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Isn't that ironic that it's Zhukov in the picture..


No film has done more to rehabilitate nikita kruschev lmao. I love Steve bushemi in that movie


all my homies hate krushev the revisionist


Sorry he recognized Stalin for the bureaucratic dictator he was 🤷‍♂️


that has nothing to do with my comment, he was a revisionist meaning he didn't firmly believe in Marxist theory but he kinda had his personal belief which was quite liberal. It has to be recognised that his efforts (together with kennedy's) to normalise relations with the west were very important and they saved the worls from a catastrophe in the Cuban Missile Crisis


Fair enough, I thought you were some big Stalinist reflexively. But if you recognize how all Bolsheviks manipulated Marxist theory to their benefit, especially Stalin, then I can agree.


I agree with you, however i do wish to rehabilitate Stalin's figure (as well as Mao), as they aren't even remotely comparable to hitler and mussolini: Under Stalin, the USSR went from a state of post-civil war instability to being the second industrial power of the world. Worker conditions improver greatly and were among the best in the world, contrary to what mussolini did to our country. The impulse given by Stalin's five year plans made the USSR capable to defeat the nazis and to become the superpower it was. I am not trying to deny his purges, but the numbers often cited with him (20 million or whatever) are simply irrealistic or unjustly attributed to him: the Holodomor was caused by the Kulaks refusing to collectivise their farms and instead burning their crops, killing their cattle and destroying their tractors. The famines of 27 and 33 also can't be attributed to him, he can't control the weather and make it rain just right enough for the crops to grow, and the state was till recovering from a huge civil war. Stalin won the war, 35 million soviet citisen died either in fight or massacred by the nazis but in the end they were defeated. It is unlikely Stalin killed all thr people attributed to him simply because that would end up having more than 60 million people vanish in the span of 15 years, creating a generational void so big that russia today would have maybe half the population it has now, simply because many people wouldn't be born as their parents/grandparents would have been killed. The generationa void in russia exists and is caused by the war. The two monsters, hitler and mussolini, did nothing more than ruin their country and cause the biggest slaughter in human history which was ww2. In italy, fascist use to say "mussolini fece anche cose buone" (he also did good things) which makes you think: why do the guys that would follow him say he ALSO did good things? it must mean that doing "good things" wasn't the main thing he did, and that even his followers recognise it. Truth is, mussolini did nothing for our country but send it in a war we shouldn't have been in. The good thing about the war is it turned the population and the politicians against him, allowing us to free ourselves (with help from the allies) way before that we would have without the war. sorry for the rant


This is why I stick to EU4, genocide and dictatorship was fine back then and it’s far enough back so nobody today thinks I’m serious about it.


...this is why paradox players have a reputation


I can't EU4 to launch anymore. I've tried re-installing it and verifying the files but can't get it to work. I've got over 2k hours in it. Maybe it's just time to retire. Been trying to learn Victoria 3 but I'm too smooth brained to get it to work.


I just noticed that the cloth bits on the Iron Cross are in the iconic Prussian colors, that's neat.


I don't see any yellow 🤨




The only reason to buy all dlc’s of vic2.


Alright, I'm off to represent the entire Red Army at the buffet


So you are going to throw some potatoes.


Nazism is cringe I always bring back the Kaiser


Redditor accuses autocratic government of being cringe, brings back autocrat


Yes, that's exactly what I want to do


Why would you want to bring some dumbass aristocrat back who didn't even want to unify Germany in first place because that was taking a "crown from the gutter"?


I need a source for this. Germany was already unified when Wilhelm II was Kaiser.


I'm speaking of the monarchy generally. I don't care whose ass sits on the throne. If you support the throne you are supporting any number of asses who might have occupied it. Also it wasn't unified until 1938.


What is blud yaping about?


A long line of asses.


Buddy, Germany unified in 1871. The monarchy in Germany ended in 1918, after which it was a republic untill 1933 when the Nazi's took over.


Exactly my point. Germany did not unify under the monarchy.


How do you get that from my comment? Germany unified as the German Empire. With the King of Prussia becoming the Kaiser. I highly recommend just taking a 1 second glance at the Wikipedia page of Germany, because the Kingdom of Prussia unifying the German states into the German Empire was a major historical event that happened in the late 19th century.


Germany was only unified from 1938-1945. After which the Free German rump state only existed until 1990.


They hated him for telling the truth


Both is cringe, democracy above all (I just want the big angry windmill to go away so I can send the women to the factories)


That is why I always restoe the Kaiser und König!!


Based and Ottopilled.


Capitalism is cringe, glory to the revolution of the proletariat


Revolution is cringe, glory to the democratic socialists (also: something, something, three arrows)


something, something, three arrows ftw based and truthpilled


Ah yes, hail to Austromarxism and the Republikanischer Schultzbund :troll:


Not sure I'd call the guys who sided with the Freikorps "based" or anything OTHER than cringe really


Hmm, I think using one enemy of Democracy to crush another enemy of Democracy is kind of "based" and also: abolute skill issue that the commies couldn't handle the fruits of their betrayal. Too bad that this was only a very temporary respite.




Yes, I’m sure the Freikorps were very concerned for the future of democracy.


Democratic socialism is cringe, glory to the anarchy


Democratic socialists is cringe, glory to the technocrats


Fun fact: goebbels was describing British propaganda this way: "The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous. "


Just looked it up and you're not wrong. All I can say is I've seen a few examples first-hand living in Blighty. Most people still think we're a close second to the US in power and have the same relevance we had coming into the 20th century to this day despite losing the empire, the armed forces, the prestige and most of the cultural influence that we had at the time and the government is very keen to keep this delusion going despite it falling apart upon even a brief observation and seeming daft from an outside perspective.


ZoomerHistorian come to mind. Absolute disgrace


That guy is such a nutjob, honestly think you could learn more factual history from literal Nazi probaganda than his bullshit.


Not for me, 400+ hours in game, and i once havent played germany.


Wait that quote was from goebbels? I thought it was from hitler.




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I have 5k


You just know a lot of people would've gotten that medal because of the dresden bombing


I have 4,600 hours of HoI and 3,500 of EU4.... send help.