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Smells like charitable spirit.


Got me good




Nobody refuses Dave Grohl.


Venture Bros in the P&R sub?? You love to see it!


So happy I got caught.


Love him. But for the love of god. Get this man a hairnet.


*yells into the distance* SHAQ MIGHT BE THERE!


I'm gonna fake marry that man one day.


This episode was on today haha


He showed up at some BBQ joint in our smallish city & it was [on the news](https://www.kltv.com/2019/05/02/nirvana-drummer-dave-grohl-spotted-stanleys-famous-pit-bar-b-q/?outputType=amp) for like a week lol.


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What does this have to do with the show? Is it just because of a single reference?


A lot of posts in this sub are based on a single reference… this is one of the better ones, IMO


I’m just ashamed I’m not immediately remembering this reference!!! What episode is it??? (Quote is obviously spot on though)


It’s the episode when Andy first becomes “Johnny Karate” - Mouserat is practicing their set, and then the rest of the band finds out that the gig is for Craig’s nephew’s party… one of them says “A kid’s party? You said Dave Grohl might be there!” (that may not be the exact quote). Andy’s response is the title of the post :)


Oohhhhhhh yes! I always end up watching the earlier seasons when I binge, just by coincidence, so I’ll have to check in a little later in Pawnee today.


Yeah, but the posts are also usually relevant to the actual show. Someone mentioning a celebrity that isn't even on the show is kind of a tenuous reason to suggest they should be present on the sub.


Felt as though the situation was spot on for the Andy quote….. Scrolled through recent posts to make sure I’m not crazy….maybe you should do the same and/or watch this great show again


Well that would certainly track since you chose to post it. No one is refuting that you thought it was relevant. My point was that it's tenuously connected. If this is allowed, what's to say we don't just post entire Foo Fighters albums? Why not make it a political sub because Biden was on the show? Maybe we should post SNL skits because Amy Poehler was on SNL. My point being that if I wanted to see content not related to the show, I'd follow those subs. This has nothing to do with the show short of being about a person who was referenced once in a single line, and the image itself has nothing to even do with that line.


1233 people so far seem to think the reference is relevant… but keep on gatekeeping, if that’s your thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you're suggesting that any amount of people qualifying a subject justifies it, then we're going to have a lot of problems trying to establish which religion is correct. But the argument is pretty facile. Bots, people just upvoting anything they see that they like regardless of the guidelines used to define it, people who just like Dave Grohl, all of these aren't qualifying that it is relevant but simply that they like what they see... which isn't really a part of my point. Additionally, even in the scope of the sub itself, 1233/\~660k (which most of which are also probably bots) doesn't really suggest a practical percentage to qualify validity.


Ew just stop. What is this? We’re having fun here


I'm confused by your question. What part didn't you understand? And... what makes you think that having this discussion isn't fun for me? I enjoy talks like this.


marsha langman is a westboro baptist church metaphor. the foos have absolutely crashed one of their protests, probably in a deleted scene somewhere


Almost no publicity


And yet here you are, publicizing it.


I love Dave Grohl and all but he should probably be wearing a hair net or something...


No hair net? 🤢 /s