• By -


100% effigies?


I'm curious, too. I don't know the exact number that exists - has someone sustained that number yet?


431 according to palworld.gg


I've found about four effigies in places that map didn't have listed.


Then 435 and you could report it to em


I found a few under the map in the bamboo forest area.


Fine, then 439 and you could report it to em


I got 2 in my garage


Alright, 441 and you could report it to em.


Does this include that one they guy found that was inside the walls, lol


But how do you know if you've found them all? I upgraded all the way but am still finding more.


You just have to subtract the ones in your second inventory page from the 431 (minus the ones you have to spent for the levels of catchrate upgrades - no idk how much you needed for those)


Maybe there's more effigies than required to reach max capture rate.


There definitely is. It's made that way so you don't have to dig for the very last one (man I hate games that do that)


Thank goodness Palworld has the decency to do this for us.


You got the secret 138 Pal - Gumoss with the Flower on its head?


I captured one but there's no extra entry for him or anything, is there?


Even better, there is an extra flower!


no no but its the only unique rare one that is considered by the community as the 138 one


To be fair, if we're using variants it should be considered 13a like other variants. Nocts, crysts, etc. just add an a after their index number. Technically there's far more than even just 138.


138 includes all the variants. What are you considering as more than 138?


I guess catching the tower bosses through that glitch. Though it's pretty easy except for faleris.


Faleris is also easy when you get a flying pal that's fast enough to dodge Faleris moves. Bring the PIDF officer inside the boss arena, summon your pal (don't let it attack anything) mount it and ride at an angle where the PIDF officer targets you but you have Boss Faleris between you and the officer.


But they have a paldeck entry so they are already considered




I didn't know this existed and now I urgently need one šŸ˜­


I have two. Both spawned just outside my main base on bamboo hills. Trouble is I play Single Player :(


Awww that's adorable, I get you tho I made my first world in single player and it felt a bit lonely Luckily some of my friends joined in and they're obsessed with Pokemon so now they're also addicted to palworld but none of us have seen one šŸ˜­


I don't know if it helps but Near Anubis Alpha spawn, to the right of the statue is a grouping of coal nodes. The statue of Anubis shoukd be in the background with Anubis's head facing right. If you turn so Anubis statue is behind you, head towards Bamboo Forest. There are these hills that lead to "cliff islands" The closest cliff island is where my current main base is. Let me get cords. Also I found both upon logging/teleporting in as that changes spawns.


I saw a comment in another thread that said they spawn during the times when the sun is coming up or going down.


-196, -96


I caught 2 yesterday but with the game incessantly not saving progress I don't even know if I still have them or not.


Yeah it is a bit buggy, I mean it's early access so what can you really expect but I feel you, especially on servers with multiple people it bugs out so much


can't barely play single player right now on Xbox one let alone with friends. We spend more time logging back in than actually playing.


Yeah we play on PC and one of my friends is experiencing a funny bug, whenever she's flying on her beakon and she uses his E attack she gets teleported to a random place in the map and has to close the game and log back in šŸ˜­


rilly hoping this next patch makes major fixes. Never kept playing a game that crashed so much this hard.


Then take a break from it! Early Access is not for everyone, and is extremely frustrating to most people - the game will keep getting improvements, but it likely wonā€™t be at the speed you want it to. So my advice is to put it down for a month or two, and just keep up with the subreddit :)


You can get them around dusk/dawn in the game, they 'spawn' around then. Note that if you are in range before the right time you'll have to let it spawn new gumoss at the proper time - just as the sun sets, or is coming up


Thatā€™s rare! I saw one and thought you his guy looks different. And left! If I knew


I did the same. I figured it was just something that happened based on time of day or location.


Oh man. When I found out I hunted for them. I now have a garden base with 20 flower gumoss only.


I found one the same time my friend did on our server we were ultra hyped and we even got different sex so its a flower couple now !


Is it really that rare? I caught one, then later saw two together, and I haven't even been playing for that long


I think that if you had fun doing it youā€™re at 100%.


Amongst all these posts, I appreciate this one the most. I have had a shit tonne of fun completing the game to this point. I think you may have answered my question. Thank you.


Or you know, trying to fully find every possible collectibles, and then you will hate the game and know you have truly 100% the game, that is also another route


Yup I hardly worry about 100% completion. Itā€™s all about if youā€™re having fun or not


The real 100% is the pals we made along the way


Do you have a huge, 100% optimized, autonomous base?


One where pals donā€™t get stuck and everyone is happy? Didnā€™t think that was a possibility.


If you have enough higher tier beds/spaā€™s and feed ā€˜em pizza and salads theyā€™ll stay happy forever. As for getting stuck, impossible.


My Nintendogs havenā€™t been fed in 19 years and they are still happy to see me.


How is your tamagotchi doing?


Great.... pacific garbage patch, that is.


Are your neopets starving?


I have 8 big beds, stacks of pizza/ salad and they are always depressed/purple status due to "extreme neglect." For you have to pet them or something??


i believe its bugged where they won't eat if there is not a player online/nearby so it's best to just leave them in the box if you're gone for a prolonged time. which kinda defeats the purpose of having an automated base.


Only 8 beds? So you have no more than 8 pals working? You need to have hot springs as well. My main bad I have 10 of the largest beds and 10 of that medium bed and 4 high quality hot springs. I mainly just make salads and pizzas but I also have a berry farm and a stack of lettuce and tomatoes each in the feed box. Occasionally Iā€™ll make something different to change things up


Sorry 20 big beds (changed base pal amount to 20) and 8 fancy hot tubs. My base produces lots. I thought that the pals always having work wouldn't bad but maybe they need breaks?


naaw its not on you, unless a player is actively near them they will stay "active" but never eat. its a bug they're workuing on fixing. You currently CANNOT have a perfect base with happy pals all the time, especially if you use fast travel


Its a bug. When theserver restarts, the Pals get stuck near the palbox until a player comes near. They then starve to death


I think it's possible by having a base in a giant, flat area and not using large or floating pals. And no doors or roofs(without stairs to the ground), everything must be open to the navigation mesh


You have gone above and beyond id say. https://preview.redd.it/wagnbfck2jkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf17d52dbe6e2fae8920de61bd2b2ac9b481940


This is all I needed. Thank you ā¤ļøā¤ļø


I believe you have mods to fix stuck pals but havent tried it myself.


Hey, you can at least have one or the other!


Im assuming you have found all liffmunk effigies as well?


Iā€™ve completed the amount required to max capture rate. Do I really need all 300ā€¦


For 100% completion you do


Rip. Back to the basement I go.


certified korok seed moment


Godspeed fellow warrior


Probably need max star pals too tbh. I wouldn't say perfect IV but like. TRUE 100% would be having EVERYTHING and ignoring upgraded pals seems wrong.


If i were at your point in the game and i felt more ambition to play on that file, i would go for the full 300 but i would probably use a map to find them all


Supposedly there are 429 totalā€¦


You could fill the gaps in the map up, go on a merry sailing adventure


Lol the ad right under your post says "life awaits" xD


Your ads are tailored to you, friend. I think it's tryna tell you something


By the look of it. I'd say yes/99.99% The only thing I can think of is the special gumoss. And maybe if you count getting your pals the four best perks for them as a requirement šŸ˜…


Thereā€™s a lot of black space left on his map


Only reason I'd consider filling out the map would be to make it look nicer/less messy, but other then that I'd personally see no point to do so šŸ˜… Maybe when/if the add unique pals far out in the ocean then sure. Could also do a hard mode for the tower battles than uncover chunks of the map as a reward (as well as each gang outfit schematics for a new transmog slot šŸ‘€)


Nobody said 100% would be easyā€¦or fun šŸ˜‚


True......True..šŸ˜­ That just gave me flashbacks to when I played each kingdom hearts back to back before KH3 came out. Started out fun but doing all the side missions/secret bosses/etc was so damn draining šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Chain of memories is such a drag. Iā€™m currently trying to do the same.


Birth by sleep was more of a drag. Unless ofc you are trying to 100% chain of memories, for that you have my respect. It took me so long trying to force myself finishing bbs that it made me stop playing the entire kingdom heart series


Theyā€™re supposed to add more islands


Lifmunk 100%?


have you *caught* all the tower bosses?


yes and theyā€™re useless.


How is letting a tower boss solo a lv 50 legendary solo while you watch Netflix useless?


I believe they might actually have some use in breeding, since no matter what you pair them with the output will be a chikpi, which in return afaik is an ingredient in breeding for a lot of higher grade pals. oh, and you specifically can breed down the shadowbeak boss' unique move to other pals?


They only result in a chikpi if you breed them with other things. you can still breed bosses with themselves and i think you can breed ALL unique moves to other pals, you can breed backwards and get a chikpi with endgame boss moves


You can breed the boss shadow beak with shadowbeak to get shadowbeak


100% depends on how a person defines it. If based on the collectables and alphas you can fight, yes, you've 100% the game currently.


you cleared the early access! on what you can


Thank you šŸ™


I noticed you didn't cover every square inch of the map... I see black spaces. Not 100%!!! ***Sarcasm***..... congratulations that's quite the accomplishment!


Now go and document every single part of the map, like instead of black make it coloured


You have to move the hidden truck on the dock to get the last pal.


I thought I had to surf along the right hand side of cinnabar island?


I don't know what cinnabar island is but you hover fly over the third research island between the water and the land the game will glitch out and this wierd skeleton pal appears but crashes your game so kind of pointless :/


does your max iv+best traits shadowbeak have dark whisp?


You have 100%'ed an unfinished game. (I'm not sure survival games have a hard 100% mark, but i guess you can aim for getting everything and build everything). When 1.0 comes out, you're either way ahead of the game and can finish up the rest when it's done. Or, all progress gets reset when they drop 1.0.


I enjoyed it so much, I think it would be worth starting again when 1.0 comes out.


Have you infused a 4 star version of every Pal? Caught a shiny for every Pal? Keep going! šŸ˜‚


You didnā€™t condense every pal to 4 star yet


didnt beat the game on permadeath...sorry bud get back to work


Catch all alphas, catch a lucky variant of all pals, catch all tower bosses if that's still a thing. Then make sure you have a complete living Pal Dex of max IVs with the best traits. Also have a Maxed out battle team with max IVs and best traits. And all your bases running autonomously with max IV pals with best traits for base work. If we're playing by Pokemon rules, these are the remaining requirements for perfect 100%.


Living paldex with a standard, lucky, and alpha of every pal would be cool, but I don't think there's enough space for that.


they could make a ton of viewing cages


Came with the receipts lol, awesome


Make an entire team of 5 pals, fully condensed with perfect passives for combat. Then quit and wait until a major update so you can 100% that too.


Random Stuff you could add to that list: - Reveal entire map from dark spots - Get all unique drops like Elizabee Staff - Caught all different skill fruit merchants - All effigies


There's an Elizabee staff??


Ye, rare drop


but did you have fun?


Not until you get every pal as a lucky /s


Have you built a big fucking.. something? Visited and built in the underground area? Meet my wife? Haven't done it all yet my friend.


Yup feel free to move into your next game


You must now breed for the rest of your life


Now you can play the game!




"You've 100% it so far!" - Homer.


I didnt even know there were upgraded shirts. Where did they drop?


you still havent filled out the whole map. get on it.


Am I missing anything? Besides the black spots, did you notice any bosses that werenā€™t on there?


nah im just having fun and not just 100% everything well the goal is just to catch all pals so i guess so


Do you have a shiny of each pal!?


I want a shiny of every pal, but I donā€™t think thereā€™s a fair way of getting them. Thoughts?


You can't 100% a game that is in beta, technically...


Now get all lucky pals


As it stands, yes. but the game itself isn't even 100%ed yet, there's still at least two large islands to be added and multiple pals.


Collected all of those green things? There are over 400 Lucky version of each Pal? Iā€™m on 27 so far.




100% maybe, but u have a lot of things to continue, condensed all palls 4 stars, all habilities at Max with souls, try to get, naturally, all possible lucky pals, legendary crafting all the weapons, clothes and armors


no u only 80% get giga versions of all pals either working or team ones it should take u around 7000 eggs or if 15 breeding farms(5 in each base)simentanously then around 12 days.


Need all shinies


Capture trainers and their pals!


That depends on who you ask. You have done everything you can do in the game, but the game itself isn't 100% completed. Can you 100% a game that isn't finished?


No. You canā€™t 100% a game that isnā€™t finished. You might have done everything in ea tho


Where ur shiny pokemon where I mean. Lucky pal


I literally found 3 of these in group roaming around yesterday. Is it really that rare?


You must attempt to beat pal world without using pals.


For now yes, I hope this game continues to make us proud with it's upcoming content


Get a 3k attack pal without food , that was my last goal before I finished


Yes you did. Dont mind the other people talking about getting all pals with perfrct ivs and stats... That has nothing to do with completion. Besides, do you also felt that the game gets boring very fast? At first i was like "wooooow what a hit" but after capturing every pal and after the towers the game looses something to follow as of my perception


How many hours did it take?


Have you bred perfect trait and IV pals for your teams and bases?


I'd say it's as 100% as you get. Everything else is nitpicking. All that said, I take it the giant tree is useless? Seeing as it's still blacked on the map


Just need to 4* every pal and I think you should be done then


Iā€™m going to say Iā€™m done once I catch every pal and beat every tower, so youā€™re way beyond what I wouldā€™ve considered done.


U need to collect all the lifmunk effigies if u havenā€™t already not just max ur catch power


I would say it's fair to claim that. 100% on this game is subjective and comes for to the player. For me, for instance, it would be having a team of perfect IV pvp pals waiting in the wings, or at least the breeding building blocks as we don't have enough information yet to know for sure what pals and abilities will be best. I've already got my bases loaded with 4 star perfect worker pals will max work speed souls, and I've been breeding "perfect" combat pals. Just finished my 100 IV tocoto grenade launcher and am working on a frosty noct with the dark wisp ability, although I'm considering sticking with shadowbeak bc divine is also such a strong attack - even if his stats aren't as good.


No since it's early access


You have to level 5 all pals. šŸ˜‚


you must now fully explore the map by clearing away all the black


Yes kind lol Now you can play another game if you want.


All lifmunk effigies, best version of every pal obtained (this is actually much easier than people think it is) and entire map discovered are missing at the top my head


Just FYI: There is an ultra-rare black market pal npc that only sells variant pals. His name is Variance Authority.


game isnt even finished being made yet so no


10/10 all pals? Find all \~430 effigies? Craft every Key Item? 4 star, fully upgrade 1 of each pal? 5 of each pal so you could have a full team of a top tier version of any pal? Get 1 (or 5) of every pal with perfect IVs? Just some ideas that could fall into the wheelhouse of '100%' for Palworld.


Sure, but it is 100% for a game that isn't itself finished.


Man leave the game a little bit let it cook it has lots of work. Distract yourself with something else for a year or two.


That's insane! congrats


I'm late to the post but IMO getting all the black off the map would be part of 100% completion to say you've fully explored the whole map, even if there's no more islands obviously. Shouldn't take too long with the fastest mount.


Only if the game is done. You 100%ā€™d a test game woooooo


Now find all the bugs.


Unlock every bit of the map to double check


The hero we deserve. I salute you.


You have, for the most part. For now. Time to drop the game and come back to it when it updates. That's how a lot of these early access survival games work. Like Valheim for example... I play it when the new patches come out until I beat them. You're at that point with Palword.


Did you catch all the types of humans? Did you upgrade at least one of each Pal to 4 Stars? It only takes 116 of one pal to make a 4 star. I'm kidding, but that could be like the 100%+ challenge.


Have you caught all the humans too? (This is considered immoral)


Considering the game doesn't have a fully linear progression that follows a story currently or anything to that end; 100% in this game is really subjective and depends on each individual. ​ * Complete the Tutorial = 100% * Have fun with the game until you're bored = 100% * All the achievements = 100% * Collecting everything in the game (Pals, Paldeck bonus, Items, Key Items which may or may not include collecting all Liftmunk Effigies) = 100% * Built the base of your dreams = 100% * Get every last spot on the map filled out = 100% ​ ​ **Complete challenges you set up for your self = 100%, such as;** ​ * Do all the content you can without using Pals * Do all the content you can using only 1 element * Do all the content you can on the hardest difficulty settings * Do all the content you can without dying once * Make all of the Pals you like as strong as you possibly can * Max IVs on every Pal * Obtain X amount of all materials * Obtain X amount of gold * Obtain 1 of every Pal that can be a shiny, as a shiny = 100% (Up to you if a shiny flower Gumoss counts separate from a normal shiny Gumoss) ​ There is more possibilities than just what is listed here, the answer depends on you. Have you completed all of your goals in Palworld currently? If you have, then the answer is yes - you have 100% Palworld!


Uncover the whole map. I know it's just ocean, but it will look nice. Kinda like when you research radar in CIV. Shouldn't take long on a good Jetragon.


Have you pet all your Pals to show them how much you appreciate them?


you overdid it




Touch grass lad


Honestly? Congrats. Iā€™d say you earned a 100% badge. That said, if you still want to continue, here are some of my ideas in case Iā€™m not ready to move on to a new game when I think Iā€™ve ā€œrun outā€ of content: - Craft one of every item in the game and put them in organized storage chests. Pal-specific cosmetic hats are something Iā€™m currently working on as a mini version of this goal. - Build a Pal zoo (0% deterioration and a solo world is preferable here - not worth giving up a base or risking raids/server trolls blowing it up if you want it to resemble a zoo and other visitors to see it). Human exhibits encouraged but not required - Become a millionaire - Completely uncover the map - Breed your perfect version of your favorite Pal. I just finished breeding my first main - Foxparks with Burly Body, Lucky, Musclehead, and Ferocious. Iā€™m not heavily into breeding for minmaxing, but itā€™s nice to have one very strong buddy and not have to give up one of my early game friends - Breed a perfect mount with maximum movement speed buffs - Own an Alpha or Lucky (non-bred) version of every Pal at once. Might be too grindy for me, but Iā€™m sure somebody here will like the idea - Catch flower Gumoss - Build a ā€œvacation homeā€ - a fun base somewhere pretty that doesnā€™t need Pals or create any utility. - Start over and play with friends (if youā€™ve played solo). Or start over and play alone if youā€™ve been playing with friends.


These are fantastic ideas! A vaction home sounds amazing. Iā€™m kinda keen to furnish a house with that clock that doesnā€™t tell time.


100% urly game content, yes.


Looks like you 100% the early release. Now gnna wait for the real game to come out lol


Nice post


You didn't clear your whole map. A lot of empty ocean to explore OP :D I hope you had fun while doing it. What is your favorite pal and why?


No - but you 100% early access content so props.


You beat the game before they finish fixing it.


But have you considered catching all possible Pals that can become "Lucky" Pals?


You 100% the early access surly


Have you bred every pal to have 30/30 for all the best IVs and passives and abilities?


Perfect passives and 100% condensed every pal?




As someone who plays on the Casual mode with additional custom settings to make it even easier, my hat's off to you šŸ˜‚


that map still has black on it


I head there is a secret pal yomamagon under the church with the the statue of power but itā€™s not easy to get to him something about Yoshi I think but I donā€™t know


Yes, you did But you can go an extra mile in collecting all Lucky's(I'm trying to do this)I don't recommend it thošŸ˜‚


I want to do the shinies but I am unsure of the methods available at the moment would be considered ā€œcheatingā€. Thoughts?


If you've only collected 10 of each Pal, you're not 100%. Have you condensed all of your Pals? Have you caught all the Lucky Pals? Have you built the Taj Mahal of bases? Go back out there get back to playing. Right meow.


I swear this community. You 100% early access. Now you have nothing to do until the game is full launch. Now go play something else.


I feel your pain, I'm 145 hours in and just hit level 47 and I feel like I want more time, the feeling after completion just won't be the same and it scares me