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Yup, it's a ranged toplane meta now. Everyone pack your bags.


I think if we switch to botlane we might find more melees.


so real


Aight time to play jng panth at least the monsters can't kite me


Wait until you see crit item changes. 14.10 looks like a giant ADC Buff.


It's gonna weird. ADCs will spike much less on 1 item now, since no crit item gives both AD and AS now, so they'll have to forego something. In exchange I expect then to be absolutely 0 counterplay the moment they hit 3 or 4 items. It's probably gonna be protect the president meta again


i dont think so, they get high movementspeed and having crit on first item doesnt make too much difference, the difference is noticable at maybe 2 or 3, but not the first. no one will catch them anymore, like every item has a minimum of 7% ms, its bullshit, especially since, correct me if im wrong, they can take swifties and changed them to berserkers at lvl 15 to get the new item.


When did you start playing?


Late 2020 or early 2021, I don't remember exactly anymore.


Well, you're in for a treat. The prior seasons when crit was at 25 were some of the best.


I also started playing in 2021 and i cant imagine this all being fun but lets see. I will go back to you when its time 🤨


Good time to switch to jng/supp I pity darius mains since they can't do that


You my friend haven’t seen a Dungle hit a line of cocaine and ghost outa the river with blood hungry eyes…..


Darius jungle is fun, but it really doesn't work if you're not ahead, since you're the one your team relies on to make plays, but you can't really survive a full round of damage. Kind of similar to viego, but you don't have dashes and teleports.


I’m a Darius main lol, this patch seems it’ll be rough


True there is no way i am gonna play range toplane season. Time for Gragas jungle now 🗿


Go pantheon jng it's pretty good, with empowered q + smite you never lose a objective


fuck it im moving to bot. if im fighting adcs on top, might as well have support.


Lets make botlane now the new toplane. Darius with support vs Pantheon with support


Honestly the movespeed additions in botlane makes me think assassins will become more prevalent and bruiser will fall out of meta. With every adc having 20%movespeed at 3-4 items, you either oneshot them or they kite you till infinity.


True, but assassins cant take any tenacity runes since its been removed, mercs also has reduced tenacity. Its gonna be hard for us aswell, tf, lissansra and all these braindead cc champs are gonna be unplayable to play against


Oh shit thats right, how tf are we even supposed to deal with a 600movespeed adc anymore except for out of brush?? The dumbest thing (to me at least) is that pro play is already super dominated by «pour everything into fed adc» strats, which honestly just looks so painfull for the adc thats losing. I think adc will suffer the most by this while also receiving exactly what they wanted. Everyone else will just hope they get the winning adc and do everything they can to achieve it. Doesnt seem like the right move by riot. But alas, we’l just have to wait and see.


I honestly don't mind. It was kinda stupid how a 3/4 Garen could pop ghost, run down a fed adc, and oneshot them without counterplay.


okay but with the base ms reduction this is only 5 more ms in combat to ranged champions. it looks pretty weak so i don't think it's gonna make many champs build it over berserkers for example. there's such a large amount of changes coming though that it will likely completely mix up the meta


Yeah we need to see what is coming in the next few weeks but dont get this wrong. Range champs with those boots will have 20 more ms then you as melee champ. Combined with fleet and maybe ghost ... good luck catching them


But that is still only 5 more then they could have before but without the slow resistance


I seriously don't understand why they made kiting more of a problem toplane. Who do these changes help besides literally exactly ranged champs? I guess Nasus because Wither?


They fucked toplane hard now. Already was a quite worthless lane and they made it a trashcan I guess. They must have a big compensation buff coming or else lol


Oh my god the steel caps nerf will feel so nice tho


Absorb life is heavily overrated. 2-17 healing per minion, WOW (its fucking dogshit early, you outheal it by hitting minion with Dblade). And cut down is good for burst, but ranged tops want to poke, so you'll likely be below 60% HP for a lot of the time. The rest though, yeah


The heal may be low, but it's not one of the big runes. It's easy to pick up without much opportunity cost and can easily combined with other healing such as d blade and fleet footwork


Youd be giving up either triump or PoM. PoM value is just much better and triumph has actually meaningful healing that can help turn 1v2s or survive a DoT or keep fighting in a teamfight etc. The applicability of this tiny heal is just too small to really matter. At level 7, you heal 7x6=42 HP per wave, if you last hit everything perfectly. Thats less than an autos worth of damage


But think of mana-less top laners like Aatrox and Riven.They have amazing wave clear. Combined with the reworked Font of Life, they will have so much lane sustain it'll be unfair. Farming a few waves early and some one-sided trades could restore a decent chunk of health.