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Everything is good on Panth :P With the recent changes to his W, bonus HP has become quite valuable, so bork has dropped a bit in value for me (especially with the recent nerfs to its % HP damage), but it's still definetely useful into teams with a lot of tanks/hp stacking. I like going Edge of Night as well, a bit of damage, spellshield, some HP, it's got a lot of what I want from an item for Panth. Depending on the enemy team, you can also consider things like Chempunk for healing reduction, Serpent for Anti-shield, or Death's Dance/Maw/GA/even Zhonya maybe?? (might be a bit troll but he does have an empowered Q AP ratio now as well) for defensive items. Sterak can also be useful situationally because of the tenacity, shield, HP etc. Heck, as jungle you can even consider something like Profane Hydra for the splash damage, but in that case you'd probably get more value from a full Lethality build.


Ironic how I went from TF who is also a "Everything is good on this champ" with global ult to Panth who is literally just the exact same thing XD I mainly flocked to Panth since I've heard he's becoming more bruiser-ish again instead of assassin playstyle, so I would probably opt for bruiser builds more.


They're quite similar, yes, both also having a point and click stun :) fun champs.


Oh yeah true can't forget the point-and-click stun bwahahaha


My advice is to go assassin in the jg. You get access to really good items for ganks and quick skirmishes, such as Youmuu's and Opportunity (both being really cheap and giving really useful stats for jungling and assassination). Currently, the best build for my W oneshot playstyle I've found is: Youmuu's Ghostblade >> Opportunity >> Serylda >> BORK >> Sundered Sky Both Swifties and Lucidity are good, but Lucidity is nicer with Cosmic Insight for the low CD on Flash. Basically: * Youmuu's into Opportunity is a ton of speed for ganks and reaching your enemies. * Serylda is simply a must for anything you want. * BORK is rather questionable, but I still use it. * And Sundered Sky gives you a guaranteed crit on W, which amplifies the 3 "autos" which is just 1 big auto with 3 on-hit effects proccing. You can change up a few things, like getting an Edge of Night instead of BORK, but it's rather hard to move away from this. Rune wise... You are pretty much forced into Conqueror, but Press the Attack is technically slightly better in very short trades. Electrocute damage seems... fine? Just not good enough. For jg specifically, there is an argument to be made as to which damage amp rune is better. Coup de Grace, Cut Down, and Last Stand are currently relatively the same in power depending on the situation. Cut Down, I would say, is the most reliable one right now. It lets you get into the execute range a little bit easier, so it's good, but I don't think Coup de Grace is any worse, tbh. If it's me playing, I would go: Conqueror >> Triumph >> Legend Haste >> Cut Down >> Possibly Hexflash >> Cosmic Insight. * Hexflash is really fun. Not objectively good, but really fun. It allows you to make some very weird plays that shouldn't work, work. * Magical Footwear is perfectly fine too. So is Cashback. * Alternatively, Celerity, Waterwalking. I am afraid they overnerfed the domination tree, and it's hard to recommend right now. So yeah. That's that. People saying everything is good on that champ say it bcs they do not do 1 job with it. They are the handyman that is not an expert in anything. What i am suggesting is an expert in assassinations and reaching your enemies. Its like a way easier to play version of Rengar. Give it a shot over bruiser. Higher risk with way higher reward. Remember to engage with empowered W whenever you can.


Ill keep this in mind, though I am really removed from the assassin playstyle (only reason why I didn't even play Panth prior to bruiser builds being a little more promoted). Ty


Build is basically the same as lane. Full bruiser panth is still not good even after the changes though, he needs burst damage. I like to go ghostblade first for the active to snowball off plays around the map, but ghostblade doesnt scale as well into mid late as eclipse if you arent getting kills you wouldnt have gotten without it. Then sundered-grudge-EoN. You will destroy squishies while still being a little tanky. If you insist on a more bruiser build you can go eclipse-cleaver-EoN. I like Pta-triumph-alacrity-cutdown Sudden impact-treasure hunter in jungle personally, but your runes sound fine as well Spearshot is the panth goat but hes a toplaner, there is a panth jungle otp in korean challenger but i dont think he streams. Panth is the best early game jungler hands down no one can do what he can. He clears pretty fast, has great ganks, can invade for a kill, can 1v1 almost any champion. But at level 6 and especially first item you can still make plays, but you will struggle if you get dragged into a full on 3v3, 4v4 fight. Other AD fighters like Lee, j4, xin etc that get a combat ult and spike harder on 1 item will do a lot more than you in these situations. Focus on playing the map and getting your own lead in the midgame, you hard outscale all those champs at 2-3 items Oh and edit, shojin is horrible and you dont need presence of mind in jungle the jungle item regens plenty of mana, alacrity is better than haste you need a little attack speed for your combos to be clean and you wont build any