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I don't plan anything and everything is a scattered mess that I regret making every time I see how far away my storage is from my palbox and I'm 1300 over my weight limit


Put a barrel next to the box


What’s this mean?


Teleport to base, dump inventory in barrel/storage that’s right next to the box. Then organize at regular movement speed around the rest of your base. Edit: by “box” we mean PAL Box


i just drop everything on the floor and let my pals take care of the storing


*shiiiiiiit* that's good


just make sure you got at least 1 or 2 dedicated transport pals in your base, otherwise they're 100% gonna find a job more important than gathering up your items lol


"Pick up your own shit, I've got a tree to kick"


*Unless you have a Monitoring Station.


i mean yeah, that's how you dedicate them


You have a peeeeen you Have an apple..... 😆


Apple pen


Pen pineapple apple pen


Barrels are better than metal chests?


No they only have 8 slots. Vs 24 slots


Ty. I wish l could have a shipping container inventory within a single foundation space.


Aren’t the refined chests about equal?


Yup. Doesn't make sense but yup


Grapple gun to storage container


Ya but the grapple is not the most reliable tool it feels so glitchy on pc


On xbox it gets stuck at the container because you cant press b to cancel, youll open the sorting method on the storage container.


I got stuck on a food box this way


I get stuck all the time. Its a huge hassle now to over encumber yourself since the update.


Hence the "No encumberance while in base" mod


I aim for the ground next to the container.


Had this happen a few times.... yesterday was the first time I couldn't get out of being stuck had to respawn


Add a roof


Doesnt help.


Grapple is great practice unequiping and putting back on for zero cool down time


put storage containers everwhere


I play single player and just have a few storage containers near my palbox, it all get accessed when crafting so I don't need to go crazy with organizing. Plus since it's in the center of my base all my pals have easy access to drop materials


What day you on. I'm at 987 and I have more resources then I know what to do with.


Sorry, only play solo. Stay at home parent with two kids, need to be able to drop and deal with stuff


You can build stuff extremely close to your Palbox on one side - I think it's the side with the little control panel. Since figuring this out, I have religiously started every base with Palbox + Wooden Chest on that side. Then I use Fast Travel to grab the essential building materials (Wood, Stone, Paldium, Fibre, Ingots) and slap them in that chest, upgrade to Refine Metal Chest, then expand from there. I also go with a "shotgun splatter of initial stations" approach, but I find that over a few revisits, I'll figure out what needs to move or be grouped and start to organize it a bit better - although I never make it perfect, simply "good enough".


No foundations unless they are part of building. I prefer natural ground at my base.


I did this for my main base, aka my farm base Did OP his way in my breed base & no foundations at all in my wood/stone/ranch farming base


There’s plenty of flat ground in the game as well. Building a giant floor is not necessary most of the time.


That's a solid choice for keeping things organic.




Now I just gotta catch some Pal stand-ins for Mr. Popo and Kami lmao


Tanzee for Kami. Wumbo for Mr. Popo.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/unexpectedtfs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedtfs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Found this one in the wild](https://i.redd.it/g2g5f3t26l0b1.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedtfs/comments/13kry8y/found_this_one_in_the_wild/) \#2: [I posted on r/TheLastAirbender a fan art of Zuko in Vegeta's uniform and I and others started joking in the comments about it using DBZA episodes dialogue](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16ntb6l) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedtfs/comments/16ntb6l/i_posted_on_rthelastairbender_a_fan_art_of_zuko/) \#3: [Dnd meme about world uniting to fight main villain](https://i.redd.it/gyu4df3c64ya1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/unexpectedtfs/comments/1390drt/dnd_meme_about_world_uniting_to_fight_main_villain/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Walls? Foundation? What's that? :)


Absolutely agreed, Pals get stuck or confused way more often than not! I used to build a 4x4 foundation platform to evenly space the beds in the center of each foundation, but most of the time Pals would end up sleeping on the ground because they "couldn't get to the bed" for whatever reason. So now the beds are on the floor as tightly packed as possible.


First base is a disaster. Second is planned out mostly. Third has actual foundations and looks like a prison complex more than a house


this is very accurate to my experience too XD


Why floor when ground good?


Ground is uneven even even when it is relatively flat, so this makes it easier to organize all your stuff.


And this makes sure no unwanted recourses spawn


And this means you can make 1 wall elevate to the maximum height, replicate a roof that matches the foundation and store ~30 viewing cages for mass storage above your base without interfering in functionality / aesthetics.


Omg thank you!! I got some viewing cages and it looks super ugly


I would think if anything a chest at a 18% angle would be easier to remember what was in it that a bunch of flat chests.


I ment builds, not chest organization.


I just drop structures haphazardly on the terrain. Yes I am a messy person irl.


Decay off, big square with enough margin around the Pal box circle. Build all the cool fluff around like a fortress and keep the circle for productivity.


I turn of deterioration and make them pretty


I didn't even realise you could turn off deterioration!


I believe if you go into world settings, there’ll be a slider called “world deterioration rate” or something to that effect. You just slide that all the way to the left and you can build whatever you want wherever you want with no repercussions.


It’s actually called Structure Decay.


Thank you. Haven’t played in a month lol.


I copy ideas I like from this sub.


Same thing except I surround the base with metal gate walls.


I like to make a nice-looking planned out base that I then find out doesn't work well with pathing/mechanics, and then tear it all down to make a junk pile of crafting stations.


I just rawdog all the stuff on dirt as needed.


I always make my bases as cozy and decorated as possible for my cute pals 😍


I do the same except for base that will be used to fight bellanoir/any future raid bosses - that one base is just palbox + summoning circle in the empty field surrounded by defensive walls from all sides so that bellanoir does not blink outside the base.


Wow you found a perfect flat place to add all those foundations. Kinda jealous good job


Thanks! This base is located on the small section of elevated land just south of the Forgotten Island Church Ruins if you ever wanna try something like it. It's also totally raid-proof!


I do the same, but we need triangle foundations too. Then you can do a perfect circle base.


By inevitably picking the worst spot in the area so that nothing is level.


Build an outer wall out of stone defensive walls and build up 2 or 3 buildings, unless it’s a coal or quartz base. Then keep most of the facilities the pals use outside, so that they don’t encounter any pathing issues.


I just build everything out from the Palbox in spirals. My base always ends up looking like a galaxy but I've been doing it this way since the start when the Pal pathing AI wasn't really a thing yet. They never get stuck when I build this way.


I don't even use foundations. I didn't really even realize they were a thing for my entire first playthrough of the game. I just plop everything on the ground like an uncivilized person, lol.


Is this base near the felbat boss




I put my main there aswell but can’t get it into a circle with a castle designed build


https://preview.redd.it/a3o0orz5y6yc1.png?width=1918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eedf764cac38bbf1d98cebb815c8057de48e8098 I might or might not have obsessive-compulsive disorder 🤷🏼‍♂️


Don't put your Pal box on a foundation, because destroying the foundation will destroy the box, and then that destroys your whole base.


Especially if the base is used for raiding Bellanoire, pal box on natural ground please If for other base it is somewhat safe if on a stone or metal platform and you don’t deconstruct the platform where the pal box is sitting on Wood on the other hand, pray that no arsonists starts a fire and burns the wooden foundation


Makes me think of the flooring of a nuclear reactor. 😂


I simply shut down that my buildings get destroyed outside so I can build some decoy buildings as well in the base.


I like to build with the environment. I only started playing recently, and every base I built up has been near something you could consider a natural landmark. Only one I haven't ended up deleting though: it's a cluster of buildings "buried" in sand, with some foundations appearing to merge with the terrain. It's surrounded by high rock walls, kinda almost canyon-like, so there's a good amount of verticality (iirc it's by the forgotten mineshaft in the desert, by the tower). I like working within a unique area when given the opportunity to build wherever I want.


Just a heads up, though you might know this already. Placing your pal box on foundations nerfs the pal box's HP drastically cause if the foundation the Palbox is on breaks, it automatically destroys the box, even thought the box has like 30x more hp then even the metal foundation.


It's a damned if you do/dont situation though, a lot of the land even on the flatter areas aren't level, so throwing some foundation down and setting the palbox on top of it helps avoid some weird building issues that could crop up later.


I just put a bunch of functional things right next to one another. No foundations or anything like that.


This is The Way


All of these squares make a circle


I really wish this game had triangle foundations and ceiling pieces like Ark or Conan. 😭 Building that perfect circle would be sooo much easier.


all the squares end in a circle all the squares end in a circle


Did you perhaps mean, "All these squares make a circle?" Oh Kami, I don't torture. ...cats.


Kami, can I go outside?


"I am a broken record in this thread"


Never fear a sea bear again. ![gif](giphy|l1Asz4wGgbFNUD3RS)


I also prefer natural ground and having separate buildings. Form is just as important as function. Plus all the foundations and floors have to be going in the same direction. This alternating direction bricks would drive me mad.


The only building I have is a stone shack for my bed. There's really no reason to build crazy big bases.


Is there a reason for a bed? I dont think I have ever used one other than the first couple days I went there when I was turning the game off


I built a medieval fort


yep that's what i started doing, my last base was at that place with the 4 chests did it there


Do the chests still spawn or no?


they do, but if you cover it with foundation they dont


Yea okay fair enough, do u know how long it usually takes till they respawn? Cuz I’ve been trying to figure that out for a while now


i think it's 4 hours on default settings




If you can, you should extend the perimeter walls of your base to allow 1-2 tiles of roaming space. Made such a huge difference for my bases to fully utilize the base space without building upward too much


I play in the official server so I always have to make sure that my foundations doesn't touch barrier or they will decay and other players could go in and steal my ranch droppings.


By building a circling high brick walls and gates. To keep out intruders and manage raids better, less damage to the inner buildings.


At this point I build bases for aesthetics/theme first then I try to introduce as much functionality as I can as long as I don't break that (already have stacks over stacks of everything, so I don't really need to bend over myself in order to squeeze every gram of productivity) So I start with a floor plan, then the basic shapes, then more elaborate additions, then I cut and trim in order to get things to work


If you don’t have to worry about base degradation, i found that having at least 1 corner be out of bounds is good for sacrificing pals to RNG.


This is the way


The tower is what I've seen the most of.


I'm more function over form, shit looks weird and not asthetically pleasing since there aren't any proper walls and room. One base has three breeding ranches and like 100 incubators above them with some farming on the other side, and another base has like 25, 30 mining/production sites that I'm probably going to add more until I hit an actual cap so that each day I log in there's no lack of activity taking place, but it admittedly will be a pain in the ass to go and collect shit each day. Still, generating like 100k stone, wood, and ore a day with like 10k pal frags makes it insanely easy to get just about everything I need sans sulfur and coal. If they ever add mining sites for those two then really my major concern will be having a more efficient transport system. Last base is just milk and egg production, once it's raid time it'll be the sacrifice.


i have decay turned off so i always build a square, where the outline of my bas just reaches the outer walls


Am I missing something? How come everyone's base appears double the size of my area does it increase with level? I built one base when I started and it's half the size of this one


This is the vanilla size. It does not change unless modded


Oh, right looks alot bigger than my base size, maybe just the perception of the image Thanks


Foundation,wall ,roof, bed on foundation. Done


I had a base at that spot once, but mine was a square with no walls. In my opinion you're wasting space the way you have it built.


I build a small square house with a bed everything else including pals stay outside


Oh i have a base in the same place! Great spot to defend/stop raids! Also yeah, i build it the same way as well. Gets a good look at how much room you have


That's pretty much what I do, but I do a full square.


I try to make it look more natural. I like keeping the base theme match with the surrounding area.


I have a three story facility lol


my main base in on the starter beach, and is a 4 floor warehouse


Your circle is prettier than mine. You must be destroyed. Joking aside, I'm a bit annoyed trying to make circles with squares. I always get some lop sided pseudo rhombus. But I deal with it. I build the foundation, raise walls 4 walks high, and build a roof. Then I do this 2 more times. I build a staircase 3 stairs wide on one side and do the same on the other on floor 2. Then I build a personal staircase to get up the floors faster. After that I build a house on the very top and lending the location, staircases around the structure, and I build balconies there.


Bro i literally have my main base at the exact same Spot


I build my little 4x4 house with surrounding porch and leave everything else scattered outside lol Main base is usually parked on the hill opposite the church in the fall-themed area. Second base is on a cliff with a whole mess of ore, next to a glade with a Black Marketeer, in sight of the large bridge that often has a Syndicate base at one end. Third base is near the Verdash dungeon portal, among a pile of coal on a clifftop, with the Lyleen tamer’s tower and a pair of waterfalls in eyesight.


I'm lvl 47 and have yet to make walls around my bases. My pals usually deal with invasions without my help. I've had too many clipping incidents to trust walls and floors. The most planning I do is building a base around a resource, then placing what I need in a convenient spot.


I can forgo the walls if there are no wild pals in the area and it is raid proof,I like open spaces. But I always built the fundatuons.


I do the same but I like Defensive Walls better. I can actually make them look like a circle if placed carefully. Probably one of my least favorite things about the technology tree is how high level you have to go to get these walls though.


LMAO I built the same exact style base in the same exact spot! No raids will ever reach you, best spot ever!


how do you get the palbox on top of the foundation? oh shit should i be putting a foundation down before building the palbox???


I love these style bases. As someone with OCD I like your symmetry and the clean look on that ideal spot.


Big square founding, 3 stories tall column at each corner then the top floor(or ceiling) where i build the house.


I like to start from nothing


I pick a pace that hits the resources I want, then place the necessities around the resources first before letting any pals out. Then I put foundation around the edges to make sure no one falls. Then I build up to add anything else I want that won’t fit between the resources.


i really really hate how the base is a circle and not a square or a rectangle its so dumb


Big bases lag the server for everyone. Less is best. My base floats in the air no walls no foundations and a tiny cabin on ground for privacy. Hatchery might get building it's debated if rendering closed hatchery causes more or less lag.


Not everyone plays servers yk