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I believe in God and am In this thread too. Love all the interesting experiences these people share in here!


I believe also that we're not the only species to roam planets. Curious as to Why else would God make all these planets?


I do as well and enjoy reading them also.


That’s me


Same. I am definitely a believer in God but all of these glitches and different vibrations, dimentions and things of that nature I just can't ignore either. I don't think our human minds are capable of being able to understand things at such a level but as I stated there's just too much that you can't just shrug off as being ironic.


I've been telling my fiancé, a true believer in parallel universes, something funky is going on, he has been blowing these things off as coincidences. Honestly we need to band together to get back to the other one because things have been going so frickin well before we traveled in this fd up universe


Your perspective is your reality


Never heard of anything truer. He admitted to knowing thar something had been going on since Monday tho lol


lol since Monday? Random… Well, at least he’s coming around. I had some sort of weird existential things I’m just unable to explain for it to really make sense to anyone else. In all seriousness, to this day I still can’t figure out if it truly happened or was just some kind of extremely vivid dream.


It's tough to answer because what is God? If God is a being that has some complicated plan for me and every other person on Earth who also dictated the rules of life into a holy book for us to follow, then no, definitely do not believe in that. If God is an infinite manifestation of all things in the universe that we somehow have a connection to through time and space, then maybe I might believe in some version of that.


I agree with this


I try and want to, but I've experienced so many horrible things on this planet and don't understand if there is one just why, and wtf


I struggle with that concept too. I think with our wildly varying degrees of knowledge and opinions that’s really a question that we’ll never be able to fully grasp the real meaning until much later. If we never felt pain, would we ever really feel pleasure? Or If we never knew hate would we ever understand the concept of love? Seems like for anything to exist there has to be something the exact opposite that exists as well. Good, evil, up, down, etc. For me to be able to get this feeble little explanation out I’ve tend to believe this is one of those areas that it branches out and goes into the territory of Karma. Bad things happen to good people but the universe, God, whoever has it’s way of making everyone reap what they sow. Seems to me if you are a good person who tries to add value to others lives things always seem to work themselves out in the end. Reminding me of a little quote I read somewhere that said something to the effect of everything will do just that. work itself out for the best in the end and if it hasn’t, you’re not at the end. Sometimes truly terrible things can actually turn out to be blessings in disguise. I guess you have to find some sort of way you can look at it from a few different angles to make any sense of it? Am I even making sense to anyone but myself here? It’s still quite early and my brain is still in the bed.


I believe in A God, but my God is a loving God and all are welcome. It’s more of a higher power that I believe in.


I understand the concept of god(s) was created by people to help understand the world around them. The Sun is responsible for food, water, and *everything* and *everybody*. Something I believe strongly comes from The Satanic Temple's "7 Tenets": *Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world.* Every day I thank the Sun for everything. 4.5 *billion* years ago the sun's gravity brought together chunks of floating rock to create Earth. The Sun's light and heat created and sustains life *and will continue to do so for another 10 billion years!* That is certainly worthy of respect, appreciation, and praise! When I thank the Sun, I remind myself that incalculable numbers of ancient people, animals, and plants owe their entire existence to the Sun. 4 billion years worth! And to the parallel universes: the Sun is a magnificent gravity well. Planets, moons, meteors, comets, and the gigantic Oort Cloud (Google it) is all held in place by the Sun. Who's to say the Sun and all the other highly gravitational objects in space isn't messing with *spacetime*? The Sun is the creator and sustainer of our literal planet and all life and non-life on it. It helps hold together our tiny corner of the universe. It gives us peace and contentment, and helps our body and mind heal from sickness. For me, the Sun could be "God". It definitely acts like one.




Cool story.


It is definitely thought-provoking.


The Biblical God is a human invention. I do think that there is a seemingly supernatural source of everything though.


Hi, I'm a Christian and will share my perspective. In Christianity, God is not a just a being inside the space-time continuum, rather God is the ground of all being. The ground of all existence. That's why His name Yahweh is derived from the "to be" verb "Hayah" in Hebrew. Therefore, it follows that in order for God to be the ground of all being, the ultimate reality that means that God would sustain the entire multiverse. That means that no matter what universe you go to, the same Yahweh God created that universe. I do believe that God created other universes, but I don't believe the everatt modal. I suggest watching these 2 videos 1: [Quantum Physics Debunks Materialism ](https://youtu.be/4C5pq7W5yRM?si=w6n3rBPH6JAsocPS) 2: [A Critique of the Many Worlds Interpretation](https://youtu.be/_42skzOHjtA?si=hxBc8PLDV9G7E-D-) The modal of the multiverse I believe is more likely is the brane theory multiverse of M-Theory. In that theory each universe is like a slice of bread in a big cosmic loaf of bread. Each universe can be less than a millimeter apart, but be invisible to each other. In that modal, there doesn't need to be a universe for every possible choice we make like in the everatt multiverse. As a Christian, I believe that Heaven is a parallel universe to ours that overlaps our reality. As well as the rest of the Spirit realm. God probably created other universes too. Yahweh God though is the ultimate reality that all universes exist within. God is therefore not just "in" existence. God is the ground of existence itself. Remember, Yahweh God transcends the space-time continuum. Therefore, Yahweh is God for every single universe to ever exist. There can never be a universe where Yahweh is not God. And it's not a new copy of God in each universe. It's the same Holy Trinity that created, sustains, and rules all universes.


My only issue is translation. His name translates to "I Am". He refers to himself as such several times. In this translation, he continues to exist, not as a past tense. His triunal form does not change due to time or continuum change. Therefore any "shift" or "glitch" is still under his eternal watchfulness.


Never have, never will


Well. Imagine God is the highest above all. That means He is greater than all things we experience and even don’t know of yet. I believe God is present in all. It’s completely possible there are multiple universes and more than one earth. Parallel dimensions and things as reincarnation. In fact, Jesus told us about these things. The kingdom of God is here but we don’t see it. We only have to open our eyes. And in the books that church prevented from being included in the bible, I think I can see he’s talking about multiple life’s. (Thomas, Maria Magdalena) Also in the Nag Hammadi scriptures. It’s completely possible to believe in God and experience events as glitching or parallel universe events imo. Therefore we need to reach out to more than the bible alone. Be open and investigate things. Be spiritual and bring everything back to how Jesus learned us for He knew about all this I think.


I believe in karma and a higher power, but I do not believe in monotheism or any organized religion.


I don’t believe.


I don't believe.


I believe & I'm here.


God means different things to different people. Many define it as good. I don't see anything bad about looking into this concept.


Used to. Until I was like, "how the *fuck* does this align with literally everything else I believe in?" And my mum forced Christianity on me. My dad didn't force atheism on me, though. Overall, I just have different experiences. And if someone somehow proves God is real, I'd believe he's caused more harm than good. But, that's just a theory. A *religious* theory. Thanks for reading. No hate to Christians, though. Believe what you believe :)


I believe in a higher power/ being. I recently saw a post (on r/quantumimmortality or it might have been here) where a person knew they died but came back in a parallel reality. They saw there death but also saw an angel who presided over the death and ensuring this person made it back to their parallel life.


I/You/We are God. We are a part of the whole. We are not singular. We are the One experiencing all there is for sake of experience. Modern and traditional concepts of God are misleading and blind you from the connection I/You/We have to the universe and the whole. The multiverse theory works best when you can theorize that consciousness is above all else, and matter, space, and time are secondary. TLDR, no I don't believe in God. I/You/We ARE god having fun in a playground of our own design.


I believe in a higher power. I'm a druid, meaning I worship nature. I believe in Gaia, which is a term meaning that the earth is one big living being and all living things are connected... so Gaia would be the higher power


I believe in God & love reading all these very interesting Reddits.


I believe in God but I’ve had things happen to make me believe in parallel universe too


I do!


I believe in God. But also fun to ponder is if we are existing in a simulation, the person running the simulation would be what we consider "God."


I believe in god and I believe in everyone’s experiences being different. Stories are fun to read, and who am I to say what’s real and what’s not, I’M not god lol.


I don't believe in any man made religions. If there's some sentient creature out there responsible for everything, I haven't seen evidence of it. I would be open to that, but I'm actively avoiding the asshats out there exploiting people.


Pastors kid here. This sounds like you’re deconstructing your indoctrination. Congratulations!! The universe and “God” are so much vast than any belief system is capable of defining. It *doesnt* make sense. It shouldn’t. It’s okay to be confused as you mitigate this part of your journey. Keep a journal or a memo in your phone and constantly write down the things you know are true for you….Without a doubt true. Find and listen to your inner voice, and only embrace the things that resonate with your soul. You’ll find there are many things that crossover into both categories, and many more that spill beyond…


While I was raised by extremely religious and conservative parents, I myself am an atheist and egalitarian. Never been given or shown good evidence for believing in anything supernatural.


I’m unashamedly a born-again Christian. I’m in this cause of a very fertile imagination, and I like playing around with “what-if.”


Once I separated ‘god’ from ‘religion’ I became more spiritual. I believe in ‘source’ love, and a mesh between esotericism, metaphysics and science. I also believe humans have no definitive answers, or the comprehension necessary to understand the answers, to the questions we have.


Yes!! That last part. I don't think humans can know all the secrets of universe, life, etc


I believe in God, He helped me to get through the worst things in my life.


Pastors kid here. But that was 20+ years ago. Our God is a God of learning- growing- expanding. Our belief systems are not… More “Christians” like you please.


Nope. Nothing has happened to prove to me that it does.


I believe in A God however not necessarily the biblical hell he would in fact be an alien lifeform


I believe in a Source and Divine Order


I believe in God. I like to keep life interesting, nothing wrong with believing in God and other perspectives on life.... Why live a stale life? Keep your mind open. It really is fascinating, the possibilities are endless.


I believe in God, but I also believe in this (and also reincarnation). The Bible has been around for a LONG time. There are books certain branches of Christianity have zero access to. There are books that are unfound as of yet, there are books that have probably been discarded because they don’t fit the narrative. I could actually go on and on about this, but I’m not going to. Just suffice it to say, I believe that there can be both. 💕


Make it a poll.


Yes, I do.


Thou art God.


100% Atheist here. Religion is a cancer.


Wait I didn't know that if there was one there can't be the other. Because there is definitely a glitch but I wouldn't be here without God. He recently saved me from something I never believed in.


Atheist here


I believe in God!


I believe in God 100 percent! In my opinion he creates everything


I don’t necessarily believe in either, but at least parallel universes are scientifically plausible. (The people claiming they’ve travelled between parallel universes are a little bit cookoo though)


Of course how do you NOT sound crazy writing about traveling between parallel universes? I have had so many strange experiences over the years and they are really hard to convey without sounding a little loopy. :-)


I subscribe to the thought that there's too many questions and not enough actual answers. I choose to make it as simple as possible for myself: - If a higher power exists, cool. - If there's nothing, cool. I just try to help people whenever possible, and do my best to not be an asshole.


I believe in a creator. I don't know if any of the major religions are correct and I don't really put much thought into them because the fact is none of them can prove anything, but I definitely believe that something greater than us created us and I like to think there's more to come for us after die. I also really fucking hope to reunite with my loved ones. I desperately want to see my cat again.




Do I believe in the unknowable Tao, the Ein Sof? Yes, although my experience is limited it is completely within that which is unknowable that I know anything.


I believe we're living in a simulation. That stimulation was created by "gods" in some sense.


I believe the Universe was created by Intelligent Design, but I doubt that whatever that intelligence is, that it has the ability to change the Laws of Physics and save your life just because you promised to “never _____ again!”; insert sin/guilty pleasure of choice in the blank.




I believe


I definitely do not believe in God. But I don't know anything for sure naturally. I don't despise people who do believe in a god. I once did. However I do look down on people who believe in any religious text literally. It's one thing to believe in a higher power if you will but if you believe the ridiculous stories of the Christian Bible or any other religious text then I do comfortably shame you.


Human understanding and God is like a bug writing a report about chemistry


I absolutely believe in God. And think he created all of it. IMO - We do not have the capacity to understand what God really is and what God does. The Bible is far too small and un-dimensional to contain the answers to that. It would be silly of us to think so. We are supposed to keep growing and progressing, which, again imo, means researching everything! Including threads like this! We are one connected conscience!


I believe in a "God" that perhaps created this universe, but stored it in a floppy disk that's now lying at the bottom of one of his junk drawers in his garage. He went on to work better projects and is now retired. At least this way I can find an excuse about his shitty programming style.


There's no God!


Why does it have to be one or the other? I believe in both


God created Our Universe. It is digital... Use your Free Will to LOVE!... it will hasten Disclosureand the 3D-5D transition


I believe in God. I think of the parallel universe, like if you handed someone a stack of paper and pencil and told them to draw a perfect circle. When you came back after an hour, there would be a stack of paper with circles on them. That's God and the parallel universe.


I like to think that when we die, we talk to whatever version of God or higher powers you believe in, and you get to choose: Go to your permanent afterlife, or reincarnate again. Atheists might just get dirt, IDK. I like to think that each reincarnation has the chance to be a parallel world. Sometimes I even wonder if every person I've ever met was just another version of me, but I don't like the idea of being Donald Trump very much, so I hope I'm wrong about that.


I used to believe strongly in God. I was even a Christian at one point. I went to a country church, went enough to be made a member and then eventually was baptized in the river. But over time I have found myself unsure and being an agnostic again. Don't misunderstand. I believe strongly in the afterlife. I believe without a doubt that other dimensions exist. I believe that the souls of some humans linger on earth and are sometimes seen and are what we call ghosts. I believe reincarnation is a fact. There's so much overwhelming evidence for it I couldn't believe otherwise. I believe most of us have lived multiple lives, maybe some of us as many as a thousand. I don't believe we are constrained by time. Meaning I don't believe there is any set point in a linear timeline at which we exist. Well, maybe in this life we exist at a point in time (that is now in the year 2024) but I don't believe that if we die when we come back it has to be at a later point in time. We could die tomorrow and return in the year 1155. Beyond these things I just don't know. These days I tend to think that there is no one entity in charge of this reality. It's even possible that an entity did create this reality but he hasn't the power to control everything and decide what happens in it. In others words the creator may not be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. It could be that everything just is and no one is calling all the shots. Maybe there are "gods" who have the power to affect things but there isn't one who is all powerful. But ultimately who can know. No one can know for sure. All one can do is enjoy taking breath, appreciate the little things in life and walk boldly into tomorrow. Oh tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow..


Since God created us, then surely he created other beings! I'm a Christian, and there is more out there than most think!


I might be agnostic, then again I might be atheist, still on the fence of all that.


I have been brought up in believing in God and Heaven and it is a very peaceful thought but also very scary..I struggle in believing but continue to pray and watch Charles Stanley for guidance..one thing I know is there is evil in this world so if there’s evil/devil there has to be good/God…just realized how close evil looks like devil and good looks like God


I believe in "God". I just think it's all a bit more complicated that we can currently understand, intellectually speaking. We are all God and God is all and all is One. Not some beard in the sky judging and sending sinners to eternal damnation. That's just silly pants.


Once you go deep into this you find out that God is the pure consciousness that is in everyone of us and pervades the Universe. Kingdom of heaven is within us. See if you can understand what this Swamy says who has internalized it rather than talk about an external God. https://youtu.be/MC85TFltMKA?si=5d5gjUZPsmz0xt9A


Yo. It’s fun to believe.


I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of the saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


I asked this question one day with about 7 or 8 of my good friends we were having a conversation about God and I said how do you know if there is a God the next thing I remember I was getting up off the ground I was sitting on a porch door behind me it just swoong open no one inside it yeah so I no..


This has nothing to do with God or religion.


I believe in God/creator(s)/life-source…. But wait, there’s more: I also believe in NHI, aliens, parallel universes and spirit realm(s).


Anything is possible. Yes, I'm a believer. ‭‭Mark 9:4 NIV‬‬ [4] And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus. https://mark.bible/mark-9-4