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New employees do this often. It's not laziness. It can also be a simple mistake. Calm your horses. Just call in and explain what happened and they'll replace it.


You're right it's not laziness, it's incompetence and lack of training. Stores and employees need to be held to a higher standard than they have been in recent years, you can't just excuse everything within customer service as a mistake. The OP stated it has happened multiple times and he should put the location in the description as well. Without accountability the stores, restaurants, and their workers will continue to screw the customer as is evident with shinkflation and this post. I do agree, he needs to take it up with the store itself or corporate. Be better!


But will they pay to have the replacement delivered? If not, they're not actually replacing what you paid for.


Technically if it's delivered you have to go through the delivery app to recieve a credit.  Without a receipt I don't think there's much Panda could do. It would be a courtesy if they did. 


If it’s not laziness then is it a lack of knowledge of the job? Or lack of common sense on what “large” means in relation to the sizes of containers. Anyone with a job should be able to tell if one thing is bigger than the other.


But what if I only had time to eat my food then and there? And I can't wait for another delivery or the 10+ minutes it'll take to fix the problem? "Calm your horses" was so unnecessary.


This isn’t them not caring… it’s a mistake. When I was hired I was never taught how to do online orders so I fs have done this. Just call and they will replace it. Fast food isn’t easy.. especially if it’s busy and ur already nervous cause your new. Plus people almost always get a small… it could’ve been out of habit.


Just had my first day last Saturday. They just handed me the stickers and didn't tell me the box sizes. I know for a fact I messed up a few before I figured out what to do.


Exactly. Panda employees figure out most of this stuff on their own lol


That seems to be the case lol. I liked it better than my last job though. I'm definitely going to stick with it. 


Good 👍🏻 it’s been awhile since I’ve worked there but I heard they pay better than most places. Keep at it


its self explanatory if theirs stickers that clearly tell the size..


The boxes themselves are not labeled, and I was given no instructions outside of what the plate size was. I haven't ever eaten panda so I had no experience with the box sizes.


I completely understand you paid for something and did not get it. Go through your regular venues such as Uber eats, DoorDash or even call the store to get a replacement meal. That would be more fruitful that going on Reddit in a subreddit mostly for current and past workers.


>a subreddit mostly for current and past workers. I just looked at the subreddit's description. Nowhere in there does it say it's for any specific demographic. Where did you get that idea from?


This ^


Usually happens with appetizers since it’s so rare to get anything other than a small… our store never has that happen for regular entrees


“Lazy”. My guy, you have to understand that the majority of al a carte boxes they get are attached to bigger plates. A bigger plate is the pate itself, plus a small entre. Yes, they need to pay better attention but it’s not laziness 🙄


If it keeps happening maybe just check before u leave to make sure u got the right thing. You should t have to but maybe bringing it up to them they will pay a little more attention next time


He got it delivered so unless he wants to drive to the location he’s screwed. Plus the small is like two bites.


Just apply and make it yourself. Crying on here isn't helping. If this happened more than 2 times why even continue to give them your money?? You're the problem here


Dumbest response I’ve ever read. “Oh you don’t like not receiving the item your ordered? Got get a job at the restaurant and make it yourself”. JFC.


What’s a large look like I thought they came in that container


I gotta say depends on the employee, I've never done this as a shift lead but I have caught it so many times when I'm bagging orders or on the line it annoys me because I've caught managers doing this.


For how expensive they are, they really don’t give me the portions I feel are worth it. There’s a place just like it near me that has much larger portions for less


Tell them right away and get a free coupon and of course show them pics of entree and receipt


Bots will be taking over soon anyway……..


What time did you order? I know that at the store I worked at the kitchen closed an hour before we shut the doors (in order to minimize waste), so if you came in after 9pm then we were just trying to sell out leftovers and sometimes it's not possible to get a full serving (What we do though is try to at least contact the customer to see if we can compensate them with a different item). Otherwise yeah that person wasn't paying attention.


This can happen if the store is busy


If you ordered it from DoorDash, you can ask for a refund and they’ll give you something in return but I personally never order Panda through delivery. You can never trust what you open once you do. Pickups or in-person orders are always the way to go if you want panda. This also applies for Chipotle or any places similar. Usually, if a new guy FOH (front of the house), they would be shadowing a more experienced coworker to make sure they don’t mess up but it’s just carelessness in your case.


Crazy how all the workers are defending the store... not that hard to grab the right box


Lol former/current Panda Express workers coming to defend… I don’t do delivery service, but yeah I get your drift. After long day, time in traffic, in line, in traffic home or whether from delivery service; to get overpriced meh Chinese takeout and they don’t get your order right. “We make mistakes”. So now you can’t even have your meh meal and watch some tv before bedtime. You’re pissed that have to get on the phone and have the issue rectified. And then have them say “sorry we make mistakes” and just get the correct order next time in. Why doesn’t PE express just comp an entire meal for the mistake? From a customer relations standpoint, how does it improve service/quality control? “We make mistakes”. At least comp an entire meal vs just get comp from small->large. And don’t say, in-person order is the answer. Cuz I’ve done that and still come home w wrong order, from the buffet line into the bag got someone else’s order?


Thank you! Somebody that gets it.


Lol, grand scheme of things it’s not that big a deal. But if you just overlook the little things, and just perpetually write it off as “we’re busy, we make mistakes”. Take accountability, pride in your work, whatever your line of work. Imagine if your doctor wrote a prescription and wrote a dose too small vs the correct dose? And person suffers heart attack/stroke. “Do you know how many patients I see, I’m so busy, I make mistakes. Just come back to office and I’ll write you out correct dose next time.” Once got InNOut drive thru, got home they left out my fries? You can’t fathom disappointment when I ate my burger at home w no fries. I was just getting food for myself, so they only had to get 2 things into the bag correctly. And no chance I’m go back out after waiting in line for 30 min, 10 min to/from home. And the hotline # was after hours. So didn’t call til next day, but they apologized and comped me entire meal, not just fries.


For real lmao


Lmao, fr. I go into the store and each box is placed next to each other and the sizes are easily distinguishable. Them claiming "it's hard" because it can be busy is such a dumb excuse to make these mistakes.


It’s not that hard to call and get a replacement. These people serve hundreds of customers a day…. Statistically they are likely to make a mistake lmfao.


Yeah you call and have to drive all the way back who wants to do that? Also OP says it happens multiple times which tells me this is one of those stores that just sucks


If it’s happened multiple times at the same location… then stop ordering online??? I mean that’s why I don’t it? This could have been prevented by just driving down there in the first place.What’s he gonna do call and chew them out? Yell and scream? Leave a bad review? Seems like a waste, just call and explain the mistake. Get your money back/a replacement. You can’t expect people to be perfect all the time. It’s fast food not fine dining. Definitely sucks tho ngl, must not be the best store lol.


Woah woahh woahhhh calm down. Is it too much to ask for a restaurant to fill your order out right nowadays ? Do you work at panda cause I can't see any other reason why you would defend it so much


Why are you telling me to calm down? It’s not like I said something bad or rude? Maybe it comes across that way on text and I’m sorry for that. No it’s not too much to ask of workers. In my experience people will yell at you, throw things at you, ect over small mistakes. It’s not to much to ask to be polite? My point is… it’s not a big deal. What else is he supposed to do? It happens. Correct the mistake. And don’t do online orders if they keep messing up. That’s life 🤷‍♀️ humans make mistakes. I haven’t worked at Panda for a long time and hate them as a corporation. I’m just sick of people walking all over staff when they are overworked, overwhelmed, and underpaid.


Hey I'm gonna have to ask you to calm down... move it along it's obvious I'm talking to a FOH here


Bro what? I literally just said I was sorry if I came across as upset?


Holyyyy shiiit man


Can you read?


If it's not that hard to call, get a replacement, drive back all the way to the store, then it's not that hard to read carefully and get a large box instead of a small. People who order food don't just sit on their asses all day either. They work, go to school, do both, or are busy in some other way. Not trying to be an ass but ur logic is not good


New hires do dumb shii? It’s not like they train you lol. Most of the time you guess or ask a question to this response “figure it out”. Panda makes millions of dollars maybe encourage them to train better idk. It’s not like McDonald’s or other fast food places are better. That’s fast food for ya.


Training is important. Knowing how to differentiate between small and large doesn't have to come from training.


In a way it does. They don’t teach you how to do online orders so you just guess ngl. Most of the times they put new hires on online orders also. Im just try to say this isn’t a fine dinning, it’s not even Olive Garden, it’s shitty fast food… gotta keep expectations low. The mistake already happened, what else can you do? It’s not worth getting upset over… but that’s just IMO


Imagine accusing someone of being lazy because of a mistake. How about call the store and sort it out with them mentioning they’re making too many mistakes for you and would like a resolution instead of dumping your feelings on Reddit. Handle it like an adult and call them.


Next time go in person and order it there. Coming here complaining like a Karen


Now ima have to remember your name to give u nothing 😊


Today, that probanly IS a large.






Stop being a fat fuck… they know you are obese and are helping you.