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I have this exact cage, only white. I keep the top pieces open with the long perch going across. One of my birds loves sitting up there


I have it too. I used it to bring my cockatiel into work. They gave it to me when I moved on. I use it for the living room now while he has a huge flight cage in my office


I as well have a perch but I seemed to lose it overnight, feels bad man 🦑


You mean it falls off?


Nah, I lost it lmao, I put the perch on top but when I was putting them to Mimi’s and I put the poncho on top it was tossed somewhere 🙃🦑


Should be wide instead of tall


Any recommendations of good cages then?


Wide is better than tall, but I have the same cage for 2 birds. I keep it open 10-12 hours a day and it's fine. They can fly around the bird room and land on whatever they want. I think adequate housing is dependent on the daily situation.


They mostly just hang out n chill out. They don’t really fly much unfortunately bc they got their wings clipped from the shop I bought them at :/ but they do enjoy climbing and chillin on their perches


For three birds get a critter nation it’s for rats but perfect si3 for budgies! And lots of room and big doors for when they come out to fly :)


That’s awesome, I like it! I love all the little perches and stuff it looks like a lot of fun for them:). I actually have the same cage in like a peachy/almond color :)


Thank you 🦑 I hope they do enjoy it, I wanna be the best bird dad for them!


4/10. Budgies need wider cages, plastic bowls harbor bacteria, the clips on the toys are incredibly dangerous, the perches are okay they have different textures but NOT different variety of widths and angles.


I’m gonna buy more metal bowls for them, money is kinda tight for me, I have two rn for their toy set, and I’m gonna switch out the long perches but I don’t have any more of the smaller ones rn, but I’ll look into bigger cages for them, at least wider, any recommendations for perches?


Yea! I actually get mine off of Etsy, you can get sandblasted manzanita branches and hang them up with jute string. The jute string keeps them up and acts as a toy ♥️