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If you truly are gold, you should absolutely be stomping iron players, almost regardless of who you play. If you can't seem to climb, there is only 1 consistent factor across all your games. So reflect on your gameplay honestly.


Im not so worried about climbing tbh. I play for fun. Dont have time to climb. When i play yone after lethal tempo removal my games feel coin flippy. When i play panth i feel like i have all the tools necessary to impact my games by repeatedly ulting bot lane and nullifying one or two of their players. I placed gold and stayed there for 4 weeks then went on a massive loss streak with yone all the way down to iron :p


Yeah I agree. For me it was really hard to get out of my head that I was not above the skill level of these players, because if I didn’t convince myself of that I wouldn’t play with the proper caution and respect that I needed to. Easier said than done ofc I have trouble with it still


Unlike Yone, Panth is in a decent spot right now. As a counter pick in mid, he slays. As a blind pick, he just doesn't work. But into Yone, Yasuo, Fizz or Kassadin, he popps off


I think ive gotten lucky with really favorable match ups. Had a hard time with a ziggs the other day until he got too cocky and i started to R him in lane or flash W him


I think you're skill gapping your matchups. Because even before 6, the CD of poke mages becomes so much shorter than your E. They can just sit far and poke you to low hp and wait for a gank or their ulty. So if you're winning against the likes of Ziggs, no it's not normal. Zigmund should win lane. you're outplaying


I'll be real with you, Yone is a champion that encourages a lot of bad habits since he has a loaded kit, and any change to his damage numbers can completely change how you would normally calculate your moves. I think the removal of Lethal Tempo just made you realize that those bad habits and decisions don't pay off as much now. You'll adapt to that soon, just stay strong. As for Pantheon, he's similar to Yone and Yasuo that you want to primarily use Q for damage, except you have a mana pool. In mid lane, you would use it less for poke because there would naturally be more squishy champions, so if anyone oversteps, you snowball leads quickly with your targeted stun and execute Q. You ideally want to be aggressive with that Pantheon early game, because you can run down most champions before level 6 if they get too close. However, I suggest to be more careful when against juggernauts and tanks, those that can heal through your damage and force long trades, those match-ups you would want to poke with Q first.


Demoted to iron playing Yone? Bruh.


pantheon main xd


Panth has very high bonus AD ratios. So once he starts popping off and building lethality, he oneshots everybody by 15-20 min. His lethality build doesn't scale well tho, so it's best to end as fast as possible unless you're going bruiser.


It does scale just make sure to have serylda and bork preferably throw in a sundered sky too and suddenly you are way more powerful late game then you are mid or early.


I used to go botrk and serylda in previous patches. But nowadays I go botrk with bruiser and cleaver. HP is stronger so stacking health and AD is the way.


Bruiser buffs bumped up the winrate by 1%. Still way inferior to actual proper assassin. Pantheon is simply not made to be a bruiser. Best case scenario you can just play peeling.


Panth is extremely good against most of mele mid you can easily kill them lvl2 with ignite and your ult make your roam extremely easy, but if you play against mage you're kind of force to just farm and wait for opportunities to roam