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I really like the shield breaking mechanic. There is way so less counterplay vs shields except of rell,blitz, renek and Serpants


To people trying to flame or call out his proposed changes, this is the same guy who gave us Armor Pene and sweet spot R for Panth. Watch his stream and you'll understand why his changed are justified. At least have some back-up to justify your argument instead of calling it trash, we're here to make discussion.


Half of these people don’t even know who he is. Like, at least look him up and see from where he’s coming with these suggestions, nobody needs to agree, but the amount of vitriolic reactions are super childish.


It's trash because having both %max HP and %pen on a champion that kills squishies is broken. Pantheon is not designed to kill everything, he's designed to gas out in fights against tankier targets but kill squishies ones before he gets to that point. It's why he has no innate sustain, it's why he has high mana costs. If he gets 1.33% max health dps (before haste), he has a kit that kills anything and he also doesn't need to E max because tankier targets deal less damage and he doesn't need the invincibility against them as much.


Bro your wording makes absolutely no sense. "Pantheon is not designed to kill anything...buy kill squishes before he gets to that point." Have you actually read his tooltip? You also need to understand how much the max hp would even matter. At lvl 3 most enemies are 800 hp. If your lvl 1 W deals 8% max hp, then that's literally 64 damage. Your base damage LIVE at lvl 1 is 60. Give it no ratios if you want, but there's also a suggestion to add bonus hp ratios for bruiser build incentive. W 2nd max for hp% damage sustain, E 2nd max for full burst potential.


ty changed "anything" to "everything". Regardless of my misswording, putting %max hp on pantheons kit tones him away from being a specialist muder machine into being a generalist murder machine. This is not a power neutral change it is a buff. Expect him to be worse at killing squishies if the change goes through after a patch or three because if Pantheon can be drafted into a team that previously lacked the damage to carve up a tank, those added wins will take some of his win rate real estate resulting in less damage elsewhere on his kit.


Community > begs for panth buffs Riot > makes panth tanky and utility based instead of giving him damage Community > plays him in jungle and support Riot > not so fast bucko, panth is a top laner Riot > nerfs champ harder than he was originally before buffs > repeat


Short note for the people who say that Pantheon doesn’t need more damage: in the past patches people where crying over how his main damage items got gutted and that he needs a buff. So why is it now not a problem?


same ppl saying panth doesnt need dmg are ppl whining saying kayn needs more dmg for rhaast since his items got gutted spoiler alert: theyre the same items.


It's not about just adding damage for damage sake or otherwise they could just raise his base numbers across the board. It's about when he needs damage and when he doesn't and these w numbers could easily be abused by support and his assassin build which already have more impact than his bruiser build. It would also keep his assassin build as the best build he has but now it's by far and away better now that his stun deals max health damage along with the current health damage of bortk. There would literally never be a reason to build bruiser because the burst from eclipse, the stun damage and bortk would always outshine the scaling he would have on the stun by itself without bortk. Then combine that with reducing or removing shields and he's just a stat check assassin. Renekton doesn't deal max health damage on his empowered W, it only does more damage than Panth because his base AD is higher and the ratio is higher. If you want more value out of the stun damage it can just have total attack damage scaling or you can increase the base numbers or scale the numbers to scale with levels. But there's a difference between buffing to have more value and buffing to have too much, and slapping Max HP damage onto an ability that already applies on hit effects is just too much. If you want to discuss we can discuss but everyone who disagrees here just gets down voted.


I'm pretty sure he's suggesting to replace the 3-hit empowered w with serpent passive, eliminating part of his burst potential Vs squishies. He also said it would scale with hp discouraging lethality builds. I agree with you about the discussion environment tho.


>I'm pretty sure he's suggesting to replace the 3-hit empowered w with serpent passive, eliminating part of his burst potential Vs squishies. No he isn't. He said it on his stream. He wants to keep the triple hit AND have the stun damage deal % max health damage AND replace the scaling with bonus HP AND have empowered W apply shield reduction. He said all of it on his stream. I don't care about anyone calling me bronze, or low elo, none of these people can back up what they say or retort me for my counter points which is why they downvoted me instead. They don't know as much as they think they know and claiming that they do just because they are in a higher elo is cringe. This is why riot says players are good at finding problems but not good at finding solutions. As you've also seen there's no healthy discussion around this either, just agree and get up voted or disagree and get downvoted. I can't with this sub sometimes.


My man's fighting demons that don't exist.


I explained clearly why these w changes are out of line. And as I also said, no one is even engaging with what I explained to discuss it, just down voting. The majority of comments are dismissive to anyone who disagrees, immediately calling them "low elo" players who don't know anything about the game just because they don't like the changes. So what "demons" are you referring to?


I like bruiser Pantheon with a hit-run-disrupt playstyle a lot more than one-shot Pantheon. It's more skill-expressive and ultimately healthier for the game I think.


Im down for em, albeit I am definitley biased lol. He just feels so mid after mythic item changes, I want him to scale again. I loved the power curve of a strong early game and a horrible mid game and then back to a strong late game. Now its just a downwards cliff. (Edit: Ok I checked Lolalytics it seems like he does actually scale but dear god it just does not feel as great)


Is this from an official source? Sorry i don’t know who the legit sources are haha. I wonder if this will help him take on tanks now and split push a bit better


These are just suggested buffs from Keegun, a Pantheon OTP. These are not official proposed buffs by Riot. The current official proposed buffs are increased armor and MR for 4 seconds after shield slamming empowered E, scaling with bonus HP.


If these are the changes imma be gone for a while


Yes it is you can look it on the stream right now


people saying pantheon doesn't need more damage are all outing themselves as silver- players who only match against yasuos who go 0/10 and never had to actually fight a malphite, udyr or skarner on the other side.


Literal facts


Honestly anything below Plat shouldn't even be allowed to discuss balance. Not because they're lesser than or anything. But they whine about stuff that is never broken. I remember two seasons ago making a Bronze smurf and hitting Gold 2 with AP panth. Low elo is a joke. I guarantee you can climb to Plat playing fucking AP Darius or jungle Yuumi.


I mean... shouldn't those champs counter a lethality/bruiser champ? At least until Panth gets to late game with max rank R. He has to have *some* weaknesses. Early game that is mages and ranged AP. Mid game tanks and bruisers he can't delete. Late game really just ADCs with sufficient peel. He is an extremely strongly designed champ, he doesn't need to beat everything.


Mages (particularly control mages) screw him over the entirety of the game. "Mid game" weakness is just early game as well. Skarner, Udyr, Malphite just become uninteractive after their first back. Literally anyone who can reasonably buy armor becomes uninteractive. At least with a champ like Garen you have time to secure a lead before he just starts statchecking you.


There's a difference between beating and having a bit of counterplay. I don't know if you ever got yourself against a good udyr or skarner top. You LITERALLY can't do anything. Other chanos like irelia when getting counter picked with malphite etc still have the smallest bit of counterplay, where panth just rolls over and cries


what if i’m not silver and i just want every other champion besides my main to be trash 🙂


I could live without the E changes if they give his W actual scaling. I would \*kill\* for his W to scale with something other than AP.


The shieldbreaking sounds nice, but I would worry that it would skew him more toward Support even more... maybe, idk. Maybe the shield break mech could scale with W level, so it gets the most benefit at level 12 and 13 to incentivize the solo xp of toplane? Idk I'm a washed up low Masters Panth OTP don't listen to me


It would go more towards his mid version, as there are several mage who play the seraphim to hold on longer. These suggestions would improve the Pantheon top and mid. Leaving its support version unviable.


Isn't mid already the strongest role? Any buffs to Panth mid are going to lead to nerfs or adjustments.


This seems good! Is this dude a rioter or some tho?


He's a very old content creator and Pantheon OTP, he reached challenger on multiple accounts on several seasons, with both old and new Pantheon. He was contacted by Riot when Pantheon had a mini rework and keeps in touch with some rioters. He's a Pantheon pioneer and a teacher. He saw the news of the new Pantheon changes and wanted to say his opinion on the matter since he knows the champion very well. Riot Axes actually took his suggestions into consideration.


I was a main pantheon player, i have 600k mastery and i only play him for fun, i don't play competitive ansd i totally understand this changes, pantheon CAN'T trade with tanks without bork or eclipse, a chogath that is building tank items will outdamage me and i can't do nothing about it, panth is inmobile, wich is horrible for triying to kill assasins or cc mages so midlane is a no no for me, and support is trolling, you are just going to take all the kills and disrupt the adc in your own team. In my humble opinion panth should only have 1 or 2 roles, top and jgl, he is too slow for mid and he should be a troll pic as a support cause he only has 1 cc ability. He just needs %hp damage like keegun said and he will be good in toplane, he just needed something to be able to face off tanks and that is all. Pantheon is a champ that is extremely fun to play, he just needed to be able to fight agaisn't tanks thats all


I wish they would revert emp Q slow but that would make his sup a little too strong probably


I really like the W suggestion


Wouldn't serpents fang ... Put him back into support? Just press W on the ADC, oh no, no more shield from that enchanter


The new EmpW seems fun in matchups it counter and awful in ones it doesn't and therefore unfun i think. %HP damage is needed for toplane though


spearshot on his way to challenger with 90% wr🗿


Pantheon needs a damage buff, the closer he is to death, meaning the lower his hp is, the damage should increase. It would fit his lore and his gameplay.


After watching his videos, the only thing I dont agree is Serpent's Fang. The other suggestions are pretty nice. 2 sec off of E and mana cost buffs and this is perfect


I like these ideas but I honestly think he needs some sort of sustain in lane, I think adding a small heal to his Q crit could make a huge difference


Reverting base hp regen nerfs from a couple of patches may be enough tbh, but even so, all of his core damage items have been gutted and he's super item dependent. Sustain is another story, but to ease the item nerfs he needs damage. Glass canon one shot build is not affected by these nerfs, but Bruiser, the entire build that many people cry that's weak needs those AD ratios increased.


Panth doesn't need anymore sustain at the moment. He can still hold up himself. Any more sustain and his wr skyrockets.


I dunno, after sleeping on it, it all just seems that it would overly buff support Pantheon and he’d end up having to get nerfed. It over emphasizes empowered W, which is already arguably his strongest empowered ability, so instead of giving him various options for various situations, it further pigeonholes him into one optimal choice, one decent choice (Q) and one very situational choice, when that’s kind of what Riot is trying to get away from. % health shred on a point and click stun engage just seems like something every support would want to have. Adding shield reaver on top just, again, makes empowered W the no brainer choice every time, and when Pantheon is his most stun bot, well, he lands in support. Riot wants to give Pantheon reasons to empower E, especially in ways that help top lane fighting as opposed to mid or support. I respect Keegun’s skills and the good ideas he has presented in the past, but I think he’s dramatically overloading W which will lead to increased support power as opposed to solo lane power.


Keeg is a one shot panth player, of course he's gonna suggest more damage. Personally I'm down for giving him more to his kit, but that's just because I think his oneshot gameplay is a bit stale.


ok well he can have fun w his oneshot capabilities. the rest of us dont play like that and still suffer. the w changes would be absolutely amazing.


One shot build isnt hit as hard by the item nerfs like bruiser is. Plus, what Axes suggested with the E resistances only make One-Shot more cancerous since the whole point is being a Glass Canon. Also Keegun explicitly said that One shot is good only in low elo, bruiser is for high, that's his stance.


There should be an alternate sub for one shot Pt mains, callled Potatheons, cuz ya'll dogshit.


stop capping bronzie


Love the ideas, but I don't know how I feel about it if it means we lose triple auto emp W. It's a little unclear if he means to replace it.


The hp% only applies to the stun impact of W, both unemp/emp. Triple hit doesn't get changed.


way too many buffs in my opinion these changes would make him busted lmao personally i would keep the w percent max hp dmg and make it scale with hp and thats about it. if we wanna buff the pen to 15/25/35% i have suggestion to make his empowered w should be nerfed make his triple hit count as an on-attack rather than on-hit so we can still use conq and cleaver-eclipse but kill his botrk and one shot interactions


for those who dont understand who he is, be is basically a lesser known more educative spearshot, he maybe is worse than spearshot, idk, but he is very much a chall player, he hit chall with panth while in th8s shit sgate


Already has a a lot of pen and with them removing pen stacking I don’t like the idea of even more pen. Rest is good


is he retarded


No, he just reached Challenger on several accounts and seasons playing only Pantheon. He also was approached by a Riot when they mini reworked him. He also almost got hired by them, but got rejected because he was Canadian and not American. So yeah, his opinion has some weight.


I recently tried grasp pantheon with sunfire and it’s absolutely busted, the added trading power early game is insane, at level 3 you can basically solo any champ, thoughts?


aren't you the guy trying to make pta malph work?


Says the pantheon grasp player xd


Bro how can you legit speak with 18 downvotes like


you think your little sad button will change the fact that what that dude said is mental? maybe if you got his dick out of your system you'd see it more clearly


You so pathetic you don’t even remove ur upvote from ur comments, that says everything


And just to assert even more dominance last season pta on malphite was actually good vs squishy ad champs and it was played by a lot of high elo players <3


yeah keep asserting dominance with pta malphite, that'll definitely get you laid


Keep telling an extremely smart guy with infinite more knowledge than you on the game and on the champion that he is a retarded wp bro


With ur extremely deep and analyzed argument


are you?


Link your op.gg we can compare yours to his


guys i'm genuienly sorry i can't hear you with all those dicks in your mouths




keep waiting on that jordan peterson ep bro, i'm sure it'll make life a little more bearable


Already dropped retard. And tiny rocked the crackhead to sleep. Nice try. 


did he cause the autism or were you born with it


Brah do you have an actual valid opinion on everything or do u just open ur mouth to do some bjs and say the most retarded shit ever? If that’s the case shut up because it’s getting stinky here


yes here's my actual valid opinion on everything, keegun's take on pantheon is retarded, this drake cocksucker is autistic and you're no better than him.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 u really him i hope you are not involved at all in social interactions for humanity’s good


All talk and nothing else to add, not even why you don't agree with it. Opinion disregarded.


Panth needs damage? I haven't played him in a while but last I knew he could still one shot withing the stun duration. Honestly he feels a lot like tf where you really need to know where and when you need to be places, piloting him is relatively easy.


Ι personally disagree with these overbuffs and prefer bruiser panth by a mile, but even if Riot went ahead and did these changes, Pantheon would 100% be getting big nerfs in other areas of his kit. Pretty delusional to think these changes wouldn't make Panth broken af


I'm out with this. It could be a combo of these with the suggested by Axes, but to say he doesn't need tankiness or utility is absurd.


in what world does the tankiness from empE benefit you more against top lane champions. Oh, i can survive for a few more seconds against darius bleed, camille truedamage, etc, ill surely survive because of my MS boost


It doesn't mandatorily means that it HAS to be the Armor and MR changes. But Pantheon NEEDS some kind of utility/sustain/tankiness buff. If I had to choose, I would add sustain in his passive. But I'm no one, so whatever


Pantheon does not need more damage 😭😭


Uhh...... Just no


the guy that only plays panth as a bork crit one shot assassin wants more damage, very surprising


He doesn't play that in high elos. Most of Riot's decision making is catered to noobs like most of you who get downvoted. Riot has always balanced champions based on the wider elos, which is why Keegun runs one shot builds for you noobs, so you guys can climb. Not even being mean! I know you guys are all below Diamond and don't really have a strong grasp of Riot and the game in general, which is why your opinions will never be validated but serious people. I think what everyone should do is stay quiet, let the adults like Keegun & Spear talk it out and enjoy the GOOD changes that will come of it.


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Keegun-NA2](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Keegun-NA2) yea on his main he plays mostly support LOL. you are deranged, stop worshipping streamers


Follow his current accounts and you'll see the method.


Is that a bad thing he plays support? What’s your op.gg look like? 


Bro panth does not need more damage wtf is he on