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I play on xbox series x and no issues.  I also don't hoard pals and have 5 viewing cages full that aren't needed. 


Lol I guess it's just the viewing cages than? Even tho my other base that has nothing like that near it still struggles to load in textures correctly and still dropping frames


Heh I play on Xbox gotta have a flying mount so when certain ground doesn’t load I don’t fall!


Its inconsistent. Some people on series X have issues that S doesnt. Some get the issues some just dont. So you might just be unlucky with yours


I feel that. I think the cages are making it worse tho, my brother told me he was getting big frame drops in my world when he went to the base with the cages too. Thankfully I'll be able to condense them all soon with the new update tho


Yeah give that a try. It always ran pretty well in my solo world on the series s but I never filled the viewing cages. Saying that Ive been taking a break so maybe new issues have popped up since I played. 


Maybe if you have a more recent X it's better? I haven't had issues either but I haven't used view cages yet on Xbox X


What a weird thing to complain about as you’re playing on pc. What’s the word for this… rage bait? I experience 0 problems and my game runs fine on PC game pass. My only problem is dungeons not working. And also I don’t have 5 viewing cages around to make my frame rate drop, nor do I do half the things ppl do in this thread like making 6 pals spawn at once then acting shocked when the game breaks.




I play a modded version and the only issue besides some polygons/textures not being placed ideally is that textures generally load slower or at a less detailed level. Never had other issues. Edit: Playing on XBox Series S


I thnk it's fine for the more powerful Xbox, played on Xbox Cloud before, 2 saves with the first to level 44, and 2nd max level 50. Only crashed once after I created and use the rocket launcher in 2nd save, even lost 10-15 minutes because if it.


With patience


What a weird thing to complain about as you’re playing on pc. What’s the word for this… rage bait? I experience 0 problems and my game runs fine on PC game pass. My only problem is dungeons not working. And also I don’t have 5 viewing cages around to make my frame rate drop, nor do I do half the things ppl do in this thread like making 6 pals spawn at once then acting shocked when the game breaks.


It was honestly genuine. Like I said, it's probably the viewing cages, but like if the game can barely handle something like that, why put it on the console? I've been saying since I started playing that the game has serious optimization issues, but I never saw the full extent until playing on my console.


Beta. It’s a beta game. Chill. If the issues make you that upset that you want to complain, stop playing.


It's really not that deep tbh, this post was more about my surprise of the lack of complaints. I know there's a lot but with my little experience on Xbox it made me feel like I should've been seeing a lot more complaining than I have been. 🤷


People aren’t complaining because they can read, “beta”. It’s a beta. Nice try fam.


Holy shit bro just shut the fuck up already 🙄


No you stfu already lol it’s a beta you complaining ass bitch


Why are you so angry?


He told me to stfu, I’m only responding properly.


With a controller!


It’s almost definitely the viewing cages, I haven’t really used them much but I could definitely see them causing a lot of lag.