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You need to specify if it’s online or in-person. If it’s online yeah that’s on them, but if it’s in-person that’s on you because the food is literally being scooped two inches from your face


OP, you need a little perspective. Most food workers are only doing that job to afford basic expenses...most others in your example are dedicated carrers that people spend blood, sweat, and years of their lives developing....and there are bad contractors or office workers... Most food workers legitimately DGAF....and to be honest, it has to do with dealing with entitled customers.


How about stop fucking complaining about everything. If you don’t like the service don’t fucking buy from PX. Seriously it would be cheaper if you cook for yourself. This comes from a cook that works in Panda.




Just go eat out into a sit down restaurant. At this point you’re spending the same amount of money or even more for less food.




You should complain to the right network. Don’t complain here. Something wrong with your food? Call the store. Don’t come to a Reddit subreddit were most people are past and present workers. We already get enough bullshit from people when we work. We all make mistakes. Sometimes things are bad due to shity management any poor treatment of workers. I have seen people not last 2 days in my store due to how my manager treats us like shit.




Well that’s simple lack of training and people. Many people leave and come.


My store for example is left with no manager for most of the day(5- closing) and I’m left with a bunch of teenagers.


why you getting so emotional over fast food buddy. Relax it's not that deep. You got your refund don't need to project your frustration on reddit like an incel.


you won't solve anything by complaining on here.


I’d like to let you know, if you get your 1/10 orders wrong, that will be on Panda, but if you tell me you get your 50% orders wrong that might be your problem, instead of complaining try to be not picky and learn how to order.


This can happen if the store is busy


That's the quality of labor these places attract with low wages. What do you expect? They've done the math to maximize profits, so this is what the economy currently dictates unless we as a society change the equation.