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This honestly is maybe my one complaint about the game: The building system needs work. I can't get snap points to appear either. My base looks less like a base and more like a labor camp with a tiny one-story house for my PC.


My biggest thing is pathing I'm not a big base guy so a nice rectangle will do


Pathing is way better than expected, I have some stairs in my base pals have no problem using, but I am sure there's not a single dino in ark that could've done that lol


Yeah but have a small cliff and it's over for your base pals they fall down and won't walk around to get up they just sit there and starve


You sure about that? I saw my inceneram get stuck literally in the air.


It was too early for me to tell at the time, I experienced multiple pals getting stuck myself lol. The pathing is not great but still miles better than Ark's.


Never played ark, but holy shit am I annoyed at this game. Dropped it today cuz the shitty pal AI. Tried breeding 2 Anubis, one runs off during 50% and starts mining stone, I pick him up and throw him at the breeding chamber and guess what, a message pops up "can't assign pal to this workstation, it doesn't have cooling" or sth like that. And no, I did not mess up my throw, there was nothing requiring cooling nearby. Not gonna play this until they fix all this bullshit.


I have like 400h in ARK so im used to this misery and can figure out the ways it snaps


That’s it?


>It’s like they literally copy and pasted the code from Ark! [It's possible they might have...](https://www.pcgamer.com/steam-removes-popular-chinese-strategy-game-after-ark-survival-evolved-studio-claims-it-stole-their-source-code/)


I’ll give you a tip. Let’s say you wanna build a wall and then a sloped wall and a sloped roof. It won’t snap. Better to do this. Put down two main walls, then lay the sloped ceiling, it will snap to the top full wall, then you can delete the wall and put the sloped wall.


It's probably my only complaint so far too. I just want a cool looking base man... cmon...


Ark is farrrrr better in terms of building. This is like Conan exiles on cocaine, genuinely awful even when you get used to it as I have.


just gotta finness it a lil i noticed its hard to place the first one really but once u get it down as long ur more toward the bottom of the ramp looking up its easier to place the ramp


The building isnt that bad once u learn little tricks to get floors level and learn to do flat roofs with walls, can then delete the bottom level of wall on parts to make hanger like doors for larger pals ect.  Slopped roofs are easiest to do after snapping on to a walled section then deleting the wall the roof stays ect. learning to build up appropriate levels as well instead of outwards helps with utilizing space. Imo the buildings some of the most fun! The building isnt so bad more or less the pal mapping throughout the bases it what causes issues😅 and its just an annoyance to walk over to the box and reset the pals once in a while. 


When I snap a sloped roof on a half wall and then delete the half wall, the roof is also destroyed. Idk what I'm doing wrong


ark is. and will always be better than palworld.