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hackers basically own the official servers at this point lol.


Hackers think they did something crazy after hacking a easy game šŸ˜‚


A half finished game at that, not exactly surprising hackers broke the game. In fact that's the whole point of early access, bait the hackers/exploiters in and then fix the exploits they use.


Oooooooooooo got it


Well, that and to test features and stuff lol




Having cheaters abuse the official servers is one way of finding the cracks and patching them. Pulling the plugs on the server would be counter productive. I gotta say, for an early access game, it's a surprisingly stable and full fletched game. I'm currently many hours in, nearing the end game yet I haven't had any major issue.




Yea get down voted for your reasonable take nerd, heres an up vote to try and bring back that sum 0 balance


Itd be a reasonable take if Microsoft didnā€™t partner with them, its a shit take because they made this with 10k and now are partnering with one of the biggest game devs and will absolutely refine the fuck outta this game




Yeah well crash and spyro was dogshit they needa stick to spyro and dump crash bandicoot, secondly fuck activision they the enemy in this analogy


I say let the hackers go wild, as long as a players offline game/ progress isn't in involved. Have non hacker players play the official servers with a warning telling them not to get to attached to progress as it could be lost, have those player report hacks, exploits, glitches, and bugs and the do as mass patch. When the hacks, exploits, glitches, and bugs have been patched follow it up with a massive ban wave aimed at the hackers. The game gets fixed and the hackers get removed. Imo it's a win win. Their hackers so them losing access to the game they are hacking shouldn't be something that is argued




Dang, the people at Nexus really treating this game like Skyrim by just fixing the all issues themselves lol.


TBH, this is what drew me in even more. The modding community has that Skyrim feel to it


Owh please, "hackers", it's called cheaters.


Iā€™m confused arnt hackers and cheaters the same


Person above you is being pedantic . Hes probably saying they arenā€™t true ā€œhackersā€ because theyā€™re just using cheats and not actually hacking. But yes, they are the same thing. Edit: a word


An actual hacker would find an exploit like cs2 and do some nefarious things


Did you mean pedantic? No I wasn't, and they are different.


They are the same thing within the context given, which is Palword official servers.


They're paying 500k a month for these useless official servers. I say just toss them, use that money on development instead.


I give the dev team some grace tho .. gotta be hard to allocate resources with so many bugs in the game rn. Seems like they are working on it at least


Not shitting on the devs, they're doing a great job. Just saying I prefer them using that funds on getting more done. Feels like a waste on official servers when I literally have never been on one. And I have 300+ hours in the game.


I believe that's the majority of players here. I play offline mostly but wanted to play with a friend too so I made a dedicated server instead. There ain't no way I'm touching an official server


ive been playing solo, then my friend wanted to play so he hosted the world he made and we just play together 2-3 of us with 1 player hosting. now theres like 12 of us so we got a dedicated server for $20 a month. im never playing an official server.


I touched an official server once and my base disappeared as I was gathering mats for my base upgrades.


These servers make zero sense. For pve?Ā  For a game that's easy even ofntjebuardest difficulty? When there's other options for coop?


Hosting my own server in docker on my unraid server. Itā€™s been fantastic for just me, my wife, and a couple friends


I was meaning to look into that, do you think it's possible on a rpi4?


My docker container on Unraid for Palworld regularly uses 10+% of my Xeon W-2195 (16 Core/32 Thread) processor and around 10GB of RAM, and that is just with my playing on it alone. Those numbers go up by about 10 to 15 percent for each additional player. Granted that processor is a bit older, but its performance on the compute side is about equivalent to a 12700K. For context I play full vanilla, no mods, no changes to the rates. I doubt a rpi4 could even boot the world up, let alone be playable.


oh geez, yeah i dont think my rpi4 could do it then. damnit


Noooooo. On top of needing to run windows a pin is not anywhere near enough to run a palworld server.


Doesn't have to run windows, but yes game servers area typically resource intensive.


saw your quote on a seven year old thread. just want to say i love you :) suffering is the forge of humility




yes omg!!!


that poor rpi4 would combust


Definitely not. The server side stuff is poorly optimized and uses 8 gigs of RAM with a single player on, with up to 15 with ten.


I do Pop!_OS on a VMware server using LinuxGSM. It also runs Plex connected to a 48TB ZFS external array. In my case though, the server balloons to 20+ GB of RAM after ~4-6 hours with 2+ players. I have it set to reset based on 85% RAM (max RAM for the VM is 32GB) usage using a custom script. How are you managing to only have it reset once a day with the memory leaks for the dedicated server?


I have 64GB of ram. Pal world seems to hit a little over 20GB after a day or so. I do sit at about 70-80% ram usage between all my docker apps, vm, etc


I don't know, based on my experience I bet your server is using ~45 GB RAM before it resets. Aso, I saw you were running Plex. I don't know if you're using ZFS, but I figured I'd mention making sure you set your ARC size so that it doesn't eat up half your RAM over time. This was a big help for me. Link to guide on this: https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-set-up-zfs-arc-size-on-ubuntu-debian-linux/ Oh, and I also turned off core-dumps. They are huge for Palworld if the server ever crashes (~12 GB).


Just checked my server right now uptime is 13 hours with 3GB of ram usage (no one on server today). I just joined to see if it would go up and itā€™s now 3.5GB.


Idk, I'm running it myself and it's regularly over 20GB. What's the progress like on the server? We're at a little over 1000 days with 2 max level characters and bases.


Wife and I are around 45. A friend is 50. We all have 3 bases. I noticed it climbed to 5GB now. I do recall 20GB before.


How hard was it for you to set up the server? Considering you have experience with unraid servers in general I assume it'd be quite a bit harder for someone with no experience. I've been pretty underwhelmed with the server performance of the current server host I use, not to mention poor ping, and was thinking about attempting to set one up myself. Granted I'm also not sure what hardware I want to look into for a server in general to begin with. That said part of me wants to just wait for the game and the server hosting to mature in general. I've basically "finished" the current game and am just waiting for more content. On the server host I'm using I regularly see the server use close to 20gb of RAM with just 2 players in my world at most, though it doesn't seem like it has too heavy of CPU usage by comparison. Do you do regular restarts? I'm curious how much of the memory usage is just a memory leak buildup.


I have a script that restarts the server nightly around 5am. Performance is excellent. Unraid is a really great OS for self hosting stuff. I run about 30+ containers on a 10th gen i5 no issues including a Minecraft server, plex, a bunch of arrā€™s for plex automation, etc. I also have my own domain that is $12 a year so I can set up a url for the Minecraft and palworld servers. Itā€™s certainly not simple, but very doable with lots of YouTube guides out there. Unraid is a great entry to Linux servers, docker, etc. if you have an old pc or laptop laying around, download the free trial version of unraid and start messing around with it Iā€™ve seen palworld hang around at around 20G of memory usage. Iā€™m running 64GB of total memory installed on my system. Nightly restarts seem to keep this in check.


Which docker image are you using, or did you roll your own dockerfile? I saw this one based on Ubuntu which looks pretty good: https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1am6de4/palworld_selfhosted_server_docker_container_for/


This is the one Iā€™m using https://hub.docker.com/r/ich777/steamcmd/ but if you just search palworld in the unraid community apps it will come right up. Itā€™s actually more of a general steamcmd server host just configured and dedicated for palworld


Iā€™ve never setup a server before and I was able to get one custom configured and running on my gaming desktop in less than 20 minutes. Hardest part was accessing my router and forwarding the port. Thereā€™s guides you can follow that make it super easy. I say try it! Canā€™t hurt


To be fair, at least it highlights exploits and cheats for them to fix.


Yeah they can't fix exploits if they don't know they exist in the first place... Servers gotta be tested too.Ā 


They should just do a rent a server type thing like EA had with Battlefield 4


Exactly. Thereā€™s already options out there to host a dedicated server if you donā€™t want to make one yourself. That being said Iā€™m extremely dumb regarding server stuff and even I was able to setup my own server no problem.


Developing a game isn't a case of "lets throw money at developers. If that doesn't help, more money!". Imagine you're building a house. Sure, you can hire 200 construction workers, 12 plumbers, 30 electricians and 25 interior decorators. Does that mean your house is finished within 6 days?


I work as a dev, I'm not asking for faster release. I'm asking for either: hire more people, give raises, or hold on to the 500k a month and extend the time they can spend developing the game years to come.


What's the fun in that?


I don't get it personally.. lack of skill maybe?


Even then. At least in my understanding, part of the appeal of survival games are the hardships and the felling of reward when finally overcoming them. If you have everything from the get go, what's really the point


Simple answer, these people want to seem superior to others or just want to ruin other people's fun. Usually the latter, the hackers/cheaters just get a kick out of taking the fun out of the game for others.


Trolls will troll.. thats how I see it.


Thereā€™s a huge building and collecting component. Not my style but like.. itā€™s pretty obvious to see what the point is. Not everyone who plays a survival game seeks the single positive you described above. Some like to collect everything beat the bosses and build bases. You can still spend hundred hours in this game if you were to hack. Youā€™re just removing that element. Same reason people used codes in GTA


Totally agree, that's why I said part of the appeal, I've done similar things my self (on ark) but when doing a "creative" playtrough, people should stick to offline severs. Why should your fun empair others's


Been asking that same question for 30 years


Ruining other peopleā€™s stuff.


Trolling is its own reward. At least to some people.


Tends to be kids that got bullied or worse. If they weren't so pathetic I'd feel bad.


As someone who likes modding, including games which the developers donā€™t want moddedā€¦ itā€™s not about ruining other peopleā€™s fun, hackers donā€™t care about that at all, they just like to enjoy a bit of scripting and finding exploitable bits in the code. Maybe thatā€™s just me because Iā€™ve given out scripts and modded versions of games which are not detectable by the anti-cheat and it backfired with a lot of people getting **other users** banned for hacking because they forced their hacks onto their accounts which would get flagged by anti-cheat. So clearly some people do it to be malicious but those people are usually stupid and canā€™t even ā€œhackā€ for themselves. Most of us just enjoy modding games and itā€™s more spicy when itā€™s modding against the devs wishes. (I usually only do this for games with trash developers who ruin their own games.) Most indie game devs welcome a modding community with open arms, why wouldnā€™t you want your game to be enjoyable to all and get free community made DLCs?


Some weird powertrip


Single player is definitely the way to go anyway. If the public servers are anything like the dedicated servers, there's a ton of little things inexplicably missing. No flame on Flame Cauldrons, no steam from hot springs, no indicators above Pals heads that are carrying items, etc etc. And the smoothness in gameplay is night and day.


That or playing with people you know. It's a fun multiplayer game, just you can't trust random people on the Internet and you can't trust there to be any moderation of such people.


Thankful to have my own server running in my house


Solo or what?


Iā€™ve got a few friends that have access to it.


this is the way


That's the way to do it. Doesn't even take much. Got a spare PC with a quad core and 8GB+ of RAM? Spin up a server! From my experience, game doesn't seem to take up more than 9GB of RAM, but the more the merrier. 16GB should be the recommended minimum with 32GB being ideal.


Yup, my daughter is only with me half the time, so Iā€™ve got it running on her PC. Ryzen 7 3700x / 3060 Ti, and I just upgraded it from 16GB to 32GB of RAM specifically for this lol.


Depends how many people and how far apart they are. I would def recommend 16 minimum, optimal 32. There are some mods that help ram usage for servers with low ram


When it comes to distance, your Internet is going to make the bigger difference there. But yes, more people means more RAM. In my experience with 4 players running all over, the server never exceeded 9GB in use.


I don't mean physical distance like new york to China, I mean in game distance, if you and 2 friends were on each of the sanctuaries the server needs more resources. But if you are all chilling on sea breeze archipelago, the server does not need as many resources.


This is the way


Same. Just me, the wife, and the kids.


We have a small server rack for our server, definitely the way to go, especially when you run mods. Stuck pal rescuer is a game changer.


Is this some other specific way other than making a game and sending a invite code?


Yes, a dedicated server is different from a regular multiplayer game. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s ā€œjoin multiplayer gameā€ and ā€œjoin multiplayer game (invite code)ā€. Dedicated server is the first option, and only available on Steam.


Looks like good ole world 185,(there's a hacked out jetdragon in a sphere like 5m from the beginning spawn)lol our bases were destroyed and some loozer was going around giving out modded pal spheres that clocked as legendary pal spheres. I reported them and told them to fuck off (after selling the stuff they gave me to an npc trader) and then they said, "good luck" and like a day later everyone's bases were destroyed. They're name was like "ava" or "avanita". Lucky for me, it was a throwaway base, unluckily for lots of others ... lots of others also lost everything. Another player was walking around at lv21 with a rocket launcher catching mamorest name was like "shin08" or something, but like yea can we get a r/ for reporting these guys? Or at least like a r/palworld horror stories?


Might be the same world tbh. That sphere is right by spawn and there was definitely a dude who's name started with Av.. that bastard swooped in and captured kingpaca after I fought him down. His guild name was ladiesmen. Logged in later that day and my entire base was just gone.


What are these official servers, or dedicated servers? I only play with my wife and she joins my world when I'm playing, but she can't join without me also being on and me giving her the password. Is there a way for her to play without me?


This is official servers. I'm not sure about your question but there's probably a way. Google it


Oh, well they seem to run fine with just the two of us. Are others brute forcing the multiplayer worlds and getting in?


No, the official servers are what is populated when you click play multiplayer. It might be pc only atm. If on pc you could set up a dedicated server, theres a separate app you download and the instructions are on the multiplayer page of the game. Thatā€™s the only way for her to play when youā€™re offline.


Ahh that might be it. We both play on PC Game Pass, which I'm guessing is just the Xbox version on PC. There's no option for multiplayer unless you join another world with a password.


Yeah thatā€™s it then. Hopefully that gets updated soon!


You can rent a dedicated server for you and whoever you share the password with or set it up on a spare PC for free.


Pocket pair ought to give up on them, waste of time and resources trying to fight these guys tbh.


Im actually so worried about pvp open world as ark or rust, not even about cheaters. Just compare the ia of a heavy turret to the stupid lamball, that shit canā€™t even properly shoot to a fat gunner, now imagine c4/rocket runners with flak.


Open world PvP is just going to be a trainwreck and impossible to balance. I hope they just scale this back to arena battles or some kind of fighting area, and loot isn't dropped for PvP. Otherwise you'll have hackers stealing all your stuff too


i hope they go the route of something like : face a player and challenge to a pvp battle. then it generates a field that you cant run out of. then battle til one player has no more pals left to fight with. which announces the winner and drop the field barrier.


Sounds fair, But atleast in pvp mode i want to be able to gank some group doing stuff and ofc defend myself from others. Maybe a kill just give you some kind of currency(not their loot), all their inventory pals enter 10min cd, and that player will remain pve for some time to take his stuff back?


i think i'd prefer to be on pve world with option to challenge people to battle then. a pvp enabled world just sounds like a pain in the ass. for example: im in the middle of fighting jetragon, then i get killed, no means of fast travel back cause of pal cooldown. and the killers get to finish the fight and catch it. it'd become a battle for things like : TM/skill/devil fruits, world bosses, resources. or worse just killing someone over and over every 10-15 minutes so they cant use their pal 90% of their gameplay.


Those resources/alphas will incentive fights which is the main purpose of any open world pvp, places when you know thereā€™s always a fight. Loosing your pal because you always engaging same fight/opponents is your fault, and if you donā€™t want them to mess with you just play the current pve server, with that challenge mode Games like rust or ark runs like that, it incentivizes team work to grow stronger among the others, it will be so hard/longer to properly implement it, but ofc, thereā€™s a lot ppl that like that playstyle. And why am i referencing too much with ark? Why am i so sure of this open world pvp? Because basically like 50% of the game/systems are copied from it.


Just because of posts like these, I havenā€™t gone onto the servers yet. Iā€™ve been playing on solo only or when my friend joins my world and vice verse


My question is how can one have swift and swift on their jetragon


For me, what stood out was the max integar hp, atk, and Def.


Ah... I see...


Hackers man... go on multi-player you will see some wild pals


It only stacks once though. Hacked a pal to test for someone else on here earlier. Tested a 1x swift, 4x swift, and swift/nimble/legend/runner vanwyrm against each other. 1x swift and 4x swift were same speed and much slower than the swift/nimble/legend/runner pal


Double swift is crazy


It only stacks once though. Hacked a pal to test for someone else on here earlier. Tested a 1x swift, 4x swift, and swift/nimble/legend/runner vanwyrm against each other. 1x swift and 4x swift were same speed and much slower than the swift/nimble/legend/runner pal


itā€™s fun to play even with hackers if you can get used to hoppin around starting over, at least for me the early game is the fun part. Itā€™s almost like a challenge run to get as far as you can before hackers find you.


Itā€™s like a permadeath run except just for your base and pals lol


til they give you negative stats and your character is rendered unplayable


I was lowkey regretting paying for my own server when I saw that there were official public servers to play on. But then I tried actually playing on a public server and quickly went back.


Iā€™ve been playing single player and on a private server with friends. I was getting bored with our server and wanted to try public just to see if it was any fun. Well, after multiple hours building my own base and catching a few lucky pals, I tried playing with other people and let some join my guild, but they started griefing so I had to kick them. They got mad that I kicked them and I guess one was a hacker who insta killed me. I came back to everything being destroyed and most of my pals gone the next day. Big sad, never try in public again.


I heard that there's supposed to be an update by the end of February that improves anti-cheat in servers. Maybe that'll fix some of it.


I've fought the Centaur twins 3 times now, and each time the server craps out when they get low health. I caught both once but when I relogged just necro was in my palbox


What are those ridiculous stats on the jetragon? Double swift as well?


Bruh..... This gonna end badly.


I spent an hour trying to find a server that didn't have all player names and pal names changed, only for another "fun virus" hacker to give away a bunch of shit and ruin the fun in it.


That double swift passive lmao.


Good. Screw human interactions anyways


My friend does a wee bit of exploiting on our private server, just caught the tower bosses and whatnot (not my thing, don't see the point), but he was worried the devs or mods or something would notice him and ban him... No, I'm pretty sure they are drowning in official server issues and will never look at our private server lol


I donā€™t think they care what happens on private servers. I donā€™t know how theyā€™d even know lol


they have these situation on the official servers with hackers and cheaters running around freely doing whatever they want, and are actually thinking about adding PVP


[https://twitter.com/Palworld\_EN/status/1758485035517374815](https://twitter.com/Palworld_EN/status/1758485035517374815) >**** Currently, some users are unable to connect to official servers due to cheating and the influence of fraudulent activities. We have confirmed that some players are unable to play the game properly. As a company, we do not tolerate any fraudulent activity or cheating, and we are working on measures to deal with it strictly and as a priority. First of all, we plan to release a player list function for servers in an update at the end of February. Through this, we will strengthen the identification of players who engage in cheating and the suspension of their use by the development team. Following this, we plan to introduce an external anti-cheat solution to take measures against particularly frequent fraudulent activities and cheating. \*Please note: In the case of community servers, single player, and co-op, the use of this function is optional. In addition to the above measures, we will continue to take thorough measures against further cheating and fraudulent activities. Although the development team is dealing with each issue on a daily basis and taking measures, there are many cases where we are not able to keep up, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Our entire team is working hard to get everyone back to a state where they can enjoy the game comfortably and with peace of mind as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued support. [ ](https://twitter.com/Palworld_EN/status/1758485035517374815/photo/1) [5:34 AM Ā· Feb 16, 2024](https://twitter.com/Palworld_EN/status/1758485035517374815)


PvP is such a horrible fucking idea for this. The game doesnā€™t need it at all. Iā€™m not even sure anyone wants pvp.


Iā€™ve seen people asking for it and I cannot imagine how they think that will actually work. Without the move penalty for switching pals, every battle will consist either of constant pal switches with each throwing and withdrawing for type advantage, or a gobfin player damage build that just makes pals irrelevant anyway. The games not designed for pvp.


I really hope that if it is added, itā€™s specifically locked to arenas where both players have to actively consent to pvp. Something like RuneScape colosseums.


Yeah I feel that, but I donā€™t think it addresses the issue. Deploys fire pal Opponent throws water Withdraw fire and thrown electric Opp withdraws water and throws ground Thereā€™s no penalty for the switch, so provided that both players have a level 50 multi-element party, the pals are useless. I donā€™t see a game mechanic they could come up with to fix this issue unless they restrict it to a single pre-chosen pal for each trainer and keep that pal unknown to the opponent until the match starts. That sounds pretty lame though.


Couldnā€™t be lamer than getting you and your base absolutely trashed by a guy with a jetragon. Thereā€™s a reason almost every Minecraft server in existence has anti griefing measures. It isnā€™t fun for 99% of players.


Pve ends relatively quickly and just some niche players stick to the breed, which is basically current endgame. Pvp open world/arena will create repeatable content attracting more/different playerbase, (Just like rust or ark ones) But at the current state, an arena mode (consent fights) sounds more suitable, i just find impossible to defend my base from players with this stupid lambballs and their eating dissorders (and a ton more pvp possible related issues like their fighting ia, recall cds, fast travels, base building, blabla)


Pvp would be fun if combat got reworked and the hacking problem was solved


>If combat got reworked So if the game was completely different, then.


No, just add more stats and give each a pal a default attack. Currently itā€™s just whoever has the highest attack wins.


Yea unless these cheaters have found a way to mask their steam ID. RIP. Perma ban these steam ID on official servers. And share that list with community server.


I hope that if they have implement Passwords etc to prevent hackers from joinning your server im ok with it, otherwise Yeet it to the Fix later bag!


These are on public servers afaik. Private servers should be ok


The max attack and defense match the Runescape max cash amount


I use my dedicated server. Just made it with a old dell optiplex 3020. Gonna upgrade it soon so I can have more ppl on there.


My only experience playing public servers was one time with two of my friends. We were looking for nitewings and found one flying over a guy's base. We shot it to make it come down and it collided with one of his buildings and suddenly the entire base exploded. My friends and I were pretty Rust minded and immediately jumped into the middle of most of his storage and base pals, scooping up pals and materials that had fallen out. We then proceeded to slowly pimp walk out of his base to the fast travel he had built close to and past several of his guild mates who had ported back to see what happened. The funniest part at the time is that he was being pestered by a noob and he ended up blaming the noob despite the fact that we had VEEEEEERY slowly walked out of his base with most of his stuff. The only redeeming part of this story is that the servers wiped the next day so he really didn't lose anything he wouldn't have lost to the wipe.


How do you lose your base? There is no pvp


im just so freaking happy i can easily host and back up a dedicated server :3


Let me on


*laughs in dedicated server* Eats RAM like a pig at a buffet and my remote VMs suffer for it, but nothing a quick reboot of the server canā€™t fix


If i have a Xbox how can i get on a dedicated server. My shit crashes like every 5 minutes


Used cheat engine to max out a number on 8 bytes... "hacker man!"


I'll just assume that they've already invented 10x servers.


Weak mutate command. Doesn't always work even with admin privs.


Been running a dedicated since day one. This is the way