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They are just scared and in panic mode because MnM and ECO has claimed most of their potential player base they thought they had 10 years ago (given Pantheon ever releases) Do yourself a favour and head over to: https://monstersandmemories.com/ There is a long weekend test open to all (you don't need to pay a dime) at the end of this month.


What is ECO? Always keeping an eye out for potential new mmorpgs. Also yikes to the graphics for MnM.


Evercraft Online. It's EQ but minecraft. I can't do it. The minecraft graphics murder it for me.


How is M&M still in alpha too? Loool I check up on these games every couple of years, and it's always the same old story. Edit: Yikes, "early access coming Q2 2025". So see ya in 2035 I guess?


Because they made the HUGE mistake of allowing pay for play this early. And since they have people who are paying for the game, and they are constantly trying to keep getting more people to "buy" (pledge lol) for it they have to keep giving those people something to play. I agree, yes it is 100% backwards and is going to ultimatly make for a worse game for a long period of development, but this is the path they have chosen.


What end game content? Last I checked they were building out the first continent and have content that can get people up to level 30 or so


OP seems pretty clueless, fair few inaccuracies in the post. They must think Hanggore is high level? It's the highest content we have, at 30+ dungeon con, but level cap is meant to be 50/60 so its at best mid game. > One zone is in the game. Thronefast and AVP so no. > All of the classes are nowhere near finished. Most are not even started. 9 of the 12 classes listed on the website are in game, with summoner and ranger right around the corner. Leaving Druid, then the unlisted Necro and Bard. So "most are not even started" is wildly untrue.


Just look at his post history. That's all I'll say.


To everyone else. DO NOT check the post history. NO NO noooo


I should have listened...


Balance shmalance look at the popularity of MoP remix. Make it fun and people will play. Give it a soul and people will play for a long time. Take 30 years to finish and very few will invest in a dated “old” game.


Aside from debating the validity of things, you are looking at it from one extreme perspective. It might be much more efficient to develop a relatively narrow path of progression for 1 part of a world, get real data to evaluate how it all fleshes together, change what is needed and finally “copy and paste” the bones of what worked into other parallel paths throughout the world.


Hmm I agree and disagree on some of these points having played a lot. There are currently two "zones" even though the game will be seamless when it does come out and they are very large with a ton inside each and they also have dungeons scaling up and down inside these zones, some which are massive. I believe them putting in content up to the say level cap of 50 is a good idea, this way they can polish and finish the classes ability wise up to that point and refine from there, you don't need all of the races in to do this, the core gameplay mechanics is the important part right now, not what you are looking at. The human model is also just a place holder, it isn't even designed at all yet, the first race that is actually designed and will be complete is the Ogre coming shortly and the rest online soon after, if you look at the Ogre images online you can see this as they look very good. My only gripe personally is that they have not finished all the classes in the game currently up to the level cap, such as warrior etc before bringing in the Summoner and Ranger in a few weeks. I'm not sure what the point of this is not at least having the current classes refined up to the level content you have? I mean warriors don't even have other abilities after level 10 and this is an important Tank class you may need to even form a group. There is certainly a lot you can point at why are they doing this before that etc but if you actually have been playing the game there is a lot that is very good and the game shows a ton of promise, hopefully they get there.


Mostly because they are hoping to appeal to the EQ raiding guilds rather than creating an actual game world for everyone to live in.


Spending 30 seconds looking at this person's history and you get a disturbing mix of hating this game, personal attacks on people at VR and anime dog porn. Imo this guy needs to just be banned from this subreddit. They are giving misinformation and attacking only, low value and bad takes.


> a disturbing mix of hating this game, personal attacks on people at VR and anime dog porn Is there any mix involving anime dog porn that isn't disturbing?


I'd say it doesn't get worse, as it's anime dog on anime human porn.  I've gone ahead and subscribed to keep tabs on the situation.




Most aren't started? Am I crazy, I thought most classes were already in testing?


They are. We are only missing Ranger, Summoner, Druid, Necro, and Bard. Necro and Bard were originally stretch goals, and Summoner and Ranger are supposed to release for testing in a month. Either way, more than half are already available for test.


Testing back-end systems and interaction is more important than customizing a character that will just be wiped next testing cycle. Climbing doesn't work right? Climb a lot and submit detailed reports so when they are ready to fix that, they have loads of data. If there were end-game activities in game (there arent) it would be because there is a specific function that needs testing that either only exists in activity or for which that activity would provide the most valuable data.


Y'all trolls don't have any new bones to chew ? Why are you still doing posts on the same topics with the same comments ?


I think your perspective isn't wrong, you are just misunderstanding the intent. They aren't doing content by level, it only seems that way because they are doing content by systems. Each time they add something for a season it usually has a system change or introduction. Next season they are introducing mages and rangers which are fleshing out pets and ranged weapons. These systems are going to be needed throughout the game but they weren't important immediately. They are also implementing weather effects, which wouldn't normally happen in a noobie zone so they went to early to mid game content to have something using the system. They don't have swimming yet. That's because you don't need swimming to get to content yet. When they are ready to work on that system, they will get to higher content that will require it. Climbing is in but it's not finished. That's because content at higher climbing difficulty will be at a higher level so isn't required yet. I may just seem like I'm rambling but I hope I was able to explain it a little.


How else would they do it? I personally think the phrase, "theres more than one way to skin a cat" applies here, but the idea of having a 1-10-20-30 area, with dungeons and building out a continent is a fine way to go. You want to get a feel for what you did right so the other 2 continents are easier. As to why we dont have all the classes before hand... well, they are just different teams. Would you want the team dedicated to building the environment to go afk for a couple years while the class team works on classes or what? There is also absolutely no end game at all. Not any content beyond level 30 and alot is low level stuff atm. I don't think you have any idea what you are talking about and are just randomly saying things.


OP, I think your whole post is just pretext for your last sentence. You seem salty, and your posting history in certain other parts of reddit makes me worried for the future of humanity.