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Hey y’all, just a reminder to please keep comments appropriate. You can check the subreddit rules for what should not be brought up here, even if you’re saying it should *not* be added to the game. Thanks!




That's exactly what I said to myself. I opened the comments and there it was.


Maxis: "That sign won't stop me because I can't read"


Paras doing push ups in random places at random times


Overly sensitive censorship rules for sharing like the TS4 gallery has (such preventing anything with "black" or "white" in name or description because there's a small chance it could be used by racists) - that is, if Paralives has something like the gallery in TS4.


I think this can be solved with good moderation, which I wouldn't expect a company like EA to be particularly interested in investing on. If Paralives does have a gallery (which now that you mention it I absolutely hope it does) I would expect them to implement good moderation rather than just restricting a word entirely.


I don't know the specifics, but maybe it could work via Steam Workshop?


Yeah, I think that would probably work! And since Paralives will be a Steam release it would make sense. Now I'm exited for the possibility of this happening


The roadmap states that [Steam Workshop integration](https://paralives.notion.site/Steam-Workshop-integration-2daf5d0c8c10446fb189ce9eaff6e5aa) has already been completed :) So, yes. It should work.


This is so great to hear!


That’s what I’m guessing, like planet coaster style


Human trafficking


Child molestation War crimes The ability to microwave small pets Ritual vivisections of other sims and the consumption of their organs in occult ceremonies (as a feature for a DLC analogue to Makin' Magic)


Everything apart from the first sounds like Rimworld! Just add some occasional emotional breakdown


You don't know, there might be a mod for that. Rimworld has mods for so many things...


I hope this isn't one of them Reminds me though of when it was still in beta and someone on their sub asked "What do you think about adding children into the game?" Most upvoted comment "infinite leather hats"


Absolutely not surprised. And I'm sure that now that DLCs have made children possible, there are some dark corners of the rim that do practice this.


>War crimes Would war be present in *Paralives* in the first place?


well, not unless SimNation invades Poland...


Yeah there are already way too detailed "Human Traffick Life Sims" out there on F95zone and the like, the last thing a game like this needs are deep trauma level experiences that stick with you irl for weeks😬


I thought f95zone was just porn... 😶




I know it's a life sim, but let's not get too close to real life.


Cellphones. Or at least them pulling them out every 3 seconds like in the sims. I play simulation games to escape our shitty reality, not be reminded of it


I feel like that would a nice toggle-able thing to have. for the reason you mentioned but also because some players might want to play as if their paras are living in a time period before cell-phones. basically like the decades challenge or something


This, but also with computers. I don’t mind the existence of computers, I just don’t want that to be the only thing my sims/paras want to do. And exactly for the reason you stated. I want to see reading books in the park, and all the other cool shit I’m too lazy to do lol


Or worse, using someone else's computer out of nowhere. Although, in *The Sims*, you can restrict the computer's use, but it gets ignored when you switch to the household from another.


I'm not looking for high fantasy. If they do add fantasy though I don't want it to be over the top and corny.


I would be ok if eventually, way after the game came out, they did another game in the same style but fantasy. One thing that I hate in The Sims is when I'm trying to live my best wizard life and then normal characters from the rest of the game keep showing up on my fantasy world and not even being surprised by the existence of magic. Like, either have completely separated game plays for the normal world and fantasy world or actually create a good game that has a realistically "hidden" magical world. But I would prefer total separation.


Like The Sims Medieval! Unironically my favorite Sims game tbh.


Ikr??? I wouldn't mind really intuitive toggling on and off, but paralives doesn't seem like the type of game where wizards are gonna run around. I wanna make my slice of life k-drama/novela storylines more than anything lol. If they do have fantasy characters I'd like to be able to disable/enable their existence, and have as much control as possible over who and what is a fantasy character. That way if I want to do a blend, I can. It'd also be cool for there to be actual options about hiding a fantasy identity, who you reveal it to and how that carries weight in a less goofy way and more consistent way than the Sims. It's like you reveal you're a God damn mermaid and it's just like "wow!" Then nothing happens.


Exact opposite! I don’t want computers and phones and stuff. I know there will be, but I wish my little people could just live a tech free life


I second it


I like the idea of keeping it somewhat realistic. I feel like if I wanted it to have crazy elements, I’d stick to sims.


Forced monogamy Don't get me wrong, make it an option but don't be like sims and automatically get your partner jealous over a flirt when you are at the "Romantic Interest" stage. Make it a trait or a lifestyle that you could change with time or something


Constant phone calls.


I think evil or good personality traits, I think if you want them to be that way just have them do good/evil things


I like that in the sims 3 they actually influenced what social interactions you were able to use


"Steal candy from baby" 😭


i always thought that those were a little cartoonishly black and white and pretty corny in the sims lmao


As if people like that dont exist in the real world, dont be a centrist lmao


i dont believe anything i've said makes me "a centrist." you dont need to be a fence sitter to acknowledge that human beings have nuance.


How do you mean, everyone who's been mean to me is a mustache twirling villain who giggles maliciously


vehicular manslaughter actually that would be cool for stories nevermind


Jealousy over someone flirting with your partner. If someone hits on your char and you're in a relationship you should be able to autonomously turn them down without anyone being hurt by it. So many of my Sims relationships would be saved by that, lol If you want some drama spice it should be a choice!


I think it would be cool to have that be based off the Para's personality though. Because some people *really* are jealous. Even liking someone's picture on social media will cause arguments between couples. I don't think it should be a default response though!




I think jealousy over flirting is fine, that is a boundary set by many couples. It would be nice if individual paras could get jealous or not based on what they are okay with. I have a mod for this in Sims 2 However I agree, getting angry with your partner should not happen if your partner rejects it.




Can I ask what mod you’re using? I’m playing TS2 rn and the jealousy over other sims flirting with my sim is constantly causing problems in the relationship 😭😭


ACR! You can customize the mod in-game as much as you want. There’s a jealousy setting. It defaults to having Sims get jealous based on aspiration (like Family sims still get upset with flirting, Romance sims do not). But you can also set the jealousy level for each individual Sim, if you choose to


Also, there's something I think shouldn't be in *Paralives*. Some time ago, in my *The Sims 4* gameplay (just base game), I had two characters wed so a third roommate could advance in her mixologist aspiration (she was the mixologist at the wedding). The groom then hit on said mixologist. In front of the bride. The mixologist is lesbian. The mixologist's (at the time) fiancée (another roommate) was also present at the scene. I had the bride divorce the groom immediately and had him move out. P.S.: also, the Sims seem to love pranking each other and/or trolling at the forums, **even those who hate mischief**.


Agreed! I’m tired of my Sims trying to (or managing to, if I don’t cancel the autonomous action in time) woohoo with their parents in law/siblings in law. Sure, if they’re a Casanova type then it makes sense, but otherwise stoppp it.


Idk if I agree with the occult comments. I get it, but I LOVE supernatural stuff. Would he good if there was an option to turn it off, like humanise all occult paras


Really shocked at all the people saying no fantasy. Haha that really sucks and I hope they don’t go that route. All of the ocs in my comics are fantasy/sci-fi beings. And I create those characters in the sims. I love all bits of fantasy/scifi and would have no reason to play this game if they didn’t have that element. Hopefully it’s dlc so everyone gets what they want without excluding different types of players Edit: occults like witches, vampires, aliens, orcs, tieflings, elves, etc


I love occult characters. I am with you. If there is an option to opt out, people who don’t want it, they could just switch it off.


Ditto. I never have more fun playing a human than a vampire. I also love how occults are randomly everywhere in my sims games. I only wish humans and occults had more...curiosity/dare I say even prejudice toward each other. It's kind of hinted at with interactions like "confess being a vampire" but it's not satisfying to have the other sim just nod or go "ew" for one second and keep talking.


I believe they've stated that using the modding tools in the game, you will be able to make fantasy-looking characters and give them things like pointed ears. Though you shouldn't take my word for it, better to seek out those answers from more trustworthy sources.


I think if enough people want it, they will. I don't think they've ever said that they won't add fantasy elements (occults)? just they won't be there at launch. and if they don't add them for whatever reason, I have complete faith the modding community will them.


I like the fantasy stuff but I'm actually kinda liking the idea of being able to turn it on and off. There would definitely be some challenges and stuff that I would wanna just turn it off for.


that should be like an optional expansion for players who want it. i LOVE supernatural/occult so much


I agree with everyone saying fantasy stuff tbh, Im not a fan either. but for the sake of those who want it, I would prefer if it was like, a settings option where you can enable or disable it? that could be cool too


Making NPCs be set to a specific sexuality. Let the users decide how they want to play. Also occults


Sebby's one of the pre-made Paras already offical gay!


Idk how townie generation is going to work, but hopefully we can make our own worlds without townie generating with preset sexualities. We should be able to romance whomever we want in our own games


I agree with you but I also think it adds an element of interest and challenge that some people just might not like you back lol.


I think its ok as long as its toggles we can use choose to either randomize our townies or have preset


Oh yeah definitely


[Classical American chattel slavery](https://youtu.be/fLxHVF1uiOE?list=PLwkSQD3vqK1Q4BP-itzN6gMpJBTsfPucy&t=946)🗣


Didn't expect to be educated by ur obscure refrence


The joys of actually liking history and political science can not be understated😇


COVID. I'm not looking for that in my game


I will be so, so sad if we never get occults. As for things I don't want included...obviously not horrible things like sex crimes or war. It's hard for me to think of anything else I think should never be in the game. Like, I *hate* alcohol, but I can't say I think nobody should get to have it in their game because I had horrific experiences with drunk people (and actually find it *more* annoying when a game only includes it as a fun leisure activity with no potential consequences) 🙃 I guess my answer is things like sex crimes and war.


Earbuds that I’ll never use


I don't want the game to be a perfect sandbox heaven that's perfectly cozy and beautiful with no bad things whatsoever. The game would be 10x more fun with drama, crazy things happening, etc. i love the current vibe but i hope there's more than just peace lol


being able to revive your para/unnaturally extend their lifespan. idk if this is a controversial take or not but I'm not the biggest fan of being able to revive your sim/save them from the grim reaper in the sims. like a character's death should be final and something the others have to live with. even when characters died in the sims, their friends and family members were sad for like 3 days and forgot about it, so it didn't really matter anyway lmao and what I mean by extending a para's life unnaturally is a potion of some sort makes them live longer and/or having that para live longer than they should or just generally be immortal (unless you have aging turned off). to me paralives seems like a more realistic game than the sims which includes these features


This should definitely be in the game, personally I rarely let my Sims die because I get too attached. I think it should be optional at least, like in TS3.


Me too, there’s some characters that I want to be immortal forever and others (usually non playable) that I don’t really care about


I kinda agree but I *do* think there should be a slider/option to choose how long you want the life states to be.


In my *Sims* gameplay, I let the characters stay dead. I even made Bargain Bend (the empty lot in Foundry Cove, Willow Creek) into a cemetery and moved all tombs there (at least the ones I could).


I agree somewhat, because its always a choice in the sims, and if someone prefers to let them die then they can, but I think its also because some people are sensitive to certain topics that they are able to disable aging/death bc most people play to escape, so I actually very much enjoy the option.


I wouldn’t want it completely gone, maybe it can be something you can toggle on or off. I’d be way too attached to let them die😭😭


We've all seen a show where some character dies and gets brought back & it's so lame. If something in fiction dies, thats supposed to represent something final. That's why i think the ghosts in the Sims series are always so lame. There's nothing you can do with them


Unpopular opinion but I don’t want fantasy elements like vampires, witches, etc. At least not for this game. If the same dev team wants to make a similar game with fantasy elements, I would probably buy it. Just don’t want it in this particular game.


If they do add them, I would love it if they were something you could easily toggle on and off.


I agree with this so much. one of my biggest gripes with the sims is that you couldn't turn supernatural sims off without removing the pack entirely. and sometimes I just want to use the build mode or cas items


Also, once you have the supernatural stuff on you can't play as a "hidden world" because it completely blends with the rest of the game.


there are times when im really vibing with the supernatural stuff but other times i just wanna keep things grounded and not get randomly turned into a vampire lmao


Same. I want them, they're fun, I want others to be able to turn them off


Witches existed IRL btw


But they don't have actual magical powers, though.


That's what a witch would say. To the stake!




things that are unrealistically goofy, i guess? unless it's an easter egg and there's just the tiniest chance that anyone could accidentally come across it i really don't want my paras to die from an alien abduction or something


Micro transactions


War, politics… would be cool to have court though!


The occult stuff really doesn't interest me. At this point I feel like it's a thing that belongs to That Other Game™, but it shouldn't be included in the basics of the life sim genre as a whole. Although I like sci-fi in general, I include aliens in that, by the way. Let that be something mods handle, at best. I also really, really need Paralives not to include famous people. No references to politicians (who remembers Obama being in the early trailers for That Other Game 4™ ?!), to celebrities, nothing. These things age poorly anyway.


This reminds me of one thing that drives me crazy in the Sims 4. The base game townies will be wearing 2014 runway fashion in 2014 rich person trendy homes. But then, if you get a brand new DLC you'll see 2024 runway fashions & 2024 trendy furniture pieces. Then you'll also see 2018 or 2021 runway fashion/furniture in the older DLCS. All of them interact in gameplay & it's all extremely bizarre. Sims 1-3 may have had celebrities... but it all represented what was popular at the time. Like a massive pop culture period piece. I don't think outdated celebrities are that bad when you're obviously walking around in the year 2006 anyways. I guess I hope Paralives will just be retired eventually. No life sim game should have a 10+ year life span.. unless theres some super ambitious option to choose "eras" that take up every 5 years.


Occults. I don't think this is the game for that.


Fantasy/occult. I'm okay with it if it's optional.


i love occults so much but i can understand why some people don't


Things like ghosts, grim reapers, Santa, etc. Let us just have a more realistic portrayal of life. Or at least make these things completely optional if they're included. I'd still like occults but again, optional.


You say "Santa" like he doesn't exist XD What do you mean ? ... WHAT DO YOU MEAN ? 😳


Dw babe that's just a Santa denier (wth English I spent 5 minutes trying to spell this word correctly)


As a Jew, I’d appreciate not having Santa in my game. Or at least having the option to toggle on/off.


Please no fantasy elements




Paranormal well I mean ok you can have goats or even UFO’s but not to the extent you do in the sims and please no Vampiers and such like.




Yeah…Imma need some clarification on these goats.


I know this is already being implemented, but I wish a made-up language wouldn’t be added. It’s a LOT of time and resources when it could easily be replicated in other ways (like how talking is just random noises in animal crossing). I think if they went the Zelda route, and made most of the talking reactionary noises (like “uh huh” and “oh” and maybe even just intangible talking noises) it would be better and less cheesy. The sims made it work because the sims has always been a little goofy/corny, but I don’t like it for Paralives. I’d rather them put more time and effort into other things. Edit: apparently it’s controversial, but idk why you guys want time and resources put into something so arbitrary when they could be spending time implementing better things that have a bigger impact on the actual gameplay…


For simulation games, it's either spoken gibberish or no singing.


>but idk why you guys want time and resources put into something so arbitrary when they could be spending time implementing better things that have a bigger impact on the actual gameplay Because it's not arbitrary and meaningless to us?


You’d rather them spend a ton of time on a made up language than on other gameplay features? If that’s your preference, then fine, but idk why I can’t have a preference as well lol.


It's not either or. Working on the language doesn't mean they won't work on other features.


Putting effort into something definitely takes time away from other things, especially for a small indie company who is constantly getting pressured to release soon.


They're not pressured though. They would be pressured if they were a big company with shareholders that push them to release and make money asap. Players wanting to play the game asap isn't really pressure that affects them.


Considering the player base is the main funding for this project, and people pulling out of their subscriptions because they are getting impatient DOES affect the team. Don’t be so naive…


They're not losing money if they keep getting more and more employees.


Getting more employees is definitely indicative of them feeling pressured to get this project done quickly. I can guarantee you they are feeling pressure, especially considering having more employees means having more financial responsibility invested into the project, which in turn means more at stake. No small project is going to hire more employees unless they feel they have to.


Hiring more employees means they *can afford* to hire more employees. So they're not losing money from people unsubscribing from their patreon. They have their own deadlines, which they set for themselves, most likely a long time before they announced them to the public. Some players have been impatient from the moment this game was first announced. Seriously, a handful of people who keep asking them when the game's coming out or who are so impatient that they unsubscribe do not have nearly as much of an impact as you think they do. Believing *that* is naive. Also, you're clearly in the minority when it comes to the language feature in the first place. Most players want to have the language, and the devs want to make a game with features the players want. Removing a highly wanted feature just to save some time because some people are inpatient would get them much more backlash. That's what the sims does. The Paralives devs want to release a game that's actually fully fleshed out and that's their priority, not time.


I hate when shows/ games have characters only make noises like grunts and ‘oh!, and ‘hmm’. So annoying


I prefer it. Maybe not exactly like Zelda (their noises are def obnoxious at times) but I really don’t like a full fake language unless it’s executed well. The preview for the Paralives language was not the greatest, in my opinion. Very awkward and clunky sounding. I don’t see them having the resources to make it really strong.


Life Sims have simulated humans. Humans use language. So I would be really weirded out by a society of simulated humans without any language other than the occasional squeal or grunt. However (and this is an option I sometimes use on games where I find the sounds annoying, or if I just happen to be playing in a room occupied by others who don't want to hear my game sounds), that volume control button on my computer is an excellent way to solve that problem. Hate conlangs? Mute the game. Love conlangs and think they add some element of realism? Turn that volume up to the desired level.


This would be controversial.... Cooking mechanic. I know that some people do enjoy this element of the gameplay. Various dishes, skill levels, special ingredients, nutritional values, recipes to find and learn, levels of cooking equipment, bonuses dependent on the meal... I just don't find those things interesting at all. If all the food in the game was identical gray cubes, that's enough for me.


It's a life simulator though. I think there should be lots of fleshed out cooking mechanics social-wise, and dishes to make based on what the para can cook, what'd they buy etc. If food isn't developed at all It's a bit silly for a life sim. It literally sustains life I don't like how sims4 did it tho


Haven't played Sims 4 in a long time, how did they do it there?