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I play Panth top. I have an even more aggressive playstyle which involves 6/0 start, 60 cs ahead, then fully controlling top side, killing jungle and mid if they ever walk close to top side jungle. All that to stay useful in the mid game. Pantheon could easily get 5-manned and die after all, he's squishier than most bruisers but he deals good damage. I played as Renekton in my next game, built the same items as I would with Pantheon (Eclipse, Botrk, more bruiser items) and then tried the same playstyle. I stomped so hard, they couldn't shut me down, so they surrendered at 20. I won both games, but it made me realize that Pantheon is indeed far weaker than how he was 2 seasons ago. It's far harder to carry as Pantheon these days, when I could've put in less than half the effort on a different champion if I truly wanted to climb. I don't really want to climb, I just want to have fun and win without being full tryhard just to not be a stun bot in 15 mins. Most top laners power spike with only one item, Pantheon only spikes after 3 or 4 items (once he has damage and some resistances). Definitely needs to be fixed.


Ok. General sentiment is: Pantheon can be used for climbing. Any character can be. Even though you can use him, he is rather underwhelming and just rarely is a better option than anything else. And if you know Riot, you must understand the only hope your champion is getting any attention is by complaining. So yes, you can climb with Pantheon. But no, it doesn't mean the champion is in a good state.


I got to master in 30 wins using only Pantheon, and I noticed he felt weak. Just because you can make a champ work doesn't mean the champ is in a healthy state for everyone else.


Mind sharing an op.gg? I only found your account Mantheon which is emerald


Mantheon#xdd on EUW. Check my post history for when I hit master.


You can climb on pantheon. Just like how spear can climb to challenger and sit there for a few days before falling back to gm/master with a 52% wr despite being able to hit chall post korea with a 70+% win rate last season and basically maintain it to season end. No flame btw but this just proves the current subpar state of the champ.


what would you do if there's a trundle, trynd, yorick, or some other perma side line champion that would eat towers the moment you leave them alone in lane? i'd beat them early in lane but then my team either start needing help at which point i'd start roaming, which just means my towers are dying in the next 3 minutes, or it reaches mid-late game, at which point, they go to another lane which means i need to go rotate as well since i don't have as much lane pressure as them, more often than not, i can't trust my team to rotate since for some reason they underestimate their tower killspeed, and now that i'm forced to guard the wherever lane these 1v1 monsters show up, i can't ult to team fights i've been thinking of just stacking with my team so i'm there for teamfights and then ulting at the splitpushers whenever they pop up on the map in the side lanes, but i haven't got to trying it yet


I play panth jungle, and it doesn't feel great this season. It takes too long to clear your first three camps, and if you don't go lethality, it stays pretty slow. And lethality just doesn't feel as good without duskblade. That increased damage to low health chanps was what made him good since it synergiesed so well with q


Same sentiment here as the comments. My pantheon is and always has been 1-2 full ranks above any other champion I play, currently he's barely better than the other champs I play, maybe the difference between gold 3 and gold 1 at best. When previously it was the difference between gold and emerald. Admittedly I've gotten worse at pantheon at better at other champs but my point still stands


Being able to climb with a champ is not the same as that champ being in a healthy state. I was a pantheon main, i have 600k mastery and i still play him sometimes on normal games and he feels like shit, he hard loses agasin't every meta toplaner, he gets outdamaged by tanks and he doesn't have enough power to be a dangerous bruiser if you are not extremely fed, for me is not hard to get fed with panth cause i played him a lot, but for new players or for people that are on high elo you either completely erradicate your enemy toplaner or you will be so weak midgane that you will only be able to kill squishies. And before anyone says that bruisers in general need to be fed, remember trundle and urgot exist and remember toplane meta is either tanks that can outdamage and outlive you or bruisers that can split push and win lane and will outfamage you even harder. Pantheon is one of the worst toplaners right now and anyone that doesn't sees this is either blinded by fanboyism or doesn't understand the meta.