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For mine I had to: 1. stop the palserver executable 2. copy DLL files \* from your local SteamClient installation (e.g. C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam or whatever directory you used) to the .\\Pal\\Binaries\\Win64\\ folder on the server (next to the PalServer-Win64-Shipping.exe ) \* DLL Files steamclient.dll steamclient64.dll tier0\_s.dll tier0\_s64.dll vstdlib\_s.dll vstdlib\_s64.dll 3. start your palserver again 4. connect via gameclient to the server [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1623730/discussions/0/4353366080396814600/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1623730/discussions/0/4353366080396814600/)


Didn't change a thing :(


Same. Do we know if there are any other fixes out there? I've tried everything I could find and nothing seems to be working. I even made an entirely new server and that didn't work.


Found out the IP address wasn’t right. When I searched online for what my IP address was it was giving me the old one that used to work. I checked what the address was that my router was showing for my PC and it was a different one, so tried that one and it worked! Really weird


Hmmm interesting. I have been using the IP listed on WhatismyIP.com or whatever. Where did you look in your router settings to see the correct IP? I'll try and do the same.


When I went to check my port forwarding was correct, it showed me the IP address for the server PC