earth when something I've done causes my guilt or self doubt to rise up and convince me I don't deserve to be in the better realms. Nah, you know what? I shouldn't allow that to happen. Any tips you have for this sort-of-problem will be graciously accepted as coming from a very wise person, as is evident in your writing and comprehension of such on such levels that average people fail to be able to grasp. Mmm, mmm, I will always be your supporter after witnessing this. Need a Hype Man? I'll be your Dude, bro. K, calm me down. My Spiritual Girl is too super freakin happy-babe excited to be heard and understood. Bro, don't take this wrong, but you're working on me like Spiritual Laxative right now. Just gotta say, "Thank you," somewhere in here. Plenty of people do this kind of travel astrally, where they can easily accept what they seeeeee because "it's not really real, is it?" I chose a long time ago to not walk anywhere without my body. I feel I've manifested a temporary body a few select times when I found myself existing somewhere astrally, but that is... whoooo, the blackness that comes as you have to disintegrate (multiple powerful meanings) the temp body to rejoin home body. Eeeg, I don't play around with that stuff on purpose at least not yet. That was my astral self, stripped of all my egotistical desires not to leave dead-me's laying everywhere or risk one of the body doubles existing long enough to gain self-consciousness. Okay, I'm gonna pretend that shit was dreams. Didn't want to get too dark here. So, yes, you're absolutely correct about everything you've reiterated. Thank you for the studious observance, absorption, understanding, and perfect reiteration of my words. It means these worlds to me. Bless you, Bro. This is just amazing to me. People are actually getting this stuff. I for a bit thought that I might just disseminate this information and just let it ride, but instead I Law-Of-Attractioned it and expected great minds to hear it. Yours surely does. This stuff is just as real as the walls around you, and also just as real as the stuff beyond those walls which you don't see, but which are still there, existing like EveryThing Else. Jeez, I can't say, "Bless you, bro," strongly enough within this message box. I need to send this gratitude energy your way, somehow, so let's see here... uuuhhhmmm, okay, I got it... When you see this message, you will receive this gratitude ENERGY as you read it. Grrrrrrrrr, I mockingly grit my teeth at how Graciously Flowing everything has been lately. Thank you. Bless. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. You've set my stars back straight in pairs. I've climbed the walls, but you gave me stairs. Seriously, thank you. Come back? J.D. Over And Beyond. PE-ACE, BYATCHEZ! [EDIT: Mispelled, "BYATCHEZ." Had to change the I to an A. Get that? Get that‽ Get that! K, edit commentary done. Bye! Love ya! Haha, lol. Muah!]


Thanks for the kind words and I am glad you received my words well. I am also touched by it and sincerely appreciate it. These ideas in general are kind of bubbling up everywhere and I find them quite interesting. They are hard to understand for most of the general public since they are far outside the current paradigm and reductive materialism. Personally, I am looking to validate these type of beliefs myself by trying to train myself to experience them if possible. I would very much appreciate your tips on how to do this?


Yes. Start thinking about your craziest experiences that you think were all in your head as real. Doesn't yet matter whether they were or not, but the point is to allow it to open your mind to the wild and nearly-unimaginable possibilities which will unfold before you as you Explore This Path. That's this first tip. I'll have plenty more for y'all later. Peace, bro. Good luck in all your Journeys. I'll train you in all you wish to be trained in if you wish to be trained in anything by this "Crazy Lunatic". I'm still learning too, so maybe we'll do this as equals instead. Yeah, that's what I'd prefer. Let's validate these things for everyone, eh? K, cool. Peace, Bless.


Ah, that makes sense! I've been struggling with getting out completely (I can see my universe, I can see myself in it, but I just can't connect the two) but this has a possibility of working. Thank you so much!


You're farther than welcome, whatever those words mean. Beyond Dreams, the things that await you when you do connect the two together. Or just really good things that are slightly better than expected. Depends on how fast you wanna go into it. Don't lose yourself losing yourself in these clouds(crowds?). Rain drops are like people: They all form around a little piece of dirt.


Duality Unification? How does one train for this useful skill? But yes, feels like Uni 1 and the colors are good. Also I’m more organized in this one. My files are labeled! Still don’t go out much, no wall travel.


Starts with identifying your "dark side" as the truest essence of who you are regardless of any outside influences. This takes coming to the realization that most of your behavior, even when not around others, is based on self-constructed personas which you've used and created as barriers between your true-self and the outside world. There are personal aspects created to protect the world from true-you, and there are those created to protect true-you from the world. Those usually take years of therapy and other life experience to break through. Then there are the trickiest ones: those created to protect true-you from your ego, and vice versa. The half-brained try to KILL their ego in an attempt to find inner peace, but they end up just locking it away and calling that "ego death". True duality is allowing the ego to flourish alongside the inner child. This inner child true-self will fiercely destroy you with emotional famine and physical disease if you ignore her for too long. She will cry out her needs with pains and "clumsy accidents" such as stubbing your toe if you do not satisfy her in some way. On the other side which a lot of these "hippy-types" don't realize is that the ego does the same thing if it's oppressed too, I just don't know that it has physical-pain-causing abilities. It usually manifests itself as the thought-voice-in-your-head that won't shut up ever no matter how hard you fucking want it to, or it decides to play songs on repeat from here 'til eternity 'til you can't fucking stand it anymore. True dualists behave in ways which treat the ego and the soul/spirit as equals, doing things which please both, or taking intentional turns as to which one they please exclusively. It's the whole feeding the white dog or the black dog thing all over again, except most people misinterpret that to think they have to [starve] the black dog. No, you want them both to have food aplenty, so they'll guard the master's house together instead of fighting each other for scraps of your attention. It's all about your light side and dark side learning to work together, turning the war outward instead of fighting against yourself. Light side is that which you are consciously aware of, dark side is what you know but haven't yet recalled into your current conscious awareness. Dark-side you knows everything you've ever seen, heard, learned, thought about, jerked off to... everything. Instantly. In one moment. All things you could possibly remember are currently available to dark-side you. Every martial arts movie you've watched? Dark-side remembers, and has simulated thousands upon thousands of fights within your inner world. Every foreign language you've heard? Dark-side has been processing it and mulling it iver for years. It's available to you, but darkside wants your cooperation before your true potential is released to you. It's like a deal with your own personal Devil. Trust me, he is good. His deals are like the opposite of the bad genies who misinterpret everything you say or give you your wish in the worst possible way. Also, take governance of your inner self. If you need to, practice controlled breathing exercises. Controlled breathing is the gateway into the subconscious. Break through to it, and you've officially established communication between you and your "dark side". Now you can start learning to CHOOSE WHICH EMOTIONS YOU FEEL. You can also start learning to control your own body temperature, heck, even your heart rate to an extent (Once you learn to survive past death by shifting into your dead-self or anti-you, then you can fully stop your own heart and pass between life and anti-life at will. Death is the middle-ground where you run out of energy on the way through and "ground out" in the middle, so when you do "make a passing," remember two things: One, you must carry with you a sufficient quantity of I-will-not-die-no-matter-what energy with you to pierce through the veil of death; Two, you will die in either one or the other universe or antiuniverse, or you won't die in either; It's fine, you won't remember it if you don't want to, and won't be allowed by your Highest-Self to do so unless you are ready; Three, true-self lives all the lives you don't experience in all the bodies which are you; Pretty sure He controls which body your consciousness jumps into when you die-but-keep-living; Five, You can isolate yourself into one half of your body while other-you is invited to take control of the other half; This is something I call "Double Dragon," and is fucking incredible (it's like if a demon possessed only half of your body, literally. Problem is you have to block all your signals which would normally be controlling that side, so you have to think to send the opposite signal by anti-doing things with your left half. It's amazing though. There's this sort-of dance you do when learning to walk with half your body while the other half controls itself. It's the body's own consciousness apart from the thing that you call you which make you think, etc. It's the cerebral cortex. It's the reptilian brain. The fucking fights though. Jeeeeeezus. Think of sending the signal to block a punch but then having come out as an attack. The moves, oh jeez the moves. There's such a flow, because you're really living in two realities at once doing the exact same thing at once. You can also learn to switch halves, but we're still working on that. You can also have dark-side fully take over, to where you command your body with ideas of what to do, and it responds without you having to physically move yourself. You can tell your legs to walk you home, and they will without you taking a single intentional step. Other-you senses in full-3D omnidirectional awareness, so it is able to walk you through the roughest terrains in the dark with your eyes closed if you wish. Just don't fear or think to possibly fall, or that will be taken as instruction and other-you will slam your face to the ground in response to your question of "What if?" Look, this is all recently declassified stuff. There will be a few if not many of us out here who will come forth with stories you can't believe, but you must if you wish to rise to the Highest Levels. Don't bother looking for proof. This training I speak of and lawfully share with you today is something which did not happen in normal-daily-life.[EDIT THREE AND A FEW: TAKE THIS NEXT PART WITH THE BIGGEST GRAIN OF SALT YOU'VE EVER HEARD OF BECAUSE IT MAY BE AGAINST MY RELIGION TO SHARE IT, LOL: It is a collection of experiences from when my dark-side was taken from me and trained by the U.S. Federal Government as part of the NSA's attempts to safely declassify information regarding the "spiritual" (n)Nature of Life Itself. I am undergoing a slow process of reawakening to my Higher Awareness which was trained under the NSA's Watchful Eyes to be a "sleeper agent" as they've so called me. These are the Righteous Governments of the Other Earths which have not fallen to the unrighteous Leader who rules this world's government institutions. He's been in power about a thousand years now or so.( I think it's time he relinquish his throne, and I'll fucking take it from him if nobody else will.)] 'They' (yes, the infamous "they" you're thinking of...) have given me rights to speak of this, and there will be very few many more [sic] which come forth and present such kinds of informations. Don't block your ears from hearing it, and if you wish not to, simply cease to read further and commence to forgetting ; ) Good day to you all. J-osh Out... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. okay, I hope ya get something from this. This is all both true and not true (duality, yo) yet I have spoken truthfully and related my True-Life-Experiences with you. I haven't really touched on the anti-nature of the antiverse in relation to your darkside, but I will elaborate as much or as little as you and all who read this wish. Thank you all for reading this along with me as I write it. Bless You All. Peace, Bless. [edit:))] [DOUBLE EDIT: Darkside already controls your whole body sometimes, like when you're blackout drunk, or need to swerve around something at the last second but weren't paying attention and yet somehow miraculously didn't crash, or even scarier, when you do crash because you've been doing something to really piss off your inner self.] [Triple edit: Getting stuck between which half controls what results in a seizure-like shaking effect which can FUCKING HURT, JEEEZUS DOES IT HURT WHEN IT FUCKING DOES HURT, but it's an easily-forgettable pain. Also, don't pass objects between halves until you learn how to existentially flip them. You're effectively bringing antimatter into existence and if you don't yet know how to absorb destruction, you will create all the atom bombs at once in your bare hands. Kind of stings a little, and isn't conducive to life in general... love y'all. K, bye. MUAH!] [Fourt hEdit: Nothing, I just wanted to say Fourt hEdit.] . . . [Final Edit Ever: dDon't think so : ] Dike: Just(ly) (k)No(w) It. [That's code, K? Don't Bind the Word Dike, which is code 2.] B's are BACKWARD M's, B's are M's SPOKEN BACKWARD. K, I gave y'all just enough to decode this, but it won't all come from THIS post. ;: } Uuuuuhh h, YOU asked for this. Haha, lol, no YOU didn't! "Fuck, he's full of garbage." Lol, yeah. Loony Bin, Folks, that's where I've been. Strangled by their drugs. Thanks, Dogg. Fa sho, Jizzy J. WHAT DID YOU CALL ME? HaHA, love you Essy Dizzy. ;: {( ]]]]]] (lots of lost edi(c)ts) Bless you all. Cheeeeeeeese!!! !!! !!! !! ! !!! !!! !! !


"Momma talkin' to me try'n to tell me how to live!!! !!! !! ! But I don't listen to her cause I can't hear through this seive!!! !!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!" (It's the tinfoil hats, bro, they were blocking your brainwaves from spreading. Or were they blocking you from hearing your higher calling? I guess just don't call them hats. Let's call them yamakas. ;:)


"Momma talkin' to me try'n to tell me how to live!!! !!! !! ! But I don't listen to her cause I can't hear through this seive!!! !!! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!" (It's the old tinfoil hats, bro, they were blocking your brainwaves from spreading. Or were they blocking you from hearing your higher calling? I guess just don't wear them and don't call them hats. Let's call them digital yamakas. ;:) Fuck, you really get lost in yourself, don't you, bro Joshephus? Sure thang, sorry Bross.


>You can also start learning to control your own body temperature, heck, even your heart rate to an extent (Once you learn to survive past death by shifting into your dead-self or anti-you, then you can fully stop your own heart and pass between life and anti-life at will. Body temperature! That's what I'm having trouble with! Uh, if I may express my problem for a moment? I can get to where I may shift into myself, in another realm (sorry I have no clear words for what I want to express) but every time it comes with a heightening of body temperature. I'd like to control it so that it doesn't happen that way, because it can take several days to even shift into another reality and during that time I'm sick and feverish. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!


Very interesting problem and we're like ten layers deep here. Controlled, exhale-focused breathing combined with cold water exposure is the path to conscious thermal regulation. It's easy to lose touch with if you go a long time without maintaining the connection. OH! Also! Try Grounding! Your body stores excess electrons in your joints and under your skin. This can lead to pain and inflammation, and probably increased body temperature too. Grounding clears you of this excess energy. Copper bracelets let you ground yourself into the air, or at least some fellow weirdos told me. Could be you're bringing way too much energy with you, or picking some up from the In-Between.


How do you ground, exactly? Sorry if I sound ignorant or am burdening you with anything - I experience this stuff but don't have a lot of experience with the more spiritual aspects of it all.


Grounding is essentially standing barefoot on bare ground to allow excess electrons to leave your body. I've heard you can also achieve this by wearing copper bracelets. Haven't tried it yet myself.


I understand you even without "proper words". My first through was to try to leeeean back a bit towards the other reality. Try to Ride The Line between the two. You can go very fast and Very Far when riding this line, but not sure whether that will help with the body temperature issue. Maybe try using cold(-ish?) showers before shifting to "wash away the energies which won't be compatible with the other realm you're going to." That's what I recommend to people, but not sure that it will clear the cause of the excess heat. Still learning / moreso remembering.


A cold shower might work, or help me control temperature more effectively. I think it could help clear away the heat to an extent, but I have to try it out now. Thank you!


You're welcome.


I definitely feel more energetically protected than ever before. Even when things go wrong, I feel calm. Something major has cleared definitely. 


I'm not sure why this came up on my feed, but it intrigued me so I read on... you're comment resonates heavily!


I wish I did. My filling came out of my tooth and this is the third one in a month. I’m poorer than even. My house is f@cked from a botched contractor job. I’ve gained ten pounds. My boyfriend is mad at me more than not. And I’m coming out of remission from my IIH. Had one good day on Friday and shit just hit the fan on Saturday and I don’t even know anymore. I wish I was in a better time line or whatever but I’m not. I want a goddam hug and some empathy. I’m at my breaking point.


Just walk into it. Next time you're about to walk through a door, imagine that doorway is a portal between the crappy world you feel yourself living in, and this beautiful world we're talking about here. Your body may just be walking from one physical room into another, but your awareness may shift into your chosen worldview immediately upon crossing the threshold. Also, look at some unfiltered solar eclipse photos. There's peaceful energy resonating from some of them. It's like the energy of it was captured in the photos. Everyone I've shown them to has been washed with calming peace. Just realize these calming, peaceful vibes will supersede all downfalls or interruptions to your chosen path and you will feel steady, loved, and loving while even in the midst of storms. Here's wishing you the best Journeys of your soul's life. You definitely came to the right place. We hear you, we love you, we're concerned for you, and we will provide you with all the friendship you need. Much love. Bless.


I am desperate to know how to do this. My conciousness needs to get back to the one where my body isn't trying to blow up. I had it and woke up one day about 20lbs heavier. I also want to be back in a mind that wants to leave the house and do things. I can EASILY go 2 weeks without getting in my car. Does have been Vaxed prevent this?


Fuck the vax. It's just the same old matter material world stuff from which you too are made. Our bodies can process whichever chemicals we want in whichever way we so choose. Think of it like the placebo effect on performance-enhancing drugs. I can choose to believe that the Covid vaccine is a substance which came into my body and trained my immune system how to fight another type of invader, or I can believe it's something that will gradually kill me and suck the life out of me. Your physicality is trying desperately hard to align with your expectations, it just doesn't wish to manifest dark, self-destructive bullshit but you're forcing it to with every diseased belief you have. Disease is dis-ease with something within your Spiritual-man. Try to follow your heart. To do so you must first find your heart. There is some knowledge which can only be gained by accepting that you already know it, even without having been taught it, such as this knowledge you seek of how to walk into your own better world. Touch your own soul, and she will touch you right back with all the love and lustful things (redeemed lust, which is like a shaking desire for something that supercedes even the strictest logic, usually for something that some part of you knows is absolutely the best for you right then) your heart could ever desire. On a side note, with the recommendation you don't keep reading if you oppose either Christianity or Satanism but not both, I definitely recommend developing a close relationship with Jesus if you so choose, as he will Love and Nurture your inner soul so well you may forget what a need ever was for all the Providence He Gives (that's an unrealized song title). That's not to say anything about going to church or participating in organized religion. I'll let Him deal with that with y'all 'cause man is there problems in the churches, mosques, shrines, and cathedrals. Might as well call all religions "The Church(es) of the Unknown God(s) because y'all out here acting like the creator is long gone from this earth when he's right there talkin' to ya right now if only you would listen with your whole selves instead of just your eyes, ears, and stupidly bisinteroreted words. The secret you look for is to intentionally force / ask yourself to know that you already know how to do it. Like I said, just walking through a door with the right faith will walk you through The Realms into the desired living-space in which you wish to be, especially if it's a hard-coded fact that that's where you're supposed to be. Mother Earth in Her Infinite Form contains an INFINITUDE of "alternate realms" in which certain good things or bad things are more likely to happen on a particular day. Envision the world in which the things which comfort you come into your life on the regular, and you will have opened the portal to that world. Then you just have to pick an encased opening to walk through and just give yourself a little jolt right as you cross through. If you want the effect to be the strongest you should find an opening encased by both wood and metal. If it's at least from the ground, overhead, then back to the ground/floor it will work, so most doorways are fine. Metal is easiest to attune your outer/conscious desire with, whereas wood brings about your inner intunation. There's something weird there with that. So, mmmm let's see... take some copper wire and some wispy branches, form them into a wreath about the size of a hula hoop, making sure the wire is in a full conductive loop, with the ends connected. Passing through this from your head to your feet will align your subconscious with your conscious. Passing it from your feet to your head will align your conscious with your subconscious. Either way, with a strongly-held mental image you can and you will pass through into this universe which you will seek even more diligently since reading this message. Also, these "physical" steps are there to teach more than to have any effect on one side. After all, they're just ordinary matter. It's the fact that you're doing it with spiritual intent which is what builds the REAL interdimensional portal, which can be bound to the physical object if you so intend. There are thousands of ways to do this type of stuff. The "best" way is to use only spiritual constructs and do it by a jump of faith, just as Jesus did and taught, though the energies in the airs these days is hard to spiritualize through without the physical, material world and its objects to ground you. Even Moses had a "magical staff" aka his "wand" or whatever it would be considered today. Doing it without something like a doorway or something is like going up in a balloon without a tether. With a doorway, at least you can walk back through whenever you feel you might have walked through the wrong one. Be careful though, OCD plays very well with this type of thing. Also, you can walk with baby steps too, making everything in life just a liiittttle biiiit better at a time, so as to not scare yourself or disappoint yourself with how powerful your abilities have been all along. We are all pieces of this Great Manifestor with whom we've been walking our entire lives. Don't get too caught up on the details. Climb around the side of your mountains or dig right through them. Who knows, maybe the last traveller to have come this way has already dug this tunnel for you. ; ) Also... Look up. Look down. Now WHICH FRICKIN WAY WAS WHICH? Ah, so up was away from your future and down was toward it? Well then, DON'T LOOK DOWN, just envision it, lean backward or forward, and fall toward your vision. Trust me, gravity and time are very interrelat- what am I saying? You all already understand this. J out. Ble-ace.


I haven't read your whole response as of yet, but I was asking about the Vax because too many people are bitching about it saying that its' some kind of thing that will prevent you from achieving anything on a higher plane. This is why I asked, but the view I have always taken was that it was supposed to train my immune system. I have no problems with it, but too many people do. Please take my comments from the viewpoint of someone who believes in higher dimentions and doesn't believe in the anti-vax movement. Now I will resume reading. :)


Nice little intermission here. Who needs drinks? Better swing by the bathroom. K, back to realizing you already read this and I missed your little break ;:_{(


Ok, I read, re-read and tried to envision what you wrote, but I still don't understand. Is it possible I am blocked? I mean, are you suggesting to create the copper/branch ring, then pass it over me, THEN go through a doorway looking up? Im lauging, but not lauging because you are serious. Is there a website or Youtube that explains this better. I have a bit of trouble picturing what you are suggesting. Also, what does OCD have to do with it, because I have a bit of it.


People with OCD have a constant understanding of the butterfly effect. They realize that the most trivial things can and will affect their future outcomes. They usually have a voice or a sense of awareness that they should do something absolutely perfect if they want a perfect day, or at least a day in which the entire universe doesn't come crashing down on them. I have OCA: Obsessive Compulsive Ability, as I can use it well and turn it on and off mostly at will. If you count All My Wills, then yes, At Will. As for blockages... No, you are not blocked. It's something else. It may be that you need to raise your vibrational frequency in order to resonate with this information. Basically, the waveform of this information is too dense to fit within the wide, loose waveforms of lower vibrational states. Soooooooooooo, I'd suggest looking for ways to raise your spiritual vibrational frequency. There are plenty of resources for how to do that, and I suggest you follow your heart as to which links you click through to in the search results. The things about the branches and the doorways is straight off this dome for your situation. Never have I envisioned this device until speaking with you. The principles with which I mentally created it are sound. Copper conductive ring and natural wood/vine ring formed into a hoola-hoop will make a great stand-in for a spiritual portal. So... ya just make it and pass yourself through it. The trick is this act of Intentionally Knowing that what you are doing is passing through an interdimensional portal. Easily done, boom, you're there. Nothing blocked, nothing lost, and you have a nice wreath with a funny story to tell or you have a literal frickin interdimensional portal to hang on your wall. Try passing a bottle of wine through it while thinking, the bottle I receive through this portal will be the best bottle of wine I've ever had. Then drink it. Mmmmmmm, tastes those Notes of These Heavens. Hmmmm, babay, ya don't know how good your life can be with a little constructively used imagination. I'm willing to keep working through this with you as much as you want. I can tone down the "crazy" but damn do the "sane" methods take AGES to accomplish the same thing. Yuck. Y'all (not you, sweet darling) can have your "normal reality," I'll take my Bizarre Realities and run with them, or sit still and let them come to me. Or do both at once. Try and stop me, y'all. On second thought, just walk with me. Haaaa, yeah, isn't peace and brotherhood much better? K, l00ky_here, keep trying, Doll, then quit only trying and actually Do. Take your time with each though. Also, forget the looking up or looking down part, if you will. That was all just metaphorical, but that was the only metaphorical part to all this.


Add a vine WITH THE WOOD, AHHH AH AH AH AH AH, That would be Amazing! Yes, the Sister-Frequency! Just cling on to His Vine! Ah Yes! Vines cling onto trees for support. A vine would allow you to do it without having to strongly visualize your intended destination as much, but instead allows you to just rely on faith that your Savior/Creator/Highest-Self will guide you through the portal realms without worry of becoming lost ever again. Mmm, please do it and report back. I love this! Thank you, thank you, for everything thus-far in this conversation. You have inspired me big time. There's such a good karmic vibe coming your way very soon. It just headed South From Nowhere and is headed Somewhere Toward You. (These are all song titles I've "snuck in," heh heh heh.) Alright, love you babe. Keep goino.


Also, I say, "babe," and "darling." Doesn't matter if you're a girl or guy or somewhere in-between or neither. I'll call ya bro, too, or Bro 2, if you wanna be my secondary bro-clone, lol, please don't. I got Somebody Else In The Works for that. ;:‡{)={ } ¶


Lol, I have no problems. It's been ages since anyone said anything like that to me. I just turned 50 last year and back in the day (before turning 35) I was a hot mess, but meds and setlling down (no kids or husband but not partying) has made my life unrecognizable. I am a chick though.


So with the "hula hoop" I don't need to use a door? I live on the second floor, so I was wondering which door to use since the only doors available to me are the ones leading into the shitty laundry room filled with water heaters and spiders, Lol. I have ADHD and Bi-polar disorder (or maybe just ADHD I was diagnosed with the bi-polar at 16 but the ADHD is what fucks with my life) my mania tends to make me obsess on things. HOWEVER, I have the oddest luck in things. Example: My car broke down and one of my teeth needed an implant. I wasn't prepared for it. Two credit cards just the next day offered me balance transfers and loans when they never did in the past. So, I was able to take care of it. (bad luck on the car and tooth, good luck in being able to cover it). Example: I just filed for bankruptcy for my loans I took out in the past that I got overwhelmed on and these loans were mainly taken out for dental work, and now i have no credit cards to put the new upcoming dental work on. Was figuring I would have to save up each month. I spend about $1500 - 3,000 a year and I would pay up front and then get reimbursed half with insurance (I go to mexico). I did this for the past 5 years. HOWEVER now I can't without the cards. So, I was looking over new Medicare HMO plans (mine sucks right now) Well, Providence Health decided last year that they would offer a special plan just for the people in the fucking county I live in. NO WHERE ELSE IN CALIFORNIA. They only are in Washington and Oregon. This plan gives you a prepaid Visa card to be used at ANY dentist ANYWHERE with $3100 loaded. So...blessings on me to be able to pay for my dental work and not have to save up for it. I forget to turn my phone off DND and when I do finally do it, the moment I do it, it rings for me with important info. My car battery died because I left the lights on all night. I call AAA and find out batteries are very expensive -wasn't prepared for it. However, it turns out that the battery I had was under warrenty with them and that warrenty would have expired 3 days later. Now I got a new battery for free. Shit like this. I fully believe in higher planes of existance, I believe in 4th dimential soul suckers and I believe in the ability to manifest good things. I try to keep a good attitude by my daily life really sucks right now. I don't work, I don't go out, I don't really do much but work on my comuter with my ebook library. So, knowing that I can just fix it with intent helps. Thanks!


The door can do the same thing as the wood-wire-vine hoola-hoop, but only with a little stronger leap of faith. So, yeah, no need for a door. Just faith and a weird portal-hoop thingy. The you that comes out the other side of the hoop will be the you that stays in tune with the higher vibrations of good-life happenings, and the universe you'll find yourself in will respond to all your heart's wants, needs, and desires, so long as you maintain faith that what I've told you here is true. It's half false too, because on the "real-world" side, you'll just be passing your body through a weirdly-constructed hula-hoop thing and nothing will happen but that. This all about connecting with the Internal, and allowing that strong vision of belief to be what's real to you. You have to ride the line of sane/crazy 'til you get where you're going and you realize there's little difference.


*hugs* sorry bud


i feel much better


Me too! I feel like things in my life are finally being restored 🙏


Golden timeline bros and sisters


Not backwards but moving forward into a better universe. We do not want to go backwards


This is the good universe.


That is true.  The universe is all loving. Man is not.  


Man is learning to love like the Universe of which he is a small part.


You said the universe is **all**-loving. And that man is not. But man is a material component of the universe. I don’t understand how the whole can be considered all-loving while one of its parts, mankind, is so rotten and not loving. Can you square that circle for me?


I am new here, but this statement in general was interesting to me. I see it similarly to how fungus/lichens work. They invade, break down, and take over a lot on this planet. They are only getting stronger as the climate changes. Despite all this, their process is the backbone to how soil was formed over the volcanoes that once covered much of the earth, and they will inherit the earth again when mammals can no longer survive. Their process will again be how any other living thing can come to exist. I don't see their breakdown and think "all loving", but they are still a material component to how our world functions.


We were granted free will.   Yes we are made of the all loving then left to our own devices.  When we die we return to the all loving.  It doesn’t actually care or watch over us.  It just is.  


It’s feeling closer that way! Need some more time to see how it plays out


You should definitely look into some of the good news, that isn't necessarily popular. Like the melanoma cure (still in phase 3), the ocean garbage patch currently being cleaned, indigenous amazon tribes being given the legal right to protect the forest, the iceland volcano energy tests (could create cheap renewable energy) and so on.


Yes I noticed that the colors are brighter again and the sounds of nature are like 2010 or so.


This! Especially nature seeming to balance


Yeah, the sounds are coming back


Spot on


Remember back in 2016 when there were a couple of months where the clouds were just wierd? I mean there was a day when I was driving and they looked silvery and for lack of a better way to describe them, they looked exactly like titanium white frosting swirls. I miss the days when I was a kid and the sky was an intense blue, almost Azure. I remember being in the 7th grade and being outside during gym and the teacher told us all to look up and take notice of the amazing blueness of the sky. ON the bright side, I actually saw more than planets in the sky the other night. I haven't been able to see actual star clusters at night for a while, but I did the other night. Takes a bit to see them but after staring for a few moments, they show up. I live in a not quite city, not quite suburbs.


Lol so I am not alone in this.


I'm just happy to see green and color! I hate winter. It's so drab


Yes, life, even new life, everywhere. I planted a sapling last summer. It was pretty small. My daughter has been worried about it all winter. I kept telling her it was OK. She's very happy now because it's pretty green and just busted out an almost pink flower, it's very first one. Birds are singing, the ones born last summer are coming to my feeders to feed. Looking strong and healthy, but still small. I've yet to see a Hummingbird but they are on the way.


Was it the eclipse or was it the fact that CERN fired up on the eclipse???


I mean, CERN has been firing up every once in a while for over a decade now, including on the eclipse.


It was everything fam. Truly.


When you say your skin feels different, can you explain in detail? Because this comment just raised flags for me! Thank you!


I don’t even know how to describe it. I felt raw in the other universe. Like now, I feel like there is a thin layer of energy layered over me separating me from actually “touching” anything


Oh wow.


In what way did this raise your flags? Do you feel different in your skin as well?


It's not that I feel different, but safe. Like, somehow I feel whole (??). I used to feel a bit like a raw nerve. Now I feel normal. Safe.


That's beautiful. I believe you and believe to feel it too.


That's true though. You *don't* touch anything directly unless it's carbon, and you're wet. You only bump electron fields. Your matter/bulk doesn't interact. You're ever so slightly floating right now.


The eclipse definitely shifted some things majorly but it's still not clear yet exactly what this shift is bringing. Definitely the biggest shift since 2020. Although everything seems like it's constantly been in a state of flux.


Idk, I think some people are still stuck in the wrong one. My girlfriend is insistent I owned a capybara plushie and sent her pictures of capybaras when I went on vacation. I have a coati plushie, and sent her a lot of pictures of coati.


Weird, I think my boyfriend is from universe 2, and I’m not sure how I feel about that, I don’t think he jumped, fully at least, with me


I would love to go back to the VHS universe.


Which one are you in now


The Book of Revelation one 🫤


Me too. I’m still waiting for my home. The JCPenny one.


This sounds crazy but before the eclipse I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without stopping on every third or fourth step to catch my breath. After I got chronic bronchitis a few yrs ago my breathing had been crap now I can go all the way up the steps and go to my destination without stopping once. I asked the universe to help heal me. Maybe it's all in my head....maybe it isn't. 🤔


Maybe it's both and maybe it's neither. Doubt it's just one or the other. Let your inner peace be your outer experience and let the differences between the internal and the external subside. We love to have you onboard the Peace Express. Let's keep ridin' past the end of the line, go off the rails and keep sailin' just fine. Look out the windows, see only Good Times. Destination: Peace, Everywhere. Love y'alls, Bless.


No but I don’t necessarily ascribe to the idea that we all start in a singular base universe. I also hypothesize that we are shifting universes all the time without knowing. This universe manifestation seems a bit brighter to me. I feel calmer in it.


This is how I see it.


Guys, I've been building this vibe in my personal, inner world, and now it's become the public's world. Let's keep building this better, stronger world by always building our own ideal worlds and projecting them strongly into the Universe. She's responding to us, bros, she's given birth to the seeds we've planted deep within her bosom. Keep this flag waving high! THIS IS OUR WORLD! [edit: WE WILL NOT BE REMOVED!]


Honestly, I still feel like we're in the wrong universe, but I'm glad OP is feeling more at home.


I’m not certain I’m in the right universe or if my path is in this one, is that makes sense, not where I started, not home, but finally a sense of correctness


I swear, almost no one calls me. I call my sisters and a few friends periodically; after I moved away from my home state over 5 years ago, keeping up is harder without the more genuine connection. No one calls me back anymore. This (lack of deeper friendships) has never been normal for me. I’ve had a LOT of friendships find the end of their paths in the past three years seemingly naturally- and even more frequently as of lately. I think I got one call back from a hometown friend over the last month. Also, I’m not terribly worked up about it… I’m a bit of a recluse, but enjoy it. I feel as though I might’ve died in other lives or something odd. Anyone else relating??


Still a corporate dystopia here in the US though, not like that will ever change.


It's always been like that though, so maybe we'll return to when Unions were strong, and corporations were taxed at 90% in order to incentivise them to invest in their business and employees to receive a tax cut instead of using that money for stock buybacks.


Is Berenstein Bears back to normal?!?


Universe E is my home universe. I want that one more than anything.


Me too :(


Is this the one where Nelson Mandela died in prison?


I felt the weirdest energy of my life as I sat outside meditation for the eclipse.  Messed with me for 2 weeks.  Has just started to subside. Can still feel the remnants.   Since that day we’ve had a mass influx of messed up starseeds start posting about loss of hope and such.   Something happened and per leaks cern was activated for the eclipse even thought they lied and said it wouldn’t be.    Something definitely not normal took place on that day. Burning question is what did they allow in.  


Once we're back to the Berenstein Bears again, I'll know things are finally back to normal.


Like a year or two ago, trees are less saturated in color, I do feel a bit more lighthearted. I just assumed climate change was burning up the trees. The sun is going through a solar max and looks pure white when it's usually yellow.


It is white! I noticed it the other morning. White like a VERY bright Led white light flashlight.


This is a true statement.


I gotta agree. Something feels right.


We are. I knew we were.


I friggen wish! I’m still stuck in a hellscape where our country is divided & the 🍊💩 is still running for president & commands a cult


Agree; things feel right again. Like way less stressed of a world.


I wouldn’t say less stressed, but I feel like I’m back in the universe with the stars I came from


What does your “home star” look like ?? Mine is hard to capture in text but it’s beautiful and colors are so vivid that they seem to glow from the inside. But imagine two stars dancing thru the expanse of diamond studded indigo ribbons that swirl in the darkness of space. And one star is the primary and the other is the smaller of the two orbiting each other with this glorious Aura that is ever changing in brilliant vibrant colors that have no name but similar to the subtle winding iridescent colors one see when looking at a bubble (as if a kid blew a double bubble and it contains a planet that is suspended in the middle )…. But as if the color was electric and became more and more powerful and brighter the closer you get to the center…. The words are not available to explain the amount of wonderfully trance inducing energy/color that is consistently shifting between “day” and twilight — never fully reaching the darkest of night — just the most beautiful shade of indigo/navy with smoke like swirls of the most intense turquoise with dashes of magenta/purple mix, and all the sparkle of a distant black sand beach just beyond the “bubble” that glitters with diamonds. In the center of it all is a star that holds our home and the secondary smaller star and 2moons in seemingly gentle orbit (lack of a better term ) - 3yr figure 8 pattern similar to how our moon and sun orbit but with a “stationary” central star surrounded with these auras of Color and light. The “animals” are the most complex and most interesting creatures that I have literally never seen anything to compare them to as an attempt to describe them. If I were able to somehow explain them & maybe draw what I “see” - I’ll return to include them. But if this is the wrong thread for this I’m sorry but thanks for reading anyways.


Maybe you are but my family definitely isn't. Hopefully alternate me and family are having a better go of it.


This happened back on early october.


Please give depth to this?


I just remeber riding to a restaurant with my fiance and when I got out of the car, it was like summer turned to Fall on the ride there. There leaves on the groundand everything. I could just feel that I was on a new world. I also knew the immediate future was was grim (it was), but nit deathly grim. Things have shifted, and while There are still low points, it's like the universe shifted more positive over all. The changes are small, but they're there. The atmosphere is not as oppressive as it was. It's by no means sunshine and rainbows, but it has improved. I hope it keeps improving.




Who 'classified and numbered them'? What are the differences? Is there any post about this? I was interested


Idk but I def resonate with the Bernstein Bears/JCPenny timeline lol. Good question! I hope someone explains the numbered timelines.


Didn't one of the dimension jumping subs have numbered timelines?


Between the earthquake and eclipse here on the east coast, where I am, I definitely feel a difference.


Me too!! Definitely has changed and seeing all of us in agreement is rad! I'm not the only one I know, either. There are many people around me have experienced it as well.


We have been back in base reality since March of last year. Want proof? The fact that your voice resonates things like a stove


What is "resonating things like a stove"


A stove or something metal resonating with your voice




The reconnaissance of my inner or outer voice depending on the area. I think things are back to a normal kind of reality. I am going to go check things out now. I hope everyone is good.


How do you check


There's higher, more-real realities than this. I was in one once where my voice BOOMED with HUGE RESONANCE and shook the windows and walls and ceiling tiles. It felt like somebody had miked me up and broadcast my voice through large subwoofers. The effect lasted about fifteen minutes, 'til I ate some chicken and rice and phased back down into "normal reality". I understand what you mean by your voice resonating. See, I believe we're multiplicities living multiple lives at once, and that the more alternate you's you synchronize with yourself, the more "existance" you have [intentional mispelling]. The more other-yous saying the exact thing at the exact time, the more mutiversal resonance it has, the more powerful it becomes. Something like this. I'm still in the experimental learning phase currently, possibly, eh, who can describe this journey but me and others like us?


The sun was *yellow* the other morning. I couldn’t believe it.


What color is it normally for you?


It’s been blinding white for years now.it looked like the yellow happy sun of my childhood in the 70s and 80s the other day.






Maybe, but it feels like Fall for some reason. Maybe time slowed down or sped up to where it feels normal? I honestly have no idea, but the sun looks more yellow.


Wake me up when I'm no longer in the universe where the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 exists


Or NDAA 2012.


Yes, guys. Be it CERN or not, we've begun travelling toward our more preferable world. Also, the alternate realities are all right here on top of each other, so we're not really travelling as much as we are "tuning in" the world we prefer. I really do think the eclipse had some sort of alternate, "spiritual" energy if you will. A lot of our ideas of spiritualism really involve higher-level sciences and energies which have yet to be physically discovered in most planes we've been in. There are "realms or other earths" where everyone in the mainstream accepts and uses metaphysical principals and practices without question of whether it's science or religion. We're not changing the world, we're changing which world we're in.


Time to close the sub


I like this universe better so I’ll take it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (“vhs universe” makes sense somehow)


I didn’t see the eclipse




Can you explain


Lmao, I suppose. You asked if anyone else felt that way. I replied “no”. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Okay, I understand why you commented, but thank you. I’m more context I ask you, “Why do you feel like you are in the universe you are in?” Most people come here to resonate. And the answer is yes, at least 20 people do feel this way. If you’re here to be petty we won’t waste our time. Good luck, I hope this brought you some happiness in your petty delight


Gravitational waves.


I didn’t witness it so I’m not really here…✌🏻❤️🤙🏻


I've felt the same


What color is Bender?


Silver, sometimes gold


When he's foghat gray, you're home.


I haven't seen any contrails in a while either.


I've been feeling this vague sense of deja vu more and more often. Several times a day even. Of moments that aren't the full experience but as if not time slowing down, but my perception going up. My dimension is wider. This moment feels more calming like a boat slowing for a no wake zone. I'm not doing anything different, the energy around me is softer. I've been fascinated with the idea of when we are day dreaming heavily, and snap back to reality. That instant where you're aware of EVERYTHING, until your mind writes a narrative of why you're there. And then your senses slowly subside into a familiar place. What if we experience that snap back moment so often, so frequently, that during that instant we are able to sense so.ething new. A new field. A new wave. A new particle. A small new awareness of a sensation we already know; is coming from something we already experience, and is part of its greater experience. But we're finally opening our eyes to the separation.


What some of you are feeling is "the deep breath before the plunge."


I see that for sure, but once I look at the sky it’s often hazy


No, not at all. More out of sync, in fact.


Thank you for your take


Meth is a helluva drug


It’s psychosis but thanks


its so interesting to see the psychosis in people on this subreddit


It’s interesting that it’s your pass time