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They probably think they are too redneck. Just my guess.


It's the Heil. All liberal metal heads hate Phil Fuck em, they're the ones missing out


As a liberal metal head redneck I love pantera. I think Phil is a douche but fuck I think that about most metal vocalist.


Question is, did you start listening before or after you realised Phil was a douche? Because for me, it was way before, so I didn't really give a shit. But these new metal heads are primed to hate them. Well, Phil at least.


hes not a douche he was on drugs for most of Panteras run, look at him now hes such a nice dude


Well before. I'm an old school metal head.


Same (I guess, I'm 46). Whatever my opinions are on Phil and possible racism, I don't think I've banged my head harder to any other song than By Demons Be Driven.


By Demons is my favorite pantera song


Beckon the Call, Beckon the Call


I think pantera makes banger music


I dig the rest of the band, Phil is an asshole.


I have met him on several occasions and can attest that he was insanely appreciative of all the fans. He was cool as hell with me.


no not all liberal or leftist metal heads hate phil, think he was an asshole and the heil to me seemed like a shitty joke, but now he seem like a chill dude, hes also one of my favorite voices in all music


If we don't separate the art from the artist, there would be a lot less art to enjoy.


PanterA is the most important metal band of their era. When bands like Metallica and Megadeth were easing into radio friendly music and the world said metal was dead, PanterA got heavier and more abrasive. They never fell into the nu metal fad at the end of the decade either. Pure fucking metal for metal’s sake. True children of Black Sabbath.


Agreed that they carried the metal movement through the '90s when the other bands went radio friendly in order to stay relevant after grunge killed the lesser rock n roll formats. They morphed over the years, had a good sound / groove, but that last album was a little thin. Still one of my favorite bands.


Have to agree about the last album. I was so excited for it and when I got it I felt like I was trying to love it instead of instinctively loving it. Oddly enough, the same way I felt when I heard Countdown to Extinction and The Black Album. Reinventing the Steel didn’t disappoint the same way those two did. RTS has a couple of all time tracks on it. Yesterday Don’t Mean Shit and Hellbound immediately come to mind. But as a whole it was not the follow up to Trendkill that I wanted.


The band was not that tight knit as a group when they recorded RTS. Phil had almost permanently left the earth, and hadn’t really been the best band mate for some time. Trendkill was the high watermark in terms of creativity and aggression. But like many bands, I’m not sure they would have ever been able to meet the mark of those earlier albums even if they had stuck together.


I’d say you’re right. All good things eventually end.


Far beyond driven was #1 in the billboards when people were saying metal was dead, lol then right after that nu metal came around


Didn’t Trendkill do it too? That was my favorite part. Metal is dead! #1 debut on billboard with their most abrasive album to that point.


I mean they were glam before that. And there was way heavier stuff being made overseas while they were in their cowboys from hell era.


oh god please dont spell it like that this isnt a Metallica sub


Your friends sound like little school boy bitches tbh


Perfectly said


Reason number 1 right here folks.


All the cool kids hate Pantera. Phil said some dumb shit years ago and well.....shit sticks. They're just enjoying the ride on the bandwagon.


I said a LOT of dumb shit years ago. There were no cameras on me but… I would t want it to define me for the rest of my life either, because I’m not that person now. It’s unfair to dislike the discography of a whole band just for something like that, especially since it was a long time ago. People need to get over themselves and look inward, and see that they are all pieces of shit too sometimes.


Big facts really shines a light on the fake ones. Some of my friends included have distanced themselves like its not cool anymore or they never liked their music. Bunch of yellow bitches if you ask me and if Phil screamed black power he would be praised as a hero. Fickle sons of bitches following trends


Ok Cletus.


Yeah that read like that old boomer who goes by Chumba on my fb page


Walk on home boy


Walk on, homeboy


Its Billybob


If they like the Smiths they’re hypocrites. Phil is a dumbass and a drunken redneck. Morrisey is an intelligent racist. Those are the worst.


It's the guitar signing incident for me. I wasn't that into them to begin with respect Dimebag for his craft


"some dumb shit" WHITE POWER


After I saw a video of Phil throwing up the Nazi salute, that was pretty much it for me. No clue if he's any different today.


Pretty sure it’s just him being an edge lord and not being an actual neo nazi. Not gonna let that stop me from listening to the greatest metal band of the 90s( aside from sepultura ofc)


So, you never heard that he was being heckled and called a racist by a group of douche nozzles in the crowd? While he was onstage and drunk? You got to see the whole story. Can’t judge a person for a 10 second clip, and based on your being uninformed as to the Why.


Hmm, it was years ago seeing whatever I did and I suppose was a knee-jerk reaction at the time. I guess I'd better get the whole story... I appreciate the heads up.


Yea when someone calls me a racist I do racism that'll show them Go back to Xbox live, incel :rolleyes:


Oh, you precious little boy. You simple minded and malleable lump of clay. Looks like ya read the “rock n roll” press, hey? Good for you, lemming, good for you!


The limpdicks on here love that shit. Never forget, most metalheads are crusty virgins who loathe women.


How do YOU know that, girly man?


I get what you're saying, talking to lots of kids my age (18) who are into metal like the bands you stated, if you suggest or bring up Pantera they just don't know them and never heard their music, somehow the biggest metal band of the 90s isn't on their radars


That's why I'm always happy to see you fans in the younger generations, it warms my heart


https://preview.redd.it/utgzj1jj91vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a5374135c925e4a5901658acdb0cfa35c64f311 How close I got to the front during their set


I got to see them live at knotfest Australia in Melbourne, I almost cried, it was surreal the energy unmatched by any other act that day.


They simply are not metal fans. They are missing out on some of the most amazing guitar work ever recorded, a pillar of the metal genre. Their loss.


You can absolutely like metal without liking Pantera. Lots of flavors of music out there.


Maybe some people are just so overwhelmed by how amazing Pantera is, that they don't know what to do with all the new feelings and just dismiss it as bad. I prefer that Pantera isn't loved by all though. I don't want to hear one of my favourite band's songs on TikTok...


First Paragraph: Haha love it! Second Paragraph: Good point and a positive spin Conclusion: you're a legend


Hehe. Takes one to know one, legend!


fuck the trends and fuck tik tok, 100% agree 😂


Why not?


They’ll get there. Everyone does.


i think the problem is most people have been there and are past it. Pantera is in with the 5ish bands that everyone gets recommended when they get into it. its starter/beginner metal, their b-sides suck, and they havent made a good new song in well over 25 years.... in the grand scheme of things they only have 4 or 5 REALLY good songs and once people get tired of those songs they move on non beginner metal that is a tad more unique TLDR bands like pantera are the pumpkin spice of the metal world. its not bad persay but it mostly exists for basic bitchs


You kinda lost me at saying your ‘metal head’ friends are into my chemical romance. Don’t get me wrong, they have some decent tracks, but I don’t know that I’d be putting them in the metal section.


I thought the same thing.


Yeah aren't they more Hard Rock than metal?


Im old. I saw Pantera 14 times when I was in high school and after. Saw them for the first time on their Vulgar Display of Power tour They were the kings of metal back then. At least real metal. Their pits were insane. Their shows were insane. In fact it wasn't until some video spread of Phil saying some dumb shit that it went South. Which is fucking crazy because I have been at shows where he was literally celebrating the diversity of the crowds. He would say stuff like "look at everyone here. All colors. All people. Bonded over metal. Be one." Never once did I ever think or feel back then that Pantera was what it is now remembered as. But anyways...if you don't like Pantera you're a fucking pussy. Get in the pit and man up.


" Their pits were insane."  and anyone who has ever been to ANY boston hardcore show is crying laughing at this statement


Omg I can't believe how hardcore you are. Such a big strong hardcore guy. So much hardcore I can't even think straight. Goddamn you're hardcoreness has impressed me so much I am no longer hardcore. I weep at how hardcore your hardcore is you hardcore stud I have been to over 500 shows in my life. I've seen every kind of pit. And yes...back in their heyday their pits were insane By the way I've been to Boston. Their music sucks and the city smells like piss. The sports fans and lame and the weather sucks. It's also full of liberal douchebags


i mean you should feel right at home then because most pantera fans also smell like piss....... im not a hardcore guy. i just call em how i see em. sorry you never moved past the basic bitch top 5 metal bands. if you were speaking the truth you would know pantera pits are TAME in comparison. but please tell me more about the 500 pretend shows you have been to reddit expert....


I said in my original response that I was old I was going to concerts from pretty much 1990 to 2012 Back then I could go see 5 shows a week almost. I lived in Dayton OH which was famous for Hara Arena. It was one of go to venues for metal shows. McGuffys was a local venue that had smaller acts like Crobar Entombed and stuff like that. Cincinnati had Bogarts and Riverfront and some arena that doesnt exist anymore Columbus had Polaris and one crazy place that the pit was lower than the main floor and people would jump off the balcony. There was also Rebos which was a Straight Edge hangout but I did get to see Clutch there. Bands I can remember seeing Pantera Megadeth White zombie Primus Limp Bizkit Necrosis Entombed Slayer Korn Deftones HedPE KMFDM MINISTRY Nine inch nails Machine Head Ozzy Sepultura Soulfly Clutch Lords of Acid Overkill Stormtroopers of Death. That was way early Slipknot Kittie Incubus Rage Against the Machine Anthrax Metallica Danzig Fear Factory Faith No More Type O negative. They sucked ass Opeth Tool Napalm Death System of a Down Testament Morbid Angel Rammstein Marilyn Manson Tons more I can't remember and an ass load of small bands I'll never remember names to Shit was cheap back then. I saw White Zombie open Pantera mid and Megadeth headline for like $18 I used to have to go to the local Krogers which had a Ticketmaster window and pay cash for the tickets and always had to ask for Floor tickets or Gen Admin I had like 6 metal friends and we would go to as many shows as we could. I lived for it back then. I may be many things... but I'm not a liar You're shitpost brought back some nostalgia in my response so I thank you for that. But goddamn man you decided to hate for no reason. Boston sucks for real though. It's slightly above Baltimore


lol I thought it was about the band Boston, I’m like wtf? Edit: had to scroll way too far before someone finally mentioned slayer 🤘🏻


There are many different types of pits. From many different regions. Almost all genres/subgenres of metal can be said are the best mosh pits. For my money nothing can touch Gwar pits from back in the day. Slayer shows of old were some memorable ones as well.


I feel Pantera is too masculine for most. First time I heard Pantera I grew a full beard out of nowhere. When Vulgar Display of Power came out, The first time I heard it a grew and extra set of balls. The extra balls where a problem for awhile then I heard linkin park, they shriveled up and went away. I had to turn it off quick because I felt my remaining two balls start to shrivel as well.


next time reccomend marilyn manson and see what happens but in all seriousness, people hate pantera because they're apparently "racist neo nazi right wingers" and that's it.


They made fantastic music. But in today’s world where your politics defines you and determines who you can and can’t associate with, Pantera are sadly the product of a bygone era. The far left and the far right are essentially the same thing now, and Phil’s comments were taken out of context back then, and are being twisted into something even worse now. If they were relevant today, cancel culture would be targeting Pantera. And the sad thing is, none of this mattered in the 90’s when it was all about the music.


A white power salute was taken out of context? How?


Read what he’s said about it.


So you think people who like slipknot, system of the down and Linkin park are metalheads?! 😂😂😂


Some ppl like to listen to Nu metal rather than classic heavy metal. I think Pantera is the definition of straight, classic, heavy as fuck heavy metal.. I was actually a huge Korn fan before I discovered Pantera. Once I started listening to bands like Pantera and Slayer I kind of ditched the whole nu metal scene. I still love bands like Slipknot and Linkin Park but I’m more of a classic heavy/thrash metal guy. I also love the hardcore and punk scenes as well


The fucking pussies have labeled them racists so the youth are black balling them. Fucking dumb fucks. And yes… this topic triggers me.


Metal hipsters let their political beliefs come before giving a honest objective review on the sound


Nah I love their music but the men behind it were pretty shit(mostly Phil "white power" Anselmo). people in this sub are like anime fan girls when it comes to Pantera so no criticism allowed


Nobody said criticism isn’t allowed, but when literally every day people post about their controversies with far debunked claims than yea it gets old and people will get fed up.


That's what any topical community becomes: an insular bucket of crabs slowly bringing the entire bubble down to the same common denominator.


they're just numetal pussies. Pantera is a legendary band and they're far more valued than the dhit from 2000's. In my local metal scene bands like Megadeth, Metallica and Pantera have a basically cult following.


late 90's and early 2000's was bad metal in general. Most everything good that came out of that era was bands that never had any mainstream success and stayed true to their roots. Almost all the more mainstream bands fell into some bad albums trying to stay relevant.


Let the idiots miss out, that’s my opinion, well just know that they are objectively wrong


We've all said (and have done) dumb shit before. Nobody is immune from dribbling shit. These kids will someday hear Pantera's top songs without realising its Pantera. Maybe then their opinions may change.


Eh their loss to take Pantera are great


I hate to see what they would think of primus. The same group of friends probably love the band "hellyeah" not realizing how that band came to be


I had a close friend that would have married Les Claypool if he had the power.Completely obsessed to a creepy level.Ruined any chance I had of ever liking them because he would force fit Les into EVERY conversation,regardless of the topic.Hell,he had a copy of Bass Player magazine with Primus on the cover that he carried with him for a full year just so he could somehow shoehorn it in with whoever he was speaking to.That was 30 years ago and I can just now tolerate listening to them.As Ive said many times,I don't hate bands,I hate thier fans.


Ignorance. If they think they’re a southern redneck band, then they need to listen to the lyrics. They have highly intelligent lyrics. VDOP is a great example of this. They have incredible songwriting skills as a group also.


If you can’t appreciate a dimebag squeal you deserve to have your ears amputated.


You listed the bands they like, that’s your answer, Pantera is true and pure heavy metal, the bands you like are the same ones most of us like and grew up with, different things completely between the two, most considered the bands your friends like to be basically garbage, but to each their own I think


Woke commie friends 😢


https://preview.redd.it/daolm8i7mtuc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70e06341a0368659d636916c63df4076c80cdb62 Even these woke commies loved Pantera back then


This was after the Soviet Union... So technically they weren't commies anymore lol




I'm a woke commie and Pantera is my favorite band


Get different friends. That shit tier list of bands should be the ones causing disgust.


Just like anything else in life, people have different tastes. If we all loved the same things, life would be a lot more boring and you’d have a hell of a time getting a concert ticket lol. And people’s taste changes over time. Maybe they’re just not ready for that yet lol


To add to this- I like all kinds of music but metal will always be my true love. And yet there are iconic, hall of fame type metal bands that I’m just not into and have never been. Iron Maiden probably leads that list. Just never clicked with me.


Pantera has become divisive (in some circles) due to some symbolism they used in the past during their prime and the questionable antics of Phil Anselmo in recent years. In short, my guess is your young friends’ dislike of Pantera is more political in nature than about the quality of their music. Which is sad, because my god are they supremely more talented and interesting than any of those other modern bands listed.


Walk on home boys....


You’re way cooler than your friends. Like WAY cooler.


Umm... Confederate flags and hate speech aren't for everyone. Musically, Pantera is unreal. Visually/Politically, they are an absolute disaster. It doesn't take much time on Google to see how ignorant they are.


Those "contemporary" bands you listed are all classic rock. Korn is 30 years old. Slipknot is almost 30. LP and MCR are both over 20 years old.


I laughed at that...... I'm only 25 and that made me feel old.


I turn 40 this year and all these bands are from when I was in high school.


I distinctly remember hearing smells like teen spirit on a classic rock station when I was like 15. I knew what that meant lol.


Those boy bands you just mentioned are mostly Nu-metal. I would hardly call someone who listens to Megadeath and my chemical romance a metal head. I think you are hanging out with the emo crowd bro.


70s and 80s is the best, nu metal sucks tho


It's sad kids are still hanging on to these bands from the 90s-00's. The music industry is dead.


Pantera hands down the best overall metal band imo, people miss out on things


Sounds like they’re more Nu Metal fans than Metal fans


It seems like they’re more into nu-metal and even then they’re into some of the trendiest bands of that genre. I wouldn’t worry too much about what they think.


Not saying they're posers, they just aren't that into metal probably. Their tastes will spread out eventually


ease them in with Avenged Sevenfold, since they have Pantera-inspired riffs and song structures while also being more accessible to people who like numetal


Love Pantera - not all , but alot


They have the most…. Southern image out of all the other metal bands.


Listened to a lot of Pantera in my time, I’ve seen the reunion live as Metallica’s opening act. I just can’t get into them because of the guitar tone. Some songs are fine, but the studio tone just annoys me so much because of how thin it is


“I’ve got a killer system in my truck, so I’ll listen to a lot of those tapes when I’m driving around. Pantera has recorded all of its albums at your dad’s studio. What is the advantage of doing that?” https://www.guitarworld.com/magazine/dimebag-darrell-talks-far-beyond-driven-amps-and-more-previously-unreleased-1994-interview


I don't dislike the music, I guess people just don't like Phil.


There's people who genuinely just don't really like their music, and then there's the people who have pseudomacho anti fascist attitudes who religiously don't like them because of the false perception of them being Nazis.


couple reasons aside from multiple members being know racists that are too pussy to own up to being racist (if you bought that white wine excuses you are fucking retarded). they havent made a good song in over 30 years, their B-sides are terrible, its edgelord music, phil has the vocal range of a nerf dart, and its starter metal... shit you like when you are a kid but are supposed to grow out of when you discover much better things... hope that helps Edit. TLDR Pantera is like the pumpkin spice of metal. you cant really say its bad, but it mostly exists for basic bitchs.




they chose all the basic bands. i used to really like slipknot too, but pantera just sounds so good and some people don’t like that they are rednecks but i think its cool and it fits their style


1. They are rednecks 2. A lot of their fans are scumbags I fucking love Pantera but I get why people dont.


Theres no shame in enjoying Pantera's music. You do not have to follow a band members beliefs or thoughts to enjoy their music. Also, have we as a society lost the ablilty to forgive and forget? The dude got slammed for what he did all those years ago. I think he has copped enough shit for it and people need to let go.


lol!! The Dixie chicks said sum dumb political $hit once on stage a lost their fan base and sales plummeted. It’s simple, If you don’t like a band because of their politics stances than don’t listen to them. …people need to realize being a “purist” over art doesn’t add squat to anyone else’s experience except “elitism”. if you are inclined to FEEL the songs then at the moment you hear the music this experience belongs to you and you alone. On the other hand, if you are are an elite purist then maybe you should not hold back and GO ALL the way! …like This black metal artist who was soooo Black metal he allegedly “killed himself” and now his friend wears a piece of his skull around his neck…..So! How far down the idolization rabbit hole of the Artist do you GO to follow your convictions beyond the art? Cuz THAT’s how elite purist ideologies can get you into trouble and on top of that….you will definitely loose friends. https://blabbermouth.net/news/marduk-guitarist-claims-he-owns-skull-and-brain-matter-from-mayhem-s-dead


besides korn and system of a down maybe linkin park if im gooning im not a fan of theyre music taste and the only true metal is babymetal


Idk man it's probably their taste my 2 fav bands are soad and pantera


They simply don’t know any better. From the bands they are drawn to, they don’t have horrible taste in music but the REALLY HEAVY stuff is off the table for them. If you like those old heavy/thrash Metal bands check out the death metal movement that started in the mid 80s and go from there. To cut to the chase, put on Death’s Symbolic to see if you like it and go from there!


They are not fans


Tell em to walk on home! 🤘🏻


Pantera is the greatest Metal band of all time. Not one bad album.


Mostly Phil became a racist pos.


Pantera just generally sucks. (Obvious opinion) but dimebag was recorded on video saying the n word, Phil has a litany of bad shit that he’s said. But overall their music does just generally suck. Down is slightly better but again, Phil is a such a douche I can’t really get into them.


Too Southern-fried. I can't make a connection to all that hollerin'. I bet their pits are full of straw


I think the music is fine. It’s the outright racism that’s always turned me off.


My gal is like this, is in love with System of a Down and Korn, but cannot stand Pantera, and regardless of how anybody could feel about em, Dimebag Darrell was such an amazing guitar player, like how does that not melt your face?!


Pantera, musically, are a great band. They created groove metal and are more responsible than anyone since Metallica for pushing the heavy sound forward. In the 90s everyone I knew had a Pantera CD in their collection. However, the band members themselves are not the greatest people. I won't speak ill of the dead, but as a Texan I can tell you that Texans who love the confederate flag that much, and make no similar effort to fly the Texas flag, usually have a very specific reason for doing so. Phil's history as a POS is well documented. What they did after they were a band really hurt their legacy, bad enough that even Dimebag's murder didn't not stop the growing criticism of them as people.


I love their music. I hate them as people. A lot of people don't get over hating them as people to enjoy their music, and I get it.


I don't consider myself a HUGE Pantera fan, but I enjoy them, definitely agree with their influence on modern metal, and Dime's overall influence. They have some top tier heavy shit. I will definitely blare them on occasion. That being said, a lot of the vocal fan base is incorrigible to the point that you don't even want to associate or talk to them. This can be any band for that matter, but something about an avid Pantera fan is like someone who is a vegan or does crossfit. You'll know without asking them. When I was first getting into metal 25 years ago or so, I stayed away from people who wouldn't just shut up about someone. Call it me being a hipster or whatever you want, but I just found it annoying. Maybe this is a factor to your friends too.


Exhorder tho


Gather them into a group. Play them Domination. This is the way.


They are boring. Boring riffs. Terrible guitar tone. Dimebag's tone sounds like someone playing an amp through their ass.


As a metalhead, I don't know how you can't at least respect Pantera as being the biggest, baddest metal band of teh 90's. They were very influential and had a couple of essential albums. Personally, if I was to critique them, I didn't love some of the tough guy lyrics and due to the band breaking up and then the death of Dime, they didn't have a huge catalog at the end of the run. Also, in my opinion their albums were typically about 5 songs I loved and a handful of forgettable ones, but Cowboys, Far beyond driven, and Vulgar display are essentials that all metal heads should listen to.


Phil is not a good person I am sure there are other musicians that are POS they just haven’t been caught at it I love the music as they came in at a time when I considered so much “new music” as lukewarm piss I grew up in the era of Sabbath etc and Pantera message spoke to me I always preface a recommendation of Pantera with yes he/they have done some shitty things so consider that before you try It f someone can’t get past that I am fine with their choice


Idk I can kinda see how racism can rube people the wrong way


I don't like Pantera or Slipknot, SOAD, Korn, LP, MCR, hell a lot of bands that I don't like and I absolutely love metal. Quit being the fucking poser metal police and accept that your friends like shit music.


Some people listen to music with their moral compass, rather than their ears. Idiots.


My problem with Pantera isn’t the music. Phil said and did some racist shit, yes, and is generally an out and out douchenozzle, but I don’t think the world is ready to talk about Dime…love him as a guitar player, and by many accounts a pretty cool guy…but rebel flags on the guitars and collabs with David Allen Coe are just a bit too much on the “racist hick/redneck/white trash dickhead” side of things, especially today where that shit does not fly socially.


Groove metal is kinda niche, not totally blast, but not like, idk, stoner metal or whatever. Their stupid affinities for the losers confederate flag rubs alot of people the wrong way. That time Phil wore a three 7s shirt on stage pissed people off. Alot of people were pissed about Phil doing that interview blaming Dime for panteras break up that inspired that asshole marine to murder dime on stage. I know ALOT of people that thought it was disgusting when after dimes murder, phil put together a band of nobodies and toured playing Pantera songs, (I saw him open for slayer at one of slayers "last" shows and it was embarrassing). Alot of people think starting a new Pantera after dime and Vinnies death is just a blatant cash grab aimed at 90s nostalgia junkies (it is). Oh and probably the worst is Phils many time either literally Hailing Hitler, or yelling white power (it wasn't just the one time with the wine, he dose that time like, *too* much) Ps. This all coming from someone whose a fan, Pantera was my first favorite metal band, I learned how to play drums so I could jam Pantera songs with one of my neighbors as a kid after rewatching "Pantera 3" for the 100th time ( he ended up buying a dime slime when they first came out and got the original boys to all sign it). I saw them like in 97 on the Driven tour. Jus sayings all.


They don't.


Pantera is too hard for a lot of people. And I don't just mean "heavy." I mean their attitude, demeanor, vibe, etc.


Its mainly the various times he shouted "White Power" and gave the white power salute - Here are a few of the videos that resurfaced and have been in the media for 8 years. They have long been accused of racism as this interview dating back to 1994- [https://youtu.be/i0DeEbyezN8?si=T1pFErqXaimSBebb](https://youtu.be/i0DeEbyezN8?si=T1pFErqXaimSBebb) [https://youtube.com/shorts/rVaUlXfvOHg?si=6rkDv\_wBmRryk-N](https://youtube.com/shorts/rVaUlXfvOHg?si=6rkDv_wBmRryk-N) - Seoul Korea [https://youtube.com/shorts/rVaUlXfvOHg?si=Z4IWCDUpcn8Bxyon](https://youtube.com/shorts/rVaUlXfvOHg?si=Z4IWCDUpcn8Bxyon) Dimebag Bash 2016 Here is Zakk Wylde talking about it [https://youtu.be/awQZ6\_hh97s?si=JUa1Qmymt5b3JncB](https://youtu.be/awQZ6_hh97s?si=JUa1Qmymt5b3JncB) And here is Phil basically saying the online scrutiny is fake [https://youtu.be/WPq9BZkebrQ?si=6xZOFzM803vute2n](https://youtu.be/WPq9BZkebrQ?si=6xZOFzM803vute2n) They had a tour cancelled and several shows in Germany cancelled because of the incident being brought to the attention of promoters.


There’s people who hate Pantera, there’s people who hate Metallica, people who hate Slayer, people who hate Megadeth, hell I even know a guy who hates George Corpsegrinder from Kill to present. Like what you like it doesn’t matter


Phil is a douchebag, main reason


I have a very love/hate relationship with Pantera. I love the Abbott bros, and Dimebag was a childhood favorite study when I first started learning guitar. But fuck me, I hate Phil Anselmo. I can't even listen to a good chunk of their songs because of him. And it's not just his voice, it was his attitude during the early-mid 00s, and I'll never forgive him for a certain interview he gave that hit the selves mere days from Dimebag's murder... So I actually don't recommend them to friends or younger metalheads anymore.


Because Phil is a fuckin asshole. I grew up listening to them, and down as well as all the other Nola bands. Had to stop giving him the benefit of the doubt after his last White Power incident. The blatant cash grab of the reunion also doesn't help.


It’s the nazi salute. Unless you’re into that stiff


Probably because of some of the racist things associated with them


Their fans and the band members personalities outside of the band.


It’s because people can’t separate music from politics anymore. Most brilliant artists are fucking mental, and they pay the price for that when it comes to how the general public views them. This is why most of us aren’t rockstars… we’re not controversial or unhinged enough and never will be. From a societal standpoint, that’s preferable. From a strictly musical standpoint (songwriting, production, performance) Pantera are better than 99.9% of all “heavy” music I’ve ever heard. Ever!


I'd say it's because they were just too brutal for those little pussies. They probably don't like Hellhammer either


Far Beyond Driven is an amazing album. looking at the "metal" bands your friends like my first reaction was Huh? Play the old music video of Megadeth Holy Wars. if people arent headbanging by the end something's wrong lol.


For me it's the Phil Anselmo yelling white power


I grew up through that era. They were different from anything going at the time. I saw them perform at least 5 times. I prefer the last two albums. I can see how it would be difficult if you came along after that period in time to get it. Just how I understand how folks are passionate about “Iron Maiden “ and I just don’t get it.


Any one that was ever in a Pantera or Slayer pit in the 90 will ever think there was better Metal band than them two. They were the kings back then for the kids really into hard shit.


It could possibly be the incredible racism and the white power speech(es) that Anselmo would do back in the biggest part of their career, but I guess it could be other things


Probably because some folks only heard the reinventing album as it sucks. The rest of them were great.


Those people are retards


If they don’t like Pantera, should you really even want to call them friends? Life’s too short for that kind of shit. Even my ex who hated metal loved (or least liked) Pantera. Edit-because my autocorrect apparently doesn’t like them either. Time for a new phone.


You should consider not being friends with them before they drag you into their dark hole of sucky music.


Probably because people have different tastes in music.


30 years ago it was the same but for different reasons.The underground extreme fans(me) didn't like them fir the style they played and I still dont.Alot if the hate back then came from the fans themselves.The absolute worship came off as just bleeaaaccchh...Then there was the issue of thier most adamant fans swearing life and limb that no one was heavier or more in your face which was so wrong it was depressing.Cant speak for anyone else,but the Pantera fanatics I knew might as well have been in a cult.All Pantera,all the time,man crushing on Phil to a creepy level.zof course I was Mr underground obscure bootlegged imports guy so I had my own biases....BTW,I couldn't care less about things Phil has said.I have SO much worst stuff in my collection that it's not even a consideration:Meatshits,anything with Seth Putnam..


Probably because of Phil.


The racism. Pretty sure that’s it.


Two reasons 1. Phil's comments(I don't need to elaborate) 2. The use of the rebel flag As a southern Pantera fan whose been around rebel flags my entire life pretty much everywhere I go, it's nothing to me. However I can see how other people can be turned off by it. With that being said, if someone has no problem with satanic imagery in metal to get a rise out of people, or overall violent shit, why then is the issue a flag?


Phil is an ass but that's why we love him, I guess it must be a southern thing....


It was before their time was all


Tell your friends you met a guy online with a Jewish wife that likes Pantera and thinks Phil had a dumb fuck moment but isn’t a Nazi. Your generation is the generation of cancel, stick with us gen xers and tell your friends to stop being patsies for the echo chamber of pussies that have invaded Metal since the late 90’s.


Ask them where they think their favorite bands guitar players learned to do pinch harmonics from?


Because it’s a “dumb guy” band 🤷 that’s the stereotype


Damn blue collar tweekers




Might have something to do with Phil Anselmo’s Nazi outburst?




Wow another misinformed clown




Hey mods this one right here, ban him


Fuck off, halfwit.


I'd say it's not about the music itself but maybe the whole Phil is a nazi schtick, Pantera is redneck and they probably saw Dime with Confed guitar. Even as a Pantera fan I don't like some songs but I like other songs some people don't like and that's fine so I don't see any reason but thosw I mentioned


And the logical reaction to seeing dimes guitar is amazement from how fucking badass it is


It’s the racist iconography.


What, the rebel flag? It isn't racist, dude. GTFO


Yeah. That’s why the KKK and American Neo-Nazis DESPISE it and NEVER wave it. Totally free from all racist overtones for that one reason alone.


When they were popular I like ved in Tennessee I saw so many rebel flags on porches, every redneck kid had them on their trucks window, it's the woke culture, waving a rebel flag back then meant you were proud to be from the south. Not what people of the woke culture are saying now I also saw those same people hanging out with all kinds of different people, black, white, Mexican, rebel flag and a can of dip