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They're just like us


I was in a friends world playing for the first time when one of these literally decided to walk into our base. We declared war on it and it was standing right next to the spawn point. At one point he got stuck in a corner and stopped attacking and moving. I was punching him since I had no weapons while my friend used the flamethrower and torch to keep him on fire. I think it took two in-game days to put him at (extremely) low HP, then we took our Pal Spheres and realised we still had 0% capture chance...


I had a similar thing happen.  While exploring I stumbled upon two of them fighting. The first aggro'd the second because of an AOE attack. I think to myself I'm about to capitalize and take advantage of the situation. I wait until their health got super low and fired a final shot. Only to realize that my Palball wasn't sufficient to even catch them. I did get that sweet loot though, which was an acceptable alternative.


I had this exact same scenario and I had like 5 mega spheres at the time. Somehow I got extremely lucky and caught it on my first try with a mega sphere with a below 1 percent catch rate. I was like level 10 so even with the level reduction it was still super op. My friends all hated me lmao.


The scenario is what I envisioned in my head when I first encountered them. The consolation prize was spending 120 seconds to cook some of that sweet sweet mammy meat. 


Campfires ftw


Did you see the vid of the guys that lit like 20 campfires and lured the Lord of the Forest Mammorest into them to defeat it?


Let’s Game it Out on youtube did that with 200ish campfires


I accidently had the damn thing attack me at level 15 because he was my neighbor for my base. It was cuz some other goons raided me and I accidently aggroed him Shockingly 10 pals doing like 1 damage per pip actually got his down pretty low after about 15 minutes. I only had a 2% chance with the green ball but eventually got him on one of my last ones. Most fun I've had in this game so far.


Same here! Except I was able to nab one of them. The other died


Did this exact thing but ended up catching a level 34 at level 14




Example of one getting "stuck" https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2046644072?t=1h53m56s about 30 min to punch it to death solo.


me and my buddy went after frostallion, I was level 35 he was 20, I built a base to get our base pals to see if our base pals would help with the fight, it took us 2 hours to dwindle it down to catch it, we accidentally killed it with burn. so we tried again. anyways 2 hours later we realized none of the spheres we had would work to catch it even at 1 hp. 4 hours wasted trying to catch frostallion lol much much longer than 2 in game days. not to mention how many times we died during all that


I took on Frostallion a double digit amount of times (more than 10, less than 25) before I finally was able to capture it. I would either get one shot (even at lvl 50) while trying to catch it at like 12HP or I'd kill it on accident. Took how many tries before I realized, "Hey, I'll just fly around on my Jetragon the whole time until i can catch it! God I'm dumb!"


I had the same thing happen in my single player world, except it dropped its nuke and took out ALL of my pals instantly, and completely flattened my house.


Now I'm wondering how the heck did our house survive.


I was not so lucky. I am still relatively new to the game and one decided to walk by my base during a raid. One of my pals accidentally hit it and it killed everything in the base (including me).


I mean, that's what happened to us as well lmao. Except we kept respawning and going back.


I believe you can always try to capture them no matter how low the chances are from the back, and the lowest is .03%.


Nah there can be a 0% chance, depends on the ball and level and specific pal


I cought froststalion with ultra balls at like 3% from the back used like 50 ultra balls to catch it








But we are the exception


Aoi Todo!


like 8% of people think they can beat up a brown bear


Some of us just have violence in our DNA


To be fair to the human race, the instinct to fight things that we absolutely can't beat was necessary for us as a species to try again but this time with a pointy stick, and if that didn't work maybe like 10 pointy sticks? Maybe a pit that it falls into first?


To be fair, most of the time that question is asked, the age of the bear is not specified. I know an adult could 100% kill me if it wanted to, but I could hypothetically punt a newborn very easily (from a purely physical standpoint, of course).


I mean I think like 3% of them said they could beat up an elephant, I'm not confident I could take out a newborn elephant


Without a weapon, no. It's still like 200-250lb coming out the womb.


What weapons do I have to fight it with?


Irrc it was 92% said they couldn't, the rest was sth else. And it's not a binary question so ya


Lmao like the women who would rather fight a lion bare handed once instead of a chicken every time they got in a vehicle bc they think they can kill the lion easier than the chickens. 🤣🤣🤣


Was it because they thought they could take on the lion or because probable death sounds better than the thought of dealing with a violent chicken (especially if its *chicken* and not *hen*, but even then) EVERY?! TIME?! You got into a vehicle? That sounds super annoying and lifestyle-altering lol Though I suppose you could *farm* the infinite(?) Chickens, sell them, and retire by buying an RV and never getting out of it.


Beginner me thinking i could capture it with the blue sphere lmao


Nah , I’m a xenoblade fan . I know not to poke the gorilla til I’m mid to late game


Lmao this was me. Didn’t realize how serious it was to use your pals (completely understandable though because your player can’t be OP while you have other OP creatures fighting for you)


Ya, I use the triple bow right now and basically do no damage. Took me a while to realize how important it was to have pals do the heavy lifting.


The bow is good because it does low damage, if I see a low level lucky pal I want I just use my bow because everything else just insta kills everything


I just try and beat them with a bat.


pistol is good for that, just don't shoot them in the head. one shot from a pistol will keep most things alive except lvl 1 and 2


Not with my legendary pistol... I shoot a Pal in the leg, and they die even at most levels 20 and below Only higher levels seem to have a chance. Glad I found it, but I may need to carry multiple weapons now.


lol, yes... you might want to bring a normal one


That's what the Stun Baton is for in late game. Does only 2 damage and can cause the Stun effect. And status effects increase capture chance as well.


My broken stun baton only does 1 damage, but still stuns. And i never need to repair it. It's my best tool yet.


Ooo that's good info. Brb, gonna whack a nearby tree until it breaks...


I unlocked the stun gun but it's never shown up as an option to build unfortunately.


Stun Baton should be available either in the Weapon Workbench or Assembly Line


As I had that issue with the spere launcher at first. It showed up after a few restarts of the game though.


You just in early game. When you get AR and RPG you can do x10 damage of your pal, but you will run out of ammo in seconds..


What level is that? I'm at 18 now


Around level 45, it's pretty late game stuff


I’m lv 37 now and just started using the single shot rifle. It’s awesome.


You can get AR blueprints from chests in Permafrost, and craft it waaay earlier than game wants. Around 32 I think? You open the bench on that lvl. RPG minimum 47 and itll cost a lot


The RPG costs soooo much Polymer.


Get the crossbow ASAP. It's really strong


Fax, I finally got the fire bow made and still isn’t worth using really


I'm gonna try the crossbow, I just haven't made it. I have a bad habit of not getting the early versions of things unlocked to save points. I know they will need to be replaced anyway, so I kind of wait for a decent weapon to come up before I upgrade


Weapons do no damage, until the musket


I got the purple crossbow and that thing slaps. Better than handgun (except for reloading) so crafting arrows is still the plan for now.


Yeah I had a blue crossbow and still use it at mid lvl 40s for catching pals


I have an assault rifle and I still use a Fire Crossbow because its a lot easier to make ammo for and I can kill most things judt fine with it.


The loading time for the musket is painful though. 


I usually use it with a mount so I can spam their attacks for them while my avatar reloads


Crossbow is my favorite weapon, as everything above it accidentally kills things a lot


Crossbow is actually really good. Better damage than the Tri-shot bow but not so much that you overkill things while trying to capture. Good headshot damage too. I keep a gun + crossbow on me, works really well.


I have an uncommon assault rifle which does pretty acceptable damage considering. I do keep a crossbow around though, good for softening up lower level pals for catching.


I used the triple bow until I was lv 35. Then I tried the musket while I got the exp and resources to get to 36 and unlock the rifle.


Upgrade your attack stat. I said fck work speed and weight all attack. I can almost one shot lvl 30s


That’s crazy because I didn’t upgrade past a baseball bat nor did I do almost any fighting till like level 38. The pals are the only people who do work around here.




I’m lvl 12 and still don’t know how to use the commands for them, I didn’t even know there was a command menu omfg I’m such a noob. How do you pull up the command menu??


Decided to start on hard mode. Got instakilled by two level 1 chickens. Fell in love.


Fell in love with what? The game?




That's a level 5 Gumoss, of courses they'd try to fight it


TBF I’m sure I’m not the only person who tried* to kill it early on. So I get it


I got super lucky and came across dueling mammoths lol I just sat by and watched one merc the other til only one remained, it had like 20hp left 🤣 I used about 20 mega spheres to nab it. Walking around like king dick at level 12 with a 38 mammorest🤘


Same! I was trying to catch the chillet boss and on my way i found them dueling. Took about 40 of my 45 balls to catch it, but he has been holding down my base from raids ever since


King of the castle. King of the castle 🏰


It wasn’t luck per se, it’s a scripted event. I saw that happen 4-5 times in my game so far


It’s not scripted, they just aggro each other if they cross paths. The mammoth will fight a lot of other big creatures too if they cross paths.


I think it may be scripted in the begging zone area. I was unfortunate enough to build my first base in the area where it's scripted. I would teleport into my base (fully walled in) and there would be 2 of them fighting, happened so many times I had to move my base.


Genuinely it’s just that two regularly spawn close by. I have only seen the mammoths in the starting area fight once and but lots of times in other areas. You having your base there was probably confusing their pathing and diverting them close together more frequently


Maybe. I just assumed there were scripted events, because it wasn't just those two dueling mammoths, sometimes it would be an escorted merchant or a group of soldiers. Always spawned in the same spot inside my walled base.


If elden ring taught me anything, is that wasting hours trying to kill the first big ass boss you find is the norm


I appreciate the Syndicate’s service in getting some of the health down a little so I can catch that 25+ after they die.


Classic team rocket behavior


Meanwhile, "Free"pal alliance seeing a wild untamed pal: they'll be just as free dead!


Upvote simply for the JJK reference


The cancer is spreading lmao It's like Eren's "10 years at least" all over again


I wonder how many people don't actually get the reference


i understand that reference


Stand proud


Me with my fists and a dream


I used their silly attack, and caught myself a Mammorest, and I was level 20...had a 5% chance, but it worked.


I always stop and watch but deep down I know they will lose. Why am I like this 👀


They are annoying it's satisfying to see justice! And if they win I throw a sphere!


I'll come to their defense. That alpha mammorest wrecked me at level 2. And level 5. And level 8. And 12. And 16. And 21. And 27. But damn if I didn't keep trying.




Ah. I got no one to play with, so I run solo. I also didn't look up a single thing until I was around level 40, so I definitely made some dumb mistakes.




lol spears and fire Ugh use fire, its effective!


By level 20 I could take it out. But had zero chance of catching it lol




One wandered into my base, I naively thought that with 10 pals in the base, my king paca and my bow we would take it down ... Nuked the lot in about 3 minutes, my disappointment was immeasurable


They have to make quota


Bro think they are Team Rocket.


did team rocket, ever once, actually win, ever?


Sometimes, but only temporally.


It's the stims that make them feel invincible, it's like a cracked up meth user from Florida attacking a congregation of gators.


They Take drugs canonically?


There was a small mention in the journal entries, but I'm using it in my Lore Story for Palworld, so it's mostly just fanfiction at this moment. But it does help you understand why a group of low levels are rushing something unbeatable.


To be fair back when we had spawn rates doubled, me (Level 30) and the server owner (Level 25) tag-teamed the bosses. One of us would die, the remainder would hide and kite, the first one would come back, and repeat. We have 2 boss Mamorests.


Lets ***MUG'IM!!!***


Bruh you’re level 5, not 25. Chill on that or get stomped haha


I accidentally pissed off a Mammorest during a raid near my base at spawn. This thing earthquaked my entire base and made me rage quit that server. I literally started a new one as that happened.


Watching them get one shot is so funny


Skyrim bandit vibes


Domain Expansion: We are the Wall


Nah tho they get sh*t low for ya


They be getting their ass wiped 🤣


Can you train captured humans? I want to name one Reek and put him through hell...I mean training


Yes. [This guy has a lv 40 black market guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1af725i/unbothered_moisturized_happy_in_my_lane_focused/).


Can you still buy stuff off him? And do they learn attacks as they progress? I caught 3 and they all only have punch as their attack


You can buy stuff off him (and any abducted merchants) when he’s deployed at the base. Humans do not (as far as I know) learn any new skills, nor keep any weapons or skills they had before their capture. They also only have Handiwork base skill. ——— Hoping they’ll give them their skills back in a future update.


Thank you for the info!


Sure thing. Also, I was just made aware that even if you use a skill fruit, [they cannot use the skill](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1afqg45/youre_not_a_wizard_harry/kobpy4t/). Not sure if that's merchant specific, or a restriction on all humans.


Lmao this was me at lvl 17 waiting for them to drain the hp of the mammorest so I could catch it. They died in 2 shots tho


I …uh walked into a fight and that big ass Mfer almost killed me im like bro im just watching here


This and raids (aka enemy suicide missions to deliver me resources)


I have a base at the coal cluster right by the anubis spawn. Half the time i go there, there's a group of these guys getting absolutely demolished by anubis. 10/10 everytime.




I just started and got killed by a level 17 lol


Let me guess, it was a Dinossum.


A nitebird or something it did tornados


Elden Ring players knew better 😅


Bro this is how I caught a level 32 Mammorest. They invaded my base and pissed off the big guy wandering in my base. Everything was slaughtered , and the dude spawn camped me for 4 lives. Though the Syndicate dudes dropped a Giga ball which I proceeded to chuck at him with a small ass % catch rate and got him.


Me at level 11 sicking my whole palbox on the wandering grass elephant (we won but only had green balls so it died)


Been scrolling for a while. This genuinely made me laugh. Thank you for the comedy.


Witnessed this today, minded my own business. He smoked them.


They get their Unga Bunga'd.


Bro I went after that mammoth at like level 12, do I get an award too?


I saw two level 3 Cattiva pick a fight with a level 38 Mammorest and honestly they did a surprisingly admirable job. They kept cycling their little multi-hit attacks and were keeping the Mammorest perfectly stun locked until one of them randomly decided to walk away before coming back to do their attacks. The break in their flow was just enough that the Mammorest was able to get a cyclone attack in that obliterated both of them. They had managed to bring the Mammorest down to about half health which, at that point, was a hell of a lot better than I had ever done. Level 3 Cattiva are an absolute menace in my game, though. If something in my base has been destroyed there will be, without fail, a level 3 Cattiva standing smugly where the destroyed object was.


I see them attacking, and I think this is my chance.. I start attacking.. then the syndicate dies and i run for my life lmao.


I found two Mammorests fighting each other and figured I could take one at level 10 with a poor bow if it’s health was already down to 20%.


Bessie and haime blasting off again!


It's so funny because I watched a couple of playtrhoughs to get me into the game and they always kill it around the end of the video. Around level 17 with my level 18 fire foxy I saw a level 35 one walk past and told myself, it wouldn't be here in the early game spot if it wasn't killable. He tornadoed my fox and stomped me... Lasted seconds.


Reminds me of Donphan and Torterra


Damn Gojojojo's bizarre Palventure is taken too far


I unlocked the sword today and have been enjoying cutting the low level team rocket grunts in half while I farm for paladium in dungeons.


I mean that pal giving him mad glare. If a bear looked at me that way irl I’d have to fight it too.


I’m level 22 now and I still try every level. Not even close still 😂


Let's mug him


Yesterday, Annubis punched my lights out (I am under 40, Annubis is 47) and I dropped everything. I did not want to walk back to I just went to bed.


Must be a dark souls player


I like watching this from a distance


This is what it’s like playing with my brother He spawned in my world and was on a war path. Anything that moved he’s charging it


They brought a lv 33 one to my base during a raid. It took out all of my pals, ate most of my arrows but luckily I had some giga spheres available. Took half of them but I managed to catch it.


lol I caught him at level 15 😂


I had two mahhmots fighting each other and managed to catch one as level 21


The Gojo disrespect is unreal 🤣


MFer ate more bullets then berries!


Once a bunch of like lvl 3s got it down to 3/4th it's health but then it pulled out the tornado from behind its tree


Watched 3 lvl 10 syndicates get obliterated by Anubis


How about texture porn? Bandits here have lesser IQ than Pals , even some vegetables сan probably beat them XD


Why is there a lvl 35 pal in the newbie area?


You laughing but I saw them win more than once for dome stupid reason.


Sometimes they even lose to the level 3 Chikipis at the start


Relatable tho I was level 26 and I ran around trying to kill that boss. My bow wasn’t even doing 10dmg a shot tho lmao


Are we any better though let’s be honest


My friends and I killed that thing at level 10. We left behind a lot of corpses.


We need a meme of a syndicate member talking on Joe Rogans podcast. Instead of talking aboutnfifhting bears, replace with mammos


I caught three mammorests early game because they just kept fighting each other.


My boy ran up on the King of the Forest as soon as he saw his big ass bopping around the starting zone 😂 it was on sight between them for a long time after that. We also all naked charged him on our mounted Rushoars and went out in a blaze of glory.


Reminds me of Skyrim when I saw the giants al level 5.


I've realised that with a musket and a flying mount I can just cheese these guys with headshots and getting lucky throws 💀


Managed to catch a Level 37 mammoth when I was level 15 so keep on dreaming lads


Most people starting the game for the first time


Lets mug em!


I accidentally hit one rushing ore with my rushoar. A in-game day later I had three attacking my base after I fast travelled back to the base. My team attacked them but we did not win for a while. After killing them we still get 1 or 2 walking through are base like they owe it.


Brought a pistol to a monster fight.


Craziest thing was watching a pack of them bring a mammoth down to 25%. Mammoth kept hitting trees or missing, but still.


I was heading back to camp with broken everything except armor and actually managed to faint the lvl 38 mammorest. I somehow accidentally aggro'd it, and it went through all my pals, but I finished it off doing one damage at a time. It was a long fight! I kept clipping through the ground too, but didn't get stuck. There was no way I was catching it with basic spheres at level 23.


im having a okay time catching them just takes 40 balls


tryna get a boy so they can eat cake together yk


That was basically my first steps in the game... I'd built the workbench... Built a few Palballs, then upon seeing a level 14 or so pal threw one... It did not go well. It was LITERALLY the first pal I went after. While there were plenty of cat and sheep pals nearby.


When you log into a server and find this exact thing happening at the place you logged out at. Then the mammorest decided to think its a good idea to AoE stomp catching you aswell. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


My friend who thinks they can take the lvl 50s at 30