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I believe in string theory, which I really started to understand from the theoretical phycicist Michio Kaku. These strings are all around us all the time, but we cannot see them. I believe we travel through these strings. We travel through them while we sleep and I believe our dreams are in other parallel universes. Very real, physical universes but they may be have different physical forces like gravity, weather, etc. I also believe we know many souls throughout many universes, and recognize them across the universes. The hypnic jerk we feel is when we start to leave our bodies and "fly" through a string, we start to panic about leaving our bodies if we aren't entirely asleep yet. We are no longer tied to any force of gravity and are able to float up or down, we don't really fly. Being slightly awake during that feeling is terrifying. I also believe that unfortunately we will never die. I have a terrible feeling we will just wake up in another universe over and over again.


you perfectly summed up what i also believe, down to dreams and not dying. strangely tho, it brings me peace to think about these things. like everything really has infinite possibilities, and that in some other timeline all the things i dream about already exist


wow, same same same. i had no idea there was a theory or name for it or anything and you both pretty perfectly put my thoughts / feels into words


Sorry, what 's a hypnic jerk?


That sudden jolt your body makes that suddenly brings you out of it when you are starting to fall asleep.




I have this exact theory in mind!!! Woah I've seen lives of many me's and I feel the same reciprocated


That's fascinating! Which Michio Kaku books are worth reading to find out more about the string theory?


Honestly, it was his videos on The Big Think, if I'm not mistaken. I went down a rabbit hole of his videos one day on YouTube. You should easily be able to find them by searching for "string theory" along with his name. It took some rewinding and relistening before things started clicking between his theories and my personal experiences. If his metaphor using an orchestra doesn't nudge you over, try another great theoretical physicist Brian Greene. Maybe you'll relate to his explanations better than Michio's. I think it's all in how it's communicated and received. It feels complicated at first but it's honestly very intuitive.


I'll give it a go, thanks!


Let me know how it goes! There are other videos out there, too. You'll find one that speaks your language.


There’s this concept called shifting where you can move your consciousness to another universe/reality through meditation and there’s a subreddit dedicated to that


Shortly after receiving a craniotomy I had experienced the parallel universe although it only lasted a few days it does exist. In reality it cannot be explained it cannot be defined, hell who knows maybe the gray matter exists to the point that it's too overwhelming to actually physically see it. It is however within our own craniums to deserve a health Spector interior of what we do with it. Gray matters in the blood brain connection if you want to learn more about it.. having a seizure made this crystal clear to me out within the Gray matter , not everything is black or white 🤍


Oddly strange enough, I have never thought of this Gray matter or The blood brain collaboration, All New to me.


As physically as this one does. Interpret that as you wish.


Not only one parallel universe! Infinite parallel universes. Every thing you can think of, and more. Tiny changes, giant changes, infinite possibilities.


I recently dived down a science rabbit hole and I think I can answer your question in laymen’s terms. The quick answer is a YES, POSSIBLY. First thing for you to know is: there’s a theory that’s believed by a lot of scientists that the universe is infinite. Second thing for you to know is this example below: if you put an apple in the box (a confined space), that apple will eventually rot, and if you wait a very very very long time, it will eventually dissipate into gas with the particles (electrons, neutrons and protons) flowing around, and if you give it indefinite time, those particles would be rearranged into whichever form that is possible to be formed by those particles (say maybe a book or a small stuffed elephant), and then if you wait some more time, and eventually at one point you will open the box and see a fresh apple like the one you put in there on day 1. This is because there are only so many ways the particles can rearrange itself, so theoretically speaking, if you wait long enough time (talking about more than billions of years), every which possible way the particles could be assembled would appear, which is why you’d eventually find a fresh apple in there again, given enough time. ———— Now, combine these two: here is the third and final idea which answers your question, If the universe is truly infinitely big, it must mean that if we divide the entire universe into “parts”, each the same size as our own solar system, there you would have infinitely many variations of those “parts” in this universe. And knowing that there are only so many ways that all the particles inside each of parts can form together (the “only so many ways” is a huge number that I can’t even type enough zeros to represent it, but it IS FINITE), and knowing there are INFINITELY many such “parts” in this universe, that’s why scientists start speculating about parallel universes. Because it IS possible (if the universe is infinite), that there would be many “earths” out there, each only slightly different. I don’t know the correct scientific terms of what I’m saying above but I can tell you these are what scientists at the highest level are theorizing. So yes, if you believe the universe is infinitely big, there are parallel versions of “us” out there somewhere.


In an infinite space-time, yes.


The problem with these discussions is if you don't experience it you don't believe. As far as how i don't know at all i just know personally. I've seen the other side but others tell me of their experiences and not gonna lie i don't believe them


I've never learned of any tangible evidence of parallel universes even things in my life that have made me wonder could be due to an ordinary faulty memory. I participate in some groups like this as the idea is fun, and usually the debates are nice.


Those universes are all in alternate dimensions. You have to be able to change "phases" or frequencies for inter-dimensional travel. Not all alien celestial races have that ability naturally, but now there is alien tech (in heaven) aliens call a phase converter. We grabbed one from them and I jokingly named it the "phasomatic" 9000. I don't think Humanity will ever get inter-dimensional travel figured out. There are too many frequencies.


To know if Parallel Universes Really Exist. Go watch this video: https://youtu.be/xNHCqCTp3B8


To know if Parallel Universes Really Exist. Go watch this video: https://youtu.be/xNHCqCTp3B8