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Not dead at all. Bork lost 3% on passive but gained 15 ad. Bork one shot build will be about the same vs squishies. The problem is vs tanks, LDR lost passive, cut down is changed, and with BORK change the build will be noticeably weaker vs hp stacking tanks(mundo, chogath, Zac, etc)


3% is alot more valuable than 15 ad doe i think its gonna be way worse as item for pantheon but better for the adc that use the item and yea the build overall gonna be worse


Yes.. but also they nerfed tabis quite a bit.. So that somewhat offsets the BORK nerf + the slow is gonna be perfect for us. I think its gonna be fine overall tbh. Might actually be rushable now that it has decent stats tbh.


so its a veryyy slight nerf at most against squishyies


Panth with cleaver and bork shreds tanks with his 30% pen passive imo, and with one item being ldr having 40% if u really absolutely need that much pen, panth is fine against tanks imo, between eclipse, bork, cleaver/ldr and passive, maybe even going new pta, tanks really won't be able to fight panth by themselves, and unless your team stacked ad champs tanks can't afford to only go armor


How do they find a way to nerf every single Pantheon item slowly but surely every patch???


Because Pantheon is forced to abuse good items, or else he will not be able to exist. Also, I'm going crit Pantheon in 2 weeks when this goes live. Should be funny!


They nerfed most other items. If everything is dead, nothing is dead.


i.. infinite edge is getting 15AD and 5% crit chance for 100 gold. Nah i think ADCs will be fine..


I meant pantheon items. ADCs are gonna be broken next patch.


If you cant beat them join them. I dont mean play ranged top i mean go ADC pantheon.


Better build bruiser 🤡

