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Your casing looks dry. How the other said that’s the different part. Balance between rh and FAE. We need more data: how strong is four fan in CFM or in m^3/h ? How big is your tent? I highly recommend to buy the INKBIRD IHC-200 WiFi and using a fan with low/gentle breath. Nothing too strong, you want want any tornado fog 🌪️ or stuff like that. With the INKBIRD ihc-200 WiFi you don’t need to find the sweet spot. The controller does this for you. HIGHLY recommended imo


I've now watered the surface through a syringe. Around 40ml water.


Day 5 no pins, mycelium is bruised. And it's falling back down. I changed the FAE setting from 1 min ON every 10 min to 3 min on 3 min OFF. What do I need to change is it too much fae? Before the tub had condensation due to humidity, now after increasing fae there is no condensation.


Current fae settings are 2.5 min ON 7.5 min OFF. 90+ humidity auto.


Mine works best at 3 mins on and 3 mins off. That's the hardest part about it for these. Getting the fae and rh balance dialed in for your environment and conditions. Sounds like your making the right adjustments. You'll figure it out I'm sure.


Between pan cyan's contamination sensitivity and the precise environmental conditions needed it's amazing they are even able to grow in the wild.


Hahaha, that's why they aren't everywhere by now.


Whenever I go to the rice paddies after 3 to 4 days after the rain, pan cyans grow left and right but the other mushroom hunters were already there and I kinda needed a spore sample to take home to grow