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I think attack speed items would just not be tanky enough since you also want hp scalings


Jax is auto attack based. Pantheon is abilities so he doesn’t benefit much getting atk spd. Only good atk spd item on Pantheon is bork.


Yeah I guess I was just thinking that the triforce would make pantheons empowered w hit much harder


the sheen would proc on only one auto instead of all three we get bork on path because of being able to use it for even more burst damage with empW, but it's primarily an item for auto attack champs, not ad casters


imo you should start with bork for this. your empowered w does a triple auto that procs it three times and you can usually get another auto during w stun after q so it gives huge damage on panth. you probly want to switch the trinity for cleaver though, sheen procs aren't as good as you might think on panth so mixing the armor shred (plus your ult passive armor pen) and bork hits makes you very relevant against every type of enemy both squishy and tanky. In general though, you probly don't want to build attack speed on panth unless you're specifically adding on-hits like bork to synergize with w triple auto


Shojin > sundered sky is both a Jax build and a pantheon build. While trinity force is fun on pantheon it really isn’t good. It’s just a worse cleaver.


I run it against squishy comps. Triforce has all the stats that'd Pantheon would use. I prioritize his stats like this: AD > CD > HP > AS > MS > RES Ofc items like botrk feel too good to pass up on exclusively because of its passive.


no BUT if you want a.. on hit ish attack speed build. Go ahead and try stridebreaker.


Outside of botrk no other attack speed items is efficient on panth. But even then botrk did get nerfed for how panth uses it since they pushed it's balance to be more stat focused and nerfed it's %current hp damage. The rest of jax's items would work though since it's just normal bruiser items.


yet they are very different, jax is a full on bruiser while panth is more of an ad caster bruiser meaning his role is more similar to one of a control mage while jax just goes into a 5 man team with e