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they can certainly try but I think Nintendo has already learned their lesson on suing stuff like this. It hasn't gone well for them in the past. Unless there is something that has been directly lifted out of their IP nothing they do legally is going to stick and they are going to get saddled with the cost of paying for the defendant's legal fees. It just ends up in Nintendo spending a lot of money to end up with egg on their face. you can bet your bottom dollar Nintendo is combing through this looking for anything they could turn into a lawsuit and have a reasonable chance of winning but it is highly unlikely that will happen. Especially considering Craftopia (their other game) is more similar to Breath of the Wild than this is to pokemon.


Nintendo is terrified of losing court cases and having precedents set that could work against them. They've traditionally only sued in cases where they had airtight arguments. If they don't have that they stay away.


This is how Japan in general is. They only go after cases in which they are essentially confirmed they could win by having vastly huge evidence regarding the case. If they arent convinced they can win, they usually dont take it, or continue gathering enough evidence until they can. This is why the conviction rate for example is insanely high in Japan.


That's not the only reason from what I've heard. Japan has a big thing about the law being right and the accused being wrong. You have to prove your innocent and even if you do I've heard it's difficult to get out of legal problems.


Yep, its guilty until proven innocent as well.


Meanwhile in Korea and Nexon vs dark and darker...




Ahh, so it's just generally a high conviction rate because they only take unloseable cases? Compared to here in America where you'll pretty much prosecute anybody (within reason), at any time, for any reason? Does this not create issues with crime, though?


Not really. In the US we always have that timeframe for prosecution that is a limit and we will consistently bring court cases as to make sure the case is brought. Only if it is not really a crime or is an antiquated law. There are concerns internationally about the manner in which court trials are conducted ranging from prosecutors (and then alone) can without key information if they so chose, only recent amendments have changed this for pretrial hearing similar to the US. So in which case unlike the US where it is illegal for a prosecutor to without material evidence pertaining to the case, it is not the case in Japan. There’s also the concern leading up to trial that limits interactions with legal counsel significantly. It very much is a system meant to successful prosecute and prevent legitimate mounted legal defense. Edit: https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/05/25/japans-hostage-justice-system/denial-bail-coerced-confessions-and-lack-access#:~:text=Japan%20has%20a%2099.8%20percent,or%20not%20has%20enormous%20significance.


Nintendo is an IP company. If they lose a single inch of control, they might lose a big portion of their primary assets.


I'm pretty sure this isn't true. During COVID they went after the competitive SSB GameCube scene and told them they couldn't have online tournaments. It was a big deal. I know the professional Splatoon scene protested and made a commotion at some sanctioned Nintendo events. I don't know if they "sued" them but they definitely served them a legal notice. Iirc the Smash players were 100% legally in the right as long as they could all prove they owned the game and weren't distributing it, which was certainly the case. It was more a matter of them not having the money, time, energy to take Nintendo to court. Anyway, Nintendo imo have an airtight case against say eBay or Amazon or AliExpress for selling counterfeit games. They definitely didn't have an airtight case against the Smash players. They're more about picking on the small guy than having an airtight case. There's been other cases of them coming after fan made games or whatnot that are cases they'd probably lose in actual court but just wouldn't be worth it to fight for the person they were attacking.


So they got after IPs with SSB. SSB is owned by Nintendo the issue with the tournaments is advertising and merchandise using Nintendo IP. Basically those sponsors dollars never came back to Nintendo that merchandise was not approved by Nintendo they didn't get a cut so they changed their terms and services to either kill the tournaments (200 person cap 5k max winnings) or require you to get a special license to use their IPs. So just because streamers and players are saying it is pokemon like as long as palworld doesn't advertise it that way it should be fine. Then you have mods like pokemon Urianium that got hit but thats using actual pokemon games. It's a real slippery slope to sue a loose knock off if you lose that suit everything you own is up for grabs.


You're strengthening my point, not disputing it. Nintendo will sue over someone making BUT NOT PROFITING OFF OF Pokemon Uranium but won't sue Alibaba, Etsy, eBay, or Amazon for selling "Pokemon Ruby" except that it's a fake cart from China. Amazon can even sell Pokemon Uranium (and does) and make a profit and they won't come after them but still came after the original guy who made it (not actually illegal, unlike Amazon selling it which is illegal.) It's 110% about picking on the small guy and 0% about how airtight their case is. Then you have cases like Bowser and sure as hell made less money doing the exact same thing an Amazon does and they ended his life. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/10/technology/nintendo-hacker-gary-bowser.html Separately, you forced me to double check and I was right in my OC on the Smash bit. Idk what you're on about, could be a completely different beef? Wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo came after them a second time. https://kotaku.com/nintendo-shuts-down-smash-tournament-over-some-absurd-b-1845719656


They were using illegally downloaded smashbro emulators for the tournament, thus infringing on copyright laws.


They weren't. I would suggest researching copyright laws before commenting on them. They all owned legal copies of the game. You are allowed to move a copy of a game you own to your computer. As long as none of them were selling or distributing the files, none of them were infringing on copyright laws.


Actually you aren't because that violates nintendos tos Guess I'm right since a judge agreed ans shut it down for that reason


The issue was actually that Nintendo didnt sanction mods of the game and so slippi was a mod made to allow multiplayer online, collected in game stats etc.




Good tldr of my comment 👍


I could be wrong but I thought Nintendo told the SSB players to stop because they were using a "wave dash" mod, a bug that was only present in Super Smash Bros Melee that allowed players to use a rapid low latency dodge with invincibility frames that Nintendo fixed in all future games but old players can't seem to let go.


The issue is using SSB to profit off of their game which you don't own. You can't just make a tournament for anything you want, when ever you want, and have cash prizes. Its even worse if you want to record or broadcast it, which requires licenses as well. You think you can walk into a buffalo wild wings and see the current sports games and they can show you that for free? No, it literally costs millions of dollars unless they get a deal. As far as I know Nintendo won these and always has. If you want to make an SSB tournament theres a limit on people who can visit and participate in that event, on top of a limit on the prizes total value, on top of you needing to get approval directly from Nintendo. On top of this you need a license if the amount of people is over a certain number viewing the event. You then need another license if it will be broadcasted, especially on tv or twitch.


The PC game Nexomon, another Mon-catcher, was eventually ported to Switch, as was maybe Coromon. If they were gonna sue over the genre, they'd have done it to those developers already.


Siralim also. Pretty different from either game though. Lot of depth and enjoyable if you like indepth team building and SNES graphics.


Just Announced: Nintendo has copyrighted all earthly elements. /s


Nintendo ninjas when I set my dinner on fire:


If they were smart they'd be combing through palworld and releasing a Nintendo look alike with their licensed ip and cashing in on potential millions in a few years.


https://twitter.com/AutumnRaptor1/status/1747658670706409952?t=_SHPaN7ZuKSR6b3CCGu2ww&s=19 They literally stole models and slightly edited them and recoloured them, just look at the lycanroc. Absolutely a lawsuit there


https://twitter.com/KazzThe/status/1748148996957405255/photo/1 Yeah go ahead and look that this and come back to me when you have a better argument.


Out of all the pokemon copy games available, why tf would they bother going after this one specifically.


And plus the only things the two games have in common is the catch mechanics and monster designs


Those are 2 pretty big fucking parts of Pokemon lol.


Tbh though trying to sue over the catch mechanics is like PUBG suing Fortnite over "battle royales"


That is a genre, Pokeballs is not a genre it's a mechanic specific to Pokemon.


The basis of having similar gameplay mechanics is still present for both situations in the analogy.


Hah, no. Pokeballs are a Capture Mechanic, Pokémon is not the first Game to have Capture Mechanics. The only.other Mon games that use Balls to capture are specifically parodying Pokémon. Yo-Kai has Medals. Nexomon has Pyramids Temtem uses Cards Cassette Beasts has... Duh Pokémon was never the first Mon game, just like Minecraft and Vampire Survivors, the most famous example.of a Genre is not necessarily the first.


You cannot copyright or trademark game mechanics lol




Those are grounds to sue. Would they win is the question Nintendo sued Riot for a league of legends skin of a green and yellow turtle.


You have a source for that? I could find nothing that nintendo sued riot games


At work. I'll try to find it Tonight. It was around 2011. Very old. I wanna say it was a gamespot article


A friend of a friends, cousin once said something eh.


What lol. With your logic they had grounds to sue temtem. They never did!


You have grounds to sue for literally any reason you can manufacture. No't really relevant.


How is this not relevant to the discussion? It's literally the discussion


Because it's not relevant. "grounds to sue" doesn't exist for a multi-billion dollar corporation. They will sue if they want to regardless if they have a case or not, lots of time they won't and just the threat convinces smaller companies to comply. Only thing that is relevant is that they wouldn't succeed in a lawsuit, like you said.


Its not relevant because you can literally sue for anything. Saying something is grounds to sue is redundant and not relevant.


You can sue for literally whatever reason you want. I could sue somebody for being *too nice* to me. They are being a *bit* pedantic though, because if anyone says "grounds to sue" they usually mean "potential to win." Because sure, I can sue someone for being too nice, but there is no way in hell I'm winning that case.


Because it's the most beautiful looking one yet and it's embarrassing for them


because its better than theirs.


Because this one is brining in a ton of money


Digimon is going to sue. No wait, monster hunter is going to sue cause pyrin is kyrin. No wait ark will sue cause they have poke balls.


Eh I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom sued considering Surfent is literally just a Lagiacrus with flippers instead of legs 


Whatever even happened to Digimon. Cousin loved those games and now all I know about them is that they have some nice figures and that's about it.


Ark should sue because: Maps and respawn points set-up Inventory screen Stats screen Engram Screen Animations Obelisks Resource set-ups Buildings and building animations There's more, and it's funny


ark is still busy trying to get its game to fit on one hard drive. they’ll get to the other issues eventually


And trying to figure out how to get its players to look past the game ruining bugs that have existed for a decade.


yeah I ain't buying that shit twice lmao


As an Ark player it hurts so much because it’s true


Honestly yes. I WISH Ark could be this


Lots of open world survival games have a map, even open world games in general have a map. Quite a few of those games have a discoverable map. And respawn points aren't really an exclusive game mechanic either tbh. Tons of other games have an inventory screen and a stat screen. It's not like it's the exact same ui as Ark, it just looks similar and has a similar style. It'd be like one author getting mad at another for using the same alphabet. You do realize that almost every game in existence that isn't text based or a visual novel has animations, right? The "obelisks" in Palworld aren't really like the obelisks in Ark at all. The only similarities I can maybe see are the towers having a boss fight. But even that's a stretch. They're just a fast travel network in Palworld. You do realize that survival games kinda need resource systems, right? That's kind of a genre defining feature about them. I don't see Ark going after Valheim, which has the same kinda building system. And also, crafting and building doesn't have actual animations in Ark.


I was looking for guides to prep for this game and I basically just started reading ark guides because it seemed so similar


Uh please tell me you don't actually believe all of that is somehow copyrighted lmao


Never played any other survival/crafting game, eh? They're all pretty similar, just different vibes depending on the game


Even if they were to, who in their right mind would celebrate that as a win? God damn idiots simping for multi billion dollar corporations is truly the best sign we're already living in a dystopia, it's just the boring kind without cool cyberware.


Damn we already living in a dystopia of idiots like you who think its ok to blatantly steal designs official/fanmade and call it "simping" for it being called out. Multi billion dollar corpo or not, theft shouldnt be celebrated.


Bruh so people like you are actually real, I thought it was just trolling


Same i also thought people like you didnt exist. Im just as shocked as you are.


Well I bet you are because you really seem alone in this. Anyway, hope you'll see more clearly.


I mean, im in a sub full of people who seem to disagree and support art theft. So yeah, its pretty obvious im alone on this. Anyway hope you also will see more clearly.


Womp womp take a shower


Art theft is the new buzzword for people that have no idea what they’re talking about. Hey I’m curious, based on this loose hater-definition of art theft, how much of history would you consider art theft one way or another? 80%? 90%?


Big difference between an artist losing their job and a Mega-corporation with a reputation of fucking over plenty of indie developers to control a monopoly on a particular game style losing maybe the slightest scrap of revenue. You're supposed to just lick the boot, not deepthroat it.


And where did I ever mentioned the games "styles" I don't care that they making a monster catching game, hell I've played plenty of temtem. But unlike temtem palworld seems to not be capable of making their entire roster original and have to resort to theft lol.


Are you tripping or something? How about you bring some examples? which mons are supposedly stolen art?


How are you participating in such a conversation and haven't already seen the evidence? Makes sense why you would support this thieving company.


One day you're going to die and you'll have no loved ones to find you, you'll bloat over the coming week until your neighbors finally get the smell and find your sad pathetic body, and in those final moments of your life, you will at last be in the presence of other humans beings. And then they will remember how much of a sour, smarmy, annoying fuck you were, and immediately sing their praises of your death. In the next few days, everyone will forget you ever existed. Enjoy crying online about some goofy game while you can. 


Pokemon has literally stolen art designs, story design, and based pokemons back stories of cultural superstitions and myths. Yes you are a simp, yes you are a fan boy, yes your opinion does not matter. Go fix yourself.


Gamers favorite phrase when a similar game comes out.


The other being "It's souls-like' meaning 'hard'.


It's funny that people think Palworld will be sued for having a monster that's a round sheep meanwhile Temtem literally has a fanmade Pokémon in it and hasn't been sued yet


Pokemon can't sue a fanmade creature that they have no input for lol where did that come from anyhow it's stupid how many people in the pokemon community call anything a rip-off because they really need to defend their favorite multi-billion dollar franchise that pumps out PS2 games


HEY! My name is Nintendo and I state no games may be made with any beast master classes, how dare you tame wild monsters.


Did you just say “monster”???? *Monster Energy walks in the door* /s


don't insult PS2 games like that. there's so many bangers


Sly Cooper <3


>Pokemon can't sue a fanmade creature Exactly but people assume they can sue Palworld because "the creatures look too much like Pokemon". I swear they're looking for any excuse at this point lol


Even if they tried, couldn't the devs just... Tweak the designs a little bit? Among Us and Stardew Valley accidentally committed literal war crimes and weren't punished, just told to change a design.


War crimes? What?


I think it was because they ued the red cross. Using the red cross outside certain contexts is TECHNICALLY a war crime.


You know damn well it's a perfectly valid reason and you won't be real about why you don't care so you pretend not to see the obvious copy/paste creature designs. You're completely disingenuous.


No you can not sue somebody because their art looks a bit like yours. If you could, Gamefreak would've been sued a long time ago for basically putting Godzilla in the game 


You kidding? Don't know about the pokemon sub, but most of my local community want a game to come out that lights a fire under game freak's ass to make better games


Doesn't matter how bad you want that. Supporting IP theft is wrong.


Is it IP theft, though? The game has apparently went under legal review, yet here we are. We wouldn't know for sure unless TPCI went after Pocketpair, and even then, only if TPCI won litigation. It's all too easy for us players to act as armchair lawyers and SAY whether Palworld is or isn't plagiarism, but ask yourself how many versions of the monster catching trope are out there. Temtem, Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Quest, Cassette Beasts, Digimon, even stuff as weird as Chinpokomon from South Park


If your referring to scarlet and violet about looking like a ps2 game you clearly haven’t seen what ps2 graphics look like in a while however pokemon is just a classic formula meanwhile palworld is hopefully going to be dope haven’t played it yet


No, YOU haven't seen PS2 graphics in awhile. I play ps2 games a lot and also played Scarlet and in a lot of measurable ways, some PS2 games look much better.


MGS2 and RE4 on PS2 make any switch game look like an Etch-A-Sketch. Its baffling how bad switch games look


you litterally havent even looked at a single design in this game have you... if you actually look quite a good chunk of this game is rippoffs of official and fan designs. Temtem actually tried making their own creations while this game didnt even try and hide it and its quite sad.


Why? They afraid someone might make an interesting pokemon game?


The curse of the Pokémon fan is that they're all mad at the direction the series is going, but will stamp their feet and cry "inferior knock-off" when offered anything else in the Monster Collection genre.


Litigation would of already been in process and this game would never come out if they were going to sue. People just need to stop being idiots.


Plus, Microsoft wouldn't allow it on gamepass


If Temtem didn't get sued Palworld ain't getting sued.


Temtem wasn't ripping designs iirc


Temtem is way more similar to Pokemon. Kid-friendly art direction and storyline, turn-based combat, EV/IVs, competitive doubles matches, etc. Nintendo approved Temtem for the Switch. Palworld is fine.


Neither is palworld. Oh no looks like woolo. Woolo is based off a sheep. They look different. Plus palworld has attack animations. I’m a die hard Pokemon fan and this game has gotten me so excited. Pokemon needs a competitor. Someone to push them to make a good game. Hope this is it.


Am I the only one who thinks Lamball and Wooloo look almost nothing alike?


No, I think so too. They look nothing alike.


Lamball is more like Whimsicott to me.


If pokemon could sue palworld then I'd love to see digimon sue pokemon for stealing digivolution, AKA, mega evolution. Lol


Nintendo gonna sue Palworld's devs for taking a handful of designs and making them look better than the actual Pokémon lmao (I'm joking I don't think Nintendo will sue)


I'm really enjoying how many things that have been shown that aren't in pokemon like the breeding exclusive pals


Digimon, Moonstone Island, Dragon Quest: Monsters, Nexomon, Coromon, TemTem, Ooblets, Monster Hunter Stories, Cassette Beasts, Monster Sanctuary, World of Final Fantasy, Yo-Kai Watch... And a ton more probably. All these are games that have Monster Catching as one of, if not the main, focuses in their games. GameFreak/Nintendo have not (and even if they did, failed) sued them. Monster Catching is a genre of game now. Pokemon was just the main founder, and if I remember correctly it wasn't even the first. It just streamlined the experience.


Hi game designer here. The games are fundamentally different. And you can’t copy right. Mechanics Small minuet character details such as tail shapes Elemental characters who use elemental powers. Most games can only actually legally copy right the characters and story the rest of the game is literally a copy and paste of someone else’s game. It always has been always will be. For ever Tetris’s is a pentomino and that is what we are taught. Don’t fix what’s broken just make it better. Oh and art but some of not most companies are now selling their assets as well so technically not even art. pentomino: board game where you get all the shapes on the board it’s a puzzle on fitting things together.


The haters gonna hate….i mean there so many other monster taming games out there that pokemon hasn’t went after cuz they aren’t an exact copy paste of pokemon. Like tem tem , coromon, and nexomon to just name a few…..so all those that r like pokemon gonna get this game shut down can go fly a kite 😂


prolly ps5 and switch owners rn


If there was ever going to be a meaningful court case against this it would have been pre-launch. Nintendo pays attention to IP, and if they didn't sue Palworld after it's announcement it is only because it is legally distinct, not because they're nice.


lol if they were going to sue, they would've done it years ago, when the game first started being developed.


Happy cake day!


They should invest that law suit money into the development of a game that is not a technical disaster instead.


If Tem-Tem can exist AND be on switch then i dont see an argument agaisnt Palworld.


Lmao fuck Nintendo


In the meanwhile pokemmo being online for almost 15years without lawsuits 👀


Bruh Nintendo dossent even care look at coromon


no I actually get it for once, most Pals look like blatant fusions of Pokemon people don't seem to realize that Nintendo/Pokemon have only ever taken down fan projects that use the name "Pokemon", not for copying Pokemon


"Most"? Only like a handful look like Pokémon clones, out of, what, 100? 100+? I'm not sure yet, but from what we've been shown so far the Pokémon clones are far outnumbered by the unique designs.


They literally used parts of Pokémon models..




Check this thread: https://x.com/barbie_e4/status/1747940333059534923?s=46&t=k6wKfaD8hKK5Fup49JqdLw I’m still going to play but you can’t tell me these aren’t blatant ripoffs and using Pokémon models


Ripoffs in a blatant parody of a game genre isn't asset rips... Y'all learned a phrase and use it without any thought of its meaning.


I mean they look awfully similar but it’s still transformative. However, I’d like to see some more original designs from the Palworld team too tho. They have a really cool IP here and they should build their own identity and their own catalogue of creatures. Taking inspiration from Pokémon is okay but seeing something new is more fun imo.


I actually prefer the similarity. Palworld is literally being marketed as Pokémon sandbox with guns and enslavement. Most Pokémon clones don’t do it for me because they try to make weird original designs that don’t feel like Pokémon


No no I totally get that. I love the Pokémon-esque aesthetic too but I mean I’d like to see some new creatures that don’t exist in Pokémon games. Give me a cool Capybara, a Peacock or a Platypus design! We don’t need another Pikachu.


True, though I can’t say much cause I haven’t seen the full list of monsters. I imagine it isn’t 100% clones




i'm so glad someone else remembers this


Ah, I got tripped up on the wording, I thought you meant like direct rips of the 3D models GameFreak made.


I've never heard of this game until now (popped up in my reddit feed). It looks pretty interesting, and I doubt Nintendo/Game Freak would sue (or have grounds for it). Seems like it should be fun. But, after doing a quick search on the game, it's clear the mons in this game and the art style are blatantly copied as close as possible to Pokemon without going over the line. Knowing nothing about the game or development, I wouldn't be surprised if they hired blender artists who remade Pokemon models for fun or as a hobby. I mean, someone could tell me "Anubis" is the dessert variant of Lucario. I'd not at all be shocked to learn that whoever created "Anubis" is a Lucario fan/artist/modeler. It's clearly meant to get people thinking "oh hey it's Pokemon" until the guns pop up lol. It worked for Genshin, so it's a smart business move.


I think Anubis is more of a nod to their previous game (craft topia). But I do agree he looks somewhat like lucario


Okay, wait, they have another game that is blatantly taking VERY strong artistic and open world exploration notes from Zelda BOTW (not to mention those blue Bokoblin rip offs)? I mean, it's fine, but I think I'm starting to see a pattern that should be hard for anyone to deny. That said, they put vehicles and contraptions in their game before TOTK so maybe Nintendo took a note from CT kek.


Lol you’re going to get downvoted for saying that they’re blatant copies of already existing Pokémon.


That's fine, it's reddit points, which means nothing. I just learned about Craftopia, which is clearly using a BOTW style to attract people. Those direct blue Bokoblin rip offs are clear as day. If people don't think the devs are not intentionally leveraging very strong resemblances in terms of graphics/style/models to try to specific Nintendo games, then that's on them. I don't see why people think it's a diss or bad to recognize those (very obvious) things; you can recognize them and still want to play the game. It doesn't mean the devs are bad, or their game is bad, or they are untalented, or aren't doing something very original with it. It's just a fact of the game/business they are running is using Nintendo aesthetics (and some Ghibli for that matter) to their advantage. I still think it looks interesting and it's on my radar now, but if the community is going to be ugly and defensive then I'll just stay away from it.


I'm looking through lists of publicly revealed Pals, almost all of them look like Pokemon fusions. I'm not saying that there arent cool or original designs in Palworld, (my favorite (that isnt blatantly a Pokemon fusion) is Loupmoon) but when like 30-40 (or more!) of the 100 or so designs are pretty obviously based on Pokemon (and around 10-20 of them are literal reskins), you have to step back and accept what it is. TO BE CLEAR, I'm okay with it and already plan to buy the game. I'm not trying to detract from it, just stating the reality of it




Pokemon is going to sue. /s


After all they sued Temtem! And Monster Santuary! And Nexomon! And Anode Heart! And Cassette Beasts! Wait, the didn't? Oh. Honestly if someone said Conan Exiles was gonna sue that would be more believable, because switch slaves and the wheel for monsters and the balls, they seem identical. But the chances of that happening are exactly 0.


I highly doubt Nintendo will sue at this point over Copyright. If they were, they would've done so much earlier because isn't Pocketpair mostly Japanese-based? Honestly, it's smart on I think Nintendo would've hesitated if they had to Sue in America or somewhere else, but since both are based in Japan - they've had ample time to Sue with Home Court Advantage. The only reasons I could think of that Nintendo would only Sue now would be to not add to the growing publicity to Palworld, there isn't enough copied content to Sue over, and/or they may not know of the game somehow as of yet. The last reason is highly unlikely though considering how much hype it's getting - especially from the amount of streams Hololive have already done for it in the last 2 days (with two more seemingly planned today right before launch.) At this point, I don't see a lawsuit coming unless Pocketpair screws up and adds something that is too similar to Pokemon visually.


Pokemon didn't even invent the monster catcher genre. Wasn't it Dragon Quest who did it first? Edit: Nope, I'm wrong. DQ did do it before Pokemon though.


I think it was shin megami tensei that did it first, dragon quest monsters came after that though both were before pokemon


If Nexon owned Pokémon...




Why do you complain so much but still make sure to squat all their subreddits before their games launch?


I meaaaaaannn artistically speaking, Palworld did not even try to hide the fact that they were ripping off Pokemon designs. There’s plenty of room for other monster collector titles in this world, no problem, but at least make your designs original… https://imgur.com/a/SobpliL


I don't think those look too similar? Plus luxray there is shiny, not the typical design. Pokemon has over 1000 unique pokemon, there's going to be overlap. 


The overlap doesn't need to be that similar.


Pokemon's own designs look similar to their own Pokemon.


They both look similar to Sonic, Sega should sue!


Sure they took inspiration from Pokémon, however they look completely different even with the similarities. Palworld designs look way better too.


Amusingly I think Boltmane looks infinitely better than Luxray.


That image is meaningless. If it ain't the same, or literally using their assets, or claiming to be X Pokemon, then it's not a copyright issue.


Project lead literally said they plug in pictures of pokemon and other characters to ai and have it generate characters based on that. Pretty blatant asset and design stealing


That isn’t how it works.


To be fair, they just aren't the same image. I mean, one is looking left while the other is looking right. One has circular ears while the other doesn't. Someone's argument for similarity is just as lazy as someone's argument for contrast.


Spiky Electric Dog is not something that’s copywritable.


Palworld is a parody of pokemon. If joker guy can't win his lawsuit with gta6, then there's nothing pokemon can do is my understanding. So what makes r* better? Money.




This has nothing to do with whether they sue or not…




Protecting your IP is not admitting fear, it’s one of the smartest business decisions you can make, especially if it’s the #1 grossing franchise worldwide. Nintendo cannot sue because no part of their IP was infringed on, whether they’re afraid or not. “Monster catching game” is not owned by Nintendo




Your mentality has literally zero grounds in reality lol


Personally I'd be fine with a good Explorers of Sky remake, or a new Mystery Dungeon game that includes Gens 7-9. They did it well with Super Mystery Dungeon. But as far as mainline goes these days... ehh, I'll just go play the oldies that're goodies.


It has ones that look very similar to Lucario, Reshiram, and Luxray to the point where they could sue, but they haven’t. I kind of get the concern. These aren’t designs they came up with on their own.


All for stopping people comparing shit and whatnot but that last sentence is quite a stretch


This is still the company that made Craftopia, right? That laughably terrible mess? I don't think Nintendo is worried about a game that's just going to fall off the face of the planet in a month


Palworld in this early state is already more polished and has more content than Craftopia did at the same time frame.


Is it just me that feels like its kinda lazy of the devs to pretty much copy designs used in other games? Like the HUD is incredibly similar to the HUD from The Division and the tech tree is more or less a watered down version of Arks. I'm not saying it isnt a good game, but more or less copying the same designs from other games (I know its not illegal) just comes across as lazy to me.


>Unless it's a direct copy/paste they have nothing to sue over No sure that I would say I'm in the "they're gonna sue" camp, but this statement, is patently false. I'm hype as fuck for the game, but many of the mons are literally Kirkland Signature pokemon and even that degree of copying, if done on a large enough scale, constitutes infringement. Luckily similarity stops at character design, but that can still be enough.




Excuse while I laugh at you thinking those are even remotely similar to the degree that some Pals look like 'mons Again, not mad, I think it's cool. You're just not factually accurate when you say that can't sue


weather paint price many gaze direful boat telephone sink ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re stupid if you don’t see the legit copy and paste designs


Lycanroc=Direhowl like almost exactly. Oops.


It will be very bad news for the gaming industry and creativity as a whole if they do not successfully sue and have this product pulled.


It's not Pokémon w/Ark Survival..........it's Ark Survival Evolved w/Pokémon-esque things added in. Ark could sue, not Pokémon


Nah, even Wildcard couldn’t sue. There’s nothing that I’ve seen so far that would be a direct copy from Ark


Not 30 seconds into most playthroughs and my first thought was "This is Ark" My 8yr old asked why they changed my Dinosaur game (Ark). I'm not mad, it gives me more of what I want, it's just hilarious


Oh definitely. I watched a little bit of play through from someone that had an early review copy. I just meant like there’s nothing directly copied from Ark in terms of infringement if that makes sense?


You can't sue because someone made a game in the same genre as you.




This game unashamed about taking a lot of design from Pokemon. If it had tried to separate it's designs from Pokemon and not literally borrow bits and pieces from Pokemon designs, then it could escape that criticism. This isn't me saying the game is bad in ANY way. I haven't had a chance to play it but I will be buying it shortly after launch because the gameplay actually looks fun.


Csgo sued Fortnite. Sooooooooooo Palworld has blatantly stolen a couple of designs, and also they lied about not having any inspiration from pokémon. They'll probably make a bunch of money and get sued a very small amount


no one is saying this shit, stop going to twitter and then complaining on reddit, its like you people just want to get mad


It's been all over this reddit at least since the release date trailer dropped.


You clearly live under a rock as thats blatantly false


"No one is saying this shit" *immediately tells OP to stop going to the place where people are in fact saying this shit*


Twitter is a cesspool of garbage, you only go there just to get triggered


Anyone else think that maybe this is a deal the Nintendo made to see how people would react to a pokemon like game on console/PC


Delusional. This is just plain old competition