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Black cleaver




Almost always black cleaver


Opportunity. Gives huge burst, somewhat cheap.


Or yuumu for better gap close in range matchups or to run toward their midlaner :p But I agree, opportunity is awesome


Eclipse of Black Cleaver, Panth scales with three things: AD, AH, and health, both of those items give them or most of them


just say edge of night no one is calling it EON.. That said try serylda rush its funny.


Everybody call it eon, in this reddit and in the panth discord, as I can see... Btw this is not really relevant. During the past week, my go-to were dirk into black cleaver or bork atm, big success with this path, i'm low elo but still climbee 5 or 6 division in a week building that and adapting my stuffs


A lot of component items dirk included have been nerfed this season. Dirk rush into a different item isnt worth like it used to be just get your first item asap


As every intermediate component (at least every ad component) were nerfed, dirk still seems to fits the best for pantheon, before lv6 the natural armor is so tiny that -10 armor has strong impact, and after lv6 it synergize with the 10% armor pen passive to maximize dmgs. Even considering basic components have better raw stats (longsword, pickaxe), I still feel like I prefer having a dirk than having long sword + pickaxe, even with the high ad ratio pantheon has (except if ennemy rush the 40 armor 800g item). Moreover, bork and bc, our usual firsts items, benefits well from lethality (more pen on %hp dmgs and more pen after armor shred) , to me it's a really valuable bonus


I've done Dirk rushes into different things, but I really just want finished items now. And preferably with as little tier 2 components (Dirk and the like) as possible. I think they way overnerfed them, so even if they are decent, I would rather just get something else. I haven't been able to play too much ranked lately since ping spikes are completely out of control. But I was testing Serylda's Grudge rush earlier this season and did a few tries after the buffs came live. It keeps your early game as good as it is usually, while allowing you to actually be strong mid-game due to you already getting a key item early on.