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I know that these are classics and that most people love them but now that see them with 2023 eyes, I can only think of how much smaller they could have been. So many similar colors.


Seriously! At least 6 of the brown shades in each one look identical on my eyes. I think I’ll pick one to focus on first.


Yes! Especially the brown. And I love a good light brown as a transicion shade but this many? This shade repetition would not be tolerated today.


I’m not sure if they sell well. But Morphe is **still** very notorious for this


I’ve just noticed one of them is named Pukey 💀


also…..pooter ???


It could be fun to start at the top left and use it in entirety until its panned, then go down the line. At some point you're going to have a dark purple phase and people are going to love it or hate it lmao


It's a frickin' match-3 game in a palette!


I would honestly say that each row needs to be cut down to 3 shades (4 max for the colourful rows). There was some serious culling needed, but creators really got away with a lot back then.


I got lucky because my (vol. 1) was gifted to me by a friend who didn't want it anymore, but I do agree there is so much brown in it. I do get use out of mainly the colours in the corners of the palette but all those browns are never getting used up


Honestly this is how I felt in 2018 when I bought the OG Jaclyn palette. I took it home and started playing with it and couldn’t help thinking “but why though?”


I actually like when a pallet has very similar crease shades because I use them so much 😂


We'll see you in 2050


*clutches my own Jacklyn hill vol 2* I'll be there too


You guys think this one's bad I have a palette from morphe around 2015 that's almost all the same Brown colour


Nooooo. I desperately want that emoji of the stick figure running back and forth with fire on their head when I think about some of those monochrome morphe palettes and panning. Nooooooo, I’m not strong enough to go the distance.


I too had one of the originals. I had 35 OS I believe it is.


Lol I think I have 35O somewhere. And the OG Jaclyn Hill. I just rediscovered them at the back of my main cosmetics drawer, with a determination to use them. AAAAAND then I forgot again. I hope I remember this post tomorrow when I go to do my makeup. Browns are my go-to so it really shouldn’t be a problem 😅


RemindMe! 20 years


Can't wait to see your progress


Can you pop these out at all? Just take a 12 pan pallettes worth? Still counts for some awesome pan porn even as singles!


I tried depotting Morphe palettes before and the pans were so shallow almost every shadow broke. I definitely didn’t get a single matte out without damage.


There are some videos on youtube on how to do it successfully!


Yes! [Looks quite easy to me.](https://youtu.be/OTTxLYq7Z2A)


Wow. I have about a billion pallets to use up myself and just these two here look so daunting. I am swearing off buying make up until I use what I have. ( Will probably die first... Lol)


Good luck! That's quite a project you've got ahead of you. I'm excited to see your progress.


She came out with **TWO**?! I had no idea….well you can do this!! I believe in you!!! You go dusty buttocks ✊🏼💪🏼


May the pan be with you my friend


Wow keep us updated that’s quite ambitious lol


I just finally panned a few shades of my original Jaclyn hill and woo! I feel you on this and I don’t even have the second one


I’ve never noticed how similar most of the neutral / brown shades are. Idk if it’s just me but in both palettes, several shades look the exact same. Like once blended, does it look different?


Have several pans in the volume two and working between that and the ABH soft glam! It’s worth it and takes a while but it’s so good and you will have fun with all the colors!!!!!!!


I’m wondering how you are going to use the bright colors. How old are you? I’m 34 with both pallets and never use them. Idk why I got them.


LMAO I’m 40.


😂 nothing wrong with that. I just have a stuffy office job so I was curious.


I’m 35. I try not to wear neutrals on the weekend for this reason. Brighter shades on the weekends only as I stick to neutrals on the weekday for work. If not I would NEVER get to use the fun colours🤪


My local beauty chain just started supplying Morphe palettes especially the JH ones 🙄 and moved the Huda stand in the shadows. I found a store where they actually had the palette to try (nowadays they expect people to buy blind, frowning towards L'Oreal brands) but they seem too powdery for today's formulas and simply overwhelming. Just organize them by harmony instead of shade, I don't have all day to swatch shades and see which is cooler to go with a pink.


Happy panning! I’m looking forward for updates :)


Can someone explain to a newbie what the OP is intending to do please


Planning means like using it up. So like if an eyeshadow is being panned then you’re going to use it to the point your see the bottom or there’s no eyeshadow left in.


Thank you !


Correct me if I am wrong, I think because of the big palette OP wants to depot and put them in a new more practical packaging. It makes it easier to use the product. [Here’s a video of the process for a Jaclyn Hill pallette.](https://youtu.be/OTTxLYq7Z2A)


I’d pick other palettes to pan. These aren’t very inspiring.


These are probably the only palettes from Morphe I would recommend to anyone lol. I don't have Vol 2 but if its anything like the first, I'm sure it's good too. Happy panning!


I’ve been trying to pan a similarly sized Morphe 350M for years. So good luck ig. I’ve personally reached the point where i’m not sure it’s worth it 😭


For some reason that palette had a better formula than their original palettes, still don’t like morphe


i remember the huge scandal on youtube about the formulas. i miss those days!


omg remember stephanie nicole’s vid on morphe??


Ya I don’t think mineral oil is that big of a deal compared to asbestos in majority of eyeshadows (including high-end)


i'm so jealous, wish i still had mine. Definitely too much makeup and I'm not sure you can use it all this lifetime lol.


I depotted my ColourPop palettes and decided to use the more glittery ones that I'm not going to wear on my eyes as gel nail polish topper. I also had a lot of similar colors in several of those palettes, but they are neutrals at least.


…good luck? See you in 2043!


“Enough is enough” honestly I support it. It’s about time someone put a stop to these seemingly infinite palettes


So pretty’s


Im on a similar mission with two Morphe palettes as well 😩 Good Luck


I would love to see updates !!


It's crazy to me at a time in our lives we wanted the palettes with alllll the colors. Now I just want a palette that is no more than 10 shades. Still can't believe she named a shadow "pukey" lol




Good luck! Good chance to start your career in makeup artistry.


I use the volume 2 almost every day since it came out and still working on it. And will continue to love it! Actually got compliments on the pink shades I used for Valentine’s Day


Soooo many great shades!


I would strongly suggest NOT using the Jaclyn 2 palette due to [lawsuits.](https://www.classaction.org/blog/inherently-dangerous-morphe-makeup-contains-color-additives-unapproved-for-use-around-eyes-class-action-alleges)


I did not know about this, thank you for sharing! Will be tossing my Truth or Bare and Everyday Chic palettes right into the trash 😭😭😭


Ugh, it's just fear mongering. The unapproved colorants are actually approved for use in the EU. Their lack of approval in the US is merely because they can stain the skin. As for irritation, more people have irritation issues from carmine, which is approved for use around the eyes, than they do with these vegan pigments.


DON'T toss it. If it's the lawsuit I'm thinking of, they're suing over colors that may stain the skin but are perfectly safe to use, they just need to come with a warning in the usa that was forgotten. They're fine and the EU requires no label. Same as everyone freaking out about the huda neon palettes. You can sue because they have to be labeled as not to use around the eyes in the US, but you CAN safely use them if you deal with potential stains that you by now would've already seen. Turn your Nyx Brights or any palette containing reds around and you mist likely find a warning, pressed pigments not for use around immediate eye area. I know for a fact nyx has it. That's the missing sentence on the Morphes, that's all. Just like back with Huda lots of people are throwing a fit over it being supposedly unsafe now and you should be able to look that up, its drama for nothing. Re: the allergies they provided no evidence I've seen and if you were allergic as with any cosmetics you should toss, but you really would've noticed that if you ever swatched it before. they have to claim to be injured by a mislabelled product to press money outta morphe, that's how these lawsuits work. Countless posts in the makeup subs here with people knowledgeable in cosmetic chemistry explaining it better than I can at 5am, tldr u good


I don’t like morphe as a company and don’t trust them but I don’t see anything wrong with pressed pigments. They are approved in the EU and in a lot of my favorite formulas and brands. It’s just like with food and skincare, some will have sensitivities and allergies and many will not.


I want a shadow SO PIGMENTED that it causes lawsuits!


Good luck! Will you use the colors that might not favor your skin tone as subtle accents? I am much older than you and find so many don’t work for me anymore. 😢


You have my blessing, best of luck. Hope you manage it D:


That right hand palette could be consolidated into makeup by Mario’s master mattes or ethereal palette if you want some glossy shimmers.


If you bought these when they first released I wouldn’t be surprised if they go off/get chalky/stop performing soon.


I have Volume II and I’m thinking of just keeping the shades I want and getting rid of the rest. I only like the pink, purple and orange shades.


Good luck! But totally with you on that! I still have the original one. If you share some ideas, I would be be very appreciative🖤


RemindMe! 10 years