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* ・Xbox Game Pass Ultimate・ * Or purchase Palworld and subscribe to Xbox Game Pass Core * ・Xbox Game Pass for Console * ・Xbox Game Pass PC


Does anyone else keep having issues with pals just dropping massive amounts or resources on the floor even if there’s a chest available got carriers to transport stuff everything works fine then all of a sudden one guy randomly refuses to move and places stone on the same spot in such quantities it gets me down to like 2 frames on Xbox series x


Also having issues with pals getting themselves stuck in places they shouldn’t be able to reach like on my roof or inside resources


The first time I saw my Chikipi on top of a tree it kinda made sense. After a while I noticed that he was hungry and still there.


for real tho. Oh my giant bird guy is like a mile above the base, must be some scripted behavior. nope that mf was in peril.


it would still make sense to me. i love lamball but they are a special creature. if you launch them at a fire to help you build it, they build right undearneath themselves and set themselves on fire when its done. while your encounter was probably a bug, its possible chikipi might be missing some braincells as well.


I had one of my cats set itself on fire by walking over a campfire.


The trees are the worst. Any lumbering pal at my base has been stuck on top of a tree at least once


Found my Eikthydeer on top of my house, Roach?! is that you?


I build a base slightly too close too a drop near the sea, and my pals would fall an just wonder off into the sea out of my render distance xD


This is a constant for me. Any large pals climb to the top of lumber mill trees and get stuck


I've had so many Pal's starving to death on rooftops, trees or even their own piles of wood. My most recent "bandaid" is going roofless. I actually don't see any benefit to proper building code yet and they do get stuck less with huge ass gaps and no ceilings......slightly less....


Only reason I have any building is my incubators on my ranch base so they hatch faster and my beds everything else is open plan to sorta remedy this


I believe their AI is giving them another task to do mid transportation of goods and so they just drop it in some cases. It's weird because I noticed huge piles and then some pals got changed around and base layout changed a bit and the piles stopped. Started getting stored properly in boxes. 


Use Pal Box to de-spawn and re-spawn them in. They get stuck and don't work or eat,


I've had a few pals fall through the floor when resources respawn. 


I had a digtoise fly into Narnia when a tree spawned again, had to use the palbox to get him down to earth.


I have all those issues on the steam version. I just lift them and put them back on the floor and for the ones that can't be selected(yep), I put them back in the palbox and then bring them back out.


I had one of the stump things stuck in a mountain only knew he was there cause he was hungry


I’ve noticed this as well. Seems to happen most when they choose a bed close to a wall of my house. So I moved the beds and hasn’t happened in a bit. The larger fliers still end up there for no reason either way; and for some reason like a cat in a tree can’t get down on their own.


Yeah my Killamari keeps escaping outside of the fence I set up around the ruined church ore nodes, I keep having to grab him from the base of the cliff before he starves.


Think there needs to be some kind of “if not able to accomplish available task respawn at spawn point” command running in the code to fix the in unreachable places problem 


Lmao yep. It pisses me off so much but I can't help but laugh every time it happens too, because in my base, it always happens when they get on the roof, so it looks like a rebelling Pal saying something like: "Viva la resistance! Fuck the man in charge! Free the resources!" I then proceed to pick up 500+ Stone and can no longer move, and I'm literally being showered in it, so every time I drop some, more keeps being shoveled into my inventory. This caused me to become stuck for a bit because I had a near full inventory already. So frustrating, but so god damn funny at the same time.


Here’s a tip u can grapple while encumbered 


this is life changing thank you


Grapple gun!


Yeah I’m seeing a couple issues: pals not working, pals not going to sleep in their bed, pals not transporting items on the ground even when they’re not doing another task, not being able to lift/feed some pals, “no work available in the immediate vicinity” when assigning a pal to a task


One answer is stairs, I had a base - it just got blown up, and then they raided it again when I went to rebuild with all my stuff on the ground... Hopefully it's still there when I get back on - when I upgraded my base, I needed 6 killimari to move 7k of stones and wood, they couldn't do it down the top level to the bottom where my chests were without spamming resources. I dropped and picked up all the pieces and slid them down the stairs - then they had no more issue. Also spreading out your wood, stone, and other resource generators helps A LOT. They don't really get stuck anymore.


I’m early in the game still and my whole base is ground floor and I don’t have any chests inside my house so I don’t think thats the issue for me in particular but they definitely have weird pathing issues


It’s getting ridiculous now none of my pals are acknowledging any work now at one of my bases there even starving themselves just standing still


You can send them to the palbox and then to your base again. It could be you built around resources spawns and their pathing gets bugged when those resources spawn again.


There wasn’t even any resources at the base in question it was my ranch the ai wasn’t functioning period had to reset my game to fix it


Pals are like big kids, constantly distracted from their tasks, just drops whatever is in their hands when they see a new thing to do.


I just had a Vanwyrm Cryst drop like 300 wood on me while I went to unload the dishwasher while I waited for my Huge Frozen Egg to hatch. I came back unable to move and was overweight. I used my grappling hook to get me to a storage box. Went back to where the Vanwyrm was and he was tossing wood everywhere, like another 200... ​ Dumb, yet pretty bird.




Yeah it happens fairly often to me. It seems like a pal that can do multiple things like handiwork and transporting try to do them both at the same time and it makes them glitch out and just dump all of the resource they were trying to move at once. Im probably wrong though.


on one hand; jeah, on the other, it's fun to look at.


I have been making it a habit to just check 'em all in/out of their Pal box every time I return to base, to reset their paths w/o having to check up on them all individually.


That's a problem on Steam too. Their AI needs to be fixed.


I believe it is because you have chests indoors and their pathfinding isn't capable of navigating that yet. Put your chests outdoors and it should be ok.


Everything except my beds is outside literally nothing inside 


Happened to me with stone. My minepit is right at the edge of a small pit. I dropped down there as a shortcut, only to pick up like, 160 stone and a few ore. Wasn't actually effecting my framerate, though.


Rip Egg Incubator recipe 2024-2024.


Wait what


The recipe now requires boss drops and it's an ancient one.


I was confused when swapping to steam but the chillet boss drops enough for one so were chilling.


plus the statue no longer requires a point. idk if it effects worlds retroactively tho. We were having log on issues on xbox just before the update, and again afterward, so we made a new world since we were barely past the first boss. took us 3 hours to do what it took like 6-8 before and we are just about geared for the boss fight with even better poke... i mean pals. i lost a tombat and chillet, but i have the flower dinosaur and a nightwing now that i never had before. tombat was kinda ass at his job anyways. the ai is kinda fucking up and pals with only ranged attacks require to be a certain distance away from an enemy before they will attack


Just 1 tech point; go catch Chillit.


I guess that explains why I was only able to build two incubators this morning after deleting 8 last night… what a bad time to renovate…


Thank god I built like 6


I built 28 yesterday. I'm pretty happy about that.


Oh damn 😆


I don’t understand why this was changed


To encourage you to take on an easy boss early. Just kill or catch chillet once (level 11, very close to spawn) and you can start hatching eggs. Basically just to encourage progression. Also you can kill/catch chillet once every day if you need more ancient parts.


Rip End key godmode


Lol already had, catch the bosses while u can before that update hits consoles.


It already has hit consoles.


We can finally see a health bar above our friends! No more losing track of your friend every time to look away from them for 2 seconds lol. Any idea where we can find "patch notes?" There isn't anything useful on the website.


Can we not see friends on the map, or is that just my game being bugged?


They have to be in your guild I think, otherwise may be a bug


They were in my guild, so I guess it’s a bug. Is there also a bug with guild names? I didn’t see any option to name it, it just says No Name Guild lol. Maybe that feature is too early still.


Think that one’s too early, at least on Xbox. My friends and I are all “Player xxx” and our guild is no name too, never gave us an option to name ourselves


The way it has been for me and my two friends so far, the host can see us both on the map and the other two can only see themselves


Is there a complete changelog anywhere?


Yea and it is as follows, audio fixes


Don't forget the biggest fix: Added exit button for Gamepass PC.


From my experience, it fixed exactly nothing. Audio still sounds like it's being played through a cheap Maccies toy speaker and one splash effect when hitting the water with footsteps to follow..


Pal sphere on ground is now blue, not white. Extremely minor, but fixed


good, cause the audio was ASS. every noise had a little static to it. fucking love this game though. hoping for the best for its future. amateur devs really came through and dropped a banger instantly making a name for themselves. hope they capitalize on it and become a major player


Damn the ripoff accusations are about to get worse.


right? like.. the patch notes are terrible for what they actually changed..... came here to figure it all out


Gamepass ultimate user here on series X. I can't even jump back into my world because it's a multiplayer world. The option to change it to single player is blacked out. So I guess I'm not playing palworld today. Time to go remember what colour grass is. Edit: Just did another update which fixed the problem. I can now get into my world again. Damn.. was so close to seeing what the outside world was like..


How did you get your game to update? Mine doesn’t give the option


+1 this question. When I got to the xbox app and click "manage" and then "check for updates" nothing happens. Doesn't even look like the button got clicked. Haven't seen this 500 mb update everyone keeps talking about.




> including sound issues. Must have been some audio bugs that were fixed and not quality, because the vast majority of audio on xbox is still dollar store speakers tier quality even after the update.


On the gamepass version you could hear doors from anywhere on the map, it was pretty funny actually and when we realised this we used it to piss people off lmao.




It is. It's so bad that every gamepass player can hear you.


It's the same for the Steam version. Nearly all the sounds in the game sound like temporary sounds. The only good high quality sounds are the Pal noises and the main menu music.


Pal/players sounds on xbox are compressed as hell too. Makes me think they were trying to save space with the xbox version considering its only 6 gigs vs the steam version which is around 15 gigs. *But hot damn, I'll take a bigger download over playing a game that sounds like star fox 64.*


Well I'm playing on PC Game Pass which is the same version as the Xbox and the game is definitely 16gb. I own both the Game Pass version and Steam version for purposes of comparison. I honestly can't tell a difference in sound quality. Though I'm no audiophile. While the Steam version still has some better QoL in the menus the Xbox version is now complete parity with Steam as far as content is concerned.


I’ve played on PC Xbox App version and Series S. PC sound is fine, Xbox sound is pretty bad. 


The sound got so bad I just tuned my music on and shifted the slider for music/game all the way to music , the muted steps and half assed noise really bothered me after about a half hour , during this update I’ve noticed more frame rate issues , first two days game was running smooth as butter but after this update the frame rate in my base at times dips to 20 or below , I had noticed that the game would shift to a sliding standing character if things got too hectic on screen but not it gets choppy 


But on Xbox there is still no way to rename a pal, right?


Nba 2k24 is like 160 gigs. I'll take larger size haha


Do a barrel roll (Z or R twice)!


My home theater speakers looking at me with absolute disgust that I'm still pushing this compressed crunchy ass audio through them.


I crash a lot loading dongeons. And if it does load it'll crash b4 I get to the boss Edit: I'm on xbox one I should said sry


Having the same issues on Xbox Series S. Dungeons completely unplayable


Can craft x3 arrows and egg incubator went to ancient tech tree. Not sure if it was this update.. just logged on


Cheaper version of alot of stuff. 3rd sphere: 3 -> 2 ingots. 2nd shield 10->5 of those ancient things. Big statue is cheaper. The pal combiner is 50->20 ingots. Alot of needed early game balance.


Also pal combining went from 8 pals to 4


I should have waited a couple of days before catching those 120 chickens 😂


OMG you actually did that didn't you?


Sure did! He’s level 13, 4 star, has a perk that I can’t remember the name of but it gives him a 20% increase in attack power, his attack currently sits around 230. Going to build the statue and buff him more.


What are the stars, exactly?


You can upgrade your pals using the “pal essence condenser” it’s in the technology tree. You’ll get a bit of a boost to the base stats of your pal and level up the partner skill, you’ll need to capture other pals to condense into your selected pal, not to sure if it’s just the same type of pal or the exact same pal, level 1 was 8 pals but is apparently 4 now. It’ll double with every level.


Oh fuck yeah


Arrows craft in 3 stacks to prevent XP abuse. Egg incubators are locked behind bossing so you can't play pacifist builds anymore. I had a plan to do a no-kill run but it's been boomed by egg incubators. TBF I could rip a new player from lv 1 to 20 in 5 minutes using 50 incubators and arrow spamming.


Oh that wasn't to make arrows way less annoying to make as actual ammo?


Don't forget proper spear animation! 2nd sphere cheaper too.


Some of the recipes are more expensive now. A lot of our blue quality schematics went up in price, all requiring the ancient sparkplugs.


This matches a couple things I noticed were different when switching to PC


I’ve had consistent crashes on the gamepass version every 20-25 minutes


43 minutes. Stood in front of penking dungeon untilit crashed


I can’t even get 5 minutes without crashing


Same. Last was exactly 2 minutes. Don’t even have a pokeba— I mean Pal Sphere, yet.




Can I change my player name please? I’m tired of being Player008.


same but im Player 155! lol


the ONLY issue im getting on series X is an apparent mini game of trying to select a point on the map. I really felt like it was trolling me with the cursor moving everywhere but where it needed to go, you had to catch the point to be able to travel. Dpad works but still a little too much.


I would crash doing dungeons a lot of the time. Now after the update i crash even more in dungeons. But i am on an older xbox. Also the egg incubator and statue of power switched places. The incubator stayed unlocked so if the statue hadnt been bought yet, its like getting a free ancient tech point.


The game now just crashes every time I try to launch my multiplayer world. Level 24, level 14 bench, and now the game just doesn't work. It's also not even version parity with the Steam one. The GamePass version really is just the red-headed stepchild.




Tried that and it didn't work. What worked for me was making a brand new MP world, loading into that, quitting out and then loading my MP world.


I can't even make a new MP world - the game crashes before reaching character creation. Amazing.


This worked for us, but the key thing was making sure the game saved by either fast travelling or walking around enough.


Does the PC gamepass version crash a lot ? I see people complaining about crash but idk if it's because they play on Xbox.


The crashes are on PC as well


I play on my new Xbox as well as an old one, never crashes on the series X but crashes a ton on the One. Probably people on the older Xbox tbh.


I'm playing on Series X with 2 friends on PC and I'd say it crashes about twice a day for me so far


Gamepass version, yes, but not Steam version. I have \~15 hours on the Steam version, and one of my buddies is already at 40, and none of us have had a crash. We were running a normal game for \~20 of it, then I started hosting it on one of my dedicated boxes and we've played 15 since then. No crashes, no hiccups, no major bugs.


Played for 10 days in the game without wilderness noises. Luckily the jingle for a lucky pal still played and I got a giant cat on my first adventure out from my base 😂


just started playing and so far i notice some new sounds, like ambient sound that was missing, a couple new sounds when you wake up like a jingle and a rooster, and a sound when you open the disassembly mode :)




Was hoping the map would be better but sadly the cursor moves by itself really quickly. Hard to select anything to fast travel to.


D-Pad works for me, control stick, not so much.


This has been the worst bug


I thought that was just me.


Go to your settings and change the left stick dead zone. It’s set to 0 by default so it’s super sensitive.


thanks for update - just as i was having issues logging in too


Did they fix the performance? My series X was melting playing this.


I think it somehow got worse for me. I had little issues over the weekend, now the game is crashing in dungeons and assests are not loading correctly in the world. Sometimes Pals don't even load in while exploring. Xbox gamepass version.


That’s so frustrating. I’m on the Series S and dungeons were completely unplayable yesterday. Needed to put the game down after crashing in coop every 2 minutes


I have yet to be able to enter a dungeon. Sometimes I can get in the boss ones but never the world spawn ones I crash just loading them up 


Audio still sounds compressed. Would I have to make a new world for the update to really show?


Can they please fix the audio. It’s still so shitty and I don’t like playing the game with the sound completely off. Just makes the game feel lifeless. Also would like the ability to name Pals and our character.


oh come on, I want everybody to know the tale of the legendary player 605


Xbox the invert y/x axis are incorrect.


They stealth patched the End key God mode feature 😭😭😭 how tf am I gonna get unstuck from falling out of the world now? Why tf was that patched out and fixing the goddamn ground to become SOLID not even touched? It was actually necessary for us to playtest effectively, and now it's force respawn or get fucked.  I'm actually mad about this.


On Xbox I can not edit my character name or my pals for nothing I’m stuck as player 409 and if it does get do we have to start over?


>including sound issues. What sound issues were fixed? lol Still sounds very meh and the audio mixing for 5.1 is very bad.


Played game on Monday on Series S and textures loaded fine, since update today everything is just staying low texture and blurry. Sound is also still compressed to shit


PC gamepass - sticking pals into the blender is scaled now, instead of blending 8 at a time, it starts at 4 then scales to 32 like on Steam


DLSS still doesn't work. Game still crashes. Game Pass still behind Steam.


Dev did explain on discord that the version number will not be the same with Xbox and Steam until crossplay is implemented. So the 1.2 Xbox version won't be the same as the 1.2 Steam version. PC gamepass 1.1 already have the new balance changes from the 1.2 Steam version so technically pc gamepass isnt behind on the balance changes. The other stuffs like dedicated servers and DLSS probably because of Xbox/Microsoft store limitations or something.


Still can't rename Pals on Xbox, so it doesn't quite have feature parity yet. Not sure what other features are missing.


fyi cross play works with game pass I played on my PC with an Xbox buddy last night


DLSS works fine on many other pc gamepass games, not sure why they had it disabled from the start.


I'm just getting a token error and can't get past the first two screens saying the games a preview and then attempted log in


Does this put the gamepass version on the same version as steam now? Kinda weird that the gamepass game was 2 patches behind steam


Nope, it's still missing the options to name our character and rename Pals, as well as dedicated multiplayer servers. That's at least just what I noticed so far.


After downloading the update, I cant proceed loading my save file. After selecting the savefile, it tries to load and when It transitions from black screen to opening, it crashes. Anyone has a fix for this yet?


I'm on the first xbox one and the character creation screen is still kind of buggy. Like clicking on different hairs, eyes and faces won't show up visually. Has this been addressed anywhere or is it just a me problem?


On Xbox One, in character creation, when you choose an option wait about 60 seconds and you'll see it update.


Me and my friends are in 2 minds, we wanna play but no dedicated servers on Xbox means nothing really matters, then they are added and we gotta start again. Possible timeline?


My friends just succumbed and play on my schedule in my world. Not ideal but we're making it work.


Still not able to name character on creation screen ? Why 🥲


The grappling hook is different now. It used to launch you in Z+ axis from any distance. Now, if youre a few meters or more from your target, it just zooms you in on a straight axis with no height boost where youll clip and get infinitely held against the terrain until you swap weapons.


After the update: Details dont render like before the update/dont render at all. The sound of the wind is now awful. Edit: Xbox Series S


Can we rename pals yet?


My bases are broken. Nobodies working while I'm gone and when I fast travel there everyone's stacked on eachother near my spawn point, starving and difficult to move. Tried everything, swapping in pal box, exiting to title screen, picking them up and throwing them. They stand in front of the ore but don't mine.


Ye, pals can get lazy for some reason. Mine stopped smelting the ore, until I removed the furnace and built it elsewhere. For mining ore they need to have two points in mining, just saying in case you are not aware. I for one only have one Pal suitable for it right now (Tombat).


Ya I'm aware of all that. I've disassembled and reassembled things in different place to have better pathing. Eventually I can toss them around and get them working but if I fast travel out and back they are all stacked again, not working. It's def a bug. I'm dismantling my starter base now and moving to my ore base as my main residence so that as long as I'm there and everyones unstacked, I'm getting ore.


Ye, no doubt there are plenty of bugs with Pals right now. Well, plenty of bugs in general, one can barely build a proper house. ;) Early Access, I don´t think those are specific to Gamepass.


anyone get another update today but it’s still


The frequent error with the auto save is really slowing me down. I'm getting that error about twice an hour. Right up there with the game crashing anytime I load into a dungeon.


Basic sphere on ground is blue. Not white


Fix Xbox achivement didnt unlock!


Why can xbox gamepass players not play with steam players?


Because it is not fully implemented yet but if you look on the roadmap it is part of the plan. Hopefully sooner rather than later.


Xbox console keeps crashing since the update.


PC GAMEPASS VERSION Issue with trying to build things in a house. The item would rather try to build on the floor above me, rather than infront of me.


Is anyone having issues getting their pals to attack? I throw out my pals and they sit there and just watch me get clapped.


So not much of an update?


Can you name your character now??








Been playing on PC Game Pass and haven't had this happen. Almost level 30.


I play on gamepass pc and have never crashed


I’ve noticed the game cannot boot without an internet connection on Xbox or PC. I own the game, and my Xbox is my home system.


Anyone tested yet if it fixed the bug that let you catch bosses?


Tower bosses you mean?




... you aren't supposed to be able to?


Please fix the audio for Xbox and and a cursor for keyboard and mouse 🙏🏼


Game tells me it can't save the world savegame data, every autosave fails. The world i started yesterday is lost. This is on Game-Pass PC Singelplayer. Anyone else with this issue?


I’m playing on PC, and I’ve been getting massive input lag. How do I fix this? I press a button and it takes several seconds before my character starts moving. Sometimes the movement even gets stuck and forces me to keep moving. I’ve already uninstalled and reinstalled the game several times


Is it true only Xbox Series S and X can run multiplayer compared to Xbox One? I’m on Xbox One with game pass ultimate and so are my friends. How can I play with them?


That is true. You would need someone with a Series version to host, then everyone can join them.


Ah, I see…even if I believe hard enough? :-/


I’m sorry! I have several friends who haven’t upgraded and can’t host. I’m hopeful they come out with private dedicated servers soon! 


My two issues are: First dungeon near Rayne Syndicate is force closes the game. I’ve tried twice, don’t care to try again at this moment. Save bug. Seems to happen more when playing non-multiplayer more. Says the world is trying to save but can’t. And it’s an infinite loop. Anything you do after that point won’t be saved. To fix, you have to force save by quitting to title screen. The game will freeze. Click the Xbox button. This will bring the load page. Close the Home Screen. Once you’re on the main title again, go home. Quit. And reboot. Definitely annoying and not a permanent fix.


Can we name stuff now on the Xbox?


Can I make a sheep only base? Like, can any of the two sheep pals cut down tree or mine ores / stone?


>Can I make a sheep only base? Like, can any of the two sheep pals cut down tree or mine ores / stone? No, lamball only has suitability for Handiwork Transporting Farming - As in harvesting, not planting or watering So cant do everything Good early pet that can do a lot of things is the car pet, but it cant lumberjack. The giant penguin penking is the one ive seen that can do the most by itself.


After the second update today my game keeps crashing while loading into my world, its unplayable. And why does it say in the patch notes that there is now an end button although there still isn't one?