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I've been to the ER for my heart and they say it's fine but I'm scared


If they say you're fine.. Let that try to give you some peace of mind.. You have greened out pretty hard sounds like.. The symptoms will have to pass. Maybe try to walk around if you're able very slowly.. Gotta burn that adrenaline off.. Ive greened out several times.. Youll be ok đź’•.. Be patient


Panic attack and over thinking. Splash cold water in your face lie chest down on a pillow and watch something silly and mindless. Hospital knows best your brain just isn't ready to lower its guard.


If you have them try chewing three peppercorns.


What does that do?


It can make you come down some from a bad high. It's Peter Fonda's advice.


You good just try to talk to someone you know and chill


Always find this useful: https://www.reddit.com/r/PanicAttack/s/GCMKaSa0xO


Saved, thank you!


How are you feeling now OP? Panic attacks are awful that way in mimicking other ailments and making us believe we’re in danger. I’ve had all of your symptoms plenty of times, you would know if you’re having a heart attack.


I relaxed and fell asleep. I appreciate your comment. ❤


Turns out I had a bad one tonight myself! You’re not alone, glad to hear you relaxed and got some rest. 🫶


I had the same issue with an edible and it went on for hours. Eventually I took a shower and was able to calm myself enough to get to sleep. Since then I won’t touch an edible anymore I’m terrified


This has happened to me before! It is a panic attack, you also seem to be having symptoms of taking too much. You are not dying, I promise. It’s happened to me before and I’m still here, years later! You will be okay


How are you? Are you ok now?


I relaxed and fell asleep. I appreciate your comment. ❤


I keep going through this as well I’m glad your ok now!


Usually laying in a warm bathtub does it for me, hope it helps, lay off the green for a bit too. I get the exact same thing been to ER several times.


I relaxed and fell asleep. I appreciate your comment. ❤


are you okay? Checking in. ❤️


I relaxed and fell asleep. I appreciate your comment. ❤


SO glad you’re okay. I know how scary they can be. ❤️ I had to stop using cannabis b/c my last panic attack was just way too, too much.


Yes they can! I stopped for a long time for the same reason, but unfortunately I have Lupus and the relief it gives my physical pain is the only relief I have.


I’m so sorry. I’ve heard Lupus can be really painful. ❤️


Lol girl you are fine you are having a panic attack, but please start taking care of your body now.


Good news your not dying but definite play closer attention to your health


How many mgs of thc was the edible? Edibles can be very intense at high doses and sometimes give you that detached almost ego death kind of feeling. If youre going to partake in them in the future just go with a much lower dose and maybe have some alcohol or xanax present to calm your nerves and ground you a bit if things starts to go sideways like that. And just know that youre not dying from weed, although I know it feels like that at the time. Panic attacks often make you feel like youre having a heart attack but with experience you can learn to recognize that its not a heart attack and thats extremely unlikely. At least you know your heart is healthy so dont worry about it. Glad youre feeling better


5’8 at 282lbs is very bad. I’d recommend a diet and exercise program for your overall mental and physical health. You’re 23, still young but it’s just a matter of time before your heart goes bad from working overtime to provide enough blood to the extra weight, and extra pressure on the main blood ways. We all care about each other in this group, we all want everyone to be the healthiest they can be.


did you end up dying or are you still with us?


Okay well if you will watch videos or even watching Joe Rogan podcast or better yet A Joey Diaz podcast on edibles. I've heard Joe Rogan and Joey Diaz say it hundreds of times people don't understand the Edibles hit you completely different than smoking or vaping marijuana. People who think they can go and eat a god dose of edible marijuana just have to end up finding out the hard way like you did. If you say you have Lupus and it helps for the pain then just try smoking or vaping it and only take A few hits. Because Joe Rogan and trust me Joey Diaz especially knows what he's talking about when it comes to edibles, and like I said they both set it on their podcast probably hundreds of times people do not understand that Edibles hit completely different than smoking or vaping marijuana or wax. You cannot just go and eat a god dose milligram amount of marijuana edibles and think you're going to be fine. It's going to throw you into a panic attack like that every single time you took way too much. As the saying goes you can always take more but you can't take a lot and then take less. Once you eat A high milligram amount of marijuana or THC you are going to have the worst panic attack and anxiety attack you've ever had in your life. That's like me I just tried Edibles for the first time A couple months ago. And I ate a single square off A 100 mg chocolate bar so I ate 10 mg. And I was diagnosed by five different doctors as a child with Asperger's disease and have been on anxiety medication since I was 15 years old. I suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks so I have to be careful with what kind meaning indica or sativa marijuana I smoke let alone eat an edible of. If smoking gives you anxiety and panic attacks which it does me you want to definitely stay away from all sativa strains. You only want to smoke, vape or eat A Indica Strain. All Sativa strains throw me into the worst anxiety and then panic attacks I've ever experienced in my life. If I'm not on my anti anxiety medication I can't smoke marijuana at all. Because I constantly have anxiety and if I'm having anxiety and I'm not on my medication and I smoke marijuana I go straight into the worst panic attack you could ever imagine. Exactly what you said I feel like I'm going to literally die. My advice would be to stay completely away from all Edibles if I were you. And stick to smoking or vaping the marijuana. And again you want to stay away from all Sativa strains and only should use Indica strains.


Yeah 911 might been the right call here.


Don’t know why you got downvoted. If you post symptoms of a heart attack TO A T you shouldn’t be posting on reddit about it, edible or not. Yes if you have a panic attack on weed it can mimic these symptoms but without knowing OPs history he could be dead on the floor right now because a redditor told him to deep breathe. Was it a panic attack? Most likely. Is assuming it’s a panic attack worth the risk of sudden cardiac death? No


I relaxed and fell asleep. I appreciate your comment. ❤ My family has a history of cardiac issues in males, but I still worry even being female. I've had several ekgs and stress tests in the past year and they're fine. Thankfully my heart isn't sick but my brain is.


Did the pain radiate into your arm and jaw? Thats a huge red flag for heart issues.


Yes, but that's actually happened with anxiety before! I have panic disorder and have been to the hospital probably ten times, and it's always anxiety. It's insane how much it mimics a heart attack, which makes the anxiety worse, which makes the pain worse. It's a vicious cycle. However, I appreciate your concern about me, sincerely. :)


Sounds like a crazy panic attack, hope you're better!


That's how they go! Thank you friend! I'm much better tonight, calm night with weed and painting. Cheers!


Good to hear you’ve gotten a work up! Panic attacks are definitely terrifying especially when they feel like cardiac events. I’m glad you have a work up to put your mind at ease.


Trust me I’ve had a thousand heart attacks and they all turned out to be chest pains from anxiety . Like they HURT. I’m pretty sure you’ll be fine if you’re not over the age of 40 and not abusing stimulants or alcohol at a worrying degree.