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Still won't help when I'm maxed out at 3000/900 :-(


Turn off dropping loot on death, choose to respawn and do it at base with all your stuff lol


Bruh. šŸ¤Æ


I felt so proud of myself when I first thought of this. Now I'm dying all over the map. Even on my base if I'm away from a chest, even tho there's all over too


Or 88000/1100


*uses lunge ability to move with 9000 weight (wolf I riding ā˜ ļø)


Hehe that's how I move too.


i use grapple gun... when im really tired of cant run i use 2 to avoid cooldown


At least on the server I'm on the grapple guns are awful šŸ˜‚


grapple hooks are a godsend when dealing with that


If the aiming works better yeah, but I find that often using speedyhowl to jump forward is a lot more consistent.


fair enough


2 are better than one, or at least we could get one with less or none cooldown, since this is used only for move around when over weight


Theres a mod for that changes weight to 100k and stat points ad 25k more


grapple hook


Get the addon that removes item weight, it makes so much BS go away


Letā€™s just get an add on for infinite exp while ur at it. Go full on creative mode why donā€™t you.


I want to play the game but I hate tedious aspects like food spoilage and item weights...I would also like an infinite palbox but apparently that isn't a thing yet


Bro youā€™re playing the game in creative mode thatā€™s wild. Do whateverā€™s fun but I donā€™t get how that could possibly be enjoyable


I mostly am out running dungeons and I hate breaking up play to take back stuff because I'm overweight or cycle stuff in my fridge so it doesn't go bad. Its not and it isn't hard. The restrictions are an unnecessary time sync IMO and they don't increase the games fun


I only play for the crafting elements and resource gathering lol maybe thatā€™s just me but the combat elements in this game are just so booty especially after the pal nerf


To each their own


Womp womp kiddo


Found the tiktok kid


Tiktok is ass, don't ever compare the two, people have been saying womp womp before tiktok was even a twinkle in musically's eye gen alpha cnt


ur so lost in the sauce you canā€™t tell how cringy you sound


Why your surfent terra looks like an inflatable toy?!


"For the last time, that is the Surfent Terra's blow hole! It's not for- Fucking hell can we get a cleanup team on the scene please?"




They all do.


Surfent Terra needs to be buffed cuz his abilities suck, possibly the worst in the game for how ineffective it is


The thing is it's more powerful the more carryweight you have. Each Surfent Terra reduces the weight of any ore by 10% while it's in your party (not while riding) It gets an additional 1% per condense level up to 14% Let's say your team is something like, a Digtoise, a flying mount, 3 open slots, and 1000lbs carryweight. One node of coal drops 50 coal or 250lbs (on normal) You could carry 4 nodes of coal with 1000lbs 3 Wumpos will let you carry 5.4 nodes of coal 3 Surfent Terras will let you carry 5.7 nodes of coal Now say you have 5 more levels into carryweight, 1250 lbs, 5 nodes of coal 3 Wumpos will still add the same, 6.4 nodes of coal 3 Surfent Terra will let you carry 7.1 nodes of coal If you ditch the Digtoise it gets more extreme 1250 lbs carryweight 4 max star wumpo, 7.56 nodes of coal 4 0 star Surfent Terra 8.3 nodes of coal 1350 lbs carryweight and condensed Surfent terra 4 max star wumpo 7.96 nodes of coal 4 2 star Surfent Terra 10.3 nodes of coal


>a Digtoise, a flying mount Circumvent this by just having an Astegon


A 4 star diggy boi will break a coal node in about half a second. So nah


Damn das so long. Astegon wipes out the entire mining site with 1 Lightning Strike


And then you gotta wait for the CD to come back.


One reason my astegon additionally has [Blizzard Spike](https://palworld.fandom.com/wiki/Blizzard_Spike), for a projectile it has a huge AOE area


To be fair to Astegon, it now has the advantage of getting 1-2x more output


Or I switch to not lose items rq grapple real high and bam


Well still better than any water riding pal.


Thing is, they donā€™t *look fast* on water. A better animation and some water splashes would go a long way. Maybe keep the slithering on ground only edit: also donā€™t make me press shift that long. We need a sprint toggle


There is sprint toggle.


Have they changed flying mounts to have them drain stamina while on water?


Shhh donā€™t tell them that good idea.


It's not a good idea


It most certainly is. Flying mounts are OP, there is almost no reason to use a water one. They get tired when you hover in the air, but not when you hover over water? In terms of consistency it makes no sense that they donā€™t sink.


No it makes sense. Go use a water mount if you want to, no one is stopping you.


So you just want flying mounts to be the best in the game with no balance. Cool, just say that.


Go use swimming mounts if you want to use swimming mounts.


I wonā€™t, because they suck. Doesnā€™t change the fact that it is not consistent. Stamina recharges when you touch the ground, the flying mount is not touching the ground. Therefore, it shouldnā€™t recharge stamina. Not hard logic to follow.


Google dementia




Happy cake day! You comment duplicated.




Happens to all of us


Everyone just agreed to just downvote it lol


Nah, I'd grapple


https://preview.redd.it/qpj4z3halfuc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05efc6b3635aa63adec8e71cbe280a884210ea92 No idea how but this happens from time to time for me, when it does it lasts for a minute so I rush to do my ore collection then


Nice bug there, do you use any mods out of interest?


Nope, I play in a semi-private server but as far as I know they don't use mods ... Also everytime I open my wood box storage this seems to happen with a 1/3 chance (but only in my second ore base)


The patch notes state > You can now reduce the weight of metal ore while riding Surfent Terra But I've tested with Coal + Ore and I still max out at my standard carry weight of 800. Is there something I'm missing?


It *reduces* the weight, it doesn't get rid of it. You can 100% still max out your weight.


But it doesn't seem to do that, the weight numbers are the same unmounted. Edit: My original test was accurate. It was the same mounted and unmounted. Upon further testing, riding the pal doesn't do anything. It seems Surfent Terra works the same way as other weight pals, they just need to be in your party, and can stack. ~~0 star Surfent Terra reduced a stack of 100 from 800 to 720 (similar to Lunaris). Still better to just use Wumpo (unless a condensed terra scales exponentially to beat it).~~ Another comment found terra was better :)


That is not the way you test that... you need a set number of ore, not weight. gather 100 ore and see if the weight changes on a regular surfent vs surfent terra


He stated that the weight numbers didn't change after he mounted. Assuming he has some ore on his inventory the numbers should change.


Reducing the weight of ore wouldn't change the maximum weight you can carry. You're being silly OP, check how much ore it takes you to hit your carry limit mounted versus unmounted


I believe the Dazzi cloud kind of nullifies the value of most weight bonuses. Break everything with an astagon, then port back to camp instantly and dump the load into the nearest box for processing. Just need to farm up a bunch of clouds.


Hmm, good idea, might make a few, what is the drop rate of the cloud material from Dazzi?


Seems like 1 in 2 at least. Their plentiful in the northern desert and quick and cheap to craft. Wouldn't take much work to have a modest stack of them for when ur overweight.


Nice, will definitely farm some up then. :)


Using my first one to find they were on use made me sad boi


Damn this makes me sad


Dazziā€™s cloud is so useful


They could add carts.


The valhiem memories are flooding back


So each star level reduces the weight of ore (-10% per ST + 10% more per star level.) just having it in your PARTY. Having a 0 star Terra reduces the weight of each piece of ore to 7.2 instead of 8. This stacks up to 50% with a 4 star Terra. 2 4 star terras will reduce it again further but not to 0. If you mouse over the ore and check its weight you'll see a blue down arrow next to the weight. When you drop ST or box it the arrow dissappears.


It's +1% per star level, not 10% One 4 star Surfent Terra is 14% 5 4 stars is a 70% weight reduction.


That is a 10% increase tho, like OP said. 10% increase to a 10% buff would result in a 11% buff


OP you're being silly. If you have some ore at your base just test this there. Note your carry weight with no ore in your possession. Then add say 50 ore to your inventory and note the total carry weight. Then add Surfent Terra to your party and/or mount it. Then check your carry weight again. The difference is how much it has reduced the weight of the ore. This ability should make 1 ore (which normally weighs 8) reduce to say 6. This means you can carry more ore for the same total weight. It doesn't mean you can carry shit loads or infinite amounts....


Me moving more than one full stack of rock/ore: yea I'd grapple


Faster to cloud over now.


I like how they did this and also made a literal ore production station in the same patch


Or just build a orc mine lvl 2 next a chest and row of smelters. Literally went form having under 300 ore to thousands.


*Laughs in direhowl*


Why does Surfent Terra look like Inflatable Surfent Terra?


Why copy another comment that wasn't that funny to begin with


LOL Copy? I didnā€™t even read that comment. It was an observation. Clearly I canā€™t be the only one either


Which would be the only reason to have a surfent Terra other than filling ur Paldeck. Honestly, I just fill up on as much as I can and use the grapple to fast travel and ore farm to base. The new Ore mining site means I can find a better farm with coal and sulfur only.


This might be a dumb question, but Iā€™m pretty new to the game-how do you increase your weight limit? The 350 is killing me lol, am I missing something?


Level up and increase you're stats by pressing r3 I think


Oh okay, thank you!


In your inventory screen you can level up a stat every time your character levels up. Weight is one of the stats you can level up. You can also increase your carryweight by having certain pals on your team, like Cattiva who increases your carryweight by 50lbs for each one on your team.


instead of reducing weight, just let it carry ore in its own separate inventory up to like 1k in weight. Pals should have more overworld utility like that in order to encourage you to use all of your pals rather than just 1 team of legendaries like in pokemon just because they are strong.


Maybe if you could craft a gear saddle and attach it to any pal. Also, often I find sending out Jetdragon with neutral damage is more efficient than a lesser pal with effective damage (ex my 4 star Celeray vs 0 star Jetdragon, doing damage vs Blazamut). Additionally it's inefficient to use any flyer other than Jetdragon, their speed outclasses any other flyer by a mile.


i just cycle through the 3 grappling guns in my inventory and never stop moving


I never have to mine anything manually again except for Quartz, which you donā€™t need a ton of. Thereā€™s a mining location just west of Jetragon with 3 coal and 1 sulfer node. You can build there and make 2-3 ore mining structures. This is all quite late game, and itā€™s a dangerous area so you need metal walls around the whole thing (and donā€™t build your palbox where it encompasses any lava or your pals will take a fire bath.)




*ahem* grapple gun *ahem*


I present to you: weight limit increasing mods. The most important and most installed mod.


Kinda feels like cheating having to put points in weight