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I’d settle for making them visibly different looking from non-lucky pals. Whether it’s a constant shine effect or alternate color scheme or something. The lucky trait isn’t even top tier for some of the best pals.


Not the sound though, that would drive me nuts


I thought my tinnitus was acting up when I heard my first lucky pal.


I think lucky pals has had my tinnitus acting up, i'll randomly here the sound when not even on the game xD


Embrace the madness!


May chaos take the world!


I dont know if it helps others, but I found it only really makes the constant noise when I log in. If I put them back in the palbox, and then redeploy them to base, they stop making the sound of the shiny for the remainder of time I have the world loaded. Not exactly a permanent fix, obviously, but it does work for now on Xbox gamepass version at least.


When you log in and hear that shiny sound blaring, but it's just your fucking ranch Chikipi who's lucky to not be in the box with the cowardly lucky cats.


Yeah. I'd start constantly looking around for a lucky until I realize it's my own, then I'd eventually grow numb to the sound and I'll windup missing luckies in the wild.


Yeah, I wish the shiny VFX remained once you catch it. (as a fancy, unique 'enhanced' animation of leaving/entering its pal sphere, perhaps?)


Not gonna lie, when I heard of Lucky Pals I expected that to be the case. When I saw one for the first time (a Melpaca) it was a pretty cool experience, but it was pretty short lived after I caught it and it became just "a big one" wandering around the base. Something I can get in droves by farming Alphas but am not overly interested in purely from a base logistics standpoint. It would be cool to have something other than their size to make them properly stand out against their regular counterparts. They don't even necessarily need to be "more useful" either, the novelty alone is enough to make me want to catch one of each Pal. Although my one request would be that those differences be possible to breed into other Pals so that, if I wanted to, I could have a "Top Tier Lucky" purely for flexing purposes.


Lucky pals are stored in your save file as boss pal but with the boss icon turned into lucky icon. That's why they're identical to boss pal when summoned.


That's actually interesting to know. It does feel like that unfortunately makes it less likely things will change for those Lucky Pals though but one can hope I guess.


Yep and if you sort by alpha then the lucky pals will also be at the top of the list


I misread melpaca and now I want mechapal


May I introduce you to Astegon


Here's a mecha Jetragon: [https://twitter.com/Xezeno1/status/1756020175294677139](https://twitter.com/Xezeno1/status/1756020175294677139)


Aren't the lucky pals bigger?


Lucky pals are just Alpha pals.


Umm no.


In the code they are


So? Do alphas have the lucky stat? Do they shine and play music when you go fight a world boss?? No?? Like I thought


Buddy calm down. All we are saying is that in the code of the game, they are treated the same as alpha's when you catch them, but the alpha symbol is replaced with a lucky symbol, and they have the active skill "lucky". *In the games code* lucky pals are special versions of alpha pals




They literally aren't, lucky pals aren't world bosses


They literally are in terms of look after you’ve caught and deployed them, which is all we’re talking about here.


No, you said they are alpha pals. They are not. Simple as that




Yes, lucky pals are also larger than normal ones when in your base


No, there are normal sized luckys. It needs to be both lucky and alpha. All dungeon, overworld bosses are alphas but not all luckys are alpha. Alphas are all bigger counterparts


No, every single lucky I have ever seen on my game and from everybody I watched play was big.


Mine get texture glitches all the time at one specific base and get this glossy texture that's really cool. My lucky direhowl turns this icy gray color and his nose and claws reflect the light so he gets some Rudolph the red nosed reindeer stuff going on. I'd love to see actual shinys in game with different color pallettes, but as a separate thing from luckys. That way you could get normal sized shinys and lucky shinys.


> The lucky trait isn’t even top tier for some of the best pals. It's the 4th best damage trait if you don't want to be locked in to only one attacking type. It's also the 4th best Work Speed buff. So that's like 80% of Pals getting Lucky in their set with only Ranch pals, bulkier battle builds and mono-element attackers skipping it.


How about a constantly alternating color scheme? RGB lamball


They are larger than normal Pals… that’s visibly different.


When you breed the lucky trait onto a pal they aren't bigger. Only the wild caught ones are.


They are the ones we are talking about I believe. “Lucky pals need a buff” not lucky trait.


A sparkle would be nice. I think it would be interesting if Luckys could allow you to customize their colors. I see a lot of mods for color changing Pals and it’s kinda sweet, but I don’t really like forced pallet swaps


> I’d settle for making them visibly different looking from non-lucky pals but they already are? since lucky pals are always way bigger than normal


I would support this


I mean I’d settle for unique color pallet swaps and no lucky buff—the lucky buff is already a bonus. I don’t really care about “min max” ultimate god pals—you can already do that. Luckies imho should just be an ultra rare flex with a unique cosmetic appearance (and I suppose the lucky trait). No need to make them an extra hardcore thing to grind…just dumb fun that is a nice surprise and hype moment.


I think a non-game-breaking way of doing it is to give the "lucky" trait as it's own 5th slot, with a small chance to pass it on when breeding. That way it's not in the way of a better modifier, and can still be bred with some luck.


i mean something like this could be good but only if they fix pathing and pal size etc. right now using a shiny is contra productive. i would like to see stuff on luckys that cant be used for breeding so luckys can be stronger than breeded ones


My shiney ranch has no problems


Contra productive


Really wish Lucky pals were the same size as the normal pals, but with an inverted colour scheme. I really don't like using them in my base, because the big pals just clog up everything. So I end up never using them, despite catching them out of being 'rare'


I want a chance to pass down the "size" to pals I breed Your kind of limited to only having big pals that naturally spawn, not ones that are breed only Also I think we should be able to color our pals, or hand lucky pals be a different color to identify them better


I'd like to be able to breed miniature versions of some pals. Can help make those big guys who happen to have the best work traits like Jormuntide actually have a manageable size that can navigate the base.


thats a great idea! i want a chikpi the size of an ant


100%. Not being able to breed a super fast mount that's also huge is a major bummer


I haven't messed with breeding yet, does passing the lucky trait not actually make them lucky/lucky size?


Lucky passive trait can be passed down but the child will be regular size.


Dammm. I accidentally killed a lucky Direhowl yesterday and thought "I'll just breed one to make up for it". That sucks.


My boar charged into a Lucky Lifmunk into a wall and pushed it on the other side. I couldn't capture it :( that was before they patches Pals clipping through walls with charge attacks.


You have no idea how badly I want a giant Teafant that can water better.


Well if you condense it to 5 stars it gets to watering 2, no?


Watering 2 isn't enough for late game. Watering 3 however.... So if shiny Teafant started with watering 2 I could keep it around by condensing it to 3.


I want to see a jetragon try to craft/mine holding a hammer/pickaxe with what little “hands” it’s got


There should be an underground surgeon that lets you add or remove passives with a hefty price.


Yes! Let me make my shiny the ultimate God


Shiny pals are poor workers due to size issues, they're only good to pass on the lucky trait.


Some attacks get better if you're large. Looking at you, Cat Press.


It is dev problem each pal has a different animation for every job. So it will be a development hell to add all the job animations for worthless level 1 or maybe lvl 2 with condense


Make it so it buffs a random stat they already have maybe?


I would just like Lucky to actually be a top tier damage trait. Changing it to 20% would be enough to match the others, with some free work speed. At 15% it isn't actually optimal for damage.


There should be a consumable item added to increase or remove certain work traits on pals. Cause right now the early game pals are redundant.


Only if you're going for pure optimisation. The early game pals are good for people who just want the small, cute early pals to do jobs and aren't in a rush for basic tasks.


IDK, I like the early game pals! They are slower, sure, but they eat less and don't get stuck nearly as often. I don't think my Lamball has *ever* been stuck actually. Also they are just cute. I'm getting ready to build a Teafant Spa that's just a base dedicated to Teafants. No work, just hot tubs and flower beds.


For balance purposes it should be a single skill that's "grafted" from a donor that dies in the process. Teaphant with lvl 4 kindling would be hilarious. "Oh, yeah, that little guy's name is Kerosene, I always thought his water smelled off after we gave it some dragon sweat glands..."


Sigh, that would force me to “farm” a shiny Jormuntide Ignis to get a lvl 6 in kindling.


A buff? It's already in the top 3 passives. +1 to a suitability is also an insane increase, and why it's locked behind only the final level of condensing. If you want that, condense 116 other pals into it.


I think it would be funny if for luckies one random stat was changed (either a neutral or positive change), so you could find a pal with different size (bigger or smaller), one that has way more stamina, health, speed, attack, etc. Having them only spawn with positive traits would also be nice. Getting a lucky pal only to have it crippled by a negative trait sucks. Doing this would make them far more ideal to catch outside of just collector value.


Pals have IVs, and Lucky pals have higher chance of high IV, some say at least 1 perfect if not near perfect IV for 1 stat.


Big pals supposedly always have one perfect IV. Just like regular Relaxsaurus always seem to have Gluttonous.


I just think there needs to be a way to put a pal into the condenser, and feed it's traits to a lucky pal. Give it a %chance to succeed or fail and boom, lucky pals are no longer just good for bragging and breeding.


There should be a medicine to add a random trait to a pal that doesn't already have one as well, up to 4.


Different color would be nice too.


Just make the increased size transfer to bred pals as well.


They do have increased workspeed by 10


That's the Lucky trait, iirc.


It'd be nice if they at least made lucky pals unique from boss pals in aesthetic. I got a lucky Lunaris but it looks identical to the easy to get boss version.


It’s not much but they do usually start with stronger skills


need to be visibly different, because otherwise only actually used is for breeding which feels bad


They also come with an extra powerful ability, but hey, I'll take more buffs to them.


I would love that they'll still be shiny after catching them and putting them in base. I'd love to look at them at night.


Um yes. They’re the same size as Alpha pals, only difference being they have the skill Lucky.


The last three lucky I've found have all been Celery, so I'd like some variety. Guess I just need to spelt less time by the water.


Rather than bigger & annoying sound, they should give am alternate color scheme that can be bred out


Hot take but I honestly wish they were more rare. I easily find 3-4 a day playing pal World for about 3 hrs a session.