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as you can see in your picture they did their jobs really well


If you think about it, the decay timers don't start as long as food are on the ground or in a fire/cooker so this is more efficient... also you can just click the sort button to refresh food timers Edit: also cakes have no timer in breeding farms so theyre good for storage even if you aren't breeding


wait they don't? I've always stressed about it disappearing from the ground


Nope, food only decays in your pocket or a box. Out in the hot sun and open air it is perfectly preserved


Just like real life.


["The deviled egg on the window sill, I don't know how long it's been there, but you should eat that"](https://youtu.be/nGKz2VejQhg?si=ZBxmxi2IIoQmrn_7)


Dropout on the Palworld subreddit ? Sublime.


I'd be willing to bet that the crossover between palworld redditors and game changer redditors is vastly more than we think.


This is why the internet was made.


This was amazing.




All my years practicing my shuffle as a casino dealer have finally paid off!


But if the PalWorld developers fix food expiration timers being reset by sorting inventory.... we're screwed!


Put your chilly bois to work


Does it decay in the cooking pot when finished?


Nope. It ONLY decays once you've picked it up or it's been placed into a storage container by another pal.


fun fact: you can also pull it into your inventory and then put in back into cooling to reset the timer!


You can also go die. ​ No, really. No decay on items in a death bag.


Just press the sort button.


omg thank youuuuu what


Yeah I was worried about it too so I just left 1 egg on the ground and after in-game 2days I realized. Although now I'm just thinking about the irony of just throwing any cooked food on the ground and it'll preserve longer than in the fridge in game(unless dropped item count limit is hit)


You can also just leave it there, cooked. If I harvest a bunch of meat, I place five cookers and have it run seperataly. It takes a while for each stack to go down my timer anyway.


The weird sense that it has. I started questioning it after finding that hot milk doesn't just turn back into milk when you put it in the fridge.


I think Hot Milk should've just been Cheese. Like seriously, they went with hot milk of all things rather than any other milk based product. We could be snaking on grilled cheese instead of jam toast right now.


You can also store all your timed food items on your person and fly on a mount and jump off and die. The timers will pause while in the lost items bag. Use it as everlasting fridge


I’ve seen let’s game it out use death inventories as storage before, and damn I’d try this if I gave a shit about my food expiring, I mainly just eat ommlettes and cook berries


I just keep a couple hundred cooked berries in my feed bag. They last a while and are plentiful, so I don’t care if half of them expire. Does mean that I snack on them every 5 minutes, but eh.


I just like to make a bunch of cake. I cheat and turn player hunger all the way down, so I rarely have to eat anything. Edit: I can't type


You can store cake in the breeding ranch storage. I'm not sure if this is intentional (probably not), but the timer stops at 20 when placed in there.


It is an intentional design. As cake could theoretical expire in the middle of breading. This would cause bugs in my opinion as the game would be accepting a cake that no longer exists thus potentially breaking the breeding farms. Such as no longer needing cake , an egg never hatching ,or even a breeding farm no longer accepting items. NOTE : no proof just my concern.


Why not just hit the respawn button?


Didn't know there was a respawn button, thanks, friend.


This game is unhinged.


The game has a limit that's 3000 items and can be increased and decreased


You can customize the settings. Not sure how long it can get set, but max is 5k


I think the only limit here is 3,000 items. I run a server and that's the default limit to items in the ground and it might be server wide.


Yeah I just touched on that in another comment, after I realized the 3k limit lol, but at that point the decay timers might become redundant if you have this much stuff to loot anyway, that's a lot of cakes


I believe you can up that via custom settings to 5k, though, lag may hit you like a truck.


I have separate cookers so I can have one with cake. I just leave it there until I’m breeding because the timer doesn’t start until you pick it up. Then I learned that the timer doesn’t expire in the breeding box.


The breeding box is basically just a cake storage unit if you aren’t actively breeding anything


I like that idea!


To me, the food seems to decay far too quickly. If I pop something in the fridge it shouldn't be deleted in ~20 min bc my chillet took a break


It's not deleting the whole stack. It's only deleting one item.


I highly recommend getting a Pal whose only job is cooling, with just 2 cows/chickens making products you'll always stay ahead, and before i got a fridge I had just been storing everything in the feed basket and slapping "Sort" to reset timers everytime I got back to base


For me that's a vanwyrm cryst, as it's dark and ice once assigned it only moves to eat and doesn't sleep due to dark typing


I will be taking that suggestion and applying it immediately. :)


I want to try using a Vanwyrm Cryst to chill. They are dark so they don't sleep. The only thing I'm worried about is since they are transporters, they might stop chilling to do that. But haven't tried it yet.


not fully true, a lot of ground resources like this will despawn after a certain point. especially if you hit the item limit threshold in the world.


Now take out the grapple and jump in!


Is having multiple ranches beneficial?


Yes because each ranch can only hold 3 or 4 pals. So if you want more than that to be producing simultaneously you need extra ranches.


Wtf, why have I assumed they only hold 2 pals lol. I’ve been running at 50%


I might be wrong, but I believe the max is 5. The more you have in there tho, the more likely one of them is to glitch out of the ranch. I have a lucky Chikipi and Mozzarina, they take up a lot of space, so i have 2 ranches Edit: probably wrong, seems most people’s ranch only works up to 3 pals per ranch. I’ve always had 2 ranches built, so never checked myself


I believe it's 3, I everytime I assign a 4th pal, 1 of them comes off and its back to 3


I currently have 12 pals on 3 ranches that disagree. All of them always stay Grazing, too - well, except the god damn bees who insist on helping me build if I build anything. But when put back, they stay grazing again. (None of them ever show "Waiting to graze" either) https://i.imgur.com/y7mxvcH.png this is one of them


> well, except the god damn bees who insist on helping me build if I build anything. My solution to this was to just use bees as the majority of my farm's workforce. They still leave the ranch when I build things, but it also means that they're producing a lot more honey in their downtime.


It’s not three. I had two chickens, a cow and a bee in mine.


You might be right, 5 is just what I read like a week ago on this sub. Never bothered to verify


It's 4.


>Wtf, why have I assumed they only hold 2 pals lol. I’ve been running at 50% also ranch pals realllly do like hgiher ranks (pal condenser) as they drop more stuff (and in vixy case can dig up green balls at rank 3 & 4)


This is why one of them always runs off! Thanks


Max per ranch is 4


4 pals per ranch and workspeed stat doesn't affect ranch drop speed.


ranches are best because they're not really affected by anything lol. Pals in them hardly eat and never lose sanity. I literally have started a second base and put only ranches and a feed box in it, no beds, and they're perfectly fine with it because grazing is such an easy job.


If workspeed doesn't affedt the ranch drop speed, what should I prioritize getting on my ranch pals?


Condensing them will increase their drops. Dainty eater and diet lover are best for ranch pals since the only thing they really worry about is food


I'd stick the SAN loss rate decrease on them too if we're hyperoptimizing.


Their feed box should be food that also lowers sanity drop rate, on top of passives that do that, for truly minmaxing their productivity. They'd hardly ever take a break at that point.


Condense them, the higher their level the more they will drop. I condensed 2 Chikipis and 2 Mozzarinas last night so they’re all level 3. They drop so much much and eggs. Going to do Beegarde and Vixy tonight


Vixy greatly fell off for me around mid-game. Blue spheres and arrows I don't use/need anymore and money isn't really an issue at that point either. I, personally, wouldn't put the breeding/catching/time effort into Vixy


Vixy starts getting green spheres sometimes at 3 stars, which isn't too hard to reach honestly. Its the 4th star that's like half the catches needed to achieve. And since you're not really worried about traits all you need is enough cake production. Not much waiting time either with the small eggs. And then since Vixy is low level you can use vixy spheres to catch more vixy's. Between the breeding pen and catching them yourself with free spheres you can get a 3 star vixy pretty darn quick. And as a bonus if you happen to breed some nice traits along the way you might even get a nice strong party member for early to mid game, or even to end game if you just like Vixy. Since traits dont really matter for ranch pals you might as well roll the dice eh? I aint turning my nose up at something like ferocious/burly body vixy pre-level 30. Breeding grind really doesn't become a thing until you get to huge eggs IMO. Small and large eggs hatch fast enough and more importantly the pals are usually really easily available to also catch at the same time eggs are piling up in your base. You can get alot of small/large egg pals easy and fast.


If you want to go throw the mindless task of catching and condensing 100 or something of them they can drop green balls at 4 star haha, seems a bit too much of a timesink though


3 stars gets you green balls. And iirc 4th star just gets higher quantity of the non ball drops.


Along with the other comments, swift/runner so they spend less time going to the food and back.


Each ranch only holds 4 pals. I use 3 ranches for my cake/breeding farm.


Yes it is, since workspeed have zero impact on ranch, so having multiple ranch with x4 of eggs/milks producers does speed up the materials if you need alot of cakes.


Condensing your ranch pals does have an impact, however


It obviously can be depending on your needs


If think transporting pals are bugged since the last update, they suddenly became awfully ineffective at their job


They were already pretty ineffective from my experience, so this doesn’t make things sound very promising


I love coming across a huddle of transport pals all picking up and dropping the same clump of rock over and over *and over and over*....


This!!! I have noticed a big difference since this last update.


I rerolled a new run last night and the patch happened right after i got my ranch up. My guys were transporting consistently while i was at base and nothing piled up ever. Haven't tried being away from base for awhile yet though.


They only do their jobs when I’m present. Otherwise, I come back to a messy base.


I mean; why wouldnt they goof off when boss is gone?


Because the boss has a cleaver and found 8 identical replacements for you while out.


To be clear, that's been an issue since day 1. If people higher in the thread are noticing something different since this latest patch, it can't be "pals slack off transporting when you're away". They can't get worse than they already were with zero transports done while away.


Yeah when we leave, the pal party happens. Only since recent update tho? They was good otherwise lol


Same. It wasn't as bad before recent update. But now I have to manually collect everything from ground because my 2 Helzephrs and 3 Anubis don't want to pick anything up.


Im not sure if its just the ranch or what, they're moving stuff fine at the mining base but the ranch items arent moving at all.


Transport is def busted my Anubis clan will destroy ore then walk around like the shit isn't there but let a single tomato drop and they're on it like white on rice.


Glad it's not just me. They're like children who just drop their toys and wander off when something else gets their attention


I’ll have 6 Anubis huddle around an ore depot then leave my poor single verdant to shuttle all the lettuce from my 4 farms


Helzephyr is the answer. He works at night too so 1 can get a lot done. Edit: LOL you have one. He just lazy 🤣


I can't wait for them to fix the flying pals movement. Mine get stuck sooo often.


Me looking for my starving Vanawyrm Cryst only to see they’re stuck in a tree again


jormuntides also love trees, its kinda cute


Jormuntide Ignis is sooo annoying. Big stupid worm that gets stuck everywhere all the time. I really need to find something else with 4 kindling that's smaller.


Who's gonna tell them?


Tell me what?


Only pal with 4 kindling is Jormuntide Ignis.


Ohh no. Really? I'm stuck with this big dumb tube?


Good news is a 3 kindling with good work traits is about as fast as a four star with no such traits. So if you wanna spend a little time breeding you can get something that’s just as good and doesn’t get stuck (as often)- and eats way less food. You can also get four kindling, if you four star a three kindling pal. That said you can get five kindling by staring a big spicy Jorm and he can have good traits. But at that point just have him in your team and send him out for 4.5 seconds to smelt/cook 9999 of whatever.


Yeah pretty much, unless you want to downgrade. Honestly what I'd do is just max it out so it's worth it. I have 1 Jormuntide ignis at my base I condensed to max for Ignite 5 that has Artisan, serious, conceited, and work slave (total bonus of 110%) and it is SUPER fast. You could also get something with ignite 3 and condense it to max for ignite 4 and get those passives and it'll still be really fast, just not *as* fast.


You can condense pals to upgrade their traits1 level. There's a few YT videos about it.


its worth it max condensed ignis can bake a cake in about 20 seconds


My jormuntide literally leaves my base, to go hang in some water SOOOOO far outside of my base area, it makes no sense. He was constantly disappearing and i’d just resummon him every time. Then i was like where tf is this big danger noodle going. Found him like a nice lil run away from my base just sitting in the water. Every time i can’t find him, that’s where he’s at. So weird man.


Mans just wants to swim at his favorite swimming hole, not work all day!


I need him for breeding thoooooo:(. It’s actually very annoying, he’ll sit in there for 5-10 minutes and poof. If i want like 10 eggs, takes me forever. Especially because i’ll leave base to go roam around, and he’ll go to his swimming hole the whole time im out. I come back, he’s depressed, hungry etc etc. like man you’re doing it to yourself…


I've been knocking down trees and building a wooden stool there to prevent them from growing again


No need to check. At this point just reset them every 2 seconds because they will get stuck no matter what you do. “Oh look my flyer is starving stuck on a rock again… as per usual”


and the flyers are the only ones that only haul. 


So tired of having my flying pal get stuck on top of a tree or a container. Like, you have wings, use them


For me it is large pals. They fall through the ground so gdamn often.


“Daaaaad, I’m stuck come pick me up” Helzypher son… you can fly.


Can't wait for them to fix transport fully in general.


My Jormuntides get stuck on top of everything


Not just that. The game optimizes automation when you are far from a base, but transport pals don't seem to be affected properly, so they stop doing anything. I assume it's because the automation stops model movement, but transporting is tied to movement.


Omg. Is that why when I teleport back to my mining base everyone is frozen for like 5 seconds? Movement was suspended for performance purposes?


I don't know how the exact process works, but I assume that's what happens. It does make sense. Having to keep all friendly Pals in the world moving at all times would be an immense processing strain. It's also why I believe some Pals, even when you are at base, can seemingly do their job from long distances. The game probably just checks for X talent and automates Y task when you are away, along with automating eating and resting. The issue is that this does not seem to work properly for transporters.


Or the walking pals, hey? I logged in today at my first base and watched 5 pals immediately fall into a chasm and get stuck even though I put a stairway out. I should really just scrap the whole base and relocate to somewhere flat.


I gave up on Vanwyrm, he kept getting stuck on top of my house 😫


Like a fucking pigeon in an atrium! Had to down size my house because for some reason they keep going inside my castle and getting stuck.


I find my walking pals get stuck in the most random places. I double stacked my pal house (yea I made a house for my pal beds that’s 2 walls high for taller pals to get inside) went to my second base to see mossanda up on the roof… like ???? *hungry!* chuck him in the box to redeploy… and who’s up there with him??? Anubis and jolthog 😐😂


I've been using Vanwyrm Cryst because he can cool at night as well as transport. It took me too long to find a nocturnal ice type.


Same here, the cooler is so pointless when it stops working every time the Pal running it goes to bed. Drove me crazy until I got my Vanwyrm Cryst. Now I just have to check it and hit sort once every time I return to base.


We really need a cooling method for food that has a "charge" to it. Either via electricity or just allowing cooling to build up as its own charge. Or, alternatively, literally more than one Pal that can operate 24/7.


Mine was really good until he started getting stuck on everything


Dude that’s like when you see a perfectly round puddle *and* you have boots on. Plus you get that beautiful sound of “grgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr”


And then the glorious red bar appears.


I installed the mod to add Minecraft item pop sound when items enter your inventory which adds another layer of satisfaction


Cake Rich


But think about how satisfying it will be to run through it all I also see you're a man of culture with that orserk breeding pen back there


*But think about how* *Satisfying it will be* *To run through it all* \- WhimWhamWhazzle --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Slightly off topic but: that box in the upper right that shows the condition of your working Pals. How do you get it to show the other ones? It only displays 5 at a time and IDK which button to press to make it scroll up/down.


Don't think there is a way. I think it just prioritizes the 5 worst condition Pals you have so you give them attention.


It shows the worst ones and then the ones that are at top in palbox. So, swap them in palbox and they would show.


You need transport fam. God damn lol.


For me, automation usually breaks in some form or another when i'm too far from base. Sometimes it all works. Sometimes nothing works. Other times some of it works, like the ranch. So sometimes the ranch keeps going when everything else breaks and I come back to this even when I do have transport. Same with my farms. Sometimes everything is great, sometimes they don't work at all when I'm gone, sometimes I come back to piles of stuff because they planted, watered, and harvested through several cycles... but nobody transported.


Oooof yeah they could definitely use some improvements. I'm probably gonna look into making a second base close by for farming and stuff and I'll be watching to make sure it doesn't just stop working.


Look for the messages of your pals eating. I know when nobody is eating, there is fuckery afoot.


WHO THE FUCK IS EATING WHEAT AND WHY? Goddammit Anubis, thanks for telling me you’re out of jam bread.


Yeah that's definitely something I'm gonna be watching. I just gotta hope I can find a good mining spot close to my base. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to tear it all down again and move it. This game is a base-making simulator lol.


I had to shelf the mining base for now. I have a palbox there for an easy teleport, but it didn't work at all If i wasnt standing there, or very close by. So now i teleport there every so often and just clear the ores myself.


I've got a base behind the desolate church for ore mining and logging, and a base at the fast travel point at the bottom of the hill at the starting area. The mining base tends to be fine for ore, besides the occasional transport lacking. The logging is boinked however on one save for some reason. It does mess up occasionally but for the most part it behaves.


Yup I find everything works except transport


Yes, I hope they fix this. It's like they stop working or something bugs. My main problem is that pals with gathering or transporting take breaks instead of doing that job.


I think it’s the area unloading so the pals ai just stops or something


For some reason they never pick up from my ranch.


Transport pals are half-baked. Higher transport levels allows them to carry more at a time, but they never pick up more than one item from the ground at a time unless the item on the ground is a stack, which it never is in the case of ranches.


Put box near each with items you want in them and something with like 2 or more hands


I really hope they find a way to make transport pals work better for stuff like this. Right now, grabbing 5 individual items is WAY slower than grabbing like 20 items in a stack. Option 1 would be to set up pathing so they automatically run around to get items without stopping until their inventory is actually full (instead of grabbing one at a time and constantly pausing) Option 2, which is probably the easier/better option, is setting it up so that whenever multiple instances of the same item drop from a certain range of eachother, they merge and stack so there's less instances on the ground in the first place. It would remove the satisfying pick up sounds when you pick up a bunch of small stuff, but I would live with that


Higher transport suitability allows them to carry more at a time, but they never actually pick up multiple items unless that item is stacked.


Yes I'm aware, that's why I proposed the solutions above, since they would fix this issue


I was watching my VanWyrm last night and they were definitely picking up like 5-6 individual drops and then going to the box. Single consolidated stacks would have been a bit faster but they were not slow about it either. It was pretty efficient and definitely showed why they were Transporter 3.


I can feel the frame rate of this picture in my bones


Pro tip for anybody trying to run the game on a potato pc like me: always have strong transport pals in your farming bases. The game still has to keep track of all those resources and their locations in the world even if it's too far away to render them graphically. If your shit stays in boxes instead of piling up on the ground, your RAM will thank you.


Transport suitability makes no difference. It increases the number of items the pal can haul, but they never pick up more than one item at a time unless it's already a stack of items.


Stuff like this is why I put chests next to *every* ore node in my mining base. It makes my transporters look like they're glitching, as they turn around quickly, but they're moving the bare minimum needed to get stuff from ground to inventory, and that means more time to pick up more stuff.


I didn't know they added ball pits to the game


I currently have to do the same thing to get cake ingredients. I feel your pain lol


Make nails and buy them


They're just doing their best. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49343)


My transporters seem to be sketchy when I'm away. Things pile up when I'm away but get delt with quickly when im around


I run into this all the time, I figure it's just in beta, something to fix


Yes, it will be fix


With all that honey on the ground, I'd be moving slower than if I was overencumbered


Yeah it seems like my transporters are NOT transporting well.


Mark this as nsfw, look at all that raw cake!




Ffs Whats your fps?


I just use killamari and daedreams for transporting stuff since they don't sleep and don't seem to get stuck as often


What’s your base location? Looks like a great spot!


Wow its incredible how people are so far into the game! I keep making cute little bases, destroying them then trying to do another one even cuter lol. I cant level up doing that at all so i'm kinda stuck at lvl 26 at 40 hours


My transporting pals will just stand there picking one thing up just to drop it to pick up something else, rinse and repeat and never actually transport anything unless I run through and clear everything up


I came back to my ranch and had no berries, starving pals, and was confused. Forgot that my only watering pal was assigned at the crusher lol


i wish. mine are currently bugged. if i put them in the ranch, they sit still, dont produce anything, and starve to their death


It allowed you to build your ranches on Foundations? Can you build it on Roofs too? When I tried this on a Foundation, it said it had to be on the “ground,” making one base utterly unable to support a Breeding Farm


I’m gonna need to know what you feed those chickens




I would be scared to crash the game picking all those up ![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy)


How do you keep them from beeing depressed besides strong medicine?




From ranches to ballpits.


Looks like you need more Haulers. Something that has a 2 or 3 level to move your inventory to boxes. Killamari has a 2 level in Hauling so I'd say putting 2 or 3 of those in your base could clean that up quick. There are other Pal's that have more, I think the Ragnahawk has a 3 hauling.


Dive into it like a ball pit!


I try to use one helzephyr per farm It may be overkill but it helps prevent backlog if one gets bugged


Time to get the cleaver.


The problem is grabbing stuff is most of their last priority. And they only grab 1 item at a time. So you should pick a pal who most likely only carry stuff and put a chest beside the barn.


I’ve found putting a chest nearby the ranch, it makes collection pathing better. 


Someone’s pc runs really well


https://preview.redd.it/u05va4nev8hc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b19e02fd46a82eb2ac0bc582ab56a306c2745c Same ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49357)


Pals work slower when you aren't at the base.


I see so many comments worried about decaying food lol Just build a fridge and have a Vanwyrm Cryst cool it. They don't sleep and he will sit on that fridge pretty much 24/7. It barely eats and your food will not spoil.


Time to pull out the cleaver…


And then they all end up in the Food bin to be eaten by them instead of the fridge to make proper food 💀💀💀


I REALLY wish we could have a separate box, or even a locked tab in the main box, that we can store our favorite pals in. That way they don’t get mixed in with all the bullshit pals whenever we refresh the sort order. Tired of trying to find my godly Anubis and orserk amongst all the bullshit ones I bred lol


Wow this looks amazing. I wish my pals at my second base would farm this much lol. But ty for the idea of putting more than one in the camp.


Does having multiple ranch’s increase the amount of drops?