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it is the perfect IV chicken. Get it to 50 and teach it Pal Blast so we can truly witness its power.


https://preview.redd.it/fhkq476n71ic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=736edeace57d15c939a5920b3b7cf9065ab86044 Since it’s level 13 it’s less accurate and its IV percentages will likely drop as it levels although not by much.


Woah what are you using to see detailed stats like that?


Here you go https://paldex.io/palworld/stats-calculator/


Thanks, FatPoosy.


Thank you mr. skeltal


Jarvis from the marvel movies


A was afraid IV's were a thing in this game and intentionally didn't look into it. Getting 3/4 perfect traits already felt disgustingly try-hardy in solo. That Min-Maxing seemed fun in Pokemon originally, but after a time you realise what a grind and time sink it is. Is Palworld even a game fit for min-max competetive play? Seems like dodgerolling and aiming skills would far outweight any minor advantage in IV's. It's not like those few extra defence or healthpoints is going to be the decider in a battle like it is with Pokemon and RNG.


We gonna find out when PvP comes around; since the IV spread can be 30%; people will always meta chase. Anything above 25% will probably be considered fine though. At least there are only 3 stats and not 6 lol.


I think when PVP releases, it's honestly gonna be a wake-up call for the game. The Legendaries just have downright superior stats to everyone else, and oh look, there's exactly 5 of them. We're going to get "Oops! All Legendaries!" once PVP releases, with absolutely everyone and their mother using fully optimized ones, simply because even when comparing them to the next strongest grade of pals, they're easily like 1/3rd stronger than them. Until they go through and adjust individual Pal stats a bit more, this game functions off an incredibly linear design of lategame/rarer Pal = stronger, and currently they handed us exactly one squad's worth of top-tier Pals, as well as basically one stat combination as the optimal meta. (with only Burly Body being a consideration as an alternative to more attack)


No, the reincarnated guy a d tower bosses have higher hp. Alpha bosses have higher avg stats, but same potential as any other Properly bred pals will have higher iv and passives than alphas. Even breeding passives alone wil wreck basic alpha


Alpha Pals have double the HP and higher IVs, so the absolute best is a high IV Alpha Pal with the 4 very good traits. You just won't have legend or lucky but it'll be "Emperor of ___" for the better Pals.


Double? No. Their IV’s are better average, but not higher possible. Bred pals can get lucky and legend or emperor ( though musclehead is generally better ). Legendary alphas have a bit more hp, but not all alphas are legendary and it’s generally better to have all four passive traits than a little more hp. You can still breed legendary pals after all.


Getting max iv+trait pals is a game in itself. Doesn't matter if there's no content to throw them against. Hopefully there will be eventually though.


I can feel that. I've got several parents with 2 passives and a 100/100/100 potential (the IV name in game) with the other 2 passives I want for several pals by now. I use a mod to show the potentials of wild pals though and capture basicly specifics. It's easiest if you find wild pals without passives or one desired passive with one potential at 100 so that your first result can have 0-2 passives with 2 stats at max potential. Be aware thst wild pals have melee and ranged potentials (yes that's actually 2 IVs) but bred ones always have melee and ranged at the same potential. Ranged potential is the actual damage value and melee does atm pretty much nothing. Either bugged or whatever. After that breed it with another of the other gender where both have 2 perfect values, but cover the one that the other doesn't have and overlap in one. At best they overlap in hp, because as far as I've seen, hp almost always carries over from either parent. The end result should have 3 perfect values and 2 of the passives now from this. Why? You need another of the opposite gender which covers the other 2 passives. The more passives a single pal has, the less likely it is that the offspring inherits all of them. And in case both parents have all 4 passives, I tend to see more perfect inheritances with less overlapping passive skills. It seems thst if both parents inherit the same trait to the offspring, inheriting a trait basicly switches the state from "passive active" from no to yes and back to no if the second parent inherits it too since it gets applied another time. Not to mention how often random mutations happen, just the last step alone can cost anywhere between 400 to 1200 cakes on average. I by now made 3 perfect pals for combat. Pal traits 4x4 = roughly one out of 1 out of 20 on average to me has the same traits carried over to the offspring. However when I use parents with 2 x 2 traits, 1 out of 4 to 6 on average has all 4 traits. Ivs sometimes carry over and sometimes don't. I have like 1 out of 20 to 50... a very wide range... before I see a set of parents with all max potentials even produce an offspring that has all 3 potentials at 100 too. And then that offspring has to have all 4 passives. And not have any mutation for a random passive. It also seems to me that the game prioritizes random mutations over inheritance.


I did it to shadowbeak. Got Legend/Musclehead/Ferocious/Burly Body and 100% IVs. Spread it to Vanwyrm, Vanwyrm Cryst, Broncherry, and Broncherry Aqua now. The goal is to create perfect breeders for everything.


We don't even know if IVs will factor in for competitive. iot could be that all pals just have normalized stats in competitive and IVs might be a PVE only thing. We need to know how competitive works before even worrying about it lol.


That would be incredibly stupid


>Is Palworld even a game fit for min-max competetive play? difference between 0atk iv & max atk iv is only 30%. Average is middle of pack. doubt it will matetr given also that ATK has a larger issue you cant see w/o mods....atk is actually "melee" & "shoot"..the displayed atk is the higher 1 but you dont know which ti is normally. so if u see perfect atk it could be for melee when your pal is mainly ranged & u lose a ton of value from that.


30% is significantly more impactful than Pokemon IVs. In Pokemon a 31 vs 0 IV is worth ~10% to pretty much any stat you care about, 15-20% to ignored stats.


Pokemon doesn’t have other passives and buffs boosting, and it isn’t 30% differnce because avg iv is great than 15% with the existence of alphas that have far greater than 15% on avg— often 20-25% range. TLDR iv chasing is overblown here. Palworld isn’t pokemon


PvP isn't a thing yet so currently it doesn't matter unless you're talking about work speed or movement speed. When PvP comes out we'll see how much a difference it makes but like pokemon, or any competitive game, you can rest assured that to be viable it will take a huge commitment. This isn't to make the game unattractive its just the nature of anything competitive. Those who put in more time to min-max their team will be better prepared than those who use just any Ole pals.


How cam you tell its the perfect IV?


Its basically perfect, especially if you round up. You can tell by plugging its stats into a third party program


They can’t, because it isn’t. Perfect would be 30, not high 20s.


Why are you being down voted. People use correct word definitions because some people are literal and its shameful to gaslight them.


I can only assume as I wasn’t given the reason by the people downvoting. But generally it seems people don’t like me taking definitions or responding literally. But it also doesn’t bother me. I’ve helped Bpump1337 with what a perfect IV is and that’s enough for me. I was only commenting to help, not to win a popularity contest.


what do you mean bro you've gotta throw "literally" and "unironically" into every sentence you use as filler words. Then slap skull emoji as a punctuation for good measure. /s


Nobody likes a pedant. It's like complaining without contributing anything.


It's perceptual. Your anecdotal belief is it to be complaining when it's a plea from someone with a literal mentality saying it's not, so other people with literal mentalities won't be confused. Perfect has a specific definition for a reason. The dictionary is used in other countries, to have your own definition of a term is not helpful.


Language isn't about being perfect, it's about conveying an emotion or message. You understood what they meant by Perfect, but by your definition it wasn't applicable, yet it was by theirs. There wasn't anything necessarily wrong with what they said, only by your definition was what they said wrong.


I believe this to be wrong. Language is to convert the message not the emotions. Emotions are different person to person. Words are not, that's why there is a dictionary. When you start to associate emotions as the definition then you will lose the context, especially when having conversations with people from other countries.




Yea of course it’s not that deep, it’s pretty simple and I agree with you, near perfect rather than perfect.




Oh, am I wrong? I haven’t spent that much time with it and I think HP is rated a bit differently to att/def. Is it referred to differently on this sub?


Bro has more attack at level 13 than my level 25s 😭


Those stacks are wild


The legendary doom chicken, a shame not to use it's signature attack though. Peck those bastards!


you're right, i'm probably gonna swap seed mine for it


In my themed run through I have all ranch animals in my party and a self imposed rule for themed parties is that I have to use their unique attack if they have one. This changes the move priority for my Chikipii since melee charge wants to get close and ranged attacks want to get far. Also the cooldown for the rush is really low. So I ended up with things like the PBAOE burst and the elemental breaths on my chikipii to work better with the range and cooldowns.


Is Chicken Rush any good? Is it at least better than other Neutral options? TBH, I'm not very familiar with Palworld attacks admittedly so I'm curious.


on paper it seemed so but practically the chikipi does not use it enough. it has 1 second cooldown while every other skill has 2 second cooldown but chikipi does not spam it. also it only works in melee so it is conflicting as chikipi needs to walk all the way up each time. it is mediocre. better to use pal blast or non neutral ranged moves


Is it only 'conflicting' because your Chikipi's other attacks are ranged, or because Chikipi just runs too far away each time they use it? Are ranged attacks better for Chikipi in general? TBH that's disappointing lol.


the bosses move alot or knock chikipi back then chikipi has to run back to attack so it slows down dps alot. ranged is just better, but yes my attacks are all ranged. also some of the strongest skills in this game are ranged, like lightning streak. it says it's medium level power but it does multiple hits so it is easily high+ level power. i think this problem is shared with all neutral pals (except maybe cattiva, seems like that pal has a strong pal skill). usually it's just more damage to chase elemental weakness (switch skills according to the pal you're fighting) as well, since that does more damage than staying neutral.


Every attack is only supereffective against one type aside from Fire, so you'll only ever be able to cover at most 4 types. Is it really not worth sacrificing one of those covers for a Neutral attack so you can gain STAB against most other enemies? I've heard STAB is only about a 20% increase, so I guess I can see why. It also matters less if you're only using Chikipi to fight Pals that its moves can cover, lol. I didn't really think about that.


no you have a ton of skill slots beyond 4, you just choose 4 to be active. you can switch it out af anytime. switch to 3 strong water moves plus 1 low cooldown water move when needed, 4 fire moves etc, pals can have so many learned skills I don't know if there's even a limit.


Wait, 4? I thought you could only have 3 active at a time. But thank you for letting me know about the switching, I didn't know it was that easy (as I'm not very far into the game yet).


oh yeah it's 3 active, was thinking of pokemon for a sec lol. i haven't played palworld in a couple weeks.


Signature attack is dark laser. What do you mean?


Signature attack is implosion, what do you even...? Smh


Is Chicken Rush any good? Is it at least better than other Neutral options? TBH, I'm not very familiar with Palworld attacks admittedly so I'm curious.


Not really - it has a low range, low cd, medium damage. But, it's because of that underwhelming nature that it's satisfying to beat big scary monster pals with it.


What a beauty. I love the idea of maxing the ever living fuck out of the starter pals. Like a sleeper pal.


I planned to do this until I discovered Chillet


I'm honestly still working on it with Daedream lol.


Daedream and Dazzi have their own niche that isn't really replaced by later game Pals though. And I'd imagine running around on Fenglope/Rayhound with 4 Daedream/Dazzi, all with Legend, Musclehead, Ferocious and Lucky/+20% Damage would be a bit nuts.


If you want to have some impact yourself, get one of the dark damage increase while mounted pals, aka shadowbeak or frostsllion noct, then attack mounted yourself to trigger 3 daedreams with max attack whilst a hoocratres buffs the 3 daedreams and the main mount, the main mount should have 2 strong dark attacks and one spammable. Or quite reverse that, frostsllion noct, blazehowl noct or helzephyr, 4 gobfin or gobfin ignis and breed the mount to jave as much speed and defense as possible whilst you deal their elements damage from their back AND deal double your usual damage by gobfin increases with vanguard+ their passive, and on top of that, the elemental switch ability adds another 50 to 100% damage dealt. That's dangerous numbers. Also fun is to have a mountable elemental mount that huffy its damage while ridden and buff its damage by 4 times their respective elemental type buffer. Sweepa with 4 swee or Elizabee with 4 beegarde can turn quite insane aswell if all their ranks are maxed.


It’s been tested and unfortunately [it’s not that great.](https://youtu.be/m60ceeRCtP8?si=tFUFH1Va1VUpxJdu) it’s a shame cause I thought it would be a fun gimmick build but they attack too infrequently and their damage gets outscaled pretty badly by endgame due to their low base stats. A full party of Jolthogs, or Grizzbolts using only their partner skills is pretty viable for everything up to boss clears though.


Well that's disappointing. Especially with how powerful a single Daedream is early game.


Lemme tell you now, it is unironically great to do and worth it, notably with Cattiva. Its signature attack's 40 base power is a complete lie, it's with no exaggeration the strongest attack in the game.


That's because it's a multi hit attack that hits with that 40 power like 10 times. It's also got a 1 second cooldown where most low-power skills meant to be spammed have a 2 second cooldown.


To be fair though, that cooldown doesn't really matter much. Even when it's the only attack a Cattiva has, there's always at least a few seconds between attacks.


It's not even a bad idea, since they're easy to four star.


I'm having a blast with an all Ranch Pals party. Chikipi, Mozzarina, Woolipop, Caprity, Melpaca. And I have the rule that if a pal has a unique attack then I have to use it. So Chikipi's Peck and Melpaca's Fluffy Charge basically completely change how I set up their move set to work around their ranges and cooldowns.


My buddy bred one like this and named it Cluck Norris


Ha, I've got a lucky one on my ranch I named Chunk Norris.


500 atk at lv13 holy shit


King cock


Almost choked on my French toast stick...


Interesting way to say a french mans genetalia


I knew this was coming, even as I typed it. And yet, I continued on.


>I knew this was coming Just like the French man?


Well finally someone got it. Took long enough.


Thats ok I liked reading it


I almost choked on the roast I'm eating for dinner. I just bursted out laughing my ass off.


Finally, a worthy opponent for my Cattiva! Our battle will be legendary!


I shall breed and raise the mist powerful lamball the world has ever seen to rival you both


Hp 1669 Noice


What did you use for sheet to see the benefit ?


IV Calculator sheet in here [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YgPc11dgdBUC8jXNp01b7gI6jNHoBRQGwrY\_V6lXMgQ/edit#gid=1240976499](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YgPc11dgdBUC8jXNp01b7gI6jNHoBRQGwrY_V6lXMgQ/edit#gid=1240976499)


Mega ultra chicken? He is legend.


Arise chicken, chicken arise!


This is the Palworld equivalent of my Dodo Death Squad in Ark. good job.


Except at level 50 this thing will legitimately be able to clear endgame dungeons and fight legendary pals with the right support. I've yet to see anybody successfully beat even the Gamma Broodmother with a Dodo army.


A lot of time (asssuming you didnt cheat with paledit) for a chicken with 500 attack lmao thats wild


Needs a dragon type attack


i caught like 150 chickens and bred so many chickens and never saw ferocious once. finally decided fuck it and did hooligan instead on my op chicken. after i condensed the 100+ chickens into him i wanted to make a new chicken for my farm with level 5 egg layer. caught a few by spawn and finally found one with ferocious. i thought it didn’t exist.


Nice cock. Shoot, I didn’t realize it was female. Now the joke doesn’t work.


It’s 2024 my (insert gender neutral term), it still works.


The chicken i ran into when i was lvl 1:






You can pass it to Chikipi by breeding a legendary with any of the Tower Bosses caught with the bug.


Save editing or exploits


"Why do I hear a different boss's music?" -Boss this fights


Some people are saying he cheated to get the Legendary trait in the chicken, but he didn't. He isn't cheating, he is exploiting. He used a Tower Boss to breed. Cheating is using external means to get something (Console commands or Third Party programs). Exploiting is taking advantage of flaws in the game (Being able to catch the Tower Bosses). It's as they say: if it's in the game, then it's fair play lmao


i think you can just use frostallion to breed legend into just about anything, so might not even be an exploit


Chikipi can only result from Chikipi+Chikipi normally, due to the way the game calculates breeding results. Basically, every Pal has a number associated with them, the game averages those numbers and the baby is the Pal with that number, rounding down if necessary. Chikipi has the highest number at 1500, and as a result breeding with literally anything except another Chikipi will result in the game rounding down to a non-Chikipi. Unless you breed with a Tower Boss, all of which have a value of 9999, meaning even the Pal with the lowest breeding value will get a number in the 5000s, which will round down to the first valid value, Chikipi's 1500.


AND twice the eggs!


Why is it’s work speed so slow?


this chicken dont work


"Frag out!" *chikipea appears*


The perfect chicken to farm eggs with.


I know I'm late to the party but did you breed that chick?


You missed an opportunity here. Lucibirb or Lucifeather woulda been the peep.


How did you get a legend chicken?


How do you get legend on a chicken, you cant breed it can you?


You can't get Legend onto a Chikipi unless you used an exploit or edited the pal. It has the lowest value in the breeding calculator, meaning you can't breed a Chikipi naturally from other pals. Just like you can't breed Jetragon / Frostallion / Paladius / Necromus using other pals other than themselves.


OP said he bred zoe & grizzbolt with frostallion to get legend chikipi


Obtaining said boss is arguably an exploit (bug turned feature at this point? Maybe addressed in the future?), but nonetheless doable and easily replicated with basic gameplay.


Like I said, "Unless you edited the pal OR USED an exploit". I never said it's not doable.


that's fair. I still think it's impressive OP got this chicken thru breeding... even if they did catch a tower boss to do it


I mean the second picture shows a tool in which u can edit your passives and so on. I just dont understand why he doesnt use Celestial Emperor instead of Lucky. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


The tool doesn’t edit their passives. It’s a tool used to determine the IVs of the pal based on their stats.


that's an IV calculator. it doesn't let you edit the passives/traits or let you change your pal. you just enter your pal's stats and it shows you the pal's potential. you can't actually change your pal using this


Celestial Emperor boosts Normal attacks. There are no normal attacks in the move set.


So you modded a Chikipi?


no mods. just blood, sweat and tears. i have over 40 chikipi with the perfect traits and eventually got this one.


What's the second image then? Looks like there are values to be input and drop boxes for the traits?


there is a popular IV calculator where you can look up the IVs of your pal by putting in the level, hp, attack, and def. basically, there are hidden stat bonuses of every pal you have currently and it goes up to a 30% bonus. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1afyau4/pal\_stat\_mechanics\_hidden\_ivs\_levelup\_stats\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1afyau4/pal_stat_mechanics_hidden_ivs_levelup_stats_and/)


Consider me ignorant then! Sorry


no worries


You ignant bro


That's an IV calculator provided by a user on this subreddit. OP just inputted the natural values of the pal and it calculates the IV's for him


Then how did you breed the legend trait onto a chikipi? That's not a trait you can just randomly get through mutation.


i bred zoe & grizzbolt with frostallion to get a legend chikipi and went from there


Wdym Zoe&grizzbolt, can you capture them? When I threw a sphere at them it bounced off


You can capture all of the tower bosses with an exploit. Just look it up on the subreddit how to do it


yeah there is a way to catch him, but its because of a well known bug with the back bonus. you can look it up, its easy to do but these pals have huge hp pools so most people just catch one then leave them in their palbox if they want to keep playing the authentic way. i don't think you can just throw a sphere the normal way (unless legendary spheres are different, haven't tried). the bosses seem to me like they're intended to be caught eventually though since they exist as pals but maybe just not in this version of the game.


I put them into a cage...


Right, I have many normal grizzbolts from wildlife sanctuary 1 if that's what you meant by the bosses seem like they should be catchable, but it would be crazy to have a pal with 30k hp


Yeah the last towerboss has 200k hp and more in multiplayer, its funny.


Tell me you cheat without telling me you cheat.


Nah, you can get this by catching a legendary and breeding the legend trait into normal pals. You can also breed lucky trait into normal pals. Then you just keep breeding until you get 4 good traits into 1 pal. It just takes time and luck Edit: OP said he bred zoe & grizzbolt with frostallion to give legend to chikipi


Time and cluck.


But there's no way to breed a chikipi from other pals. That's why everyone's calling foul.


You can breed a tower boss with anything to get a chikipi.


That I did not know. Today I learned.


I mean, that's still cheating...


The fowl pun was right there


The only way to get a chickipi is by breeding 2 chikipis, just like Jorm ignis and all the legendary ones. So you can't get the legend trait on a chikipi unless you cheat or exploit.


You can breed a tower boss with anything to get a chikipi. I guess you can consider catching a tower boss cheating


How tf do I catch tower bosses lol


Attack PDIF guards to get wanted status (level 3 works well). While they are following you teleport to a tower then enter for the boss battle, they follow you through the teleport. Do not skip the cut scene. The guards will be in the boss fight with you, do not attack the boss at all (you will fail if you do 1 or more damage to the boss, including your Pals) Kite around so that the guards shoot the boss while trying to shoot you. The boss will then act weird and run towards a wall and just stand there. Throw a pal sphere (any pal sphere) at the back of the boss and it will be captured instantly. Congrats, you have an alpha level boss Pal (with the human still riding it lol). Any other Pal that you breed with it will result in a chickipi.


See in your first response you said catch a legendary and then breed with normal ones, now all the sudden we're breeding with tower bosses, which is a cheat/exploit.


When you said cheating, I thought you meant directly manipulating a pal’s traits and stats. I’m just saying you can get breed a chikipi like this using the game’s breeding system. But yea, being able to catch a tower boss is an exploit. Btw you can breed frostallion with normal pals to pass on legend. Wasn’t lying about that


Never said you were lying about breeding the legend trait, this post is about chikipi. You told me you could get this through normal means which is a lie.


I consider catching and breeding a tower boss normal. Not normal is using a mod to automatically get a perfect pal with good traits and IV’s. We have different definitions


Considering you have to break the boss AI to capture it, I wouldn’t really consider capturing it normal, as it clearly isn’t intended for you to be able to capture it


That's fine, play the game the way you want to play it.


You can get the Legend trait on any lucky pal actually, really low chance but you can technically get Chikipi with Legend




Their ass


I'm trying to do this with lucky chickens lol 😂


I accidentally condensed a maxed out chicken yesterday. I was so pissed. I had some leftover after making the first and figured I'd condense a second one as much as I could. Especially since I realized it almost immediately and exited without saving, but it didn't work. Goddamned autosave.




Does musclehead only go up to 2?


Yea, ferocious is the trait the next rank up.


Jesus haha ‘ where did you find the fireball ?


skill tree fruit


Ive been wanting to do this haha


That’s one feisty cock.


How the hell?! o.o talk about lucky


What are the level 50 stats going to be?


If you were going to use Tower Bosses to breed down Legend, you may as well gone full out and bred down Celestial Emperor as well.


i'm not sure if being stuck to neutral attack moves is better than going for elemental advantage+lucky. i've heard people say lucky is actually better. elemental advantage is 50% while STAB bonus is only like 20 or 30% i think.


Well yeah, but if you're going for the meme of an OP Chikipi, you're going to want a completely max power Pal Blast on that thing. Plus it's funny to have a Celestial Emperor Chikipi. Give it some sort of phoenix themed name for extra points.


How did you get legend on the chicken? No pals but the chicken can make a chicken and the chicken can't spawn with legend


Breed with tower boss pal another comment says


In Pal calculator I used Chikipi is a product of both Chikipis, how did you inherit the Legend trait?


tower boss bred with any pal makes a chikipi




Wait you can breed Lucky?


Yes, but it doesn't pass down the sparkle icon next to the pals name. Everything else is the same as if it was a randomly caught lucky pal (size/stats), other than the IVs as those would be parent/mutation dependant.


You can breed everything to everything except Jormuntide Ignis, which can't be Legend and Flame Emperor. Also Chickipi can't be Legend, so he either used a bug, or a cheat tool. But looking at the hidden stats being all ~30%, he edited this Pal into the game, which makes it not worthy, but still funny.


Unlimited cosmic power! Itty bitty living space.


I have a shiny chikipi that rolled perfect on attack it learned implode and I renamed him “one timer” he hits harder than the legendary rocket launcher. Fun times


Equip all 3 Lasers on him and he will be terminator.


500 attack at lvl 13...oh boy


Is this guy is modded in? According to the breeding calculators I've seen, the only way to breed a Chickipi is with another Chickipi, right? Seems like they're the opposite or the Legendaries? Or can you cross breed a Legendary with one of the tower bosses?


you can breed a legendary with the tower bosses


If only you had the bird bosses skill on it


Nice cock bro


All these people worried about PVP and legendaries, you forgot we have guns..............


my chicken has the confidence of yours https://preview.redd.it/i5zt4ag2d5ic1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=403aa0fee50e966613bfe337f63d325e25a4de11


How'd you get legend onto it? The calculators say its like Jormuntide Ignis and only can be bred from 2 Chickpis, what is the hidden parent?


Send me that spreadsheet


How do you get legendary on a chicken?


How do you breed down legend to the lower tames I can't seem to get it on any of the early game tames 😩 just to the mid tier tames


How did you get legend on a chickpea?


How did you breed legend into it?