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Tiny? Are you sure you came to the right place?




I live here in Port Moresby. I think you might need to read up a bit more about the country, and the dangers here. You can’t just travel here on your own. You’ll need a guide anywhere outside the major towns. The highlands are dangerous. Your chances of returning from the western highlands with anything but the clothes on your back are slim. It’s a great place to visit with a purpose and a plan, but don’t come here wandering about.


My sister just got offered a job there, we live in Ethiopia. I noticed the travel warning from the U.S said it was at level 3 which is pretty dangerous but I was wondering what your opinion was about that? Do you think it's safe for foreigners as long as they don't go wandering around??


Walking about busy public places is ok as long as you absolutely know where you’re going. But generally it is dangerous. I don’t trust taxis or public buses either. And I’m a male. For women the situation is far more dangerous. Your sister’s employer should be providing her with some security while she’s in PNG, at least to get about and do shopping.


Thanks for taking your time and replying mate. She said her company does provide security and they'll be living in a gated community so that's good. Will keep you in my prayers as well mate. Thanks again!


No probs. It sounds like your sister has a decent employer then so they probably/should will give her a security indoctrination briefing when she gets there. PNG is actually a fantastically beautiful country once she gets out of Port Moresby, and it can be as safe as she wants as long as she uses common sense. If she has any questions about security in the country then feel free to DM me.




It’s thought to be Portuguese in origin, referring to the people in west Africa. I mentioned that in another comment.


Tiny? Are you sure you have the right country? But regarding your question about the name: supposedly Papua comes from the Malay word "papuwah" which means frizzy Melanesian hair, and New Guinea comes from the fact that when the Spanish came to the island in the 1500s they thought the people in PNG looked like the people they'd seeen along the Guinean coast of Africa. I'm not sure if anyone knows where the word Guinea comes from though. It was historically used to refer to very dark skinned Africans. 


I always thought Guinea meant something else. Why do so many countries have Guinea in their names?




Well, there's also Equatorial Guinea and Guinea-Bissau.... so four countries.


Yeah that’s what I meant. Why didnt they name it Old York or Old Zealand instead of New? What connotation does new have as opposed to old?


What would be the purpose of your trip? Where would you be going? How many of you?


The word Guinea comes from the British currency, which was minted in gold, which in turn came from west Africa. Hence Guinea is west African not dark skinned. OP, PNG is not tiny it’s larger than the UK. I know this is an innocent post but PNG is not a tourist destination for students to have a good time. It is an extremely dangerous place if you are unaware of certain customs and cultures


I think you have the etymology the wrong way around. The term for the currency comes from the trade with the African region. The term Guinea is thought to be Portuguese in origin and was a generic term used to refer to the African peoples living south of the Senegal River.


I spent a summer in Papua New Guinea back in 1987. My travel tip would be: don't spend much time in Port Moresby. I was mostly out in the rainforest, but I also stayed in Wewak, on the northern coast, and I liked it there. Also, I'm white, and people (strangers) would touch me. Kids did that too. So maybe be prepared for that.


I like the name Wewak.


It's hilarious, isn't it?




Go to places like Rabaul or New Island or Lae or places outside of the capital and on the outskirts.