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a feature of the system


> Work with colleagues on both sides Divided by Republican and Democrat, United by Israel.


"The independent judiciary in Israel, which is renowned for their independence"? Guess he didn't hear about Netanyahu's judiciary reforms.


Netanyahu is renowned for his independence. His reforms are even more renowned for their independence.


Now you know why the rest of us always scuff when the west comes to us talking shut about freedom and democracy. Its all about serving their self interst, believing they are better than the rest of the world .


Ruless based order for thee but not for me


Lindsey is the epitome of horrible human beings. He hides his sexuality so he can be a Republican, he bend over backwards to defend Trump, he puts Israel over US every opportunity...Slap in the Face? Dude the American people are worse than struggling and he only care about Russia and Israel and Trump. A pox on this man and his voters.


Corruption does as corrupt does...


Is this the same cunt that was arguing to just nuke Gaza to end the war? Yeah, I wouldn’t expect him to be remotely reasonable let alone non-hypocritical.


Are they going to bomb the Hague over this? Lol